Ultimate Level 1-Chapter 325

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Chapter 325

“AHHHHH… oh, shite!”

Max couldn’t help but chuckle as he popped out the other side of the wall, finding himself in a room that was larger and adorned with more things than Max had ever imagined.

Slowing down his steps, he set the elf down and tried to take it all in.

“Don’t move, touch nothing. In fact, sit right there on that stone, or so help me, I will break both your legs right now.”

It took less than one point five seconds for Quilazmore to sit.

“Good. Now I need to find something. This might take a bit, but I’m serious about what I said.”

“Not moving. Like my legs,” the elf replied before mumbling to himself.

“ I still can’t believe this fool got in… Igarra is going to kill me when she finds out I helped him… maybe I can set off an alarm… ”

“You do realize that if you move, thinking you can set off an alarm, I’ll return to your house and torture anyone I find?”

Both purple eyes were completely showing, and Max smiled.

“You never know what someone can understand… so be smart. Don’t move.”

A quick nod came, and then Max heard some sobbing from the elf as he moved away, his Sonar keeping tabs on him.

Focusing on the room, Max saw trophies, bones, armor, weapons, stacks of metal, and other gems that all looked like someone should touch and take them.

His trap sense, however, had already notified him that four objects nearby were not something to be toyed with.

Any thoughts?

Chests lined each wall, stacked four high, and the walls ran for at least sixty feet. Some were ornate while others were simpler.

Besides the idea we need more storage space? Some of this would be great to take, but I also assume that there is a limit to how much time we can really spend here. The fights tonight won’t last that long, even with four fights scheduled.

I guess we check every one?

Max began opening chests, part of him surprised they weren’t locked, but then again knowing what Igarra must believe about her treasure room, he understood why.

Countless things he couldn’t recognize filled each one, treasures and valuables from places he could only imagine.

Occasionally his crafting skill would call out that something was worth having, and he would quickly select it, tossing it into his storage, glad to know this room wasn’t warded against dimensional storage.

Time ticked on, and even with the pace he was setting, it felt like it took forever as he finished checking one entire wall.

Still nothing but at least we did find some good items…

None of those will help us with your plan.

Sighing, Max began to move toward the other side of the room when a section of the wall stood out. A faint border was at the edge of it, and Max paused as his trap skill showed him there was a shimmer to the entire wall.

Well now that doesn’t look right… a whole wall with a trap on it?

A good place for someone to hide something. We’re going to phase through again, aren’t we?

If you don’t mind, good sir.

A groan came, and Max smiled as he saw the notification

[ Phasing Cooldown Reset ]

Turning, he whistled and made sure Quilazmore was looking at him.

“I’ll be back. Just know if you do something stupid, I’ll leave you here, and she’ll find you… Perhaps she won’t kill those you love… but know that I will.”

The dark elf shook his head up and down and then side to side, obviously unsure of which way to move it.

Running toward the wall, Max jumped up slightly.

[ Phasing ]

Two seconds passed, and the wall was still there, and panic set in.


I’m ready.

Finally, after much longer than he had anticipated, the room he felt was behind that trap washed over him, and a half second later his ability ran out.

That was waay closer than I wanted.

A dim hum came, and Max saw that in this small twelve-by-twelve room only one thing was here.

Glancing up he saw the light gem that gave off a yellow glow on one wall.

In the middle was a normal-looking wooden chest. It had no designs, and if one had seen it in a warehouse filled with chests, it probably would have been the last one to check.

It was slightly larger than the others, and Max took his time, trying to let his Sonar and trap skill detect anything at all.

I sense nothing.

Coming to stand before it, Max lifted the lid and gazed into the swirling vortex inside.

The egg…

A silver egg seemed to twirl and spin in the void, begging to be held. Gazing upon it, Max wondered just what was going to happen when he put this in his own storage.

Here goes nothing. Let’s get ready. I don’t trust that elf…

[ Phasing Cooldown Reset ]

When he touched the egg, it surprised him as it popped out, requiring him to quickly use two hands to support it. It was easily the size of Fowl, perhaps even a little taller.

“Damn you’re heavy!” Max exclaimed.

Something shifted inside, and Max felt his heart jump at that.

It’s alive!

Of course, you idiot! Why else would we be here? Now store it, and let’s go!

Updat𝒆d fr𝑜m freewebnøvel.com.

Unauthorized duplication: this narrative has been taken without consent. Report sightings.

Taking a deep breath, Max stored the egg, praying it would be ok, and then turned, racing back toward the other room.

[ Phasing ]

Quilazmore’s eyes were still just as wide as when he left, and the elf hadn’t moved an inch that Max could tell.

[ Phasing Cooldown Reset ]

“Alright, time to go,” Max stated as he made his way to where the elf was. “Remember, say anything you die. Do something, you die. Piss me off, and everyone you love dies. Any questions?”

Shaking his head, the purple-eyed elf grimaced as Max yanked him up off his feet, wrapped his arms around him, and ran toward the door.

At least he isn’t yelling.



This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen you do… I mean couldn’t you have sent a letter?

And then the messenger would have been killed… no… this is the best choice.

