Tree of Aeons-Starsoul
Year 77 Month 4 (continued)
The magma golems have pierce resistance, nature element reduction, and physical damage reduction. So, all those skills together mean my root strike is less effective as it would be on any other monster.
Less effective, but still, 15 root strikes.
Okay, actually any other monster of a similar 'tier' would have skills and passives that provide a similar level of resistance. It's how higher tier monsters, just like how higher level people, are exponentially stronger because the cumulative effects of stacking different abilities.
So any other monster of such tier would be as difficult, in their own ways.
"Research more weapons of course."
"May I suggest killing the golems anyway?" Horns butts in. "You know, because they killed so many beetles, I would like to see them die."
"I would like to have vengeance, master."
When did he learn the concept of vengeance anyway.
"You know what, yes. Let's go hunt golem. I need the damn level."
And off I went. I spent the next few days attacking every golem I see with root strikes, and then crawl up to another golem to continue.
Its kinda like how a zerg base uses creep colonies to get close to the enemy, and then attacks them with then sunken colonies. And I did that, many, many times.
Spawn subsidiary tree near golems, unleash a rain of root strikes, kill golems, repeat.
And I see Horns crying in joy. Seriously. I think he gets enjoyment from having a bigger badass kick the butt of the badass that kicked his butt. Actually, I have no idea whether that is a cry or a shout because it just sounds really insecty.
Anyway, kill golems.
And after maybe about 50 golems, I level up!
[You gained a level! You are now level 130]
[Upgrade initiated...]
The entire valley shakes, as a thunderstorm suddenly appears out of nowhere. Lightning hits each and every subsidiary tree, and each and every branch on my main tree.
Is this like the starting sequence of some superhero transformation?
A whole opens in the sky, and from that darkness, massive black lightning strikes my main tree.
"What what is happening?" The elves seem afraid, as that massive black lightning continues to strike my main tree.
"I suggest all of you leave, for a while."
Indeed, they all ran as fast as they could to the town of New Freeka, and well, it seems they too can see what's happening from their distance, because there seems to be a massive hole in the sky.
"Any idea what's going on?" I ask the rest of the souls and the wisp.
"Not a clue." Alexis shakes her head. But she looks rather amazed by it. "And how are you still talking when that black thing is striking you like that?"
"Uh. Good point." Am I supposed to feel pain or heat, or I don't know anything?
Lightning after lightning strikes down on the trees, but yet they don't do any damage. It's as if they are just making a connection.
Is this the fate of trees in the storm?
"Are you evolving or something?" Alexis asks.
"Yeah. I think."
"Ah man. Level 100?"
"Ah secret." I think some things should be a secret, no?
The lightning continues, and then, all of them stop. The hole in the sky widen a bit further to reveal something that looks like a rift, a small fissure in space.
And a black lightning emerges, larger than any other, and it zaps my main body.
[Void energy collection completed]
Oh now I feel pain. It feels like every single part of my body is cracking, like a snake trying to change its skin, or a sea creature replacing its shell.
The branches, barks, trunks start to swell, and the leaves all drop from my main tree, leaving me looking like a bare but bloated looking tree, all the bark expanding to reveal cracks and seams, like, stretchmarks.
And then those cracks expand, as a new layer of skin emerges from underneath, a glossy dark colored bark. This cracking, expanding, and then the older layer falling off happened throughout my main body, and it took about 2 hours.
The hole in the sky is gone, but the ground is still constantly rumbling as my body expands. I believe the same is also happening to my roots, and that causes the ground to constantly shake for those two hours.
And then I'm done!
[You have now transformed into the starsoul tree.]
Starsoul tree
Ah yay?
Star mana.
As I read that update, coming across that word, I just had to pause, and take a moment to realise what just happened. Star mana, the supercharged fuel of the heroes. And I can make them.
In small quantities, perhaps incomparable to that of the heroes, like that massive amounts that Alexis used to have, a gift she now lost, since she died. An odd thing, of course, since I thought heroes can resurrect with the right spells, but as it turns out, its only a gift that unlocks under certain conditions, and it expires when the demon king dies.
Anyway, star mana. I can make them I can make them.
What does this mean? Have I taken a small step towards being a hero? One chosen by the gods to do battle with the demon king?
I I can't wrap my head around that. I am a tree, and if a demon king, if Alexis's description of its power level is true, I am still very far away.
Just because I have star mana does not make me a chosen hero.
