The Redwood Saga-Chapter 60 - 46: A Brief Respite
New Tork City - Unova region
Alex Redwood awoke with a mighty yawn, almost exactly forty-eight hours after bamfing into the hotel suite Jess seemed to prefer, when they were in New Tork. "Good morning, Hooman." Alex blinked at the words, in Pokéspeech, translating themselves into Common in his head. On the bedroom's clothes dresser, was a Sprigatito, just chilling, and giving off comfortable cat vibes. She leapt over to his bed then, and he chuckled, as he gave her scritches. "Well hello there. Aren't you just a cute little Leaf cat." She purred at the compliment, and in moments was rumbling on her back, in belly rub heaven.
"Ahh! Tita! Get off the Emperor's bed!" A new voice exclaimed, and Alex covered his mouth with his free hand as he yawned again. A hotel maid/cleaner/cook was in his room, face slightly flushed as she saw what her partner was up to. She had brown hair, blue eyes, and was pretty, for someone who was obviously quite a bit younger than he was.
"It's alright, I don't mind. I've always wanted a Sprigatito, but it's practically impossible to get them outside of Paldea. 'Cause they're just so darn cute!" He said, focusing back on Tita, as she pawed at his hand, which had stopped the belly rubs after the arrival of her Trainer. The purring resumed, and the grassy fluffball gave off a pleasing aroma as she returned to belly rub bliss.
"Uhhm…can I uhh, get you anything, your royal…Emperor…ness?" The maid asked shyly.
Alex chuckled again. "You can just call me Alex, miss…?"
The girl eeped, as she realized he wanted her name. "Hannah! My name is Hannah."
Alex nodded. "Alright, Hannah. All I really need is breakfast. And if you could gather my Pokémon up here, that would be great. Get them some food too, if you would. As for mine…hash browns…meat…maybe eggs…don't overthink it. Standard breakfast food will be perfect. As for me…I need to shower." He looked back at Tita then. "We shall resume this in a bit, alright little one?" Tita made a disappointed noise as she said, "Fiiiine." And with that, he bamfed the fifteen or so feet into the shower in the bathroom of the suite.
Hannah just blinked a few times, processing what had happened. Apparently, the rumors about their Emperor being able to Teleport were true. The only problem with his request, of course, was that it was almost noon, but the hotel was more than capable of serving brunch to their regional leader. Gathering his Pokémon was another story, but thankfully, she ran into Arthur first, and he was more than happy to help her.
By the time Alex was done wiping off days worth of grime, sweat, and man odor, most of his team was eating lunch. Leo and Tita had, after a brief exchange of hissing, managed to coexist in peace. Terra, Ceno, and all his other literally heavy hitters were in their Pokéballs, which were twitching slightly on the table as they enjoyed their lunch in the comfort of their Pokéballs. For her part, Hannah seemed a bit tired, and was leaning against a nearby wall. She stood up, as she saw him emerge from the steamy bathroom fully clothed, beard trimmed, and presentable. "If you need anything else, Dragon Emperor, do not hesitate to ask."
Alex just chuckled. "I need you to relax. Join us. I can hear your stomach growling from here, grab some food. For Tita as well. There's certainly enough, and I don't want to waste any." Indeed, it seemed the hotel had gotten near a buffet's worth of food just for him, which he saw as a bit much, though between his lack of meals for two days and his more voracious teammates, he intended to put a sizable dent in the food. He called out some partners from his cloak, once Hannah had her plate at his insistence, but he made sure to leave some for Jess.
She came in about thirty minutes into the meal and glanced around at the contained chaos in the suite. Seeing Hannah and her empty plate, she chuckled. "I see he's managed to convince you to relax too, miss. I'm sorry…he does this everywhere we stay."
Alex arched an eyebrow. "What, treat them like Human beings?"
Jess shook her head, as she grabbed what food was left. "No…inviting them to eat with you. Most world leaders don't do that with the staff."
"Perhaps they should." Alex shot back. "We're not going to discriminate by class, in my Empire. It doesn't matter what someone's job is, hard work is hard work, and she shouldn't have to eat lunch in a tiny, crowded room just because of her career choice."
Jess smirked at him. "And eating in a large, crowded room is better? You don't need to get the life story of every waiter we have, Alex."
"I didn't get her life story." He countered, smirking back at her. "I offered her food. Like a sane, kind, Human being. You know, there was a time when all the Humans of a settlement would eat together. None of this 'more important people eat above and before everyone else' nonsense."
"Yes, but that was millennia in the past, Alex. These customs have been around for almost as long and abandoning them will make others view you as a weak Emperor." Jess said.
Alex chucklesnorted. "Hannah, you've seen me Battle at least once, I assume. Do I seem weak, to you?"
Hannah looked like she wanted to be anywhere else, but in this conversation. "N-no, sir. Definitely not weak. The opposite, in fact…it was almost terrifying how easily you faced down Champion N, and with no hesitation…and then the Forces of Nature, too!"
Alex gestured at her and nodded his thanks for her answer. "See? Kindness is not weakness, Jess. If anything, I've gotten more fans because of how I treat my fellow Humans. If the so-called 'elites' of our societies don't want to do as I have, that's their problem, and their lack of decency will become apparent when the common people compare them to me. This concept of 'nobility' being somehow 'superior' to everyone else is the First thing we're abolishing. Eric has already mentioned that there have been 'nobles' forming across the States. Just more rich people, abusing their positions. Not again. Not in the Empire we're going to build."
Jess sighed. "You're in for a long battle if you intend to take on everyone with money, Alex. You're going to need those people, too. You can't run the Empire on the spoils of Fornia forever."
Alex waved her concerns off. "I won't have to. And I'm not taking on everyone with money, I'm taking on those whose abundance of currency has warped their sense of entitlement to frankly absurd levels. Those who could do with a reality check."
Jess tilted her head at him. "And where, praytell, does my own family fall in your estimation?"
Alex thought for a moment. "Your mom has that haughty air to her, but I've only really seen it around other rich people. Your dad…is a mystery, honestly. I cannot read that man. And I'm psychic. But they're good people. I knew that as soon as Connor invited me over that first time."
That brought the smile back to Jess's face. "You're going to need to have some sort of read on him. Especially after our last meal."
Alex coughed slightly and shoved a hashbrown in his mouth. Hannah, who was still young enough to be curious and a bit naive, asked the question. "Why? What happened last night?" She said, assuming that was the last time they'd eaten together.
Alex coughed again, and swallowed his food down, as he'd been asked the question. "Well. It was more like three nights ago. If things work out and her father doesn't end me…you're sitting next to your future Empress."
Hannah's voice turned high pitched as her eyes went wide, and she congratulated Jess. Alex focused on his food, letting his eyes roam over his team, as he let Jess interact with their new friend, mostly so she could get her name. She drew a promise of secrecy from Hannah, but Alex knew just uttering the words would be enough to start a rumor. The less reputable reporters of New Tork City were not above bugging rooms with listening devices, and he'd been here unconscious for two days.
As his eyes roamed, he noticed his Pokéballs, and the absence of his favorite derpy mudfish. He floated his A and B team's balls over to him then, and winced as he saw just how damaged they were. The A Team's were worse, naturally, just from general use, but the newer balls had also received a few scuffs and marks while traveling across Koria. Then there was Hydrus's ball, still torn apart by Ozai's Turtonator.
"Oh wow, poor Hydrus." Jess said, as Hannah commented on his psychic shenanigans. "How did that happen?"
Alex almost answered honestly, before he remembered where they were. He'd made sure the Korians had deleted any recordings of him or his team before leaving, but there had, in the end, not actually been much in the way of high-tech surveillance, in the Fire Nation at least. It appeared most of the tech they'd been given had been for systematic slaughter, and little else.
"In Koria. A wild Pokémon all but tore it up when I was about to use it. Hydrus is fine, but I can tell he misses being with his brothers. He's set up in the swamp north of the ranch for now, but I also miss having my watery powerhouse. Not that Pruina has had a hard time filling the gap."
