The Wealthy Eldest Sister Rules Supreme-Chapter 24 - 0 Deception

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Chapter 24: Chapter 024 Deception

Translator: 549690339

After all, Iā€™ve done the job for you, you canā€™t find fault with it.

You were vague about bringing up the topic or not, right? freewebn(o)

Ma Tong immediately understood the meaning and laughed, ā€œYou little rascal, youā€™re cunning!ā€

ā€œThis isnā€™t cunning, this is called getting things done.ā€ Li Fang blinked his eyes, took the tofu to the kitchen, saw Chef Zhang and two helpers busy there, placed the tofu on top of the tofu previously delivered from Changji tofu shop, and then went out to the front.

Zhuang Qingning, on the other hand, returned to his own tofu stall.

ā€œSister, what did you go to do?ā€ Zhuang Qingsui handed over the two coins that she had just received from selling tofu: ā€œThe money we just earned.ā€

Zhuang Qingning tucked the money into her money bag and smiled, ā€œI just went to Fushun Tower to see if they could buy our tofu in the future.ā€

ā€œSelling tofu here every day, we can certainly make some money, but itā€™s exposed to wind and sun, and if it rains, we probably canā€™t set up the stall. If we can sell tofu regularly to the restaurant, we can guarantee a minimum daily turnover. Itā€™s a guarantee regardless of drought or flood.ā€

ā€œWhen we sell more tofu, we can make more money.ā€ Zhuang Qingsui added.

ā€œThatā€™s the idea.ā€ Zhuang Qingning nodded and smiled.

Under normal circumstances, the daily necessities of the restaurant, including this tofu, have a fixed supply. Over time, there is friendship between parties. Whether her tofu can be sold or not is really hard to say.

Today, when she delivered this tofu, she also spent two copper coins, which is a simple way to test the waters, to see how the follow-up will be. If possible, itā€™s best, if not, she can only rely on her reputation in selling tofu to attract the restaurant to find her.

The tofu was soon sold out. Zhuang Qingning and her partner packed up the stall, bought a pound of pork belly from the meat stall, and almost ran out of beans at the tofu stall. Zhuang Qingning bought another twenty pounds of soybeans, and the two of them divided the load and carried it back.

Lunch was noodles with shredded meat. After a nap in the afternoon, dinner was two cornbread with shepherdā€™s purse cool mix, light and refreshing.

The next day, Zhuang Qingning and Qingsui went to sell tofu as usual.

The tofu tastes good and the price is not high, the business is good, and there are more and more regular customers. Basically, it is sold out before noon.

And so it went for two days.

On this day, Zhuang Qingning still led Zhuang Qingsui to set up the stall. She looked up and saw the waiter from Fushun Tower busy at the door. Zhuang Qingning thought for a while and asked Mrs. Liu to watch Zhuang Qingsui when there were fewer people at her stall, then she walked up.

If others donā€™t respond, she will take the initiative to inquire.

ā€œExcuse me, young man.ā€ Zhuang Qingning approached and laughed softly, ā€œDo you know if there is any response about the tofu?ā€


After all, he took money from people without doing a good job for them, Li Fang was a bit guilty, with his eyes fluttering left and right, he said, ā€œNo one has mentioned this matter, I guess itā€™s because your tofu is not good, the chef doesnā€™t like it.ā€

ā€œOh?ā€ Seeing that the waiter didnā€™t even look at her and spoke in a roundabout way, Zhuang Qingning had a good idea of what was going on. Her eyebrows lifted slightly.

ā€œThen, would you please tell me the truth, can Fushun Tower possibly use our tofu?ā€

Soliciting business and giving gifts were voluntary, whether successful or not, whether the other party made a sincere effort, could not be pursued, and there was no way to pursue it. Zhuang Qingning understood this. Now she just wanted a straight answer, could she or not?

If she could, she would think of other ways. If not, she would not waste her effort and look for other channels.

ā€œThisā€¦ā€ Li Fangā€™s eyes rolled, ā€œDonā€™t hide from you, 1 think there is a chance. But on that day, 1 was busy here. When I finished and went to find the chef to talk about this, he was out. I didnā€™t have time to talk about this.ā€

ā€œThe tofu, I was afraid it would spoil in this hot weather, so I asked the other helpers to eat it together. They all said that the taste of the tofu was not bad. I think if the chef had tasted this tofu, he would have liked it too.ā€


Li Fang rubbed his fingers and laughed at Zhuang Qingning.

He implied that she should give more money.

Did he think she was an easy target because she was young and wanted to keep exploiting her?

His calculations were elaborate, but the inconsistency in his speech showed that he thought she was a fool, which was really unpleasant.

Zhuang Qingning saw clearly, a cold smirk spread across her lips: ā€œYouā€™re interesting, young man. 1 donā€™t blame you for taking my money before and not really doing anything for me, but now youā€™re trying to fabricate lies to defraud me out of more money?ā€

Having hit the nail on the head with the truth, the waiter was stunned for a moment. He felt a pressure from Zhuang Qingning, which made him panic.

But then he thought that Zhuang Qingning was just a tofu seller, begging people to buy her tofu, and she was a young girl. He quickly regained his composure: ā€œWhat do you mean I havenā€™t done anything for you? How do you know I didnā€™t put the tofu in the kitchen? Why do you accuse me of lying and cheating?ā€

ā€œMoreover, where is your requesting attitude? It is you who begs us, Fushun Tower, to buy your tofu. Your attitude is so aggressive. What reason is there?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t know what the reason is, all I know is that someone, who works for such a prestigious place like Fushun Tower, is trying to lie and deceive me, trying to extort money from me, and is trying to take advantage of me.ā€

Zhuang Qingningā€™s eyes were cold and her voice was a few degrees higher, ā€œI really donā€™t know what consequences there would be if I were to find your manager and tell her about this.ā€

ā€œOr maybe, 1 donā€™t need to find your manager. I just need to find your head chef. I wonā€™t mention your deception, Iā€™ll just say you took two coins from me, and wanted to discuss selling tofu. How about that?ā€

If this waiter didnā€™t dare to go to the chef to talk about the matter, and also said that they use tofu from Changji tofu shop, it must mean that the chef had a relationship with Changji tofu shop. If the chef knew that the waiter had intent to displace Changji tofu shop, he wouldnā€™t let it go easily.

As expected, Li Fangā€™s face turned pale when he heard this, ā€œItā€™s just a small matter, why are you making a fuss about it?ā€

ā€œIf you donā€™t want me to make a fuss, you should spit out what you swallowed.ā€

Zhuang Qingning snorted coldly..

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