The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 357: Lara and the magical girls!

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Chapter 357: Lara and the magical girls!

It was at 5 PM when Victor finally was able to get rid of his grandfather and finish explaining his plan to Alpha.

“Remember what I told you… The gambling network must be online tonight… Use the movie ranking as its first bet… Maybe we can catch some small fish…”

“And how the hell am I going to do this in two hours!” Alpha scolded.

“Buy a fucking gambling website, and throw money on some lazy ass developer… Do I have to spell everything for you?” Victor said. “Take some money from Margret…. Where is she?” he asked as he walked out of the study.

“She already went with the others…” Hilda, who was waiting for him, answered.” Aria and Mira should be at the company, while the others went shopping before the movie.”

“Oh… Damn… I didn’t notice it was this late…” Victor said, “That’s what happens when you keep arguing over every small detail!” he scolded Alpha who looked away, totally not aware that Victor knew that she kept asking him about every little thing on purpose, trying to figure out some secret info he knew about the future.

“Just take care of it fast…” he sighed, “Now where is my suit?” he asked Hilda.

“Here it is… You should dress while you are on your way!” Hilda said. “It is almost the jam hour…”

“Oh...” Victor nodded, taking the suit then quickly headed outside where a luxurious Golden painted WhiteSteed car was waiting for him.

Leo, who was tasked to drive Victor around as usual, opened the luxurious car’s door respectfully. He wanted to drive Victor home after the wedding, and maybe get a glimpse at the mysterious wives, but his request was denied by his superiors. Apparently, a private company handled the transportation at that time and he was tasked with driving some of the company managers and waiting for them… Too bad those managers seemed to have left without telling him, letting him wait in that underground garage for an entire night.

They could have left him a message or something!

He wanted to pick a fight with them on the next day, but they were nowhere to be found. After asking around he learned that apparently they were all hurriedly transported to some desert county to work on a secret project after offending some VIP at the wedding.

“Young master… It is rare to see you alone…” Leo said in a humorous tone as he waited for Victor to take his seat.

“Yeah, That’s what happens when you marry a bunch of ungrateful girls… They only know how to suck this young master dry at night then escape to go shopping in the morning with my credit card…” Victor sighed, making Leo who was making fun of him almost curse out of jealousy.

“Now quickly head to the company! This young master doesn’t want to be late…” Victor scolded, glancing at the watch in his hand. He still had time for that. As Horizon Media CEO, he needed to accompany the company managers to the theater to walk the red carpet with Mira.

“Oh… Ok…” Leo said as he closed the door for Visitor and then climbed into the driver seat while trying hard not to stare at the line of loli maids who bowed politely in their cute maid uniforms to see their young master off.

Damn it… He was feeling jealous…. He was not a lolicon, he preferred big-boobed older women, but still…. Damn it! Why do young masters get it all…

The car quickly sped up through the highway as Victor who was in the backseat awkwardly changed his clothes into the dashing brick-red tuxedo Mira chose for him. She had a fight with Lily over it, but as this night was for Mira, Lily reluctantly gave up.

Leo, who was watching secretly from the front, couldn’t help but notice Victor’s perfect muscles and body shape as he changed… He was not gay or anything… But damn, how can a rich young master like Victor get a body like that? No wonder those girls are crazy after him.

“What kinds of exercises does the young master do usually?” Leo quickly decided to strike up a conversation. He was waiting for Victor to begin bragging about the gym in his mansion, then taking the opportunity, Leo would ask him if he could come to see it… And maybe train in it after that… He could already imagine those loli maids drooling as they shyly watched him lift some weights.

“Exercise? What exercise? This young master has a bed full of lascivious wives waiting for me every night… When do I have time to exercise?” Victor said directly as he hastily put on his red and purple striped tie, making Leo regret he asked... So it was that kind of exercise...



Leo considered asking what workouts Victor did before he married but decided it was not worth it. It is not good to appear pushy. So, for the next few minutes, the car grew silent as Victor finished wearing his suit and then sat quietly, looking out and watching the afternoon sun-lit road go by outside.

It took them another 15 Minutes to reach the company where a bunch of executives and employees were waiting for him outside dressed in expensive tuxedos and dresses.

Victor stepped down from the car where he was welcomed by Aria and Mira who wore a turquoise blue dress and a rose red dress respectively.

“You are late…” Mira said as she hugged Victor followed by Aria. “We arranged a reception in the company lobby for you… But it is too late now, we must hurry to the theater if we want to catch Monica and Lara’s opening song!”

“No… You are the early ones!” He corrected them, then looked at the company employees who were bowing in the back, while giving Victor some nervous looks.

Despite the fact that many of them were seeing Victor for the first time, they have all heard the rumors around him, both the old and the new ones that spread after the wedding in the tabloids.

