The She-Devil And Her Alphas-Chapter 250 - One Hundred And Fifty: War-2

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Chapter 250 - One Hundred And Fifty: War-2

"Ugh!" Lia threw herself at the door yet she was bounced back instead.

"Damn you, Asher!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, anger flowing through her veins.

She had broken the restraint, rendering the chains in two but the cheek plates were still around her wrists and thus rendering her powers useless.

Not to talk of the ward the unfaithful Sabrina placed around this place. Weren't girls supposed to be faithful to their fellow girls? Wasn't it a girl's rule or something?

But how dare he lock her up in the name of protection? She wasn't a porcelain doll nor was she fragile and could fight her way through a war! This wasn't the early Nineties where women's rights were restricted.

"Don't look at me that way, mom" Electra taunted her, "He's your faithful husband, go and deal with him," she laughed scornfully.

Oh yes, the company Asher had left for her was no other than his assassin daughter and her irritating step-daughter. No, she won't stand for this. fre𝑒𝘸𝚎𝚋n૦ѵℯl.c𝒐𝘮

"Don't you have a way of getting us both out of here instead of getting yourself comfortable on that bed?" She glared at the nonchalant daughter - who said parenthood was easy, come out here?!

"Oh, I thought you were the new clan leader?" Electra emphasized on "Clan leader" with a hand gesture, "Shouldn't you have found a way of getting the both of us out of here already, mom?"

Lia's glare deepened, "I am not your mother, "

"Ooh, evading your duties at the early stage, are we?"

Lia shook her head, this girl was a pain in the ass.

"And by the way, you should lie down, the mattress is really soft, was it made of feathers or something?" She yakked," Oh God, tell me you both haven't made love on this?"

Electra received a dirty look from Lia as a reply.

"Eww- worthy or not, I still like the bed," she laid back with a sigh.

Lia rubbed her forehead, this was a nightmare.

"You're dead meat, Asher! Just you wait!" She declared unknown that her screams were drowned out by the clamoring outside the house.

Asher stood on the balcony of the second floor addressing a hundred plus of his people that were standing in his yard.

When compared to other vampire Clans, Nicoli Clan were the smallest yet the most dangerous because of their dual ability. Moreover, their numbers greatly depleted during the great purge thanks to his father's foolishness.

There was great murmuring when Asher stood before them. Dan had told them that something huge had happened and the need to return home but they never thought it was to this extent.

"I'm sure you all are mystified and mortified by my appearance. But no need to fear, it's still I, Asher, your great leader and son of Antonio Nicoli. Due to some unfortunate incidents, I was overpowered and my soul was forced out of my body by no other trickster than my half-brother Raphael.."

Another murmuring arose from the crowd.

"Silence!" He quieted them.

"We, the Nicoli Clan, are so far the most magnanimous vampire Clan ever seen but some people- Vampires, witches, and humans likewise- take our kindness for weakness which is not so!"

"Yes! You're right!" They hollered.

"And for that, we are going to show them who's the boss here!"

"Yes! We are the boss!" They concurred.

"Tonight we are going to march to the Raven clan for two reasons. One: Recover my body and pay back my oppressors in their own coins. Two: Imprint fear in their mind. Let us revive the glory of the Nicoli clan!"

"Yes!" Their satisfied outcry increased.

"Do not be mistaken, this war has been brewing for years and finally, the line has been drawn. We war today to rejoice tomorrow. Are you ready?!"

"Yes!" They chorused.

"Nicoli clan, are you ready?! "

"Yes, lord Asher!" They responded enthusiastically.

"The witch would open a portal that would lead us straight to Raven territory. This is to ensure that we have enough time to exact our vengeance before the council arrives or receive questionable looks from the humans and thankfully the night has given us enough cover already," he informed.

It was no news that Vampires performed better at night than daytime as nocturnal creatures they were. Though they somehow gained immunity over the sun, heat and Vampires had never been kissing cousins. Some vampires were still uncomfortable with the feeling of warmth on their cold skin.

"We've always abided by the rules and this time, there would be no difference. There would be no killing of humans nor unpermitted taking of their blood - we don't need the councils and their problems. Vampiric Women and children should be spared, but kill any before you get killed if the situation calls for it; It's your life first before theirs…"?Asher paused, taking in the expression on their faces.

