Under the Oak Tree-Chapter 51
Chapter 51: Chapter
Plant roots of unknown use, bottled powders of mysterious origin, and thin twigs were strewn across a wooden board covered in black cloth. Ruth jumped off his horse and began to inspect the items.
“Are these all herbs?” Hebaron asked.
Despite his grumbling, he was craning his neck to peer at the items. Ruth ignored the question and beckoned to the youth handling herbs in the corner.
“I’d like twenty segal (equivalent to 100 grams) of each type. How much will that cost?”
“They’re one derham for ten segal,” the kind-faced youth answered. “These are rare herbs of high quality. For 20 segal of each kind, it’ll be 40 derham.”
“Do you accept payment in liram?”
“Of course. Let me bring the scale.”
Maxi watched as the youth carefully weighed the dry herbs on a brass scale. Ruth placed each bundle inside a small pouch, then took out four silver coins from a purse. The peddler also placed these on the scale.
“W-Why is he w-weighing them?” Maxi asked in a whisper.
“He’s checking to see if they’re real silver. Counterfeit coins have been increasing lately. Some scoundrels have even started shaving coins to make new ones.”
“Th-They shave the c-coins?”
“Yes, the way people shake gold coins in wicker baskets to obtain gold dust. They gather the dust to create new coins, and that leaves the old coins weighing less. But that doesn’t concern us. My coins are as good as new.”
Ruth took out more coins to show Maxi. Their edges were crisp. Satisfied, the peddler slipped the money into his pocket, then placed eight flat derham coins on the scale. After checking their weight just like the peddler had, Ruth took the coins.
“Tight-fisted as always,” Hebaron scoffed.
Ruth remained unfazed. “I’d call it being meticulous.”
He proceeded to the stall on the opposite side, where he began haggling over a stone as large as a fist with a man who appeared to be a mercenary. Claiming that he had nearly died trying to acquire the stone, the man wanted no less than fifteen liram, but Ruth snorted and insisted that it was worth no more than ten. In the end, Ruth was able to purchase five magic stones at the price he wanted.
While he was busy, Maxi perused the other stalls. She saw beaded daggers, wooden animal figurines, embroidered belts, copper brooches, and colorful fabrics that had been braided into tassels.
Maxi pointed at one of the tassels. “W-What is this?”
The question was directed at Ruth, but the sorcerer was already haggling with a merchant several steps away. Embarrassed, Maxi was trying to leave when she heard a brusque voice answer her question.
“These are ornaments that can be attached to sword belts.”
Maxi looked up in surprise to see Hebaron leaning over to examine the tassel.
“Many adventurers believe these will grant them the protection of the nymphs. They tie them here, like this.”
Hebaron pointed to the colorful braided tassel hanging from the leather sword belt around his waist. Maxi’s eyes moved uncertainly from the tassel to the knight’s face.
“I-I’ve never seen one b-before. R-Riftan doesn’t w-wear one...”
“He’s too proud to rely on superstition. It’s all hogwash to him.” There was a hint of fondness in his sarcastic tone.
Maxi relaxed and gave the knight a small smile. “Th-That sounds like him.”
“But he might carry one around if it comes from your ladyship.” Hebaron scratched the back of his head. “Why don’t you pick one out?”
Maxi blinked, both baffled and elated by the show of goodwill.
“Aren’t they e-expensive?”
“This little trinket?”
Maxi blushed, afraid that he might think her a fool. She chose a short tassel made of red, green, and orange fabric.
Without asking the price, Hebaron handed the merchant a coin.
“Keep the change.”
The merchant looked surprised. It seemed that Hebaron had paid far more than the usual price.
“I-I will c-compensate you w-when we’re back a-at the castle.”
“That won’t be necessary. I’m no miser, which is more than I can say for the sorcerer.”
With a shrug, Hebaron began walking toward Ruth. Maxi took the tassel from the merchant and quickly followed. She wanted to thank Hebaron, but he had gone back to ignoring her and was now grumbling at Ruth for dawdling. Ruth stuffed his purchases in a sack and waved his hand dismissively.
“Yes, yes. Let us go.”