Jess nodded, smiling. "That Lapras of yours is a cutie, I admit. Isabella mentioned she had a friend who worked with Pokéballs. Professor…somethingorother. I'll ask her."
Hannah's eyes went wide as she scurried up to Alex, eyes wide, as Jess began texting on her Rotom Phone. "I didn't know you have a Lapras!"
Alex chuckled, and then glanced around. He recalled Leo, and a few other Pokémon who were finished their meals and snoozing. That freed up enough room for him to summon the pretty blue Pokémon. She immediately took to Hannah with coos of approval, as she had with Jess, and he left the girls to fawn over her, as he got her some sweeter food. Five hundred pounds of water Pokémon was about as much as he wished to test the durability of the top floor suite, and he recalled a few more of his team, to ease the strain on the building.
Before long, it was time to depart for Entral Park, and the opening ceremony that kicked off Festivus. They bid Hannah a fond farewell, and Jess made sure to line her up for the next time they bamfed into the suite. "See?" Alex said, as they rode Shruikan the short flight to the park. "I told you she was good people. The ones I chat with always are."
"You do have a good record of finding decent people…just be careful they don't abuse your kind nature." Jess said, sighing to herself, as she continued texting.
"Most of the people I gravitate towards wouldn't do that. And if they do, well…it's nothing I can't handle. I'm not a Pokéless loser anymore." He said as he gave Shruikan behind the ear-scale scritches, much to his enjoyment, as he did not possess digits that could fit there.
"No…you really aren't." Jess said, eyeing his side profile. He'd come a long, long way from the baggy clothed nerdy dork that had worked his ranch and carried her to Undella Bay, along with two backpacks. "Professor Armeniaca." Jess said, finally. "Isabella is going to tell her to expect us. We can stop by before we head home."
Alex nodded, more than okay with delaying his inevitable return to his house, and parents. Without his granduncle there, he'd simply stopped considering the ranch his home, though it wasn't like the Palace of Ideals had become a substitute for it. His team began mentally discussing just where exactly they thought their home was, and most, especially the younger members, seemed to think it was the ranch.
Ignoring their mental chatter, Alex had to blink, as the crowds Shruikan soared over broke into cheers at the sight of him. Though he was smaller, there was only one black Salamence that had a pair of riders like them. He let Shruikan go off and hunt as he and Jess leapt and landed before the Entree. The Elite Four were already waiting.
Nick approached him first. "Finally. The Champion returns. You have a backlog of Challengers, Alex. Again."
Alex fist bumped his friend, and smirked. "Clearly, we need to do some training if so many people are getting past you guys." The others chuckled, and he noted that Will and Shauntal's hands were linked. "I'd like for you all to begin using Mega Evolution, if you haven't already. If we're going to stay the hardest League in the world, we should give our Challengers the appropriate motivation."
As the Elite Four nodded, and began chatting about training regimens, they were interrupted, as a massive black and white serpentine form spiraled over them, and the cheers from the Unovans were deafening, compared to what they'd offered for their Emperor. Tao once more alighted on the Entree, his body length coiling down it as he rested. Above him, a powerful psychic presence appeared, and Alex realized the Mewtwo was still around. She gave him a slow nod, as their eyes met.
Tao gestured with one claw, eyeing Alex, and it seemed the dragon expected him to speak, this time. He adjusted his cloak, manifested the more iconic pauldrons and gauntlets of dragonbone from his belt, and strode to the edge of the central mound the Entree rested on. Rotom camera drones buzzed around him, as he spoke. "My people! Loyal Unovans, and members of the States across the Empire, it is my privilege and honor to kick off the start of Festivus!"
There was cheering, whooping, and Alex smiled, letting the people celebrate. "It's been a long few years…so first…let us remember those who could not be here for this celebration…those who fell to the brutal Arcean blitz, and those soldiers who bravely risked their lives to counter their offensive and end their threat forever."
The tone turned somber, as did Alex's voice, and he counted out a full sixty seconds, as he recalled the Scales he'd been unable to save. It had taken him a bit of time to adjust to how fast war-time combat could be, and those seconds of hesitation had cost him the lives of good people. Then there were those who'd willingly sacrificed themselves, so the others could evade the trap in Urbe Monachus. At the end of the minute, he raised his head. "They died Heroes, all of them, so that we could keep living in their stead, healthy, happy, and free!" He raised a Salamence-head covered fist. "To the fallen!"
That brought another cheer, and repeats of his words echoed. He waited until the crowd died down, before continuing. Tao had informed him that many expected him to make his first proclamation as Emperor at this gathering, the first he'd been free to attend. He did not intend to disappoint them.
"Many of you have been wondering what my first decree as Dragon Emperor shall be. I had to clean up that Mega Evolution mess I helped cause, first, but my travels abroad gave me ample time to think. From this day forward, all health care for Humans in this Empire shall be as cost free as it is for Pokémon! Moreover, the Empire will provide every Citizen a roof, basic amenities, and an opportunity for a career of their choosing. Tao will be implementing these programs across the Empire as the resources to complete them become available."
It took a few seconds for the people to process his words, but there was, eventually, a proper cheer. He let it die down again, before speaking once more. "Furthermore…many formerly Arcean families will be without their loved ones this holiday. I cannot release all of them, but I can allow them Holocalls, and set the more…rational minded Crusaders free on a probationary sentence. Provided they stay out of trouble with Imperial laws, their sentences will be commuted by the Scales in their home jurisdiction. Those who break this offer of trust…will not like what the punishment is. On that happy note, let the festivities begin! Happy Festivus!"
There was an initial murmur of disapproval, as many in the crowd were not fond of the idea of releasing Arcean Crusaders back to their homes. In truth, the request had come from Warden Riker, and Alex trusted his judgement on those who could be set free, and those who would fall to the temptations of renewed sedition. Just as quick as the murmurs came though, the cheers of 'Happy Festivus' overpowered them, and Alex waved to the crowd, before returning to Jess, and the others.
Tao lifted off into the air then, spiraling over the crowd in his manner of flight, as he went to do whatever he pleased. Alex sensed he desired a break as well, and was making efforts to ensure almost all of the Scales got sufficient rest over the coming month, including himself. Alex and Jess invited the Elite Four to their houses for the First Eve Feast, but only Nick and Damon accepted, for it seemed Shauntal and Will were busy. Agreeing to meet them there later, Alex and Jessica bamfed to Kalos, where he commenced that region's Festivus holiday as well, with a similar speech from the balcony of AZ's palace, though one more catered to the troops Kalos had committed both to the Empire and to Japan who had been gathered in the giant garden. He officially discharged them from active duty, and encouraged those who wished to continue to defend their region to seek out his Scales, or the military bases along the border with Germania.
From Kalos, they flew southward, over the majority of Europa, until they came upon the hills of fair Italia, a mountainous region with only two large water sources, nestled between the massive peaks of the Mediterra mountain range. It was on one such massive slope that they found Professor Armeniaca's lab. On the way south, they'd come across a rather amusing interview on the PokéNet of Gabby and Ty, trying to interview the Professor to get a scoop on Italia's Champion through their friendship and rivalry. It was something of an urban legend in Italia at this point, as in the wake of a beloved Champion's untimely passing, two women, rivals no less, had made it to the Italia League's finals, only for Armeniaca to win the final match, and then bow out gracefully so Isabella could claim the title.
The PokéNerd sponsored interview had been conducted back during the tournament where Sikandar and Isabella had met, and apparently the pair of interviewers had managed to piss off the Professor, for they had very obviously been ejected from her property. They had learned a few details however. The Professor was a Pokéball expert, she had a Squirtle hatchery, and ran a shelter for retired Pokémon that people could donate to and see the real time effects of their contributions. This seemed to have primarily manifested as videos of very young Squirtle eating some cheese pizza and just making a huge, adorable mess.
As they came in for a landing on Shruikan, Alex and Jess shared a glance, as they both sensed the same thing at the same time. Not one, but two massively powerful psychic presences, that were somewhere on the property. More than that, they both recognized one as belonging to a Mewtwo. The other presence was very similar to the Mewtwo they knew, but was notably different as well.
