The Prime Minister’s Darling-Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Medical Practitioner

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ever since losing her nightlife, Gu Jiao woke up earlier than a rooster every morning.

Before dawn, she carried the bucket out the door.

She went to the old well at the entrance of the village to draw water.

The villagers woke up early. At this moment, there were already a few wives and their daughters-in-law fetching water beside the old well. Everyone was taken aback when they saw her.

The news of Gu Jiao causing a ruckus at the ox cart spread like wildfire in the village. Everyone knew she had dragged Gu Dashun down from the ox cart. She must be a fool through and through; after all, nobody in their right mind would raise a hand against their own cousin!


What’s with her fetching water so early in the morning?

That fool had never worked a day in her life, sleeping in until late in the morning every day!

Gu Jiao ignored everyone’s gazes and calmly went to the old well. She put down the bucket and fetched water before carrying it home with a shoulder pole.

It was not until she was far away that everyone came back to their senses.

Were they seeing things? That little fool did not look silly at all just now. Moreover, she looked really good when she was fetching water, and she looked good when she walked.

After Gu Jiao finished fetching the water, she steamed a steamer of meat buns.

She had bought a piece of cured meat yesterday and soaked it in water before she went to sleep. The excess salt was leached out, while the flavor of the cured meat had been preserved.

As the fragrance of the meat buns wafted out, even the dogs next door were drooling and whining.

Gu Jiao brought two buns as she went up the mountain.

She had picked most of the wood ear fungus, though there were still many wild mushrooms.

In actual fact, the villagers would also see these ingredients when they went up the mountain to chop firewood, but most of them did not dare to pick them. Firstly, they did not know how to differentiate poisonous mushrooms, and secondly, they did not know how to remove the poison from fresh wood ear fungus.

After picking the mushrooms, Gu Jiao went straight to the market.

The eastern part of town was a rich and prosperous area, and the best medical halls and restaurants were there, as well as the magistracy and the academy. In comparison, the western part of town was far more complicated; markets, workshops, gambling houses, brothels… all sorts of people were gathered there.

Gu Jiao arrived at the market and casually found an empty space to set up a stall.

The woman beside her remembered her and smiled at her. “Oh, you’re here. Do you still have the mushrooms from last time? My eldest grandson likes them, can I exchange something with you for them?”

She sold sweet potatoes, and while the price of sweet potatoes was not comparable to that of the mushrooms from the mountain, Gu Jiao did not mind. She handed the basket to her and let her pick them herself.

The woman grabbed two handfuls and replaced them with two large and red sweet potatoes.

After a while, the woman on the other side also came over and said with a smile, “I… Can I exchange some radishes with you? I also want to stew some for my family.”

“Okay.” Gu Jiao nodded carelessly, signaling with her eyes for her to help herself.

The woman exchanged two of her big radishes for two handfuls of Gu Jiao’s mushrooms.

After that, a few more vendors came and exchanged their vegetables for Gu Jiao’s mushrooms.

All of these were being observed by two men in the tea shed diagonally opposite.

“Shopkeeper Wang, were you talking about her?” The person asking was a man in his early thirties. He was tall, and had strong facial features.

A middle-aged man in his forties beside him said, “Yes, Boss, that’s her.”

The younger man was the branch manager where they worked. He looked at Gu Jiao and frowned. “Exchanging such expensive mountain goods for some cheap vegetables. Is she stupid? Someone even put rotten food inside, but she didn’t even say anything. She must be really stupid!”

“This…” Shopkeeper Wang could not say anything.

He had a feeling that she was not stupid, but simply did not care.

“Are you sure you’re not mistaken?” the branch manager asked.

“I was there when she saved the patient, I saw her suture that deep, long gash with my own eyes. I won’t be mistaken,” Shopkeeper Wang said as he gestured.

What Shopkeeper Wang did not mention was that that was the second time he had seen her—the first time was at this market. This was the reason why he knew that she would come here to do business.

“How old is she?” The branch manager frowned. He found it hard to believe that she was the doctor who managed to save a man who had one foot in the grave.

She’s too young and too poor, and she even has that birthmark on her face.

But surely Shopkeeper Wang wouldn’t lie to me.

The previous incident at the medical hall left a huge impact. Not only was Doctor Zhang gravely offended, it also greatly upset the headquarters in the capital. The branch manager’s position was in danger, and he urgently needed a capable doctor to hold the situation together.