So no. I dont think so. And somehow, a part of me rejects the idea of fighting the demon king... so that is also not the path I want to go. It goes against my natural strengths as a tree.
I am a tree. And a tree is a nurturing, protective force.
So how do I use star mana? Do the other great spirit trees have star mana too? I think so, maybe with star mana they manage great escape feats like an entire vanishing forests.
Star mana. A great power. And a secret.
Year 77 Month 5
A small branch grows above me, at the very top. A few leaves of them, almost black in color, the star-leaves. They are even shaped like stars . A secret experiment in star mana gathering, and Im excited to see what I can find at the end of that path.
Then, I move my attention to the research happening through the biolabs throughout the valley.
Well, beetle winter adaptation is complete, but its not cold anymore. Maybe I should direct my attention to volcano research as well, together with Alexis?
Right now, with Alexis, Trevor and Dimitree, we can do about 6 research topics concurrently.
Hmmm indeed, volcano is the biggest priority at the moment.
The resistance the volcanos inner area is indeed much higher than expected, so we do need stronger, or at least, more specialised beetles to counter the stronger magma golems.
Giant beetles.
Thanks, Horns.
Golems are big. If beetles are big, beetles can win.
Thats a good idea, sire. Our small size is a weakness, a large beetle may be a good solution.
Trevor, youre agreeing with that idea? Giant beetles?
I do believe Horns is right to suggest that, and he has the combat experience to support that sort of view.
How giant are we talking about.
As big as the golems.
Are there some biological rules in this world on the size of insects? I mean, there should be a limit, right? Though I kinda felt stupid, even my current warbeetles are the size of rhinos. So actually, I think theres probably no rules on that.
Uh probably if we had the right materials and components, a massive beetle would be possible.
Alexis, any input?
Sure. Once again she uses her [research planner], and I think I see her smirking at the corner of her face. A short moment later, she nods and she comes over to join the conversation.
Presently, there are no obvious paths to beetles the size of golems.
Giant beetles, maybe half the size of the golems? Horns sound a little sad.
Ah, I wasnt finished. But beetles about half the size of golems is possible. We would need to research enhanced exoskeletons, and enhanced interior structures, and then we would be then able to research a large-beetle-pod, and then a large beetle.
Large beetle.
Not giant, but bigger than what it is now. So larges a good word.
Horns nods furiously.
Seems like everyones keen on the idea?
I still think magic is better.
Giant beetle.
Yes, sire. Giant beetle is a good path. I believe massive warbeetles can do a great deal of damage on the battlefield.
Very well then. Lets go with it.
Well, I already have 6 concurrent research topics, but next month I can add enhanced interior structures to it once the volcanic adaptation and anti-magma weaponry complete.
Anyway, with that, I then return my attention to the elves and the New Freekas. The evolution I underwent last month, that one day of a great black lightning storm fade from memory of the elves, after all, to them, its just one of those scary days, and to them, I do not appear any different than I did before.
Thats because of [camouflage]. My true appearance is unseen by anyone, except the artificial souls, and Alexis.
A sense of gradual normalcy is returning, now that the effect of the blood blizzard is slowly fading from the air itself. Crops massively growing throughout the farmlands, and the valleys trees are surging in number, surpassing the number of trees destroyed. For New Freeka, it is war preparation time, as Salah issued a formal war declaration, and they consider New Freeka as an enemy nation, as a result, all direct trade routes between Salah and New Freeka is cut, legally.
And then posturing, nasty letters threatening, demanding the surrender of Salah.
Which are all ignored.
Although that is the collective decision of the senior leaders, the councillors, leaders of the standing army and the higher ranked mages, it still a stressful, highly worrying for them. The town is now fully gearing up for war, their magic builders working overtime, building massive walls and other defensive positions.
Guards, on full alert, and all visitors of New Freeka thoroughly screened, as there are also fears of assassinations.
"Jura, its not a good time." Jura stands in the middle of the council room, Yvon and the rest of the councillors around the table.
"The tree spirit wants an update on the demanded jewels, which was agreed earlier."
"We are in a state of war, Jura." A councillor stands.
"And the tree spirit is your best chance of defending New Freeka successfully." Jura glares back at the councillor.
"And what exactly would a tree spirit bring to the table if Salah invades with a large army?" The councillor responds. "Some trees? Potatoes? Hot water?"
Yvon almost intervenes, but another councillor next to her stops her.
"Fact it, the tree spirit has been making demands, and where we believe it is a mutually beneficial trade, if the circumstances allow it, we will support those demands."
