The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel-Chapter 199: Things has changed

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Chapter 199: Things has changed

(Ryoto's pov)

We were welcomed by a bright blue sky... underground. I recognized this place because Kisuke loved this design so much that he is going to reuse it two more times in the future.

Kisuke: "Welcome to Study Chamber! After some light work, I was able to finish it!"

To be honest, seeing it in person was a lot more impressive. This place is enormous. You could literally build a city inside.

Rin: "Is this place really underground?"

Kisuke: "But of course, dear Rin-san, this whole place is under Sokyoku hill. It was quite difficult to create this whole place without anyone noticing, but as you have noticed, it was not impossible."

Rin: "You idiot! What would you have done if you got caught!?"

Kisuke: "Then I would say that I got lost, of course!"

Rin: "You...!"

Ryoto: "Now, now, let's calm down, everyone."

I mainly meant Rin.

Ryoto: "Kisuke created a place practically perfect for training that we can use. Isn't that a good thing? I know that you can't train freely with your Zanpakuto without worrying about your surroundings.

Rin: "It would be nice..."

She tried not to sound happy. It was cute, and I couldn't help but push my cheek against her causing her a lot of embarrassment, but she didn't fight back.

Rin: "Ryoto... not here."

Kisuke decided to ignore the show of affection and started explaining this place.

Kisuke: "I'm glad that you like it, Ryoto, but there is one more thing making this a perfect training place. Nearby there are some hot springs. They have healing properties so you can train without worrying about injuries."

It will be useful in the future. I don't know why but I expected something more impressive. Not like it was not, but it's Kisuke we're talki-.

Kisuke: "And if you look carefully you can even find prizes lying around such as..."

He picked the rock to reveal a lollipop hidden underneath.

Kisuke: "Candies!"

I knew Kisuke was my best friend from the moment I saw him, and I would never be disappointed in anything he did.

(E/D: I wish I could be a friend like him. Then I would actually have friends.)

Rin: "Can you at least explain why the sky is blue and it's daytime while the outside the sun is already setting."

Kisuke looked like he was thinking of an answer until it seemed he had come up with something he was satisfied with.

Kisuke: "Science!"

Rin: "I'm going to beat him up."

And she was ready to back up her words with actions, but I got an idea.

Ryoto: "Hey, why don't we fight each other? Not now, I would say in about five years, let's get here to create a tournament arc!"

Rin: "Tournament what?"

Ryoto: "Nevermind. Just know that after these five years, we'll get here and see the results of our training against real opponents."

Yoruichi: "I like that idea! I'm in!"

Kisuke: "How about spice up this little competition we have? Why not make a winner be able to ask one thing from the person he chooses."

Ryoto: "Confident, aren't we."

Kisuke: "Not really. Think of it as a motivation to not lose."

And so we decided to fight after five years.


In the blink of an eye, three and half years had passed, and I was out of Academy.

(E/D: That's huge. Huge timeskip. But understandable. Have a Great day.)

I graduated early, but I was still training under Yama-jii. Compared to him, I was still weak, but most people are if I think about it. That doesn't mean that I don't plan on surpassing him. It won't be easy, but where is a will, there's a way.

(E/D: This reminds me of a line and it's related to traps.)

Currently, I was walking through the Squad's 13th barracks, the Squad I belonged to. My Captain is Jushiro-senpai, or I should call him Captain Ukitake, but old habits die hard, I guess. Rin, however, doesn't have this difficulty. She even makes fun of me because of that, calling me by my new title.

I was currently called by my Captain for something. As I was walking, some of the members bowed to me with nervousness.

God, I hate formalities.

I walked into the office and greeted Jushiro-senpai. He was looking healthier than before. He wasn't cured, far from it, but he is still feeling healthy enough to enjoy his life unless he doesn't take a daily dose of lollipops or strain himself too much for too long.

Jushiro: "Good morning, Yuuki-kun."

Ryoto: "Morning, Captain. So what did you call me for? You know how I enjoy sleeping in the morning."

Jushiro-senpai smiled apologetically.

Jushiro: "I apologize, Yuuki-kun, but I have an important mission for you."

He is too kind-hearted. I'm starting to feel bad for what I said.

Ryoto: "Don't be sorry. I was just joking. I didn't get enough sleep yesterday, and I'm grumpy."

I don't get tired anymore, but I still enjoy sleeping.

Jushiro: "I see that a honeymoon faze didn't end yet."

He smiled kindly. I know that he didn't mean anything bad, but it kinda annoyed me for some reason. Too many trolls around me.

Ryoto: "Thanks for worrying about my love life, Captain, but please focus on the mission."

He cleared his throat by coughing a few times as he became embarrassed by my comment.

Jushiro: "Yes, I called you because our Squad was assigned to negotiate with Quincy. As of late, they are killing too many Hollows and disturbing the balance of the souls.

As you should know, when Shinigami kills a Hollow, it cleanses the sins committed while in that form and sends the soul to Soul Society.

On the other hand, when Quincy kills a Hollow, the soul is completely destroyed. The cycle of souls became unstable, which is catastrophic for all of the worlds.

We are hoping to convince them to let the job of hunting Hollows be left to Shinigami."

He turned incredibly serious all of a sudden.

Jushiro: "Ryoto Yuuki, Lieutenant of Squad 13. Do you accept the mission to follow me to the world of the living to negotiate with the Quinces?!"

Ryoto: "I accept!"

Knowing how the negotiations would end, I sighed inwardly. I just know that it will end in a bloodbath. Even if necessary, I don't like it.




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