The branch manager said, “Go and ask her where’s her master. I’m willing to pay a high price to hire her master.”

This girl’s medical skills couldn’t have come from nowhere. It’ll definitely be more reliable to hire her master over her.

Shopkeeper Wang felt that this was feasible, and turned around to approach her. Unexpectedly, as he took his first step a young man collapsed in front of a chicken stall, scaring the chickens in the cages away.

“Ahh! My chickens! My chickens!” The chicken seller hurriedly went after his chickens.

The marketplace descended into chaos.

Shopkeeper Wang and the branch manager looked at the young man at the same time, stunned.

The young man showed symptoms of chest tightness, blueness in his skin, and shortness of breath. This was almost identical to the symptoms of the patient who had died after being treated at the medical hall. However, this was more violent and urgent; that patient at least managed to make it home, but this young man was about to suffocate to death on the spot.

It’s an incurable disease. Even if the doctors from our medical hall came, he can’t be cured!

At this critical juncture, a lithe figure rushed over from the crowd and knelt down on one knee in front of the young man. With one swift motion, she ripped open his clothes and stabbed him in the chest with something!

Everyone gasped!

Is she trying to kill him!?

In the next second, Gu Jiao pulled out the needle core, and a small stream of air hissed out.

Everyone saw the chest of the young man who was about to suffocate deflate, and his breathing instantly returned to normal.

Shopkeeper Wang was dumbfounded. “Do… Do we still ask for her master?”

“What’s there to ask!?”?If our medical hall had a doctor like this, then nobody would’ve died after treatment that day!

The branch manager pushed Shopkeeper Wang away resolutely; he stood up and strode towards Gu Jiao.

“You mean, you want me to practice medicine at your medical hall?” While listening to the branch manager’s words, Gu Jiao cast a glance at the young man’s fading figure.

His lungs were ruptured by a broken rib, eventually leading to air getting trapped in his chest and thereby causing his lungs to collapse. Although the air in his chest had been released, he still needed follow-up treatment. Unfortunately, he had promptly left after his breathing recovered.

Gu Jiao pulled her gaze back and asked the branch manager, “Which medical hall are you from?”

The branch manager grinned. “In Clearspring Town, only our Spring Rejuvenation Hall can be called a proper medical hall!”

“Hm.” She rubbed her chin.

The branch manager thought that she would not agree easily, and he was already anticipating that she would put on airs. Unexpectedly, Gu Jiao said, “You came at the right time, I was about to look for you. I can work at Spring Rejuvenation Hall, but let me make it clear—I’ll only have consultations once a month.”

“One–, once?” The branch manager was stunned.?No way, she already agreed? Not putting on airs? Or negotiating the price? No, I mean, just once!? She’ll receive consultations only once a month?!

“I’m very busy,” Gu Jiao added earnestly.

Busy… selling vegetables?

The branch manager looked at her basket, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Frankly speaking, he was truly unsatisfied with only once a month. However, doing business was about taking things one step at a time; he would have her enter Spring Rejuvenation Hall first, then he would bargain with her slowly when they became more familiar with each other.

The branch manager said, “Fine… Once a month it is!”

Gu Jiao then looked at him firmly, as though what followed was actually the important part. “In addition, I have another condition.”

After class, Feng Lin rushed to the medical hall.

After the incident, business was a little quieter at the medical hall, and the staff were listlessly sorting out the herbs in the great hall.

“May I ask if Doctor Zhang is here?” Feng Lin called out to a shop assistant.

The shop assistant said, “Doctor Zhang has returned to the capital.”

“When will he come again?” Feng Lin asked politely.

“I’m not sure,” the shop assistant replied.

“Can you help me ask? My friend’s leg has been injured for half a year. Only Doctor Zhang can treat him,” Feng Lin asked persistently.

The shop assistant looked at him impatiently. “To tell you the truth, Doctor Zhang won’t come again. If you really want to find him for treatment, you can go to the Spring Rejuvenation Hall headquarters in the capital to look for him. However, his consultation fee is very expensive.”

“How much?” Feng Lin asked.

“Ten taels.”

“What? Ten taels?”

Feng Lin was stunned. Even if he and Xiao Liulang added up all their savings, they would not have so much silver.