The councilwoman next to Yvon leans in, and whispers. "The tree spirit needs to know where we stand. Its about time we make it clear our position to its representative."
Yvon sighs.
"But, these are tough times. Resources, whatever we have, is all focused on our existential threat, the Salah Kingdom, who recently threatened to wipe us off the map. We need all our resources into more men, more weapons. Not the whims of a tree spirit who claims ownership over the entire valley."
Jura listens and then laugh. And he laughed like a maniac.
I think Jura laughed for a good three minutes before all of the councillors, all of them staring at him like he is some kind of a madman.
When he stops, he looks at Yvon. "Ah Yvon, are the councillors aware of the extent of the tree spirits powers?"
She paused, before responding. "I did tell them."
"What did you tell them? Perhaps your knowledge too is incomplete."
"Uh, tree spirit has the powers of an archdruid, many very powerful healing powers, some ability to repair soul damage, abilities to absorb fire, abilities to control beetles, abilities to create hot water, spawn various trees and use root attacks, ability to boost growth rates and spawn different types of trees."
Jura nods, "Not bad, but let me ask you. How many beetles does the tree spirit control?"
"300? Maybe 400?" Yvon answers.
"Any other guesses?"
"700?" A councillor decides to humor, and says as a joke.
"As more recently advised, the actual number is about 3,000. Lead by beetleknight."
The councillors all stare at each other.
"Tell me, if 3,000 beetles go to war, how many men would Salah need to field?"
One of the army leaders, a captain, sitting in the councilroom does some mental math. "12,000, perhaps 15,000."
"Do you all believe for a moment, that New Freeka can protect itself from the tree spirit's wrath? Should those 3,000 beetles turn against you?"
The councillors look at each other.
"Would 3,000 beetles be an existential threat, I wonder"
One of the councillors stand, "Are you threatening us?"
"No. I believe from the Tree Spirit's point of view, you all, are threatening him, by challenging his dominion over the valley. So councillor, you better retract such words, and pray the tree spirit does not hear it directly."
The councillor pales, and sits.
"Yvon, I believe you recall the agreement when the tree spirit consented to your new settlement in New Freeka."
One of the older councillor stands, "That our presence is at the tree spirit's grace and mercy, and we are to acknowledge the tree spirit as the rightful master of the valley. We are not to encroach on the forests more than the tree spirit allows."
"It is but a phrase, no?" Another councillor, a younger one from the refugees, stands, "...such phrases exists in the founding documents of many nations. A formality to acknowledge a benefactor."
"Not when the phrase refers to that of a Tree Spirit, an actual magical being who resides and controls the valley."
A silence in the room as everyone stares at each other.
"Back to the jewels. I have been authorised by the tree spirits, to let the council and everyone else in the room know, the jewels, are meant to fulfill the evolutionary requirements of the beetle champions, and various other beasts that live in the depths of the valley's forests. Obtaining them will further enhance the combat abilities of the beetles."
"If we get it. Can the tree spirit lend us his aid? With those 3,000 beetles?"
"Yes. He is prepared to summon the 3,000 beetles, deploy whatever other beasts he can gather from the valley to do battle, and various other abilities at his disposal. But, only in a defensive battle against Salah or any other attackers, and not an offensive attack."
That's simply because it's easier to control beetles when they are nearby, as Dimitree and Trevor can both assist in coordinating the beetles movements.
"We we need some time to discuss this."
"You've been given a week to talk it out, but the tree spirit expects a positive response."
Jura walks back to the valley with an air, a kind of smugness around him. I think he is rather pleased how that went.
Also, Jura understated the number. I told him 3,000, but actually, with my most recent evolution to a starsoul tree, the maximum subsidiary trees I have increased to a mind boggling 4,000. So, with 5 beetles per subsidiary tree, the actual maximum beetles I can deploy, in a 100% beetle allocation would be 20,000.
But of course, I am not going to have them all beetle-trees, since I do need essence harvesters, material processors, crop producers, biolabs, homes from the elves, surveillance trees and so forth, so the actual number of 'free' trees is about 2,500, so that still represents a massive army of 12,500 beetles.
There are already about 2,000 beetles full time defending the volcanic area from the magma monsters, another 2,000 in the south forest around Dimitree and the leyline, and another 2,000 hidden throughout the valley and its forest, the actual deployable beetle force is 6,500.
And I like to have some unused subsidiary tree capacity, to spawn additional subsidiary trees as and when I need to, as am emergency response to any possible changes, or to reinforce new areas when necessary, so that would mean setting aside about 400 trees.
