The King’s Game-Chapter 39 - QiLing IV]

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Ch39 – [QiLing IV]

The spirit clan could maintain a semi illusory body, or could completely condense into an entity with its own spiritual power. At this time, the animal spirit on the test platform had presented a complete entity. Its shape, like a West Pole White Tiger, had a sense of sacredness, while the huge body gave people a sense of oppression.

The exclamation from the audience lasted for a long time, and nobody in the audience expected that the youth of the Chu clan could hold the master’s seal so early, and in this way, he called the clan’s spirit.

This was just a distraction from the imperial spirit, not its real body, but the pure spiritual power of the animal spirit can be intuitively felt by the cultivators of all sects in the auditorium.

Even if they wanted to worship an imperial spirit, it depended on the willingness of the spiritual clan to accept the offering of their sect. At this time, it was incredibly hard to find a spirit to worship and all the disciples of the sects showed obvious envy towards the figure on the high platform.

The imperial spirit worshiped by the Chu clan was very powerful. This was a contest without suspense. Now even a little hope had not been left to the opponent.

Obviously, this idea could continue to wait, but the more the various sects in the audience saw the more they felt there was something wrong.

Why did the spirit delay in attacking the black haired teenager on the platform?

The youth of the Chu family had clearly asked the imperial spirit of his family to assist in the battle, but the spirit of the Xuanhu remained motionless after being summoned. The gesture seems to be somewhat…


The adjective `nervous’ sprang up in their mind for a moment, but the monks of various schools here soon dispersed their ideas, which must have been their illusion.

Perhaps because the young man on the platform was too young, thin and only wearing rough clothes, looking weak and pitiful, not threatening at all, so the spirit of the Xuanhu was lazy to start.

Many spirits acted very lazy. Whether in the big world or the small world, human cultivators had such a concept of the spiritual clan.

With this in mind, the feeling of discord in the hearts of the cultivators of various sects would dissipated a lot, and the next second, the Xuanhu in their vision was moving.

The spirit’s body was slightly bent, and its blue pupil was tightly fixed on the thin, teenager in front of it. After hesitating for a while, it tried to move a little closer to the black haired teenager in front of it.


“…” Gu Huai was so close to a spirit beast that looked threatening, but he did not move at this time. He just kept standing in his place.

In the pupils of the animal staring at him, what he saw was not hostility or a threat at all. The approach of the Xuanhu Spirit even showed a cautious attitude. Gu Huai was silent. To tell the truth, he did not know how to respond.

This spirit beast wanted to be close to him…

Gu Huai continued to stand still in silence as he could see from the spirit of Xuanhu, who was supposed to belong to the enemy, how the animal spirit would move next.

As far as the absolute power gap between the two sides was concerned, the beast had no need to disguise himself when facing him. He did not understand where the unexpected strange attitude of the spirit came from. Gu Huai thought quickly about the possible reasons in his mind.

He couldn’t understand what the imperial spirit he called for wanted to do, but Chu Ling did not dare to interfere more when the spirit of Xuanhu acted. He called on the Royal spirit worshipped by his family to assist in the battle. Everything had to be done on the basis of the willingness of the other. He had only the ability to request, not the ability to command.

Besides, if the spirit was not happy to continue to accept the offerings of their sect, it could leave at any time. It was not easy to find a spirit willing to accept their sacrifice. Every sect had a good attitude towards its own royal spirit. Even if they were arrogant like Chu Ling, they would be very restrained in front of their royal spirit.

Success was one step closer, and there was a second step. The spirit of the Xuanhu could be said to be approaching the thin teenager with light hands and feet.

Little master.

From this distance, it could clearly perceive the soul mark of the identity of the youth in front of it. After approaching, the spirit of the Xuanhu dared not do much. It circled around the teenager two times and emitted a deep purr from its throat.

Pure, flawless spirits had a natural affinity and attraction for all spiritual races. Besides submission, it also produced an instinctive love engraved on its soul.

Because low ranking beasts lacked wisdom, the way they expressed their love was more simple and straightforward. The purring in his throat never stopped. The spirit of the Xuanhu lay dormant beside the teenager as if it were guarding a treasure.

But this guard posture, the audience did not understand, Chu Ling on the platform did not understand. In their eyes, the spirit of the Xuanhu was just lazy enough to fight passively, and now it was resting.