They landed before the large outer gate, and took in the large fences with security cameras on top of them. Recalling Shruikan, Alex and Jess approached the gate and rang the bell.
"No grazie! Non vogliamo venditori, venditori di biscotti o interviste!"
Alex and Jessica shared another look. Alex spoke then. "Erm…Professor? It's Alex Redwood. And Jess."
The gate beeped, and then opened as the Professor's heavily accented Common came through the intercom. "So sorry. You would not believe how many people I get up here, despite my obvious attempts to be a recluse."
They entered the gated off area then, and looked around. An older Houndoom raised his head as they entered, and with an excited bark of "People!" He got up on his old legs and hobbled over, tail wagging with endearing excitement. He gave a toothless doggo smile to them, and Alex was there with all the pets. "Yesss. Hello new friend. You're a good boy, huh?"
"I am! I am a good boy!" He answered, clearly just happy to be getting attention.
At that point the door to the actual house opened, and a smaller framed woman stepped out. Her brown hair went down to her waist, and her large circular glasses brought out her eyes. She was quite attractive, even when compared to his redhead. She had a short summer dress on, atop which was the standard Professor's lab coat. Its sleeves were wrinkled though, and it had a few stains of questionable origin on it. She had two different colored socks on each foot, and said feet were covered in old, white sneakers that looked like they belonged on a college campus, and not on a Professor. Most likely, they'd been what was closest to the door.
Her eyes widened, an effect made slightly humorous by the large round glasses on her eyes. "Rudy! Down, boy! I'm sorry about him, he gets excited."
Rudy sat, but kept muttering 'people, people, people', tail wagging behind him as he watched them, but obeyed his mom's command to not move. "It's alright. He's awfully friendly for a Houndoom." Alex said, giving him head scritches.
"Yea, they get sweeter with age. Anyways. Come in. Let's see that ball of mine."
Alex furrowed his brow as they stepped into the building. "Ball of yours? I bought this from the woman who created the custom stylus. For quite a lot, actually." He said, remembering the hit to his cash stash Hydrus's in particular had caused.
The Professor nodded, smiling at him, though it didn't reach her eyes. "That would be me. Turns out, people love customizing their Pokéballs. It was actually your Granduncle who suggested I take it global. The start of a long, lucrative friendship, that was. Now then, let's see it."
Alex produced the shredded blue sphere then, and she sighed. "Oh wow. Yea, that's…extensive. And fixing it will be expensive. What even did this?"
"A Turtonator." Alex said without preamble. "Its own ball had spikes on it and O- er, it's Trainer, purposefully tried hitting me with them, and caught my ball in the process."
Her eyes went wide again. "That is…not allowed in any League ruleset I know of."
Alex chuckled. "Yea…we weren't exactly playing by rules at that moment. It was more of a…life or death situation. But my Aura shield blocked the worst of it."
The Professor tilted her head then, and tapped her chin with a closed fist several times. "Gilroy did mention you'd awakened your power. And if you have…then you already know."
Alex furrowed his brows. "Know…?"
"That my friends are here. It's alright, you two. These Humans won't go after you." Armeniaca said, nonchalantly to evidently empty air. Alex squinted, as his eyes revealed a new pattern, a heretofore unexpected path, that opened up before him with the appearance of the Mewtwo that revealed itself before him. His eyes were perpetually stuck in a pissed off expression, and a ragged brown cloak hung around his shoulders.
A second barely visible presence flew around them then, and stopped before Jess. She held out a palm, and blinked as something landed in it. The chuckling form of a Mew appeared then, and Jess blinked again, before cautiously giving the incredibly rare psychic cat creature scritches. "So soft…" Her words made the Mew chuckle, as it enjoyed the scritches and then rolled off her hand and back into floating through the air. It went to float by Mewtwo then, and Alex blinked as he realized he couldn't translate what the Mew was saying. All he heard was its name.
The Mewtwo looked between them, then projecting his own voice in what could only be called an intimidating baritone. "Xerneas? Really? Interesting…"
Professor Armeniaca looked at Mewtwo then. "If you wouldn't mind, could you help him expand his abilities? My contacts in Albion say she's close…and if Morgana finds what she's after…he'll need them."
The Mewtwo nodded, and then turned his intense gaze on Alex. "Come with me." "Wait, wh-" Was all Alex had time to say, before Mewtwo bamfed the two of them elsewhere.
Jess pursed her lips as once more her lover was bamfed elsewhere to, if past was prologue, once again become stronger. She looked at the Professor, then. She could tell the woman didn't seem to hold a high opinion of her, but Jess was used to being disliked by the fairer sex. "Isn't Albion very remote? How do you contact them?"
The Professor eyed her for a long moment, then turned, and went to her desk. She pressed a few buttons, opened a series of drawers in what seemed like a random order, and then, a very old looking device rose from below it. "This…is a Pokégraph. It's very old technology…but that's about all they have left, in Albion. My people send me coded messages by tapping them out. Things are…not going well. Apparently two of your Scales of Balance showed up not so long ago, incited a rebellion, and then left to go get involved in your war with the Fornians. They left the Queen alive, and she has since had a…let's call it a relapse. Into Shadow Infusion."
"Why does a Professor in Italia have people in a remote region north of Galar?" Jess asked innocently. Her tone was sweet, but she could tell it sickened Armeniaca on some level.
"It's part of my uh…job. For my…Company. Yea. My employer likes to keep tabs on…well, the world, and I help out where I can. In return…they pay for any…catastrophic damages to my property that would wipe out what I do here, in a financial sense. I have contacts all over the world." Her tone was even and honest, and Jess appreciated that, at least. Seemingly done conversing, the Professor got to work on Alex's ball then, hiding the Pokégraph back in her desk, and bringing out her other tools.
Jess was about to ask how she came up with letting Trainers customize their own Pokéballs as a concept to sell, when suddenly, there was a commotion by the door to the room. Seeing they had a visitor, four of her Squirtle decided to hone their ninjutsu skills. They leapt onto the coffee table before Jess, striking poses as they did, and they had seemingly acquired blue, red, orange, and purple headbands from somewhere, each one fitting around their eyes with the ties flaring out epicly behind them. The Professor just sighed. "Don't mind them…and boys, do not shoot water at our guest." The silence grew as the Professor focused, and absently she added, "You can let your team out outside, if you like. This is going to take a while."
"I'll do that." Jess said, and as she strode to the sliding glass door that led out behind the lab, the four ninja Squirtle followed her, each one, of course, flipping off of the table as they did so.
Alex looked around as he appeared in a perpetually purple plane of reality, alongside Mewtwo. It was bare, the terrain was gray and akin to some mix of stone and dust, the only notable feature being vague mountains that dotted the landscape. He could tell Mewtwo had pulled him into some sort of conjured psychic mindspace, and his intimidating baritone rang out across it. "For what is to come…you must be stronger."
Alex smirked up at the genetically mutated psychic cat, perched on one of the area's mountains above him. "As Humans go, I'm already pretty strong."
Mewtwo returned the smirk, arms crossed under his ragged brown cloak, and his deep, dark blue aura burned to life. "Such hubris…witness True power, Human!"
Alex's eyes widened as he felt the sheer force the first ever created Genetic Pokémon had at his disposal as his aura filled the space. To his credit though, he didn't immediately collapse to the ground, as he'd raised his own shield, though in terms of power, there was absolutely no contest. If Mewtwo kept this up, it would be about a minute before Alex gave in to the crushing weight of this aura, and his body would likely be crushed by it as well.
Then, suddenly, Mewtwo's aura retreated back to his form. Alex was paler, but the Pokémon continued to smirk. "At least you did not immediately fall over…let us see how you fare in Battle…"
Alex heard what sounded like fingers snapping, and then, inexplicably, a fast paced techno-beat filled the space. He swallowed, as he realized that, somehow, Mewtwo had created his own boss music. Perhaps for fun, perhaps with the Professor's help, or perhaps this was simply what the psychic mutated cat heard whenever he battled, it didn't matter, as it was the theme that their clash would unfold in the midst of. Flaring his aura and evening out his shield, Alex launched at Mewtwo, and came at him with his earthbending, in the form of a massive boulder. Unfazed by the human seemingly bending the environment to his will, Mewtwo simply raised a hand, and the smirk never left his mouth.
