The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers-Chapter 89: Parting is for the next time Together

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Chapter 89

Jiang Wenyuan remained unperturbed by favor or disgrace as he dutifully reported to the Ministry of Personnel, carrying out his responsibilities in an orderly manner.

In the evening, Qin Jue came to pick him up, and together with the eldest son of the Duke of Zhengguo, Yuan Yun, they went to Ascending Peace Tower to drink and reminisce.

During the banquet, Yuan Yun said, "Uncle Yi (Jiang Wenyuan), you are too honest. Su Prefecture is not a good place, and others can barely escape from it. You could have found an excuse to decline. With your achievements, His Majesty would surely grant it as a face-saving measure."

Jiang Wenyuan shook his head and replied, "Thunder and rain are both bestowed by the monarch. If it wasn't me, it would have been someone else. Someone had to go."

Yuan Yun shook his head and sighed, "Well, you've become a fool by farming."

Since they had decided to accompany their parents to Qingzhou, Jiang Yuqing had been attending the Medical Academy half-day every day, teaching the students and senior brothers everything he could. In the afternoons, he accompanied his family around the capital, exploring and buying delicious food and interesting things, listening to plays in the theater, and going to teahouses to hear people tell stories. He even attended an auction at Baoyue Tower.

At the auction, the elderly couple saw many people spending a fortune on a calligraphy or painting from the previous dynasty or some other antique, and their hearts were stirred.

They couldn't help but complain, "For such a worthless thing that can't be eaten or drunk, spending so much money to buy it is truly a calamity."

Fortunately, the Jiang family was seated in the private box on the upper floor, otherwise they would have been showered with saliva.

Due to the scorching summer, the weather was unbearably hot. There were no major events happening in the capital, and the Jiang family enjoyed the tranquility.

Jiang Yuqing cherished every day spent with his grandparents. Nonetheless, the day of separation arrived quickly.

Although he had already given his grandparents a longevity-enhancing elixir, Jiang Yuqing was still worried that they, along with his brother, would struggle with the treacherous weather on the journey. Therefore, two days in advance, after they fell asleep, he used rejuvenating techniques to carefully examine and treat their bodies, eliminating any minor ailments. Then he infused a strand of vitality into each of them.

With these measures in place, nothing untoward should happen.

On the day before their departure to Su Prefecture, Jiang Wenyuan was summoned to the palace by Emperor Xiajing.

Emperor Xiajing said, "The road to Su Prefecture is not peaceful, and there may be bandits along the way. I will send a detachment of Imperial Guards to escort you. Furthermore, the sword I bestowed upon you earlier is still effective. If you encounter corrupt officials who commit heinous crimes, you can execute them on the spot before reporting. I also grant you the authority to mobilize troops. If you encounter banditry or any unresolved matters, you can gather nearby forces to suppress them."

Such great authority could be considered as high as a special envoy.

A true gentleman would sacrifice his life for his friends.

Jiang Wenyuan was deeply moved and tears welled up in his eyes. He prostrated himself and said, "I will not disappoint Your Majesty's high expectations!"

Despite their reluctance, the day of parting arrived.

On the sixteenth day of the seventh month, news spread that Jiang Yuqing would accompany his parents to their new post in the northwest. Everyone she knew or was familiar with came to see her off: her master, the father and son of the eldest disciple, the second disciple, and many students and doctors from the Medical Academy. There were also Yuan Wuyang from the Duke of Zhengguo's residence and Wei Lingyun from the General's residence, and even Jing Yan and Li Deshun came.

As they bid farewell one by one, it was Jing Yan's turn. He gently touched her little head and said, "Take care of yourself, and when you arrive, remember to write me a letter."

Jiang Yuqing nodded and replied, "I will! You take care too."


Sending off a loved one for a thousand miles, eventually, they must part ways.

After a low-key stay in the capital for a month, the Jiang family, under the escort of a team of Imperial Guards, left the capital in a high-profile manner.

When the carriage reached the Five-Li Pavilion outside the city, it was yet another crossroad. Here, the Jiang family would split into two groups.

The elderly couple, accompanied by their grandson Jiang Yuchuan, headed south with the escort from the Marquis's residence, returning to their hometown of Qingzhou.

Jiang Wenyuan and his wife, on the other hand, took their little daughter and headed northwest, escorted by the Imperial Guards, on their way to Su Prefecture.

At the moment of parting, Jiang Yuqing hugged her grandparents and older brother, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was reluctant to let go. Others were also wiping away their tears.

For the first time, the old man felt that his grandchildren were too successful, which wasn't necessarily a good thing. Being too successful meant they were raised for the court.

It would be better if they were ordinary, like their eldest and second sons, with lower official positions and closer distances, so they could come back to visit him from time to time.

As the sun rose higher, the convoy had to set off again. Watching the two teams gradually move away, becoming smaller and smaller until they could no longer be seen, Jiang Yuqing cried again.

Bai Xiaoshi, who was with her in the Spirit Realm, comforted her, saying, "Parting is for the next reunion. There's no need to cry. If you miss them, you can go back and see them. Besides, I can carry you!"

