The Mafia King's First Love-Chapter 630 The Mafia King’s childhood with Lihua (3)

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Chapter 630 The Mafia King's childhood with Lihua (3)

The next evening arrived in the blink of an eye and Wei was already present in the park, patiently waiting for Lihua to arrive. But the evening turned into night, and there was still no sign of her.

Wei started pacing back and forth in worry.

Why isn't she here yet? Maybe she hasn't finished making her gift yet. f𝘳ℯℯ𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧oν𝑒Ɩ.c𝑜𝙢

Wei nodded and found solace in that. He took out a small packet from his pocket and stared at it, feeling pleased. When he heard Lihua was planning to give a gift to her mother and father, it lit up his own mind with an idea to give a gift for Lihua. It was a small pair of earrings that Wei chose for her.

The assistant, Fu Shen, was quite skeptical about this, but Wei didn't answer any questions. He feigned ignorance of his meetings with Lihua.

Presently, he was firmly holding onto his gift and anticipating Lihua's reaction. For the first time, he was restless about something. He wondered if Lihua would like it or not. He wasn't so sure anymore when his heart was unsettled with anxiety, so he took out his phone and dropped a message.

'Will she like it?'

On the other side, a twelve year old Mingshen was utterly furious. He gritted his teeth and typed. 'Fuck off!'

Wei saw his reply and was unfazed. He continued with another message. 'Maybe I should choose a different pair of earrings. Or a different gift altogether? But it's late to change it now, isn't it?'

'It's still not too late to change your brain. Hop over to my research lab. And also bring my hundred million. I gave you that idea for earrings so bring my charges along with you.' he sneered.

Wei pursed his lips. Then he heard some shuffling from his side, and he kept his phone back.

It's Lihua!

Wei eagerly awaited her, standing behind some bushes when he saw two adults hastily stepping into the park. Wei felt disappointed that it wasn't Lihua but soon he noticed that he recognized the figures.

Wei blinked and furrowed his brows.

They are Mr. Song Wuyin and Mrs. Song Lan.

He knew of them working in the law enforcement and also in cooperation with the Underworld or atleast the talks were still going on with Zhao Weizhe.

But he didn't pay much attention to it. He only cared about meeting Lihua. But he froze when he recognized a certain little girl Song Wuyin was carrying in his arms. She looked unconscious and her head was bobbing left and right.


His daze suddenly broke when Song Lan broke down, "Kill her, Wuyin. I cannot take this anymore. I don't want my daughter Jia to suffer because of her!"

Song Wuyin was under too much pressure. "I…I don't know what to do."

"Don't know what to do?" She gasped. "Are you crazy!? Ever since we adopted Lihua, our lives are getting more and more difficult! We are not rich people like the Jiang or the Cheng family, who have loads of money in their bank accounts! Jia is our daughter, but here we have to also provide for this girl! We are not able to give Jia the life she wanted. Do you know how seriously it is affecting our finances! And fuck that. We are being threatened! If we don't kill Lihua, then they will kill Jia! I won't let my real daughter die because of this girl!" She glared at him.

Wei felt as if he was zapped by thunder. His mind went blank and everything else became silent.

Kill Lihua…?

Song Wuyin gritted his teeth. "And how will we answer Cheng Ling and Cheng Mei!? She is their daughter! What will we say to their questions? They handed over Lihua to us to protect her and-"

"Is it so difficult!? We are cops. We can just arrange Lihua's death to look like an accident! They will believe us because they trust us. And if we kill Lihua, then…Jia will be safe and we will get lots of money! We won't have to live a meager life anymore. We can give Jia the life we always wanted to give her."

Song Wuyin trembled.

"You are right, Lan. Jia is our real daughter, not Lihua…We were forced to take Lihua in. Why should we suffer because of her? Why should we spend our hard earned money on Lihua when we could invest it in Jia's future? Why should Jia suffer death threats?"

Song Lan nodded. "I was happy to take her in at first…But reality showed us the true picture very soon. We cannot raise two children and who knows when the Cheng family will return? How long are we supposed to wait for them? And I cannot see a knife hanging on Jia's neck because of Lihua! Wuyin. We…we will deal with her and make it look like an accident…We will forge the records so that her family will believe us."

She touched the base of her throat in nervousness. As she looked at the drowsy Lihua, she suddenly averted her gaze with guilt.

Song Wuyin took a deep breath and said, "There is a small pond nearby. We will say that Lihua accidentally fell into the water while playing and drowned. It was too late until we found her."

"T-this is good. We will do just like this…"

Wei's gaze looked empty but lethal at that point. There was no sound of any thoughts in his mind, only the echoing of a single determination.

Kill them.

He recalled Lihua looking sad over her parents' anger and her excitement to make a gift to make them happy.

But what were they doing? They wanted to take her life.

Seeing Lihua defenseless and unconscious who could die at any moment, Wei put his hand at the back and grabbed his gun. He was always made to carry a gun at all times while hiding it in plain sight.

At first, Wei disliked carrying a gun around him at all times but today…he felt glad that he was forced to follow this rule.

He stepped out of the bushes and faced the Song couple to their shock and disbelief. They exchanged horrified glances.

J-Jiang Wei...?