Ruth led his horse toward a less crowded area. Once they were out of the market, they mounted their horses and rode back to Calypse Castle. Maxi was able to gallop through the winding, hilly paths with ease. Soon, they reached the moat.
“Who will be participating in the raid this time?” Ruth asked Hebaron
The knight stroked his chin, thinking for a moment.
“Gabel and I will be taking some of the squires. It’s about time they got some real experience.”
“We’re about to enjoy some peace and quiet at the castle, then.”
Hebaron laughed. “I’ll ask the commander to bring you along.”
“I’m sure he would refuse. It’s best that I remain here in case of a crisis.”
Hebaron let out a long sigh. “Aye, you’re right. Enjoy the peace while it lasts. Before you know it, we’ll be back livening things up just outside your tower.”
Hebaron spurred his horse forward and galloped ahead through the gates. Ruth simply shrugged.
Maxi could not help but feel envious of the camaraderie in their banter. Riftan, too, looked most at ease when he was in the company of other knights. Even their quarrels seemed good-humored. Having led a solitary life, she found their bonds captivating.
Ruth turned to her as they entered the castle. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, my lady, I’ll be off to get some much-needed rest. I’ve been living like a cave bat because of those accursed magical devices. And I thank you again for your assistance. I wouldn’t have been able to finish them so quickly otherwise.”
“I-I am happy t-to be of help.”
Ruth grinned. “I’ll be sure to provide another opportunity soon.”
Maxi tried to frown, but she found her lips curling up into a smile instead. How wonderful it would be to be accepted into their company. What would it be like to feel as if she belonged?
The next day, Riftan rose before the crack of dawn. Maxi raised her drowsy body, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Seeing this, Riftan chuckled and kissed her cheek.
“Go back to bed. No need for you to wake up too.”
“I-I’ve s-slept enough.”
“I thought I’d kept you up quite late last night...” Riftan trailed off as he gently stroked her breast.
Maxi blushed and quickly pulled the blanket over herself. Riftan chuckled and ran his hand through her tousled hair.
“Don’t be stubborn. Go back to sleep.”
“I-I want t-to get up.”
Maxi wriggled free from the hands pushing her back onto the bed. She rose, the blanket wrapped around her. Riftan shrugged and began to prepare for the raid.
Maxi fed the fire as she watched him pour water into the basin to shave and wash his face. When she blew air onto the fire using a pair of bellows, the flames began to roar, and the room brightened.
After briefly warming herself, she wiped her face and body with a wet towel. She then pulled out undergarments and a chemise from her wardrobe and slid them on. Because Riftan did not care for having servants attend to him, Maxi had also grown accustomed to dressing herself. Next, she pulled on stockings that reached her thighs and put a thick woolen dress over her chemise. When she was fully dressed, she sat down in front of the mirror to comb her hair.
Riftan walked up behind her, dressed in a navy-blue tunic and thick leather trousers.
“Give me the comb.”
Maxi shook her head. “I-I can c-comb my own h-hair.”
“Just humor me. I won’t be able to touch you for a few days.”
Maxi acquiesced, though she could not fathom why he liked touching her unruly hair so much. Holding the tiny comb in his calloused hand, Riftan began to brush her hair. Maxi blushed at the care and caution he was exercising. After gently untangling her hair, he deftly braided it into a four-strand plait.
Riftan looked down proudly at his handiwork. “I’m becoming rather skilled at this, don’t you think?” 𝗳𝔯𝙚e𝒘e𝚋𝘯𝚘ν𝙚l.𝑐o𝙢
Maxi impulsively planted a kiss on his chin. Feeling his whole body stiffen, she wondered why her taking the initiative seemed to bewilder him when he seemed to have no qualms about showering her with kisses whenever he pleased.
“Th-That was a k-kiss of thanks,” she said, trying to hide her bashfulness.
Riftan sighed in disappointment. “I am loath to leave. Don’t make it harder.”
“Th-That wasn’t m-my intention...”
He abruptly pulled her into an embrace, startling her. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his waist. He let out a low groan and buried his face into her neck.
“Stop doing that.”
“W-What do you m-mean?”
“Damn it. If we do it one more time, I won’t have time to wash myself again...”
Riftan looked at the bed longingly.