Jiang Yuqing instantly regained her composure and realized he was right. She had been so focused on being sad that she had forgotten about Bai Xiaoshi.

And so, she became happy again.

Seeing their daughter's smile return, Jiang Wenyuan and his wife finally felt relieved. Children were children, no matter how clever they were, they had short memories. In just a little while, they had already forgotten the sadness of parting.

Due to the hot weather, Jiang Wenyuan was afraid that some members of the entourage might suffer from heatstroke, so they took a rest at a tea house by the roadside at noon. They treated everyone to bowls of mung bean soup made by the owner.

They didn't resume the journey until after noon had passed.

The night was uneventful.

The next day, as soon as it was light, the convoy set off again. They aimed to travel more during the time before the sun rose, so they could rest a bit longer when it got hot at noon.

And so, they continued on the road for seven or eight consecutive days, and the group had already reached Jin Prefecture. That night, after a flash of lightning and thunder, the heavens finally bestowed a heavy rain upon them.

This heavy rain washed away the recent hot weather, allowing everyone to have a good night's sleep.

When they woke up the next day, all signs of fatigue had disappeared, and everyone was in high spirits. After a simple breakfast, the convoy set off once again.

Another day passed, and by sunset, they were still thirty miles away from a small town up ahead. The scouts from the Imperial Guards returned and reported that there was a small village nearby where they could stay for the night.

Jiang Wenyuan then ordered the convoy to head for the small village to find lodging.

This small village, with just over thirty households, had never seen so many outsiders before. The village chief hurried over upon hearing the news of a strange convoy entering the village.

The village chief was a man in his forties who had never traveled very far, with the farthest place being the county seat. He had never seen such a big group before.

He cautiously asked, "May I ask where you all are from and what brings you to our village?"

Jiang Wenyuan got off the carriage and bowed to the village chief, politely saying, "Good sir, we come from Lingzhou Prefecture and are heading to Su Prefecture. We missed our lodging in the previous town, so we thought of seeking shelter for a night in your village. We kindly ask for your assistance."

The village chief's eyes lit up when he heard Lingzhou mentioned. "Ah, you're from Lingzhou. That's truly a good place, known for its high crop yields."

Jiang Wenyuan smiled slightly. "Indeed, Lingzhou is a fine place, and your Jin Prefecture is not bad either. When I entered the village just now, I noticed that you have also grown a lot of sweet potatoes, and they seem to be thriving. I believe you will have a good harvest this year."

Upon hearing this, the village chief relaxed a bit. "Haha, I appreciate your kind words." He pointed to the carriage and asked, "Who is inside the carriage?"

The group consisted of several dozen well-trained and strong men, each armed with weapons. The village chief felt a bit apprehensive, fearing that they might be troublemakers who would bring disaster to the entire village.

Jiang Wenyuan noticed the village chief's hesitation and said, "Inside the carriage are my family members."

Just then, a little head poked out from the second carriage. "Daddy!" The little girl's voice was sweet and innocent. "Can we stay here for the night?"

As she spoke, she was carried down from the carriage. She ran over, pitter-pattering, and stood next to her father.

Jiang Wenyuan affectionately touched his daughter's soft hair and smiled as he replied, "I cannot make that decision, my dear. We must ask this uncle here."

The little girl tilted her head and looked at the village chief with her big grape-like eyes, shining brightly. "Uncle, can we stay here for the night? I promise we are not bad people, and we won't cause any trouble."

The village chief saw this adorable and well-mannered little girl and completely let go of his worries. Besides, he had never seen such a polite troublemaker before.

The village chief chuckled and said, "Of course, you can stay. Follow me!"

Jiang Wenyuan bowed to him again and said, "Thank you. This is my daughter. I apologize for any inconvenience caused."

The village chief replied, "What a well-behaved child. Unlike my own bunch of mischievous monkeys who often make me so angry that I wish I could beat them with cane sticks."

"Haha, children are like that. They will grow out of it."

And so, Jiang Wenyuan carried his daughter and followed the village chief into the small village.

There was an empty courtyard in the village that was reasonably well maintained and looked suitable for living. It had belonged to an elderly widower, and after his passing, the courtyard became the property of the village.

The furniture and such were still there, although a bit simple, they were clean.

Jiang Wenyuan's family of three stayed in the east wing, while Nanny Yan, Er Yu, Lu Chun, Gu Yu, Li Xia, and Xiao Man, along with a few maids, stayed in the west wing.

The others made do with sleeping on the floor in the main hall and storage rooms. For the Imperial Guards who had slept in all sorts of places on their missions, this place was considered quite good.

Jiang Wenyuan also gave some silver to the village chief and asked him to find two women to cook a meal for everyone.

Village Chief: "The culinary skills of my wife and daughter-in-law are quite commendable in our village. If you don't mind, esteemed guests, I can have them come and serve you."

