The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!-Chapter 196: Self challenge -25

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Chapter 196: Self challenge -25

Chapter 196: Self challenge -25

“No offense, Brother Tiger… But I will have to end you,” Bai Lung murmured with his ca calm voice, against the tumultuous roar of battle.

With a deft motion, he infused the celestial purple lightning to his shards and surprisingly it worked, which was honey on top of milk.

The fusion worked seamlessly and the shards now crackling with intensified power.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

In an instant, the shards sliced through the air, meeting the Tiger’s flesh with merciless precision.

The beast’s head was severed cleanly, its mighty form collapsing lifelessly to the ground.

The Tiger’s essence, once fierce and indomitable, now dissipated into the ether, leaving only a silent forest.

‘Damn, I thought that beast was powerful but turns out it was a sheep in fox’s clothing,’ Bai Lung mused inwardly, a wry smile playing on his lips as he gazed upon his fallen ‘prey’.

The Tiger’s lifeless body lay before him, rich with untapped essence and strength.

‘Hehe! It has lots of essences, and its meat can strengthen my body… I better not waste it,’ he said softly, a wide grin spreading across his face as he contemplated his next move.

With careful precision, he began to prepare the Tiger, each cut guided by an intimate knowledge of anatomy and the flow of qi to maximize the blood essence.

It was very sad that soul absorption wasn’t here but it was quite acceptable since his karma was probably zero in the real world.

‘ Damn! The moment I pass or fail the trials… I will be judged by heavens and lose my cultivation base by 1 realm, ‘ Bai Said to himself.

Once the beast was properly prepared, Bai Lung gathered wood and kindling, arranging them into a traditional pyre.

With a snap of his fingers, he summoned a small spark of his celestial lightning, igniting the fire.


The flames roared to life.

Bai Lung skewered the Tiger’s meat on makeshift spits, placing them over the fire.

The aroma of roasting flesh filled the air, rich and tantalizing. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

Be couldn’t help but smile while he drank the blood essence of the tiger, feeling his soul getting a power boost and his own blood boiling rapidly.

The source of this c𝓸ntent is freewebnøvel.coɱ.

He was full of vitality and power if he could… He would slaughter an army or make out with an entire harem of thousands of queens and concubines.

He watched intently, turning the spits with practiced ease, ensuring the meat cooked evenly.

As the fire worked its magic, Bai Lung took a moment to reflect on this journey… He is a scholar and he needs to visit the tomb of some void emperor to steal a nameless sword.

He had 100 days to prepare, which meant in 100 days he needed to make connections with powerful people and find the location of the secret tomb.

With a sinister smile, he looked at the pink aura on his hand, he still had the touch of nirvana, which meant he could easily make a connection, especially with women.

Not to mention, he is a Genius when it comes to making pills, medicinal treatment, array making, and stuff.

Well, it’s hard to say if he is indeed a genius in those stuffs in this world but he sure is in his realm.

‘ Sigh! I need to find sick women or dying old men to make a connection… Or best, I can also open a massage center, ”

but the thing is, no woman will come to get a massage from a man, not to mention he might even be killed by other male cultivators.

While thinking about such kinds of stuff, he took a bite of Tiger’s meat, and uhmm! It was damn tasty even without any seasoning or stuff.

After finishing his meal, his figure floated in the sky leaving behind a trail of a golden light.


In an instant, he arrived at a city that seemed a little decent from the looks of buildings and architecture. If they were in the lower realm they would have been a most powerful city but knowing it was the upper realm, Bai Lung thought it was a mediocre city or at worse, a poor city.

Setting down in an empty alleyway, Bai Lung vanished from sight, slipping into the shadows to avoid drawing attention.

After all, he is a handsome man.

As Bai Lung blended into the shadows, he began to survey his surroundings.

He could hear the talk about the presence of various sects and factions, each with their own agendas and interests.

Bai Lung’s eyes gleamed with calculation as he looked at the location of several influential figures.

Judging from the air around them, and their dress, it was easy to tell they were superior compared to others.

With a faint smile, he emerged from the alleyway, his eyes scanning for potential targets.

That’s when he spotted her… a stunning woman with porcelain skin and raven-black hair, her eyes shimmering like stars in the night sky.

She was a cultivator, and a powerful one at that.

Bai Lung could see the overwhelming aura around her body.

“Ah, I thought fate hated me,” he whispered to himself as he eyed the mysterious woman.

Without hesitation, Bai Lung strode towards her, his charisma and confidence drawing the attention of passersby.

As he approached, the woman’s eyes flickered towards him, her gaze piercing and discerning.

“Greetings, beautiful lady,” Bai Lung said, with a low yet smooth voice.

“I am Bai Lung, a scholar seeking wisdom and guidance. Might I have the privilege of knowing your name?”

The woman’s expression remained enigmatic, but a hint of curiosity danced in her eyes not knowing what was a scholar doing here.

“I am Qing Li, a disciple of the Azure Moon Sect… But, Bai Lung right? ” her small smile widen,

” You are no ordinary scholar. Your aura is… intriguing, ” She added.

Hearing this,

Bai Lung’s smile deepened, his eyes sparkling with mischief, seeing things were going great.

” Oh! Lady Qing Li, you are perceptive indeed. I possess certain… talents, shall we say… I can help you cure your disease, “