"But the most important of all, leave Raphael to me. You can try fighting Ezekiel at the expense of your life but our main target today is Raphael," he advised them.

"We leave now! "

"Yeah!!" Whistles and cheers reverberated throughout the mansion, disturbing the quiet night.

"Do your thing," Asher turned to Sabrina standing beside him expectantly.

Sabrina was taken aback, "You really expect me to move this many people to Raven clan?"

Asher's eyes flashed," Exactly," he affirmed, "What I mean is that you should cast a stable portal, strong enough to move all of my people safely to Raven clan,"

"A spell of that capacity would drain me," she complained.

"You should have thought of that before betraying me," he growled," All of this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been greedy for power,"

"And you're not?" She challenged him, "No tell me, Asher, that you won't be tempted to do the same thing I did. How would you feel if you were stripped of your powers and superhuman abilities? How would you feel knowing that you can't protect Maya anymore and that you're just a powerless vampire for ornamentation -?!"

"Just do your damn mojo!" He snarled at her, fangs out and all.

"For your information, I have never been to the Raven clan so I have no idea where to drop your people," she said with sarcasm.

"Dan," Asher gestured to his second in command who had been watching their drama expressionlessly to come over.

"What are you going to do?" Slight fear washed over Sabrina. Asher has been quite unpredictable ever since he returned, who knew what he had ordered Dan to do.

"Dan, don't listen to …." she was pleading with him Dan clasped her face, tilted his head, and kissed him.

"Oh," she was stunned. Whatever punishment this was, Sabrina liked it and hoped it came often. 𝑓𝑟eℯ𝒘𝗲𝑏n𝑜𝚟𝙚𝒍.𝒄o𝐦

But this was Asher they were talking here, surely he didn't just order Dan to kiss her? How was that going to help her know….

Sabrina was stunned when she began to receive memories. She wasn't seeing it like an image sent to her head or something. It was as if she was Dan who experienced it; she was seeing it through his mind like they were one.

Even after Sabrina had gotten the information she needed, she didn't pull away from the kiss, and neither did he. Their lips moved as one while she busied her hands in his hair.

"My vampires don't have all the patience in the world," Asher's comment broke them apart.

Sabrina was truly comforted by that kiss. she had been so scared that Dan would break up for what she did to Asher. But it was apparent that he was still interested in her as much as she was in him.

"Do you have the destination now?" Asher cocked a smug smirk that vexed her. He interrupted their kiss on purpose.

"Yes, I have it" Sabrina murmured beneath her breath.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and began to say strange words Asher didn't give a damn about.

In the yard, a ripple began to form in the air followed by a large crackling of thunder. Not long after, a large portal fit enough for five to go through at once materialized.

"Wow," gasped Devon who had been having a good nap earlier,

"She is so cool," the girl said in admiration.

"How do you feel?" Asher asked her.

"Rejuvenated; a good nap does wonders to the body," was her response while stretching her body.

"We are going back to the Raven clan and it's going to get bloody. Are you sure you can stand the sight, else you should stay back? I have given you my word that I would bring your mother back to you safely." He reminded her.

Devon clenched her fist, "I'll go. Those people including my father pretended to care about me when all they did was exploit me," she turned to Asher," I would love to see the look on his face as I take his life," she declared fiercely.

Asher's brow furrowed," He's your father" he pointed.

"He was no lesser than an animal," Devon claimed.

" You scare me, Devon, because?I see myself in you," The vampire confessed stunning the young Devon, "And if you're not careful, you might miss the right track like I almost did," he informed her.

"You should inform your people that the portal's safe now, " Sabrina notified him.

Asher lifted his hand which his?Vampires took as a clue to step into the portal. The first five vampires walked into the portal successfully before the others gathered the courage to follow after them?- they still didn't trust witches fully.

"It's taking a toll on her," Devon was the first to notice Sabrina's ill condition.

Sweats were rolling down her forehead and her lips were trembling as she kept up her hands in the air, keeping the portal.

"I have got to help," Devon

"Devon, don't -"

Devon placed both hands on Sabrina's back who gasped in relief upon receiving a rush of energy.

" What are you doing?" Asher didn't interrupt both yet asked out of curiosity.

"Transferring my strength to her,"