So, 4,500 beetles is the actual end number. 900 subsidiary trees.
"How did the discussions go?"
"I believe it will be positive, TreeTree."
"Glad to hear that."
"Bamboo is asking for an upgrade."
"I am aware, but it needs those jewels."
"Ah. Yes. I guess I have personal interest in wanting those jewels too." Jura laughs, I think he is rather happy.
Back at the meeting room...
"Do you think he is lying?"
"I think not."
"3,000 beetles. That's a massive number."
"Indeed, my initial projections factored in 400 beetles in any defensive fight against Salah." Two army advisor's turn to take the stand, captains, both of them.
"How does this change the battle?" A councilman asks.
"A warbeetle, as Jura refers to them, is actually equal to 2 elite soldiers. Salah would have to deploy specialised forces to deal with the warbeetles, as their thick armor and massive horns make them difficult to kill using regular weapons. Its possible to swarm one of the warbeetles and then attack its weakness, their joints and the gaps between their armor, if they are scattered throughout the battlefield, but at 3,000, there is a very low chance of catching any of those beetles alone."
"Captain, I understand none of the technicalities of combat. What I want to know, is what does that mean in a war for us, and would the price of the jewels be worth it?"
"I believe, if the numbers are true, it is our number one chance of beating Salah, multiple times. 3,000 warbeetles essentially means Salah must field at least 30,000 men, just to even hope to have a good chance of winning against the warbeetles alone."
"You said 12,000-15,000 in the earlier meeting with Jura, and 2 elite soldiers in your earlier sentence."
"I fudged the numbers with Jura to understate the value of the warbeetles."
"Then the 2 elites?"
"Salah's conventional army composition comprises of 1 elite for every 10 regulars. 30,000 men is then reflecting 3,000 elite soldiers and 27,000 regular. Its what I would need to deploy if I am asked to defeat warbeetles of that number. And mages. At least 100 mages."
Yvon pause, "Remember our first battle here against Salah? The one lead by Waysorious Moffard, the Purple Blade?"
"Ah why?"
"The beetles back then hides underground or in the trees. They then spring up behind enemy lines."
The captains nods. "If so, that makes their defensive value even higher, and I believe there isn't much to discuss. I strongly request the council fulfill the demands, and get assurances from Jura, and the tree spirit that those 3,000 beetles will assist us. I would pay 10 times the demanded amount to get the defensive services of 3,000 warbeetles."
The councillor look at each other, before they eventually nod. The wizard of Baroosh nudges the lady next to him. "As I predicted, the Tree Spirit is truly the guardian beast of the valley."
The councilwoman turns and shake her head. "Certainly, even I underestimated the number. You're right, I should have brought it up earlier."
The wizard smiles smugly. "Glad to be proven right."
The councilwoman shrugs, "Ugh."
Year 77 Month 6
Its time for more volcano-smash. With the volcanic adaptation and anti magma weaponry, the odds of beetle vs magma monster is now 3 to 2. So, with the 2,000 beetles in the area, I attempt another round of volcano invasion.
And yes, Im a little bit closer. With upgraded weaponry, we can easily take on the regular magma monsters and claim additional territory, since less beetles is needed to successfully defend one area, but I still cant hold the areas with the massive magma golems, so I have to avoid those areas, but thats about it. Im a step closer, and the trees in the volcanic area are black, reddish in hue, reflecting their adapted trunks and roots, which are highly heat resistant, and able to extract their resources from the dried magma that forms the earth around the volcano.
Progress, but now consistently holding position against the magma golems will be the next hurdle for an actual volcano base, and then to move on to finding ways to extract the energies from the lava beneath it.
A part of me realises, thats probably the point I do need a magic lab of some kind, since extracting magic from lava is probably out of the scope of the biolab. Oh well. Alexis will be happy then.
And, the first batch of the jewels from New Freeka arrives. And a request for a demonstration of my 3,000 beetles?
Hmmm. I guess seeing is believing.
Clarifications on labs.
I spent quite a bit of time thinking about the labs, and about what they can or cannot research.
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So, for biolabs, their research essentially is only on physical attributes, physical properties, and biological adaptations of plants, and living things, ie, how strong their skin is, their size, shape, what they are made of, what sort of operating environment their most suited in, the range of that operating environment (ie tolerance), the size of their horns, or roots, or leaves etc.
What the biolab cant provide, are skills and active abilities.