Some Time Later…
"Disappointing. I expected…more. Especially compared to Red. He and Oranguru spoke so highly of your skill."
A beaten and battered mental approximation of Alex glared at the Mewtwo, but despite the insult, he had to admit the lab-made mutant Mew had a point. He'd done much to expand Alex's psychic powers, in the hours they'd been in his mental playground. Once the initial humbling one-sided beatdown had been given, Mewtwo had revealed the reason for it: teaching him how to use Recover and Heal Pulse.
Where once Alex had struggled to make his body regenerate, he now understood it was a matter of energy, and expending it to kick his body's cells and their healing factor into overdrive. The greater the injury, the more energy he would need to spend, and even then, there were limits to how much the mitochondria in a single cell could take in, at least in humans. Mewtwo claimed that he had yet to find the energy limit of a Pokémon's cells, but human cells eventually recognized said energy was not from food, and with too much of it, would simply burst, causing even more damage if healed by a novice psychic or Pokémon. Then, Mewtwo had astrally projected injured Pokémon from thousands of miles away, into their space and had him heal their wounds. To Alex, this all felt like it had taken about three hours to learn, but in real-time, Mewtwo claimed they'd been at it for about twenty minutes. Apparently he had the power to bend time in his mind space. The latest move the Genetic Pokémon was attempting to teach him, was one that only Mewtwo could master, as far as humans knew. Psystrike.
"Red has potential beyond even mine…" Alex said, wiping his mouth free of astral blood, as Mewtwo insisted on using the move in an approximation of combat. He'd hinted at some as yet unknown enemy he would likely have to face in Albion, but Alex doubted Morgana was anywhere near as powerful as a Mewtwo.
"No. He doesn't." Mewtwo answered, raising one arm for another Psystrike. "Your Dragon Typing should give you more power than any Human alive." His eyes narrowed, and the nimbus of psychic energy above his head fired towards Alex. "Use it!"
He dodged faster than he ever could in reality, but Alex was still hard pressed to counter, as Mewtwo raised his other hand, even before the first Psystrike landed. It was hard, flaring his aura as he also had to focus on dodging, when suddenly he realized, his mind could focus on dodging. His body, his real self sitting on an isolated Italia hill somewhere, could build his aura up for the attack. His aura shield burned from blue to blurple, and Mewtwo's smirk widened. The next Psystrike was unleashed from his left palm.
Once more Alex floated around the astral mindscape, and then saw his opening. He was under no illusion that Mewtwo was leaving himself open, but Alex took the shot anyway. He raised both hands before him as his astral self slid to a stop, and fired his counter. In actuality it looked like a Draco Meteor, but the difference was the energy it was made of. As Mewtwo had said, the dragon typing enhanced his psychic attack, and the move struck home. Being arguably the most powerful psychic attack known to their world, Mewtwo had reasoned this move would serve him well. As the smoke from the hit cleared away, it revealed that the attack had struck not the Pokémon, but the Barrier that Mewtwo raised, at which point, he nodded. "There it is, weak, but with practice that will change. Hone this Move, as you rest. You will need it, in Albion."
"Hold up." Alex said, as he sensed the psychic Pokémon ending the astral plane they'd trained on. "What exactly is waiting in Albion? Morgana is powerful, but I've sensed her before . She has less potency than Pravus. What are you and the Professor really concerned about?"
Mewtwo sighed. "Ask the Professor. For now I will say this: if the Witch finds what she and the Shadow desires most…and you cannot stop it…we will enter a period like the one you Humans call the Dark Times. It was that period that I…that my gene donor lost their life to." With that, the mindscape vanished, and just like that, Alex was back on the prime material plane. He barely had time to glance at Mewtwo before he bamfed Alex back to the lab.
Stolen content warning: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.
He appeared outside the lab in midair and fell hard onto the ground. He raised his head to a strange sight. Four bandana wearing Squirtle were sitting cross legged before what seemed like an old, ragged looking Raticate, who was meditating before them on a rock, and holding what looked like a simple wooden cane.
Behind them was a pond, where Alex noted some of Jess's Pokémon were lounging about, but the Raticate held his attention as, without warning, he struck the orange bandana wearing Squirtle with the cane, sending it rolling back. "Wake up, Michelangelo." It said, sounding as old as it looked. Again, it struck then, this time at the purple bandana wearing Squirtle. He dodged, but then the Raticate brought the stick up again, hitting the tiny turtle on the chin, and sending him rolling into the slowly standing Michelangelo. The two collapsed in a heap. "Watch the backswing, Donatello."
Alex was about to say something, when suddenly, the Squirtle with the red bandana leapt at the Raticate, sinking into his shell and spinning while his gaze was on the other two. A single palm caught the Rapid Spin, and then redirected it into the other two Squirtle, sending the three sprawling across the grass. "Patience, Raphael." The Raticate chided. Alex glanced at the last remaining water turtle, who compared to the others, seemed higher level, not to mention more focused. Ready. The Raticate struck, and the blue bandana'd Squirtle caught the wooden stick between his palms, and then twisted it from the Raticate's grip, before leaping, eyes still closed, and striking the rat with his tail across one of its chubby, but sagging cheeks.
The Raticate went sailing off the rock from the force of the blow and grunted. The Squirtle, for his part, landed in what could only be described as a ninja-crouch. "Well done, Leonardo." The Raticate groaned, as he retrieved his cane, and stood back on two legs. By that point, the other Squirtle had rolled to their feet. "That is enough for today, my students." The old rat said. "And our timing is perfect."
Just then, Professor Armeniaca popped her head out of the sliding glass door that led into the building. "Dinner time!" She looked at the Squirtles then. "It's pizza tonight, boys."
As one, the tiny turtle's eyes went wide as they recognized their favorite word in Common, and exclaimed, "PIZZA!" Before scurrying towards the door. From the pond, a truly massive Blastoise raised her head, and atop her shell, a whole swarm of much smaller baby Squirtle repeatedly chirped the same word as what had to be their older, comparatively teenaged, brothers.
They scurried into the lab as well, which was when the Professor finally noticed him. "Oh good, you're back. I decided to just replace your ball, and the others have been cleaned up and upgraded. Come inside, I'll show you how to properly use them. Apparently, the old man never explained how useful they are."
Alex just blinked, still trying to process what he'd seen. "Uh. Right. Yea. Sure." He gave the old Raticate a nod as he passed by, and the old rat watched him in turn, nodding slowly, as he understood what the human said with perfect clarity, nose twitching as he tried to identify him.
Alex smelled the food as he went inside, and the Professor was busy loading some sort of machine with large bowls of Pokémon food as he entered. Jess poked her head around the corner of what was, judging by the trail of tiny Squirtle, the kitchen. She seemed covered in flour, and to have been helping with the cooking. "Oh wow. Mewtwo kicked your butt, huh? The Professor said he might."
Alex nodded. "It was worth it though…his knowledge of psychic abilities is…useful. And unmatched." He no longer had any delusions about his own strength but was even more impressed that Arthur had managed to all but match auras with such a creature, albeit a different one, and one who, by Red's account, had far more human in him than Giovanni's first perfected clone of Mew. Said increase in DNA had been an attempt to better control the Mewtwo, but that hadn't worked out well for Team Rocket either, and the hybrid had left a trail of fainted Pokémon all the way to Cerulean Cave in its rage.
"That it is." The Professor said, as she hit a button on her strange machine, and teleported the Pokémon food out across the yard to anyone who was hungry. "I let your team out as well, there's enough food for everyone." She offered him a Pokéball then, one that looked quite a bit like the one Hydrus had occupied before. "I already had your brother transfer your Swampert into it. Now, if you focus your mind on the ball and encourage your partner to Mega Evolve…"
Alex took the ball from her, glanced at the Professor, then back at the ball, and focused on Hydrus. He was indeed inside, and glad to be back. His Splash Plate began reacting within the ball as Alex palmed his Key Stone within his pocket, and the ball changed then, getting slightly larger, and growing fins and knobs akin to a Mega Swampert. He threw the ball out the door then, and Hydrus appeared with a roar, beating his chest, before he looked around, and lost his bravado. The Blastoise munching on her food in the pond mocked him slightly, and the mega mudfish deflated.
