The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 359: Kidnapped

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Chapter 359: Kidnapped

“Quickly… This way…” Mona said as they pushed the cart that had unconscious Victor hidden on it under a stack of trash.

Moments later they reached the theater’s underground parking lot where they headed to a black Van parked to the side.

“Gloria… Come and help…” Mona told the girl who was waiting for them. “We didn't bail you out to be lazing around!”

“I already told you everything about Victor and even helped you plant a tracking device on him!” Gloria scolded.

“Get to work bitch! Or I swear I Will find a way to put you back in the cell we found you in!” Mona scolded coldly, making Gloria move her lazy ass.

“Sis… Don’t be so harsh on her…” Micheal said.

“Shut up and get to the driver's seat!… Let’s finish this quickly before someone comes here!” Mona scolded as she emptied the cart on the ground and then dragged Victor inside the Van just as Micheal started the engine.

“Will they really trade him for Mina and Mana?” Micheal asked as the car began to move out. “Couldn’t we just ask,” he added.

“You don’t know how those aristocratic families work… Once you are their servant, you are in reality a slave!” Mona said hatefully as if this comes from personal experience. “They will never let go of the girls if we don’t use drastic measures then disappear!”

“But what if the twins were brainwashed…” Micheal asked. “What if they refused to believe us…”

“What if you could just shut up and let me think!” Mona scolded, biting her nail. “We will see what we can do when it happens…”

“What if Mother blamed us…” Michael said, “She told us to just investigate their location and gather some more info then wait for her to find an acquaintance.”

“Stop whining!” Mona scolded. “Don’t worry… She will understand. We couldn’t just leave them locked in the den of a depraved young master like Victor White!” Mona said hatefully, looking at the unconscious Victor and then at Gloria who provided them with most of the info about Victor's many misdeeds! “We will get our sisters back before she gets here!” she said with the desire to prove herself evident in her voice.

“Let’s hope nothing bad happens…” Micheal said nervously, being a jinx.

After that, the van went silent.

Even the usually talkative Gloria preferred to keep her silence. She just secretly made sure that her phone was still recording as the van slowly made its way to a desolate area in Vein City. This was her breakthrough!

The slum here was the best place to hide after committing a crime, as the police rarely came here due to how dangerous it was. Even criminals fear for their lives and try to act as discreetly as possible to avoid startling some local snake!

Just the other day, there was a new group of delicants here, trying to act all strong and mighty. They ended up in the hospital two days later with new buttholes after offending the crazy maniac!

Mona looked vigilantly as the van entered the abandoned warehouse they rented from a local resident.

Inside, there was a woman who sat on a wooden chair surrounded by men in black suits.

She was waiting for them with a very cold expression on her face.

“Ahh… Mom is here a little early….” Michel said as he stopped the van.

“Shit…” Mona said.

“WHO THE F*CK ALLOWED YOU TO ACT ON YOUR OWN AND KIDNAP HIM!” a beautiful mature woman who looked somewhat similar to Mona said as she looked at the tied unconscious Victor and then at her stupid son and daughter. “DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TROUBLE DID YOU JUST CAUSE? DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS YOUR SITUATION IS?” she asked as the gangster men around the room who usually followed Mona’s commands looked away embarrassingly. They wanted nothing to do with this family trouble.

“We already followed protocol…” Micheal said.

“Can you be 100% sure no one saw you?” their mother asked coldly.

“Ah…” Micheal could not answer that.

“Mom! We couldn’t just let him abuse our sisters… After we followed our sisters’ trail, we finally discovered that they work as maids in his mansion!” Mona said emotionally. “You know how depraved those young masters can be… He even married a dozen girls in one wedding…”

“SHUT UP! You know nothing! Your sisters are already his wives! they were a part of that wedding!” the mother said. "He is your brother-in-law!"

“WHAT?” Michael asked in shock. “But that’s not what Gloria told us…”

“Gloria…” the mother asked, looking at the reporter who hurried to hide her phone that she began using actively after realizing that Micheal and Mona belonged to some Mafia.

“Ah… I am Gloria Flick… A reporter. “ Gloria quickly clarified. “A week ago I was doing a report on Victor White when my camera caught sight of your daughters… They were clearly wearing maid uniforms…” she quickly began to explain.

“SO IT IS YOU BITCH!” the mother said angrily as she took out a gun, making Gloria shrike back.

“Mom, don't be so hard on her…” Michel tried to act as a gentleman. “She helped us….”

“SHUT UP! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT MESS ARE YOU IN AND YOU ARE STILL TRYING TO PICK UP SLUTS!” the mother said, glancing at Victor. She was going around asking about him when she learned some very disturbing facts.

First, this guy was a player… Unlike her stupid children, and as someone who has seen the world, she had naturally heard rumors about players.

Although her gang is not that big right now, when her husband was alive they were one of the strongest organized crime gangs around!

The second fact was more troublesome and it was that this guy was an elite heir of the Von Weise family!

When she heard that she hurried here to stop her stupid daughter, but it seemed it was too late!

“Is it very bad?” Mona asked nervously as she clenched her fist. She rarely saw her mother flare up like this since their father’s incident.

