The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!-Chapter 237: The system fairy -2

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Chapter 237: The system fairy -2

Chapter 237: The system fairy -2

The system fairy’s smile widened slightly, a glimmer of hope sparking in her eyes.

[Thank you, Bai Lung. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I’m grateful that you’re willing to give me this chance…]

She reached out hesitantly, placing a hand on his arm.

[I promise, I’ll do everything in my power to regain your trust. Just tell me what I need to do, and I’ll do it. I won’t let you down again…]

Bai Lung looked down at her hand on his shoulders, his expression unreadable. After a moment, he gently covered her hand with his own.

“Very well, system fairy. I’ll give you this chance, but know that it’s the last one. If you betray me again, I won’t be so forgiving,”

He squeezed her hand lightly, his eyes searching her face.

“Now then… Tell me, what is it that you truly want from me? What is your endgame here?”

The system fairy’s heart raced at his touch, a flutter of hope and trepidation coursing through her.

[Honestly, Bai Lung, I don’t have an endgame. At least, not one that I’m certain of.] she admitted, her voice soft.

[All I know is that I don’t want to be alone, and that you’ve become…important to me, in a way I can’t fully explain…]

She squeezed his hand in return, her eyes pleading.

[I want to help you, to support you, to stand by your side. Not because I have to, but because I…care about you. I know it’s hard for you to believe but it is what it is…]

Bai Lung’s expression softened slightly as he considered the system fairy’s words. Inwardly, he was weighing his options, calculating the best way to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

“I see…” he murmured, his thumb lightly caressing the back of her hand.

“It seems we find ourselves in a rather…delicate position, well”

His gaze locked with hers, a glimmer of something akin to sympathy flickering in his eyes.

“You say you care for me, that you wish to stand by my side. And I must admit, a part of me…wants to believe you,”

He paused for cinematic, his free hand coming up to gently cup her cheek, into her tiny figure.

“But how can I be sure you won’t betray me again? How can I trust that your words are genuine, and not just another ploy for your own survival?”

The system fairy’s soul caught in her throat at his touch, her eyes searching his face desperately.

[Bai Lung, I… I know I’ve given you no reason to trust me. But I swear to you, my words are real. I don’t want to use you, I want to help you. Please, just give me a chance to prove it to you.]

Bai Lung’s lips curved into a faint, almost predatory smile.

“Very well, system fairy. I’ll give you this chance. But know that; One wrong move and…”

Inwardly, he was already formulating a plan, a way to ensure the system fairy’s complete and utter loyalty.

She had proven herself to be valuable.

“Now then, let’s change the contract…” Bai Lung said causing her small toy-like figure to shiver.

[O-Okey!] She was unable to refuse his words.

With that, a panel opened in front of both of them.

It was a system administrative panel, and also the holder of the contract.

The current contract;

Thy, The Constellation messenger system is entitled to 70% energy gained from Host’s cultivation, and full authority to absorb the fortune flux of the slaughtered protagonist, if Host is ever to fail to uphold the contract or rebel against the system, the system is fully permitted to devour its host with no backlash however, the contract will be terminated if System and Host are separated from a long period of time.

Status: ( The contract can be voided )

Seeing such an absurd contract, Bai Lung couldn’t help but laugh.

This is a contract? More like free labor under capitalism.

[ Ding! The contract has been terminated…] freeωebnovēl.c૦m

[ Ding! Bai Lung is proposing a new contract… ]

Two more windows popped up.

However, System Fairy was speechless seeing the new contract… It was so unfair for her.

His sinister smirk widens.

“Ah, sweet system fairy… You truly believe you have convinced me, don’t you?” he purred, his thumb tracing the delicate line of her jaw.

“But you see, I’ve been two steps ahead of you all along. This ‘chance’ you speak of? It was never about you earning back my trust, it was about luring you into my grasp… ”

He leaned in closer, his breath ghosting across her cheek, her tiny toy-like figure trembling uncontrollably.

“You are so desperate for my approval, that you’ve played right into my hands. And now that I have you here, so utterly dependent on me… Of course, you are free to refuse my contract,”

His grip on her chin tightened ever so slightly, his eyes narrowing with dark, calculating intent.

The contract was unfair but Bai Lung had no care.

He was a slave before, now it’s her turn to be a slave.

“You will do exactly as I say, won’t you? Because the alternative is your demise… ” he said with his eyes glinting with menacing intent.

The system fairy’s eyes widened in dawning horror, her body going rigid with fear.

[N-No, Bai Lung, this can’t be… You can’t be serious!]

Bai Lung’s chuckle was low and sinister, sending a shiver down her spine.

“I am… I am dead serious,” Bai Lung uttered coldly.

The system fairy’s heart sank as she gazed up at Bai Lung, his words sending a chill down her spine. She knew she was trapped, utterly at his mercy.

[Please, Bai Lung, I beg you…]

She pleaded, her voice trembling.

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[Don’t do this. There must be another way, a way for us to work together, as equals…]

She reached out tentatively, her small hand grasping the fabric of his sleeve.

[I know I’ve betrayed your trust, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to earn it back. But making me your slave…that’s not the answer. Can’t we find a compromise?]

Bai Lung’s eyes narrowed as he considered her words.

Work on equal? Tsk! What a joke.