"He'll be able to retain that form for as long as he wants, provided his ball stays intact." The Professor said, "And to drop it, all he has to do is will the power to return."
"Hydrus." Alex called, and the mudfish looked over. "Try releasing your form." The mudfish nodded then, and closed his eyes, focusing. After a moment, the energy shot back into the Pokéball, which returned to its normal appearance as Hydrus did the same. "Fascinating." He said, glancing at the Professor. "And you're saying they all do this?"
She nodded. "Only Humans with psychic abilities, or a truly strong bond can use my Pokéballs like this, so it's not a well-known trick…although, the old man was supposed to have shown you how to do it when and if your power manifested. He probably forgot. Oh well. I'm upgrading Jessica's as well, so you two should be more than ready for Albion once you leave here."
Alex nodded, and psychically threw the rest of his team out into the yard area. "We'll feed them, and then be on our way. Thank you, Professor. I appreciate this…as well as what your Mewtwo did."
Armeniaca laughed at that. "Oh, he's not mine. But he is concerned with potentially world altering events…get to Albion soon, Alex."
"That reminds me…I wanted to ask you, what exactly is Morgana after that has you and Mewtwo so on edge, in Albion?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
The Professor glanced at him, and then back at Jess, whose head had again popped from around the corner. "Let's finish the food first…get some tea…and then we'll talk." It took about ten minutes of semi-awkward silence, but finally everything was ready, and they were seated around the Professor's coffee table, by the sliding door. Arthur had posted himself beside it, leaning back against the building as he listened from outside, and translated for the others. Even Blaze and Shruikan had ceased their sparring, to listen in. "First…" The Professor started, "What do you know about the Archons? Did your Granduncle ever tell you?"
Alex shook his head. "He always said I wasn't ready for his research…and when he passed, we noticed there was a lot missing, but never found it. He never left a clue to where it was hidden, either. His final messages didn't mention it. Probably forgot it while he was focused on his PokéTrek references."
Armeniaca sighed and sipped her tea. "Truly, a man of culture. The world is a little darker without him in it." She took a deep breath then and prepared herself to do more talking than she'd done in months. "The Archons of Albion were, back in the Dark Times, one of the first orders of psychic Humans to gather together in the wake of the Tamer of Arceus's passing, and his Successor's betrayal. While Eous, Norstad, Europa, and Old Africa began fighting for power over the supercontinent, it was the Successor who ultimately won that struggle, and established the first Shadow Cult. He found other Humans who had no reservations about meddling with dark powers and infusing them into Pokémon. Before long, they were betraying each other in constant bids for power, carving out their own portions of territory to enact their brutal rule over."
She took another sip of tea and continued. "Your Granduncle discovered the most intact record of this period we call the Dark Times underneath what is now called Brightwall, in Albion. The Archons of that era banded together under a powerful Archon they called The Hero of Albion, and it was this Hero who wielded both Zacian and Zamazenta against the Successor, eventually beating him. The records were vague about where, but apparently, the Archons then hid his corpse somewhere in Albion, and began erasing any mention of him, any record of his deeds, and even his name. They established the Aura Guardians in Eous, and spread out across the supercontinent, putting down the Shadow Cults one by one, and burning their names from history as well. They also trained new psychics, though as the Dark Times ended, there were fewer and fewer of them, until now…they're thought to be extinct. The Hero of Albion became King of all Galar, and he passed Zacian and Zamazenta on to his sons, though over time his line forgot how to use them properly, and they only manifested again during the Darkest Day. Err, the first one."
"So, Morgana is looking for the Successor's corpse." Alex said, grimly. "Pravus and his own people learned how to defy death and mortality…she must be hoping to use what she's learned from him to resurrect the Successor. That's who you and Mewtwo are worried about."
Armeniaca nodded. "For good reason. It was more than just Zacian and Zamazenta. Many Legendary Pokémon were thought to have Battled his cult of psychic Pokémon Tamers, but the Archon's records did not mention which ones. Your Dragon may know, though. Assuming he can remember."
Alex shook his head. "If Tao thought they were needed, they'd be around…he must think he and Guardians will be enough, if Morgana succeeds. Either way…we'll be heading for Albion sooner than later."
The rest of their visit was relatively simple, as they made small talk, reminisced about Alex's granduncle, and put the pizza filled Squirtles to bed. Mew and Mewtwo appeared again for tea, and Alex informed them of who he'd discovered in the Hero of Truth's ancient castle. They both seemed interested in that, and disappeared soon after, presumably to visit Unova. Not long after that, Alex and Jess recalled their teams, and before they could discuss where to go next, Tao spoke to them.
"It is time for the both of you to rest. That is an order. We have much to do after your brief vacation…so make the most of it."
With a heavy sigh, they decided to bamf back to the ranch, and get ready for the First Eve party that one of their families would be hosting. Since they went back and forth each year on who held the first and who held the last, they eventually figured out the Gladstones were the ones hosting this time. Alex told Jess he had to make a brief flyover of the neighboring Paldea region, and she nodded, reading his mind and intentions. She decided to shop up Kalos for a Festivus dress that was 'in style', while he hunted the plains of Paldea with Shruikan's absurd speed.
Derrion Town - Northern Unova Region
Both the lab and the manor house were indeed empty, and they arrived to find only one of Alex's cousins, Aria, still in the house. "I'll go get changed upstairs." Jess said, as Aria asked to speak with Alex, who had no intention of changing out of his standard black and white clothes. They didn't pick up human stenches, and only rarely needed to be washed, not to mention they were formal and comfortable at the same time. Jess unfortunately had less options, and her parents expected her to be presentable.
"I was hoping to see you, Cuz…" Aria said, looking down shyly. "It's about some of your Pokémon…"
Alex stretched out his arms as they chatted, as they'd grown a bit stiff after relaxing with the Professor. "Oh? Are some of them causing trouble again?" He was tempted to start mentally checking in with those at the lab, namely looking for guilt, but he resisted the urge.
"No, no trouble…" Aria said. "It's just…I've been wanting to go on a Journey for a while now…I was thinking Paldea might be good…but ahh…well, I'd like to take your Chikorita along. And your Leafeon."
Alex pondered for a moment and summoned his cape. Seconds later, the two Pokémon in question had appeared. His Chikorita greeted him with affectionate scent rubs, before she ran over to Aria. Just one look at them together, and he knew what had to happen. He looked at his Leafeon then. "How about you, Leif? Are you okay with leaving your siblings and traveling?"
Leif answered in Pokéspeech, and Aria watched in quiet awe as her quiet, stoner, loner of a cousin listened and seemed to perfectly understand his words. "I am. Shadow and Espeo can watch over them. Aria needs me more."
Alex nodded, fighting back a sudden surge of emotion. He hadn't used these two in battles, but he had spent time with them when he'd had it to spare. He'd also known that eventually, it was likely some of his Pokémon would glom onto his family members. Parting still hurt, though. He gave his Leafeon a sad smile and an affectionate head scratch, just under his head leaf at the base of its 'stem'. While his eyes were shinier, he held back the tears. "Right then. You keep her safe, alright? And if you ever need us, you don't hesitate to reach out to me, mentally. You two are family, I'll be there as fast as I can."
Leif nodded and joined the Chikorita by Aria. "Alright." Alex said, as he modified their balls. "They're now registered to you, Cuz. Take good care of them."
Aria nodded, and then glanced at the Chikorita. "You didn't nickname her?"
Alex nodded. "I had a feeling this might happen, so I held back on training those who were…less interested in Battle at the time I caught them. She's fully committed to traveling with you, though, so don't worry."
This 𝓬ontent is taken from fгeewebnovёl.co𝙢.