Too bad very few photos of the wedding existed and none of them showed what happened there.

One thing they knew for sure was that half of the company managers disappeared that night after angering the CEO.

“Nice to see you all… I will make this short,” he said, clearing his throat “I don’t care about anything else, but if this movie achieves a 90% rating or above, I will give each of you 1000% of your salary as a reward by the end of the year!” he said, making the employees all cheer. He might be an evil young master, but he knew how to buy people’s hearts.

“Let’s go…” he said.

“One second…” Mira said as she began to adjust Victor's tie and jacket under the envious eyes of the male employees. Some of them even dared to bite their lips in jealousy while totally unaware that their inventory action got them on a list that they didn’t know existed.

“All done…” Mira said, dusting Victor's jacket and giving him an apprehensive look. Damn her husband was hot!

Victor chuckled as if reading her thoughts, then quickly got back into the car followed by Mira the Aria who was hesitating whether she should also be in this car but was dragged inside by Victor.

The car quickly took off after that, followed by the company's fleet.

“Congratulations on your marriage Ms. Aria, and Ms. Mira…" Leo, who didn’t get the chance to congratulate the girls before, said as he drove the car. He was trying to strike up a conversation again. Victor was his best shot at riches, and he was going to find something that interests him one way or another.

“Thanks…” Aria said with a happy and satisfied smile as casually put her head on Victor’s shoulder.

As if feeling jealous Mira did the same from the other side.

“DAMN…” Leo secretly cursed and then swallowed the words he wanted to utter. “Hopefully this movie will be a big success...” he said again.

“Yes…” Aria nodded.

“Keep driving no matter what… And when I tell you to press forward…” Victor suddenly said, making Leo frown as he watched Victor slowly lean over the surprised Mira to lower the side window then take something round from his pocket and throw it out. “NOW!” Victor said, making Leo who just realized that Victor had thrown a grenade inside the open window of another car, quickly press the gas pedal to its limit and drive away from the other car.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOM An all too familiar exposition rang at the back.


“Keep driving… '' Victor ordered, then sighed.

“But the police…” Leo wanted to ask.

“You do your job, they will be doing theirs…” Victor said casually as he began fiddling with his phone.

“Were they after us?” Mira asked nervously.

“One of the men had a rocket launcher aimed at us…” Victor said, making Leo who was driving begin to sweat.

He did hear rumors that the white family was engaged in the drug and human trafficking industry and that Victor killed his cousin to take his place.

He thought that those were just baseless rumors, as Victor didn’t seem to be the violent type.

Now he discovered that he was mistaken.

“Who are they?” Aria asked as she watched Victor send something on his phone and then receive a confirmation.

“Oh… Some stupid businessman seemed to have ordered a hit on me… '' Victor said with a frown after flipping through Kai’s report. “It is related to some stupid woman who got slapped on the face by Margret a while ago. “

“Margret? And?” Mira asked. “Would they try again?” she asked as several police cars whisked by them, heading to the explosion scene.

“No…” Victor said as he got another report. “Seemingly, they are dead, they were hit by a truck transporting shit, and then their corpses were eaten by rats after the corner forgot to lock the door to the morgue that day… What kind of bad luck is this….Oh… I see…” Victor paused as he read the report.


“Nothing… Just a strange coincidence. Those two have angered the wrong guy,” Victor said with a strange smile, explaining no further. “Nothing will happen, I already ordered Kai to exterminate the stupid gang who dared to accept and perform a hit on me…. Let’s just relax and enjoy the night,” he said casually reassuring the girls as Leo, who was eavesdropping, began considering quitting his job for real… No… He should do the opposite! He should find a way to grab onto Victor’s perfect muscular thighs! Leo renewed his resolve.

The car reached the theater a few minutes later, stopping right over the red carpet where an announcement was made as soon as Victor stepped down from the car.

“Now… Finally, the last to arrive... We welcome our one and only star, Mira Elven in a bright red Raymond Troll dress that looks super dashing on her. Accompanying her is the Director of Horizons Media Aria White in a lavender purple GOLDSMITH dress…” the commentator said, making all the reporters point their cameras at the trio who had just left the car. “Now the next one is…. VICTOR… YOU DAMN BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU TAKE MIRA FROM US… HOW DARE YOU BLEMISH AHHHHHHHHHHHH… MY BALLS……” the Mira fan commentator fell to the ground, clutching his crotch, forcing a few guards to quickly come and get him as someone else took his place.

The Nutcracker got to him in front of hundreds of cameras that couldn’t catch a thing. It all happened in a split second, and the foolish man became a eunuch.