“THIS GUY'S FAMILY IS BEYOND ANYTHING YOU COULD IMAGINE! THEY CAN FIND AND KILL US ALL IN SECONDS!” her mother said as she calmed down slowly. “The only reason they are not here yet is because they don’t know he was kidnapped yet!” she said nervously as she calmed down a little realizing the shit her children were in.

“Ah…But…” Mona said. “Then what should we do?”

“Did he see your faces?” her mother asked.

“Ah… Yes…” Mona said nervously.

“Shit…then we should probably…..” her mother paused. “Where is he?” she asked, making everyone look at Victor who was supposed to be tied on the ground. He was no longer there.

Before they could begin searching for him the entire warehouse turned pitch black, and everyone started to hear a majestic voice.

“That was a disappointment… I thought you guys belonged to the Dark Chamber or some other organization. I even went all the way and allowed you to kidnap me… I should be watching a movie with my wives now, you know…” the voice sighed. "Well... Since You are my in-laws I will make it quick..."

“Victor! Where have you been?” Margret, who had a mouth full of popcorn, asked as Victor, whose hair was a little disheveled returned to the VIP balcony simultaneously as the movie’s end credit began to roll and the crowd downstairs began to clap in amazement.

It was all thanks to Victor who not only saw the movie that flopped big in his past life but was part of the team who was tasked to collect all the criticism and review why it failed when he worked in Horizon Media.

So, ever since that day when they went to the set, Victor began instructing Steven, the director, on all the things they must fix.

Although Steven was reluctant to let Victor meddle too much in his masterpiece, the moment he saw the check Victor threw at him the man accepted.

So now, the movie was perfect.

“You missed the movie… It was good!” Lin said as she watched Mira below walk to the stage with John Sigma and the rest of the actors and bow to the crowd proudly under their applause. This was a chance to advertise the next movie!

“Sorry, I was busy getting kidnapped…” he said casually, making all the girls look at him with surprise, especially Lily who frowned and raised one eyebrow.

“You? Getting kidnapped?” she asked. How many tanks and bombers did they deploy? How many soldiers died for that noble cause? How many strands from his purple disheveled hair did they manage to touch?

Victor ignored her as he moved between the chairs. He didn’t return to his seat but gestured for Aria to move then took her seat beside the twins.

“What?” Mina asked nervously.

“Do you two have any sisters or brothers?” he asked directly despite already knowing the answer after making Kai investigate Micheal and Mona and taking a DNA sample.

“No…” Mina and Mana both shook their heads. “Our parents had some kind of disease that didn’t allow them to have children… We were a miracle, they used to say…”

“I see…” Victor hesitated for a moment.

“Is there something wrong?” Mana asked.

“I just discovered something a little disturbing…” he said hesitating a bit.

“Stop with the stupid acting and just say it!” Margret scolded from the back, but Victor ignored her. He was truly acting, but this was not something he could explain fast.

“Listen… I may have some news…” he looked at the twins. “Your father and mother… the ones who raised you were not your real family!” he said. “They were kidnappers who stole you as babies!”

“What?” both of the twins asked in shock. Looking him in the eye, they could tell that he was not lying.

“I just ran a quick investigation with Kai’s help, We just dug up that man’s and woman’s grave and compared his DNA to yours, and it does not match!” he said. That’s why he was a little late to return here. He wanted to be sure of everything.


“Does it have something to do with your kidnapping?” Lily asked.

“Yes… I have just been kidnapped by a girl who looks exactly like the two of you!” Victor said. “Apparently she was watching Gloria streaming, and happened to glance at you, realizing that you are her long-lost sisters who were kidnapped as babies…” Victor said, taking a silver pendant that had the name MONA engraved on it. It was similar to the pendants the girls wore around their necks.

“This is hers?” Mana asked, stuttering a little as she caught the pendant then took hers and compared them. They were very similar.

“Yes… Her DNA matches yours. She should be your sister. You are triplets and not just twins it seems!” he said with a depraved smile then ignored the sound of a chair's armrest getting crushed under Lily’s fingers behind him.

“What did you do to her?” Mina quickly asked. As a player, she could control her emotions to a certain extent, unlike a certain Lily who was about to kill her pervert husband who couldn’t go out without bringing a new girl home… They were throwing themselves at him like flies on rotten fruit!

“She is in the basement at home… I didn’t do anything bad to them, I used some soul wine to make them talk… They should have already forgotten that though…” he said.

“Wait... They?” Lin asked.

“Yes… There is a woman who should be your real mother and a young man too who should be your brother.. Apparently, he got to Gloria Flick and paid her some money to help them kidnap me… They believed the rumors that I do some human trafficking, and wanted to trade you for me…” he said.

“You do human trafficking…” Margret commented as the twins froze in shock.

“Regardless…” Victor said holding the twins' hands with his, “Do you want to meet them, or do you want some time to reflect?” he asked the twins.

“Let’s get this over with…” Mana said nervously, biting her lip.

“Good…” Victor said but didn’t stand up, he just looked at the twins. “I need you to remember one thing though… Whatever happens next, you need to remember that I am your family now and that I will always support you!” he said, making them smile sweetly and nod.

“Ok then… You head to the car, I need to go say hi to my mother and Lara then I will follow you…” he said with a sigh.

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