Aria nodded. "In that case…I'll call you…Meg." The Chikorita chirped happily, at that, and Aria recalled the pair. "Thanks for that. And uhh…do me another favor, if you would-"
"Don't tell your parents." Alex said, chuckling and nodding. "Oh, I get it, trust me."
Aria nodded. "Out of all of us, I knew you would." They both turned then, as Jess and her dainty steps came down the old redwood stairs of the manor's central and largest room.
Alex whistled, as Jess joined them. She'd gone more white than black with this outfit, though her low cropped dress's accents and her other bits and bobs were still black. He put a large hand on both women's shoulders, then. "Let's join the others, shall we?"
An instant later, they appeared at the Gladstone's mansion, just outside of it so he didn't accidentally collide into anyone. Upon knocking on the door, it was answered by Thomas Gladstone himself. "Well, well. Our mighty Dragon Emperor brings my daughter home at last." The two men shook hands, and Jess interrupted that handshake with a hug.
As they entered, Aria whispered, "Good luck, Cuz." And then scurried off, before he could so much as respond. He remembered then why he hated when the Gladstone's hosted, as they tended to invite over other people, namely, rich 'friends' who were only likely to stay half an hour at most at the party, before flying off to another one, and bouncing between other people's houses before they went home, alone, to their giant, oversized mansions for one. Their arrival, namely his, caused a murmur through the crowd of said upper crusts, a murmur that brought his own father out of the woodwork.
He went in for a hug, but Alex stared him down and forced a handshake instead. "I need to talk to you and Mom out back, when you have a minute."
Frederick Redwood looked surprised, and older, to his son's eyes. "Oh, so you're talking to us now." Alex fixed him with a hard stare and set his mouth in a grim line. The old man sighed as the awkward handshake ended. "Fine, Alex. Fine. Out back. We'll be there shortly."
'Shortly' ended up being fifteen minutes, during which, Alex did his best to keep lingering memories of his Pokéless childhood from popping up. A hard task, given how much time he and Connor had spent over here. The back of the Gladstone's mansion had a large, enclosed pool area, closed in the winter, with a built-in deck around it. The deck was also shielded from the elements, but not temperature controlled. It was rather cold, so the guests were avoiding it, but that made it the ideal place to hash out his parental issues.
As his parents finally showed up, his mom spoke first, smiling at him. "You look thinner…"
Alex skipped the preamble. "I was tempted, determined even, to ignore you two for two and a half decades, and a day. That would be the…equivalent response to how you mangled my childhood." He held up a finger as they both opened their mouths to protest. "But over the past year I've learned just how unexpectedly short life can be. Many of the friends I wanted to celebrate victory with…are no longer here. And before I know it, you two won't be either. Such is mortality. So. To that end…I have a peace offering." He offered a Pokéball to his father then, an Ultra Ball, that he'd only recolored blue on the U part of it.
"The last thing I need is another Pokémon…" Frederick began, but Alex's mom smacked him on his arm.
"Just take the damn ball, Fred." She looked back at Alex smiling as she shook her head.
"It's a Paldean Water Tauros. You always wanted one, and I…came across it in my travels around Europa. I didn't really erm…explain things to him like I usually do though, so…he may be a bit…irate."
Frederick eyed the ball with apprehension then, and nodded, pocketing it. "Something we can handle later, I suppose."
Alex nodded, and looked back at the party, where he spied Jess playing door guard, subtly. Before he could move though, his mom stopped him with a hand on his arm. "Listen, Alex…nothing we say or do can erase the years we deprived you of…what is so very obviously your calling. All I can say is that we are both genuinely sorry…and I for one am glad you've managed to forgive us early. It's been…different, without you around."
Alex looked between his parents then, and a genuine smile cracked his usual stone-faced facade. "Well. There is another reason I decided to end this imposed silence…" He shared with them the news of their potential daughter-in-law then, and had to quiet his mother when she practically whooped. "I still have to talk to Mr. Gladstone though, so…wish me luck."
His dad patted his shoulder, then. "You've faced down the Forces of Nature, son. You can handle a talk with Thomas Gladstone."
He would've preferred the Forces of nature, all three Mewtwo, and Arceus himself, all at once, but that didn't stop him. Despite his efforts to reach their host though, the Gladstone's rich friends kept impeding him, namely with questions. What was Tao like. Could he really provide enough homes, power, and water to house every State's citizens. Were he and Jess open to experimenting.
That last question, from a particularly nauseatingly wealthy and bejeweled older woman, was the final straw. He saw Geralt, his cousin, of all people across the room, brooding as he did and enjoying a plate of tiny sausages next to Ghost, who had a fancy collar on. They were chatting with Nick and Damon in the room that Alex knew held Thomas Gladstone's bar. He hadn't really been in there many times, but he was familiar enough with the setup to bamf to Geralt and out of the crowd of spectators without materializing into the furniture. What he didn't see, was who else Geralt had been talking to, namely, the very man Alex had been looking for, hiding just out of sight from the rest of the partygoers behind his white wood bar, with gold trim and accents.
Thomas Gladstone arched an eyebrow but gave Alex a smile. "So…you really can Teleport. Interesting. I bet it makes dealing with an Emperor's duties easier."
"Somewhat." Alex said, returning the smile. Thomas offered him a drink, and he downed it faster than he meant to, but liquid courage would help. He'd seen what the man did to past potential boyfriends of his daughter, but the alcohol helped calm his nerves. "Somehow I never seem to have time for the important things, though. Which, actually, is why I wanted to talk to you, Mr. Gladstone."
"I need to talk to you, Alex." Geralt growled then, finishing his last tiny sausage. "I thought you'd be here earlier."
Before Alex could apologize for making a Top Ranger, who was likely as busy as he was, wait in such environs, Thomas interrupted with a smile, and his smooth baritone. "Well, I have a place for interesting conversations. Come with me, gentlemen." He said, tossing back his own drink. Being quite the opposite of a fool, he could hazard a guess at what his daughter's boyfriend wished to talk about, though he had no idea what Geralt wanted, it would pay to be in the loop on it, he was sure.
He led the two Redwoods to his private study then, a room Alex had never been in, where he stopped before an old grandfather clock. The face was missing, and judging by the alcove, it seemed a bat Pokémon had once called the space home. "Ahh, right, I forgot Connor took him. In that case…Ace, join us."
An older Lucario manifested from a ball hidden somewhere on Thomas's person, then. His chest fur was more gray than creamy yellow, and the rest of his fur was more blue-gray than the standard blue of his species. Oddly enough, the black patterns on his fur remained completely free of gray hairs. Thomas gestured at the clock, and the Lucario eyed Geralt and Alex, and his old eyes intensified as they met Ghost's. The giant white wolf nodded his head at Ace before the Lucario slowly nodded in return. He waved a paw in front of the clock, and made it disappear. Behind it, was a human-made tunnel that descended into the earth.
Thomas recalled Ace, a Pokémon Alex had never seen him use before, and walked into the tunnel, presumably expecting the Redwoods to follow. They shared a glance, and then did so, both because they trusted the man somewhat, after twenty plus years of breaking bread with him, and they were both convinced they could take him, if it came to a sudden betrayal or ambush situation. Ghost was also still out of his ball and dogging their steps. Behind them, the clock reappeared as they walked, and the tunnel was briefly in full darkness, before a blue wall light slowly powered on. A line of them went further down into the earth and spiraled around what turned out to be a giant cave under the mansion.
Most of it still wasn't lit up, but Alex did make out a rather impressive looking completely black car. He couldn't tell the make or model, as he was in no way a car person, but it looked cool, if a bit dusty. "Now then…" Thomas said, turning to Alex. "Let's start with you, Alex." He pulled out a pipe from his suit jacket then, and both Alex and Geralt could smell the dank Leaf piled within it. All the times Connor, Jess, and he had almost been caught now began to make more sense. The smell had, in fact, lingered, but Thomas had been cool about it. "I assume it's about Jessica?"
Alex nodded, tried to frame the words in his head, and then decided the man would probably just appreciate it if he was honest and to the point. He swallowed, nodded again, and said, "I want to marry your daughter."
