The Omnistore System-Chapter 58 Sia's Head Bobbing (R-18)

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Kevin glanced at his watch, a look of annoyance creasing his features as it vibrated. An unfamiliar number flashed on the screen, prompting an exasperated thought, 'Ugh, just when it's snu-snu time.'

While Kevin's mood soured, Sia's demeanor seemed a touch more cheerful. Annoyedly waving his hand in the air, Kevin begrudgingly answered the call. "Hello?"

"Good day. Am I speaking with Mr. Kevin Morrison?" A professionally poised female voice emanated from the other end.

Kevin's brows furrowed in puzzlement. "Yes, but who's this?"

"My apologies for any inconvenience. I'm Samira Benvar. You might recall I assisted in your registration at the Cultivations Association a few weeks ago," the voice explained.

A brief moment of recollection flashed across Kevin's mind, conjuring an image of a graceful, middle-aged woman. "Ah, yes, I remember, Miss Samira. What brings you to call me today?" he inquired and walked behind the bench while gesturing Sia to follow him.

Following his instruction, Sia trailed behind him, all the while the woman explained her purpose. "I'm calling regarding the product you recently listed in our marketplace."

As she mentioned the items he had put up on the CA marketplace, Kevin's brows knitted, a touch of concern evident in his voice. "Is there an issue?"

Meanwhile, Sia gracefully complied with his unspoken command, lowering herself to her knees as Kevin silently mouthed his next directive, 'suck it,'

Sia hesitated for a brief moment, her gaze catching Kevin's movements as he secured the surroundings by drawing the curtains and locking the automated door. Slowly, she began to unbuckle his pants, all while Kevin attentively listened to Samira's voice filtering through the call. "No issues on our end with them, actually. I reached out because quite a few cultivators are showing keen interest in purchasing..."

"I sense a 'but' coming up," Kevin interjected, his hand gently resting on Sia's head as she unveiled his already hardened member, her eyes widening in surprise. 'Has this thing seriously grown even larger?' she mused, her fingers tracing the pulsating veins beneath her touch.

"But there is an issue with one of the conditions," Samira began, only to be interrupted by Kevin's quick response, "Hold on, let me guess – they're not keen on giving a cultivation technique in exchange, am I right, Miss Samira?"

At the mention of a cultivation technique, Sia's gaze darted up to Kevin's face, her lips still engaged in their task. Her sky-blue eyes were brimming with curiosity, silently seeking an answer from him. Kevin comprehended her unspoken query, nodding his affirmation before gently guiding her to take more of him.

Sia's eyes lit up with newfound enthusiasm. The cultivation technique Kevin had mentioned was for her, and with this newfound encouragement, she artfully twirled her tongue around Kevin's head, evoking an involuntary jolt from his body.

Managing to control his reactions and focus on the conversation, Kevin continued to listen. "Absolutely correct, Mr. Morrison. Many cultivators are opting to pay the full price instead of parting with a cultivation technique. However, there are still some who are willing to exchange a technique for your items. They are the primary reason for my call in the first place. Now, the question is, would you prefer to personally present the items and negotiate, or would you like us to handle the negotiations on your behalf? Keep in mind, should we manage the negotiations, a small commission would be involved."

Kevin took a moment to ponder, his fingers gently caressing Sia's bobbing head as she continued her attentive ministrations. Allowing the sensations to linger, he weighed his options. While entrusting negotiations to a professional like Samira seemed optimal, he also recognized the importance of honing his own business skills. Feeling Sia's moist throat tighten around him, he made his decision. "I'd like to handle the negotiations myself, if that's feasible, Miss Samira."

"As you wish, Mr. Morrison. Let me finalize the meeting time. Currently, there are two interested parties for the potions, both expressing urgent interest. How about I reach out to them and inform you within a minute?" Samira suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Kevin replied, his voice steady.

"Very well. I'll send you the details of the time and place. Thank you for being a part of the Cultivations Association. Appreciate your time, and remember, as you help the association, it will help you," Samira concluded before ending the call.

Kevin leaned back, musing aloud, "Doesn't she say the same last time too? Is it some sort of unofficial association motto?" He mumbled to himself, a quirk to his lips.

"Hmm?" Sia, hearing his muttered words through her stuffed mouth, made a confused sound, her eyes briefly meeting his.

Kevin's playful grin widened as he noticed Sia's quizzical expression. With a gentle chuckle, he tilted his head and clarified, "Oh, don't mind me. Just thinking out loud about association mottos and all that." His fingers brushed against Sia's cheek, momentarily diverting her attention before he resumed the conversation.

Leaning back against the couch, Kevin continued, "So, it looks like we've got a little business venture to handle, Sia. Negotiating with these interested parties might be an interesting experience."

Sia's eyes gleamed with curiosity, but she remained focused on her task, her actions indicating her eagerness to assist him.

Her lips enveloped nearly traced half of his nine-inch length, her head moving rhythmically back and forth, her tongue teasingly flicking at the sensitive head for a tantalizing moment before she'd retreat. With each descent, she pushed herself to take him deeper into her throat, an initial discomfort transforming into a sensation of pleasure, further amplified by the effects of the cultivation technique, she will get. The evidence of her arousal became evident as her slickness increased, a subtle response to the intimate act of pleasuring him.

"Looking fantastic, just remember to relax your throat and maintain eye contact," Kevin instructed, channeling the teachings of a legendary sage, which Sia dutifully followed as her sky-blue gaze locked onto Kevin's.

However, just as she engaged in the exercise, Kevin's wristwatch buzzed once more, interrupting the moment. "Hang on a second..." he interjected, glancing down at the device.

A notification blinked on Kevin's device, bearing a message from Samira. It revealed that the meeting was scheduled to take place in an hour at some private restaurant near the cultivation associations city branch.𝙗𝒆𝙙𝙣𝒐𝙫𝙚𝒍.𝒄𝒐𝒎