Tree of Aeons-Side stories 1: Alexis and Meela
Side stories 1: Alexis and Meela
Side stories - Alexis and Meela
Sometime around Year 77, Month 9.
Looking at the skies again? Meelas soul pops up in Alexiss mind. It seems theres a kind of shared network that exists for all the souls and artificial souls under TreeTrees care. Perhaps its the [rootnet]s ability.
I always do. Alexis sits on the branch of her biolab, from the outside it looks like a very large tree, but inside its filled with all sorts of unusual equipments. I really like the sky. Its orangey today.
I can somewhat imagine it. Isnt it nice, not having to run here and there, fighting all the time, just to gain levels?
...its not a bad change in pace. But her face is a bit sulky.
But its not enough for you, isnt it?
Alexis looks up, theres a small orange cloud floating overhead. ...yeah.
Alexis shakes her spiritual legs. For those not attuned to magic, shell appear as a wisp, a faint blob of blue light on top of a branch, for those with the right affinity to spiritual magic, she appears as a young girl, but ethereal, that is bonded and lives in that biolab. She is, in a way, the biolab, and this ethereal body is just a form, a projection from that biolab.
I always thought wed survive. Like heroes in all those stories. A happy ending for all of us.
Eh? Youre the one doing the most research and saying wed all most likely die. The rest of us were just winging it.
I mean, I had the data staring at me, telling me otherwise, but a part of me still, truly, believed in that fantasy, that all things will end well.
Youre just like all of us after all. Perhaps theres a smile somewhere in there.
Alexis looks up again, the sun is gradually setting, and theres just a few clouds. One of the moons is already visible, its glow is faint, but as the sky darkens, itll get clearer, and clearer.
I I thought of what Id do after the war. After the demon king.
Id go on a holiday. A world tour, properly, this time. Not our rushed city-to-city killing big monsters kind of tour. Take the time to hike the highest mountains, and see the uncharted lands, explore the world
That sounds like being an adventurer.
Alexis pauses, and blushes. Ah.. yeah. I guess it does. But here I am, stuck here serving the tree spirit as a research assistant.
This content is taken from freёnovelkiss.com.
Hey, thats what all of us end up doing, if were still at home. Working in dead end jobs.
They both laugh. Well, thats a good point. This is a dead end job, isnt it?
One that you have to work for 1,000 years.
Man, thats depressing to think about. And look at me, Im this tree.
You should ask for a holiday. Ask for normal employment terms, leave days and sick leave.
Uh I highly doubt soul contracts has allowances for leave days and sick leaves. Alexis laughs.
Eh, I think everything can be negotiated. Perhaps some kind of arrangement can be made. Look at Yvon, shes still out and about even though theres a soul contract in her.
Thats cause shes not dead yet!
Ahhhh Meelas probably making an embarrassed face. She doesnt comprehend soul magic all that well.
Anyway. Im stuck here. And TreeTree doesnt trust me.
Of course he doesnt. You tried to take over his body. Now that I think of it, hes being generous to give you this dead-end job youre complaining about.
Its my survival instincts!
Yeah yeah.
An awkward silence.
We probably should talk about something less touchy.
What were you thinking of doing after the war, Meela?
Me? I didnt think about much, but I thought Id be a princess. Have high-tea in some fancy palace, eat dessert, walk in pretty gardens and stuff.
Doesnt that mean you have to marry some prince?
Uh I suppose so. Ill have first choice, wont I? Im a hero after all.
And doesnt that mean you have to.. You know sleep with them?
Meela pauses, I didnt think of that. Id pick a handsome one with no body odor then. But yeah, Id like to be a princess. This is another world, and being a princess like those fairytales would be something Id like to do.
But itll be you thats rescuing the prince, because youre the hero, and hes not. Hell be the dude in distress!
Whats wrong with that?
Uh nothing, but its strange I guess.
Youre kooky, Alexis.
Uh. You too, Meela.
You know, I still really like one of the princesss gowns. Its so pretty. Remember Princess Alainas of the Faroah isles? I really liked her sea-shell dress during the reception they threw for us. It really captured the essence of a mermaid.
All I remember is her trying to hit on Max so hard. She was really trying to give herself to him.
Oh I remember that. What, were you jealous? Wait. You liked Max?
No I didnt! But I just remembered how ridiculous the princess was. Alexis shakes her head. All the touching, and flirting its just so horrifying to watch. Its like a train crash in slow motion happening.
But shes really pretty. And if Max doesnt have [immunity to charms], hed fall for her.
I dont think its the charms though. Alexis shrugs. Notice how none of us ever eyed any of the good looking men or women we meet throughout our journey? I think its the effect of the [hero] title. Until our quest is done, we wont be sidetracked by such stuff.
Oh man. Meela sighs. Did that mean I missed all the good men that could have been in my life too?
Maybe. You couldve been a princess, if youre not a hero.
Oh well.
"It's not fair" Alexis sulks
"We spent years fighting demons, hunting them throughout the world and we killed the demon king. And what did we get? No special reincarnation from the gods. No post-battle reward, to thank us for our sacrifice, those years of constant gruesome fighting. Isn't the gods just using child soldiers in a way?"
"Uh. I never thought it like that. I thought it a privilege, a responsibility for those with our gifts. And we are no longer the teens we once were."
"Just a few years, Meela."
But we have a second chance here. Were still in this world. We can still reap the rewards of our sacrifice.
Meelas spirit bobs. I dont like the sound of that.
No. No no no. I mean I dont have to be trapped in this dead end job forever.
The soul contracts on you
Maybe TreeTree can release me from it. Then we can travel the world.
Uhwe can travel the world if we wait 1,000 years. We could just go and sleep in the [soul realm], and wake up 1,000 years later.
You can do that, I cant. So these 1,000 years will be a lot longer for me. If I have to keep doing research for the next 1,000 years I might go mad."
"Well, talk to TreeTree? A bit of honesty, and maybe you can achieve something big for him. Then he can free you from your contract."
"Huh. I certainly dont plan to serve- Alexis winces in pain, its an intense one and sends Alexis into a kind of fidgeting shock.
Oh dear. You triggered it.
The pain lasted for a good 10 minutes, Meela, a floating soul, could only watch as her friend is in intense pain.
Ugh man that was a bad headache. What was I saying? Where was I? What were we talking about? Alexis finally recovers from the pain, and seems to be having some kind of amnesia.
Meela pauses, before deciding not to remind Alexis of the discussion. Oh nothing, we were just talking about dresses. Remember Lady Alice's silver bling dress...
heres a short story since i got more patreons. yay