Thomas seemed to nod, as if he'd been expecting that. "I figured you might. I may not look it, but I am something of a detective…or I used to be, anyway. I was originally going to Battle you, when you inevitably asked. I've been aware of your eyes on her for quite a few years now. But I've seen you protect her, and our troops, for that matter. She seems as precious to you as she is to me."
Alex nodded confidently. "She is. She always has been."
Thomas nodded again and puffed on the pipe. "I'm…glad to hear that." He hadn't known if he would be. "In that case, I have no objections, nor, I assume, does she, judging by that ring she's been peeking at when she thinks nobody is looking." He walked towards Alex then, and put a hand on his shoulder, as he offered him a toke on the old-fashioned pipe. "Welcome to the family, kid. With that…I believe it's time I let you and your cousin in on our family secret." Alex toked the offered pipe, and puffed it, surprised as just how hard of a hit the older device could provide.
Thomas snapped his fingers then, and the cave they were in lit up all at once, rather suddenly. The flapping of thousands of wings, along with screeching cries, filled the air as a swarm of Zubat and Swoobat exited the suddenly bright cave and flew into the cold night air. Many simply ignored the light and covered their eyes as they continued hibernating. Suddenly, a previously hidden set of monitors lit up as well. There was a symbol on the largest one that seemed reminiscent of the International Ranger Force, but instead had a winged equine straddling a V shape whose tips merged into its wings.
Alex's eyes were drawn to the left of the monitors though, where a lone display case and mannequin displayed what was clearly some kind of vigilante's suit. It had a black cowl with ears like a bat that extended down into a cape. The rest of the actual suit was armored with thin but presumably decent plates, and the symbol of a Crobat, purple atop a yellow oval, occupied the chest of the suit. A utility belt that, naturally, had slots for Pokéballs rounded the waist, and the arms and legs had hard spines on them. It took him longer than it should have to recognize it, and piece it all together. His head whipped back to Thomas. "You…you were the Midnight Marauder? The masked hero who single-handedly cleaned up New Tork City?" The way his Gruncle had told it, New Tork used to be a much different town, with gangs that made what Team Plasma had attempted look tame by comparison. It was the Midnight Marauder who'd come up with the concept of Black City, and his Gruncle had said he was also the reason every single crime family had moved there. It hadn't completely removed crime from New Tork of course, but it wasn't organized any more, and the people felt much safer, these days.
The old man nodded, walking up to the suit, and sighing. "Once. A very long time ago. Your Granduncle actually helped me with my…endeavors. It was before your time…back when New Tork City was run by a clown-themed crime lord known as Blacefelon, and his gang. You wouldn't recognize the city, compared to what it is today. Much less explosions." Thomas made an 'ahem' noise. "Anyways. Geralt, why don't you explain to your cousin what you discovered on the Moon."
Alex shifted his incredulous gaze to Geralt then. "The Moon!? How did you even get there?"
For his part, Geralt had started piecing Thomas Gladstone's alter ego together as soon as he saw the Crobatmobile, and scented the stench of guano. The suit, cowl, and Pegasus logo on his monitor only confirmed his suspicions, moments before Thomas himself did. He shifted his mutated eyes to his cousin. "I was Teleported up. By Colress, of all people. He's in charge of Lantea City, a hidden utopia on the dark side of the Moon of advanced and ancient technology, but he won't tell me who's running things down here on the Earth. Listen, Alex. The Imperator recently launched an attack on Apollonia. Do you know what that city is?"
Alex nodded. "Professor Aristole said it was the home of ancient Humans who lived on the Moon in the age before Humanity's fall. A key player in the politics between Earth and its space-bound colonies. Are…are you saying there are still people up there? After all this time?"
Geralt nodded. "The Imperator has been trying to gain access to their gene manipulation technology for decades now. He's finished asking nicely, it seems. He sent his first son, Horus, to capture Apollonia. Lunala's Tamer stopped most of his Thunder Warriors, and I was able to take the rest out, with some assistance. Colress currently has Horus imprisoned as we speak. He wants you up there, when we interrogate him."
Alex thought for a long moment, then shook his head. "Stall. Spread rumors that Horus died in the attack. The Imperator likely won't outright believe them, but he may investigate, and that will take time. A Prime Archon won't break immediately anyway." His intense blue eyes shifted back to Geralt, and with the White Wolf's enhanced vision, he could've sworn there were flecks of blurple in them that had not been there before. They were small though, enough only to make his eyes seem a darker blue than usual. He doubted anyone save Jessica had even noticed. "There is an evil rising in Albion, Geralt. Morgana is looking for the corpse of the Successor to Arceus's Tamer. The first Human to embrace the Shadow. Its strongest Champion. I believe she has knowledge gained from Pravus or his minions that will help her revive his body to a state of undeath. I'm forming a team to stop her…and I want you on it."
Geralt thought only for an instant, then nodded. He'd been meaning to clean up Albion anyway, as he had grown fond of his old, primitive, stomping grounds where he and Ghost had cut their teeth as Area Rangers. He hadn't always agreed with Uther's policies, but that Gallade had been more competent as a leader than many of the humans in similar positions that he'd dealt with. "I'm in. Who else are we bringing?"
"Jess, of course. Two of my Scales, Rick and Drake, and Cynthia, the former Sinnoh Champion. She was possessed by Morgana, and wants revenge. With six of us, we should be able to restore peace to that region." Alex finished.
Thomas had glanced between the two Redwoods as they spoke, and listened quietly. As Gilroy had predicted, these two had gone on to inherit their troubles, and said troubles had only grown in the intervening years that he'd been out of the game. "If there is anything I might do to help, gentleman, just say the word."
"Actually…" Geralt said, "Would you happen to know where my Granduncle's old research notes went? Colress said they'd be worth looking into, but we never found them after he passed, and he never mentioned them in his Holovids."
Thomas nodded, and his expression became subtly sad as he recalled his own video, that Gil had sent over separately. He'd also sent it to the Batcomputer, so it had been some time before Thomas found it. "That sounds like Gil. He probably forgot. Let's have a look…" He walked over to his monitors then, and within moments, brought up schematics of what Alex slowly realized was his house. "There." He said, pointing at the bottom. "There's quite a few boxes in…the basement of your manor." He smiled and looked between the two Redwoods.
Alex and Geralt shared a look, before Geralt spoke. "Tom…we don't have a basement in the main house. There's no entrance to get down there…"
Alex groaned softly. "Knowing my Gruncle…he has a secret hidden passage, probably dug it out himself when my dad said he couldn't expand the Lab."
Thomas frowned, at that. "I never understood that…but that is far from the only decision of Fred's whose logic has eluded me. Like, namely, denying you a Pokémon. I remember the first time you came over and met our Arcanine. He hates visitors. It's why he's upstairs in Connor's room right now. And yet there you were right outside our door, rubbing his belly like he was the friendliest canine Pokémon on the planet." Thomas shook his head as he chuckled. "I suggest you two look for Gil's research as soon as you can. For now…I think it's long past time we rejoin the party."
And so, they did, and once the rich guests left, leaving the Redwoods, two Elite Four members, and most of the Gladstones, the two families celebrated the long-expected union between Jess and their Dragon Emperor. Several bets were paid off between Alex's uncles, and he realized they'd had a bet on who would romance her, him or Eric. It seemed an engagement ended said bet, and that put Alex in a good mood. He and Jess stayed in the lab that night, which had since been fumigated, cleaned, and recarpeted. It barely looked like his granduncle's den anymore, but then, that was probably for the best, as years of living in regret had left quite the stain on the space. Now, it looked more like it had in his great-grandfather's day. Even the mattress and sheets had been changed, and his closet emptied of clothes, now instead filled with boxes, where said clothes had been folded and stored, along with his various unfinished experiments. When the night was finally over, Alex let himself drift off once more into a deep sleep, as he was home and confident nothing would attack him in this underground space.