“Next is the one and Only Mr. Victor White… Yes, he is the famous rich star of our city who held his amazing once-in-a-century wedding two weeks ago, to a group of wonderful girls who included Mrs. Mira and Mrs. Aria …. Look how handsome he is, no wonder the girls fell for him!” the new commentator who seemed to have found his chance to fame said.

“Give that guy a raise…” Victor told Aria with a bright smile as he hugged her and Mira from the back walked the red carpet while shooting smiles at the cameras.

“He doesn’t work for us,” Aria said as she put her head on Victor’s chest patiently and then waved to the crowd.

“Then hire him and give him a raise,” Victor said, making Mira, who was also waving to the crowd, giggle a bit.

“Mrs. Mira… How do you feel about the new movie…” one reporter asked after he almost had a heart attack caused by her bright smile.

“It will be a success! All of us worked really hard to create it….” Mira said with a smile. “I hope you all enjoy it…”

“Mr. Victor… How was your honeymoon? When will you be releasing the wedding photos?” another female reporter asked Victor. It was none other than Gloria Flick who was released on bail earlier this day.

“Gloria… Long time no see… I heard you were caught around my house trying to take some photos…” Victor responded directly.

“It was a misunderstanding…. I will prove it in court!” she quickly responded.

“I hope it is… Now if I remember, My wives had a restraining order against you…. GUARDS!” Victor shouted as he posed for a photo with his two wives while ignoring Gloria who was dragged away by the guards and a few policemen.

After that Aria answered some questions about the company’s new project before the trio walked inside the theater refusing to make any further statements.

Once inside, Victor was guided by a blushing girl staff to one of the three VIP balconies where his entire Harem was waiting.

“You are late!” Margret directly said. “Mira is about to go on stage!” she added as the theater’s light began to dim down.

“Sorry… You know how Alpha can be…” Victor said as he headed to his seat in the front while glancing at his wives who were all dressed in very pretty gowns and veils on their faces copying Lily to help hide her. This included Elise who also chose to come in a wheelchair, she chose to hide the fact that she was cured by her family as this would make them ask too many questions.

“Is my mother and father here?” Victor asked as he sat down right between Lily and Theta who seemed to have won a bet to get to sit beside him.

“Only your mother with George and your grandfather… They are at the opposite VIP balcony…” Margret said, pointing toward the reflective glass-covered balcony.

This theater was designed with safety in mind, so all the VIP rooms were covered by a one-way mirror, bulletproof glass.

“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN…” a pretty voice suddenly sounded in the theater, making everyone quiet. It was Monica who walked on stage with a spotlight right over her. “Before the movie starts… We at Horizons Media would like to take the chance for some shameless advertisement, and to introduce our new Idol band… Chosen from the cutest and most talented girls around Vein the city, let me introduce…LARA AND THE MAGICAL GIRLS! Who will perform our next movie’s theme song as we play its trailer…” she said as a group of eleven pretty little girls in very cute frilly magical girls' uniforms walked on stage.

“Lara, Yin, Ren, Stephany, Mila, Diamond……… and finally little El!” Mira said the girls’ names one by one. They were chosen by Victor personally from hundreds of applicants based on very strict criteria… That was the official story, the truth was that he just asked Lara whom she wanted and filled in their names.

“HELLO EVERYONE!” Lara shouted nervously as she smiled, melting the hearts of the hundreds of attendees by unconsciously allowing her demonic blood charm to affect them. “I HOPE YOU LIKE OUR SONG!” she said nervously as she looked at the girls behind her. “Let’s go!” she said as the dark screen lit up, showing the trailer of the upcoming movie “A new world: The Dragon princess saga” At the same time the girls began to sing.

We rode the love train!

It took us to heaven

Choo Choo

The hero fought the demon in the rain

He beat her and saved the world again

Go Go



This one was the real version, which although still had many obscure meanings, was like any other song, that could be interpreted in many ways…. And it was very catchy!

The girls began performing a very catchy dance as they sang. Although it was a little hard for them, being led by the tireless Lara they carried on, totally not being aware that their dance was going to be the next big thing online!

By the time the song ended with a band on the screen behind, the attendees, whom many were skeptical at first, began to unwillingly sing the song along with the girls as if they were enchanted. They had just become fans of the lively little girls' band on stage.

“THANK YOU FOR LISTENING OUR SONG EVERYONE!” Lara shouted to the crowd again as soon as she finished the song, bowing politely with the other girls. “PLEASE SUPPORT US WHEN OUR NEW ALBUM COMES OUT NEXT MONTH!” she said, waving to everyone as she stepped down the stage followed by the totally exhausted little girls.

“WHAT AN AMAZING PERFORMANCE…” Monica, who was playing host, commented as soon as the girls left. “Now… Let us start the movie… Hopefully, you would like it… A little hint though, Miss Lara has a little cameo appearance in it… Try to spot it!”

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