Considering that he could win the title of the Xianmen Tournament steadily, Chu Ling invited his imperial spirit to come. But now he rethought and admitted that he did something wrong. Faced with such a weak opponent, he shouldn’t have disturbed his family’s imperial spirit.

Xuanhu’s spirit did not choose to leave after passive battle, but just rested on the side. Chu Ling thought that the other side was waiting to see his performance. He had to deal with the weak opponent to satisfy the spirit.

Gu Huai also looked the nearby Xuanhu Spirit. The animal spirit wanted to get close to him and protect him. Gu Huai could not help blinking his eyes because of his inexplicable familiarity with the bright guard posture.

“I am not… pitiful?” Not long ago, Gu Huai just made fun of his system, saying that he was pitiful in the new world that nobody loved or liked. But now Gu Huai suddenly found that he seemed to be a little different from the image of ‘pitiful’.

“No.” The system responds with a quiet, undulating voice.

Not only was he not a little pity, but in the future he would be the beloved of the spiritual world.

It was found that the spirit of Xuanhu in the vicinity watched with its eyes, and the purr in its throat became louder. Gu Huai moved his finger slightly. He wanted to reach out and touch the animal’s head.

But just as his fingers moved, Gu Huai noticed the spiritual energy coming from ahead.

At this time, the youth of the Chu clan seldom showed his serious attitude. In order to solve the weak opponent who had no fighting value, he poured his spiritual power into the special weapon tailored for him by his family.

It was whip. Being careful about splitting the circle and holding the sword tightly, Gu Huai watched the opponent in front of him and did not miss any of his actions. He was ready to make a prediction and defuse the opponent’s first attack skillfully.

However, in the middle of Chu Ling’s attack, a roar full of threat and clear hostility shocked the whole battle field.

“Grrrrr -!”

After approaching the teenager, the spirit of Xuanhu, who satisfactorily crouched down, suddenly changed its posture and became furious and aggressive. The pupils of the animals contracted fiercely.

The enemy was the one who intended to the hurt the precious treasure. Foreigners who handled their treasure well could be initially counted as friends. Following the concept of enemy and friend in instinct, the spirit of the Xuanhu tiger swiftly pushed the young cultivator with a whip to the ground after the end of its threatening roar.

Because this was a youth who worshipped its clan, the spirit of Xuanhu did not bite the throat of the other, but this was the only tolerance it had left.

But not biting immediately did not mean it wouldn’t bite, pinning Chu Ling on the ground to stay motionless, the spirit of the Xuanhu apparently did not give up the attack on the other.

Compared with the most important precious thing, the family that worshipped it was not worth mentioning at all and could be given up at any time, which was the same for any spirit clan.

“Don’t bite him … “It was not convenient to say that. Gu Huai tried to use his spiritual ability to establish a spiritual link to communicate with the beast in front of him, just like the previous world.

Of course, Gu Huai was not sure whether it would succeed or not. If it succeeded, he was sure that the spirit of the Xuanhu Tiger would listen to him.

“Gulu…” Xuanhu was a real big cat. He heard the voice of the teenager in his mind. The big cat kept the posture of pushing the enemy to the ground, but began to purr.

What did his little master say? He had to do what he wanted to do to make the teenager happy.

Beyond the platform, the whole field was quiet. Every monk present, whether the host or the audience, was full of astonishment. They looked at the scene happening on the platform with incredulous eyes.

Isn’t the world fantastic or what?

The imperial spirits worshipped by the Chu Clan actually attacked its younger patriarch after it was summoned. This kind of unreasonable and strange thing was unheard of.

But it happened right in front of them and they couldn’t tolerate it.

The young head of the Chu clan, who should have won the top position smoothly, was now pinned to the ground by the imperial spirit he had summoned. Instead, the young man, who had only built his foundation, was now standing aside without any damage.

In this case, Chu Ling was the one who lost fighting ability, so as to judge the victory or defeat of this competition, the winner of this competition seemed to be the black haired teenager who was still intact beside him…

Such a development was unexpected, and the monks of all sects outside the platform were now speechless.

This time, the title of the leader of the Xianmen competition was easily won, in a strange way that no one could have expected.