At least you’re smart enough to have purchased one of those


Over forty guards all stood about fifty yards away, weapons drawn, chattering but none approaching as Max waited outside the estate. Crossing the gate had probably set off some notification as the first two guards showed up moments later and the number who came continued to grow.

Only one had been dumb enough to attempt to stop him, and after delivering a single backhand, leaving nothing but a pair of legs, no other guards tried.

“Please, one of you tell me you have informed her that I am here.”

“You’re going to die! Who do you think you are?”

Max sighed, well aware that either the woman was intentionally letting him stew or someone was taking their sweet time getting her.

“You realize that she put me in the tower?” Max called out. “Which means if she did that and I’m standing here, none of you have a chance. Even if you attack at the same time.”

His announcement made more than half of them shift, not stepping back but their weapons raising slightly higher in the air.

“That’s not possible!” shouted the lionkin, who felt the need to keep arguing. “No one has ever—”

Max covered the fifty yards, ripped the heart from the lionkin’s chest, and was back where he had started before any could react.

Bob chuckled as Max held out the still-beating heart, the leader of the guards looking at it for a second before looking at the hole in its armor and chest before tumbling to the ground.

It was at that moment every one of them started to move.


Igarra’s voice froze them all, and the master of this place finally moved forth from the top of steps that led from her house.

“About time,” Max muttered as she walked slowly, taking her time, each step seeming to be like she was in a slow walking contest.

“You survived… that means—”

“Kuneoss is dead.”

She winced just slightly, but didn’t change her pace. He could see her eyes trying to get a read on him.

“I’m not sure what’s more impressive, that feat, the fact you survived, or how you stand here right now, acting like I won’t strike you down as you just did to my guard.”

Max started to chuckle and then began to laugh louder, ignoring the glare she gave him as he mocked wiping a tear from an eye.

“Perhaps you should think a little harder yourself,” Max replied with a grin. “Why would I, someone who defeated what you expected to kill me, return here when I could have easily escaped the city. Surely if I was concerned about my life, I wouldn’t stand here as I am now. There must be a reason, as we both know I’m not stupid.”


Ignoring Bob, Max motioned to the building she had just come from with a finger.

“Tell me, Igarra. Is there anything so special to you that you would keep it locked away, hidden from everyone else? Something only Kuneoss might know about?”

He watched as her gold eyes widened and her head began to shake. She stopped her approach, one foot just an inch from being set down on another step.

“Go ahead… check, I’ll wait.”

Max was impressed with how fast she moved.

She’s faster. By a bit.

We both expected that.

It wasn’t a minute before the very ground under the estate began to shake, and Max made a shooing motion with his hands at the guards.

“I’d suggest backing up before you get caught up in this conflict and die.”

It took about three seconds before the first one ran, and then, like a damn, they all split, leaving the heartless lion on the ground.

Igarra returned much faster, her mouth frothing as she flew down the steps toward him.

Dancing backward, Max smirked as he shouted.

“Slay me here, and you’ll never find it!”

A roar that didn’t match her tiny frame burst forth, and Max saw the shimmer of what he knew waited to burst forth.

“I will peel the skin from you and make you tell me!” she shouted as she skidded to a stop.

Weapon at the ready, Max shook his head, the whip now a spear.

Even with only a dozen yards between them, each of them was ready for what might come, and Max could sense the potential power radiating from Igarra.

“You could try to, and while I won’t say it's my favorite option, that one won’t work, and you probably realize it by now. You can threaten me all you want, but you hold nothing over me anymore. Or you can play by rules. One way gets you what, the other has the egg far away where you’ll never find it and a note to be given to the young dragon about what happened to its father.”

Steam began to rise from the golden scales, and every breath Igarra took put off heat.

Careful… do not provoke more. Give her the options before she can’t hold back.

“Fight me in the arena,” Max quickly added. “If you win, you will receive a letter from someone in the city with the location of the egg.”

“Bah, I could raze the city and make them tell me where it is!”

“No, you couldn’t, and you know it. The one who has the letter won’t turn themselves in, no matter what you offer. No one is foolish enough to believe that. Fight me, before everyone, tomorrow night. Winner takes all.”

Max could sense the power in her legs shifting, and he wasn’t sure if she was going to come at him.

Igarra stood there, bent for battle, waves of heat rolling off her entire body as each breath sounded like thunder.

“When you die, and you will die,” she exclaimed, pointing a claw at him, “I will take my time watching you suffer so that all may know this is my world!”

“One last thing before I go. Make sure Ezreal knows I am alive.”

Those golden eyes looked ready to send beams of pure energy at him as he spoke.

Giving one last nod, Max slowly began taking small steps backward, never letting the tip of his spear stop pointing at her.

“Tomorrow you’ll get a chance. Attempt anything, and know the egg will never be found.”

Another roar escaped her throat, growing more primal by the moment.

“Run home, little human. Tomorrow, I shall gather your bones for my trophy room.”

Max took another step, each one slowly adding distance, until he felt he was at the edge of her property.

Not once had she moved, and he could still feel the rage seething from her.

Here is hoping tomorrow we don’t die.

That was always the plan, I thought.