Jiang Wenyuan: "Certainly. We have brought rice, flour, and dried meat with us. If your family has fresh vegetables, we would be grateful to purchase some as well."

The Village Chief beamed with joy and said, "We have them. Please wait a moment, esteemed guests."

After a short while, the Village Chief returned, leading his wife and young daughter-in-law.

When these two women arrived, they brought along cooking utensils. It seemed they were aware that there were enough tables and chairs in the house, but no cooking pots.

While the women of the Village Chief's family were busy cooking, a shy young boy of sixteen or seventeen years old arrived outside, carrying several freshly caught rabbits to sell.

Jiang Wenyuan noticed that the rabbits were very fresh and decided to buy them. Since there were many people in his group and they all had hearty appetites, he suspected that the rabbits alone would not suffice. He asked the young boy if he had any other game.

The young boy happily replied, "Yes, I also caught a small deer, and it's still alive. I plan to take it to the city to sell tomorrow!"

Jiang Wenyuan said, "Don't bother taking it to the city. Bring it here with you."

The young boy ran off, brimming with joy.

The Village Chief's wife was talkative and said, "This child came here with his mother when she was wandering. I heard their hometown is in Qingzhou, in the Lingzhou Prefecture."

"Qingzhou? Are you saying he is from Qingzhou?"

The Village Chief's daughter-in-law said, "It seems so. My old lady is illiterate and doesn't know a single word, nor does she know where Qingzhou is. She only knows it's a faraway place in the south, known for scorching summers and high rice yields."

Jiang Wenyuan pondered for a moment.

Soon after, the young boy returned, carrying a not-so-big deer. He was worried that the Village Chief's wife and daughter-in-law wouldn't be able to handle it, so he helped them slaughter it.

Jiang Wenyuan had a feeling of familiarity with the young boy but couldn't recall where he had seen him before. He asked, "What is your name?"

The young boy wiped off the deer blood splattered on his face and said, "My name is Hu Yangming."

Jiang Wenyuan grew even more astonished and suspicious. "I heard that your hometown is Qingzhou?"

The young boy nodded, "Yes, Qingzhou County in Lingzhou Prefecture."

Jiang Wenyuan's heart skipped a beat. "Is your biological father named Hu Baozhun? From Nanfengkou in Qingzhou County?"

The wooden basin in the young boy's hand fell to the ground with a "clatter," and his eyes widened. "How do you know?"

"I also know your grandfather's name, and you have an aunt named Hu Yuzhen who married in Xijindu in Qingzhou County. Am I correct?"

"Yes... all correct. So, are you from my hometown?"

Jiang Wenyuan let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes became teary. "Strictly speaking, you should call me 'uncle.' Your grandfather is my maternal uncle, and my mother is your aunt. And your biological father is my cousin!"

The young boy was stunned, as were the people in the courtyard.

Jiang Wenyuan asked Hu Yangming to wash up and invited him inside for a conversation. The young boy went in a daze, seemingly still unable to fully grasp the sudden encounter with his relatives.

Lu Shi and Jiang Yuqing were astonished to hear that the young boy who had just sold rabbits was actually a distant relative from the Hu family.

Lu Shi arrived late, long after Hu Baozhun had passed away, and her uncle was paralyzed and bedridden.

It was only known that the year after her cousin's death, her cousin-in-law remarried and took the child with her, and they disappeared without a trace. But they never expected to encounter them here.

Hu Yangming entered the house, and Jiang Wenyuan carefully inquired about his experiences over the years, realizing that the child had truly endured a lot.

His mother was forced to remarry by her relatives, and she married a cripple in a neighboring state capital.

Her new husband's family treated him poorly because they considered him a burden.

Physical abuse and going hungry were common occurrences. It was a struggle for him to reach the age of ten.

One time, when his mother was not at home, the cripple secretly sold him off.

His mother discovered it and chased after them, relentlessly following the horse-drawn carriage of the human trafficker for three days, and with sheer determination, she forcibly snatched him away.

After escaping danger, his mother realized they couldn't stay in their old home, so she decided to take him back to Qingzhou Xijin Ferry to seek refuge with her sister-in-law.

Unfortunately, neither the mother nor the son could read, so they had to ask a passing merchant group for directions back to Qingzhou.

It's unclear whether his mother didn't explain clearly or the person giving directions didn't understand correctly, or perhaps it was a dialect issue.

Although they clearly intended to return to Qingzhou, the merchant group mistakenly believed they were heading to Jin Prefecture and kindly accompanied them all the way there.

When the mother and son realized the mistake and went to inquire, they discovered they had mistakenly traveled in the opposite direction and ended up in Jin Prefecture.

Since the merchant group was heading west and couldn't send them back, they gave the mother and son a small amount of money and instructed them to find their own way home.

Unexpectedly, due to the long journey and being caught in the rain, his mother fell ill and exhausted, and she died by the roadside before they could leave Jin Prefecture.

As he wept inconsolably, a village hunter returning from a hunt discovered him.

He helped bury his mother and from then on, the boy lived with the old hunter in this small village for seven years.