The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 588 - 536: Start the Simulation

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Chapter 588: Chapter 536: Start the Simulation

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Pei Xuanjing was highly eager about this life simulation, hence he made his choice without any hesitation.


[The Life Simulation begins:…]

The Life Simulation starts:

Age one: You are born into an ordinary tribe, just one of many ordinary tribes in the vast wilderness. But due to your premature birth, your physical constitution is somewhat weak.

As a result, they could only entrust you to the care of other tribespeople while they searched for a way to heal you.

Age three: Your parents have perished. They were killed by wild beasts while seeking medicinal remedies to bolster your health. You were left behind and raised by the tribe.

Age six: The wilderness is unbearably hazardous, filled with countless wild beasts and frequent invasions by foreign tribes. Every human in the wilderness must learn Cultivation in order to fight when encountering danger.

At six years of age, you come of age for Cultivation and train alongside all the other children your age in the tribe.

Age ten: Your aptitude for Cultivation is not exceptional. Maybe due to the complications at your birth, even if you strive hard at Cultivation, it does little good. Amongst your peers, you appear frail.

Even though your natural ability is lacking, the other tribe children have never looked down upon you. They have constantly been warm towards you, comforting you that they will protect you in the future, bringing you great happiness.

Age sixteen: At sixteen, a significant stage happens to all adolescents in the wilderness. It is required of them to join the tribe to venture into the wilderness, killing wild beasts and becoming true warriors.

At that time, your strength was the weakest among your peers, far below the average strength of your age group. A lot of people persuaded you not to take part in the hunting.

Even the tribe leader personally advised you. He admired your maturity and wisdom, despite your lack of strength.

You rejected the advice of the tribe leader and your peers, insisting on participating in the hunting. This is because you remember the death of your parents. You aspire to become a strong warrior, avenging your parents and becoming a pillar of the tribe.

Left without a choice, they reluctantly agreed to let you participate in the hunt. However, they continuously warned you to take care of your safety.

Age seventeen: Although your abilities were not strong, you possessed a mind that far surpassed others. With your tactics, you captured and killed many wild beasts using your wits. The tribe accumulated enough meat reserves and you won the support of everyone.

If it were not for your lack of strength, the tribe leader even wanted to groom you as his successor.

Age twenty-one: After several years of leading the hunting team, your standing within the hunting team kept rising despite your humble abilities. Because of your extraordinary wisdom, you earned the qualification to lead a small squad on your own.

That year, you went hunting with your partners, hoping to store extra food for the winter, to get through the harsh cold months and to prevent your tribe from going hungry.

The countless successful hunts have filled you with confidence, but inevitably also added arrogance and vanity. This led you to consider going after a massive herd of beasts. ƒrē

The result was pretty clear. Due to your arrogance and vanity, not only did the hunt end in failure, many got seriously injured, and some even died. Majority of them were your comrades and family friends, who treated you like their own, you also got seriously injured due to this failed plan.

All because of the existence of the foreign tribes. A formidable Blood tribe member appeared. Not only did he snatch your prey, but he also wanted to turn all of you into his Blood Slaves.

Your hunting team’s companion fought to their deaths, it took a considerable loss to finally kill the Blood tribe member. Yet, this did not replace the lives of the fallen allies, leading to your immeasurable grief.

Looking at what’s left of the hunting party, the sorrows of the tribal members are unfathomable. Countless children lost their fathers, countless parents lost their children, the tribe was immersed in profound mourning.

Yet, facing you – the young leader who was responsible for that incident, the tribesmen were not angry or blaming you, in fact, they were more worried about your injuries, even pretending to be happy so as not to make you sad.

You being highly intelligent, how could you not see through their forced smiles? This made you feel even more distressed and guilty. You’d rather they blame or scold you, it would make you feel better. But their continued usual treatment towards you made you feel completely ashamed.

As soon as your injuries improved slightly, you roamed around the tribe, feeling grief and anger when looking at the widows and orphans left behind by your family and friends. However, you were helpless.

You approached the tribe leader, hoping he would punish you. But he refused. He told you to broaden your horizons, that this is the fate of human race in the wilderness, that you must experience all this to survive.

However, the smarter you were, the harder it was for you to disentangle yourself. You did not understand why. Why did the wilderness have to be so cruel to the human race? You just wanted to live a peaceful life, why couldn’t you?

The tribe leader fell silent, saying that he also didn’t know why. All he knew was that for numerous years, the wilderness had been like this, and the human race was at the very bottom of existence. Facing the oppression of All Tribes, all Humans could do was to silently endure.

You did not accept this. You did not understand why humans had to be innately inferior, why they needed to tolerate such humiliation.

That night, you bid goodbye to the tribe leader. You wanted to venture into the wilderness, to look for answers. You desired to become stronger, to break these rules. You refused to experience such a situation again.

Age twenty-two: The young man took up his sword and journeyed into the wilderness. You embarked on a solitary and lonely path alone. Countless great men have acted similarly over countless years. They were equally puzzled and had also set out onto this path for enlightenment.

Age thirty-two: In ten years, the places you had wandered through were but a grain in the vast beach of the boundless, endlessly bright wilderness. But within these ten years, you saw many things. The oppression of All Tribes against the human race, the might of All Tribes, the passion, numbness, sorrow, and joy of the human race…

The experiences over ten years made you mature. You met a group of like-minded comrades and friends. With the same aspirations and goals, you walked together in the wilderness, seeking a path for the human race…

Confidence filled your hearts, you were determined to succeed, even if it meant dying without regrets.