Arborstone Castle - Albion, Northern Galar Region
Since their arrival in this foreign, primitive land the remaining Arcean Church Crusaders had undergone some shifts in attire. The black Rayquaza had taken out the ship with all their scientists, but several battle-yacht's worth of Crusaders had made it to Albion. Since then, the Queen of their new home had demanded every single Pokémon they had, be infused with Shadow. Luckily for her, the Crusaders understood what Shadow Infusion was, at this point, and those who might've been morally opposed to such measures, were either dead or had turned their coats in Johto, at the battle of Mt. Silver. Instead of white armor, they had all dyed theirs black, and many had replaced their helmets with Albion-forged steel ones that were both intimidating, and better suited to deflecting the weapons the people of Albion had access to.
The night was as pitch black and ominous as every other night they had to guard Arborstone Castle, thus the Crusaders standing guard did not notice the approaching figure until his footsteps were audible to them. Their power staves lit up as they realized someone was coming, and once the cloaked figure was close enough, they shouted for it to halt. It did so.
"Name yourself, stranger!" One of them called out. The other, reached for his flashlight. They were used sparingly these days since batteries were a luxury and many hadn't survived the trip without taking on a bit of seawater. The Crusader hit it several times, before it stayed on instead of blinking. Once illuminated, the figure, which was holding something round under its cloak, raised one arm to draw its hood back, and the two Crusaders shared a look.
It was a badly kept secret that Caleb Pravus had a Gallade of his own. Had, being the operative word, since most of his Pokémon were assumed lost, or cleansed by Redwood and his ilk. Once cleansed of the protection of Shadow, Pokémon were quite susceptible to psychic manipulation. The Crusaders who'd survived to reach Albion knew this fact about their Prophet, but the saving grace was that Mordred, as he had been known, was extremely powerful, and infused with enough Shadow to overpower his inherently evil psychic typing. Pravus had claimed, to his Crusaders, that Mordred was proof that infusing Shadow into Pokémon eggs was a necessary step in their war against psychic types.
Standing before them, cloaked in a stolen shawl, was Mordred, the Gallade, and as they demanded he name himself, he tried. "Mordred." Came the hushed word, infringing on their minds. Given that no other Gallade had his coloring, a red upper body, a black horn on his 'helm', a dark blurple lower body, and a 'heart piece' radiating Shadow, the Crusaders took him at his word, and retrieved their Queen.
One stood guard, while the other went inside, and they waited silently, awkwardly, in the gloom of the castle's courtyard. It had once been a garden that had been the pride of the kingdom. People and Pokémon alike had frolicked there. Now, the plants were dead husks, the grass was gray from not having seen the sun in decades, and the cobblestones had not been maintained. Several minutes later, Morgana herself appeared atop the balcony that had a pair of curving stairs down from it on either side. It had, once, been where King Uther had given speeches to his people. Nobody visited it now, unless there were heads to chop.
The witch responsible for this region-wide state of advanced entropy grinned down at the shawled Gallade. "Well, well. The Arcean's only Psychic Type…you poor thing. I can tell they've stunted you…" She walked down the stairs towards him then, and her Crusaders flanked her as she approached Mordred. "I never cared for Pravus and his delusions. Psychic power is the path to true power. At least for Humans, and Pokémon like you. I will teach you, if you wish."
Morgan stopped a few feet before him then and leaned on her staff. A pale purple stone was entrapped within the gnarled black wooden top of it. "What have you got there, young Mordred?"
The Gallade made a face like he was constipated. "Not…here. Inside…better." Came his halting psychically projected words.
Morgana tutted. "The next time I ask you something, or give you a command, you will do as I have ordered. Do you understand, Mordred? You're mine now, my dear. And I will make you into what you always should have been…but first…" She leveled the staff at him, and lifted the shawl to see what the Gallade was cradling. Mordred glanced around, and then at the Crusaders, but did not stop her.
Getting a peak, Morgana's eyes went wide, and with a flourish, she yanked the shawl off the Shadow infused Gallade. Cradled in the Gallade's arms, where he'd been since his head had been sliced from his body by the victorious Dragon Emperor, was the head of Caleb Pravus. Gone was the Fornian tan and veiled eyes. His skin was pale, his hair was in the process of turning white, and his eyes were two burning red pits surrounded by pure blackness. Cracks in his alabaster skin had formed under the eyes, once a piece of his aesthetic he tolerated, now, they threatened to shatter what was left of his face.
"Caleb, dear…it seems you've lost some weight." Morgana said, smirking at him.
Pravus had, naturally, expected this. "Go on. Get the jests out of your system, Witch."
"I knew you liked to get ahead of your rivals, but…I do believe that philosophy has finally backfired." Caleb grimaced, and Morgana cackled, enjoying his plight far too much. She looked at Mordred then. "Let me guess…Arthur beat you, and despite being barely alive, you found this fool's head at the bottom of the ocean, and kept it preserved with your power." She looked at Caleb then. "Such blasphemy, O mighty Prophet! Kept alive by psychic power? Your followers will think you're brainwashed." Pravus looked furious, but before he could answer, Morgana continued in her high pitched, half-mad tone. "Or they would…if I had not enlightened them on just how useful psychic powers are." Seeing the expression on his face, Morgana grinned. "Yes, dear Caleb. What's left of everything you built? They're Mine now. And these are just the ones that escaped Sinnoh. The rest of your forces are imprisoned across the States by now."
If he still had blood, his forehead would've been pulsing and veiny. All he could do now, was glare hatefully. "For the love of Arceus…just get me a body. Then I can free my subordinates and bring them here to help with your mad fantasy of a plan."
Morgana's grin only widened. "Fantasy, you say? Oh no, dear Caleb. Not fantasy. I finally found it." Once more, she enjoyed the look that came over his face. It was cathartic, after how he'd belittled her, and how the Shadow had favored him. "That's right…and once I bring Him back, the Shadow will elevate both of us…Galar will be mine, and the world will belong to Him. They won't have any idea what hit them. Nobody in this era will understand his magic. I mean, look how far you got with a simple fusing ritual and a Darkrai. You had half the States licking your boot, hanging on every word of your rambling speeches. Now look at you." She cackled again.
"Just…get…me…a…body..." Pravus snarled hatefully, but Morgana tutted again.
"Oh no, no no, Caleb. You'll be little more than a head for the rest of your sad existence. But we do need to give you some form of movement on your own power…ooo, I have an idea! You're going to Hate it!" She reached out then, and grabbed Caleb by the hair, swinging him nonchalantly as she strode towards the castle, as Mordred just stared. This was not how people addressed his Trainer, and yet, the witch's words had merit. They had found his original body, of course.
Fighting oceanic pressure and fatigue, Pravus had forced him to walk the ocean floor for leagues, before they finally found it. The Darkrai within had crawled towards the nearest source of land, which from where it had been thrown in the northern part of the Oceana Pacifica, had been the arctic circle. Unbeknownst to them, the Darkrai had then fallen afoul of a powerful, wandering Lugia who'd been in the area, and proceeded to affix the foul, immortal body to a massive glacier, with Ice Beam. Now, it was entrapped in thick ice that stretched for miles, and Caleb Pravus had had to give up on his body, and slink to Albion to seek Morgana's mercy.
From atop the stairs, the witch looked down at Mordred. "Mordred, dear…it seems you have a choice before you. One you haven't ever had, I wager." She knew well what Pravus had done to his egg but replicating that scale of Shadow infusion was impossible without his labs or his Doctor Ein, now. "You can stay here, with us, and I will make you the most powerful Gallade that's ever lived. Or you can run. By all means, wander Albion, be spat upon by the locals, and eventually be taken out by bandits and their firearms. They don't seem that dangerous, but it's the ones with the decent guns that you don't see that get the kill shots. Make your choice."
Mordred glanced at the exit to the courtyard. He had no especially strong pull towards wandering aimlessly, and the witch's words rang with truth. He turned back to her then and walked towards her castle. "Make me…strong."
Pravus grimaced at his choice, hoping at least his last remaining Pokémon might stay free of the witch, but it seemed Morgana owned both of them now. He silently vowed to kill her as she swung him with lackadaisical joy, whistling a merry tune to herself. She hadn't expected it to be such a productive night.