The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers-Chapter 1: Vita nuova

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Chapter 1

Since regaining consciousness again, she had been in this dim yet extremely warm and comfortable place.

She could not speak, she could only hear some sounds from the outside world, and her limbs could only move in a small range.

She had guessed a lot before, and even waved her limbs to try to get out of here, but it all ended in failure.

After countless attempts, she was horrified to find that she seemed to be in someone's belly.

To be more precise, she was reincarnated into the womb with her memories from her previous life.

At this time, her mother in this life gently stroked her belly while gently talking to a male voice: "I have a very good pregnancy this time, the one in my belly is much more well-behaved than his older brother."

"That's good, it looks like our Xiao Ba is an understanding and filial one."

She recognized this clear and gentle male voice as her father in this life.

"He's not even born yet, how do you know so much. I just hope he will be less mischievous in the future so I will have fewer headaches." The woman's voice was gentle and happy, full of hope for the future.

"Just take it easy, the boys in our family are a bit mischievous, but they are all polite and sensible." The man said with a low laugh.

"That's right!" The woman's voice was quite happy and proud.

After a pause, she seemed to have thought of something, and was quite regretful: "It would be great if this one was a girl."

Hmm, from these words, it seems that her mother in this life does not value men over women, which is very good.

Just as she was about to wave her hands to respond to her mother, she heard her father chuckle: "If this child is a daughter, not to mention our family, even the entire Jiang Family in Xijin ferry would have to worship you."

Her mother laughed tenderly: "It's not that precious."

Her father said: "It can be even more precious. Since our Jiang Family took root here, it has been two hundred years without a girl being born."

"That's true, I've heard it before and found it unbelievable..."

Even with her memories from her previous life, the fetus's spirit was still limited. As her parents chatted lightly, she soon fell asleep again.

In her dream, it was as if she had returned to her previous life.

In her previous life, she was an orphan from the earthquake, and did not know who her parents were.

She struggled and grew up in the welfare institute, relying on her own efforts to get into the best medical university in the country at the age of 14.

During college, by a coincidence, she discovered that she seemed to have the ability to promote plant growth and communicate with animals. She was later recruited into the supernatural ability group of the state special department, under the military.

She did her bachelor's, master's and doctorate in eight consecutive years. After graduation, she became the youngest surgeon in the general hospital of a certain military region.

She worked diligently and conscientiously for several years, sending most of her savings to the welfare institute, and the rest was just enough to get by.

Life was busy but plain, and she occasionally went on missions. She thought it wouldn't be bad to live like this for the rest of her life.

But her life came to an abrupt end at the age of 27 that year.

She became "Ah Piao".

She was posthumously recognized as a "hero".

She saw her burnt body; she saw the mourning flowers in front of the kindergarten where she died;

She saw many people crying bitterly at her memorial service, including the orphanage director who raised her, her former comrades-in-arms and colleagues and friends, and many strangers.

Among them were the thirteen children she had saved and their parents.

Her heroic deeds were widely reported by major media, and countless people felt regretful for her while praying and blessing her online, praying that she would have a good next life.

After that, her ashes covered with a red flag and the military medal of "First Class Merit" that belonged to her were buried together in the Martyrs' Cemetery.

Perhaps moved by people's prayers, or for some other reasons, the legendary hell guard did not come to take her to the underworld.

On the third day after her burial, while she was sitting on her tombstone bored, an old Taoist priest with white hair and beard, wearing Taoist robes, suddenly appeared in front of her tomb.

The old Taoist carefully looked at her twice, and without waiting for her to speak, he inserted a red jade stone carved into a lotus shape into her forehead, and said, "Infinite longevity and happiness.

Little friend, you were loyal to the country and cared for the people in your life, with boundless merit. You should not wander like this in the world.

Oh well, I will give you a chance." After saying that, he sat cross-legged in front of her tomb and began chanting scriptures.

As the scriptures progressed, her forehead became brighter and brighter, and eventually it was a great glow of gold, until she lost consciousness.

When she regained consciousness again, she was already in the womb of her mother in this life. It seems that it was the old Taoist priest who helped her transcend.

When she woke up from a sleep, the surroundings were still dark. The outside world was still very quiet, she judged it was still night, and her mother was still asleep.

Pregnancy is not easy, so as not to disturb her mother's sleep, even though she was awake, she dared not move. Lying still was a bit uncomfortable, so she retreated her consciousness into the spiritual realm.

This spiritual realm was hidden in her forehead, precisely the red lotus jade inserted into her forehead by the old Taoist priest, called Fuyong Spiritual Realm.

This Fuyong Spiritual Realm, she didn't know which great supernatural being created this artifact. At a glance, it was boundless.

Not only did it replicate all the medical facilities of the general hospital where she was in her previous life.

Also, the medicines in it seemed to have regenerative capabilities, inexhaustible no matter how much was taken.

In the parking lot of the hospital, there were even several camouflage-painted high-performance military off-road vehicles, which made her quite excited.

Behind the hospital was a foggy area. She tried it with her hand, but found that it was a wall made of jelly-like gel that could not be pushed open, so she gave up.

Just outside the front door was a huge spiritual spring, about half an acre in size, with water constantly gushing out from the middle.

Because of the huge amount of water, the spring water overflowed to form several large rivers, radiating in all directions with the spring as the center, until disappearing at the end of sight.

Beside the spring stood a white jade carved beast. This beast had two majestic forked horns on its head that looked somewhat like a deer.

But it had long white horselike mane on its neck, and faint golden stripes on its body, very handsome and martial, with an extraordinary momentum.

Looking around, there were large tracts of black farmland, as well as meandering spring rivers flowing through the fields in the distance. Further in the distance were undulating mountain ranges...

At this time, half of the fields were filled with heavy high-quality rice, and the other half were planted with all kinds of medicinal herbs in excellent condition.

Among them were ginseng as thick as a baby's arm, and piles of red and purple lingzhi stacked seven or eight layers, at least a thousand years old.

Although this was not her first time coming in, she still had a feeling of getting rich instantly.

Anyway, as long as she was born smoothly, relying on these, her future days would not be too bad.

As the days went by, she stayed awake longer and longer, and could hear more and more about the outside world.

Not counting her who was not yet born, there were a total of fifteen people in the family she was about to be born into.

Grandpa Jiang Jingan, also known as Old Jiang. Grandma Hu. The old couple had three sons. Eldest son Jiang Wenkang, eldest daughter-in-law Lin.

Second son Jiang Wenxi, second daughter-in-law Zhu. Third son Jiang Wenyuan, her father in this life, and third daughter-in-law Lu Yuwan.

In her generation, Eldest uncle had three sons, second uncle had three sons, and she herself already had an older brother. Truly flourishing in offspring.

This world was called "Xia", the Da Xia Dynasty. A feudal dynasty similar to ancient China, established less than a hundred years ago.

From the limited information she had obtained so far, although the common people's lives were not rich, they were relatively stable.

It's just that there had been no rain since the drizzle last December, already three or four months.

Seeing that it was already mid-March, with spring ploughing imminent, if it didn't rain again, the common people would have a hard time this year.

These days, the family seemed to be discussing this matter, and their words were full of anxiety. A depressed atmosphere weighed heavily on everyone's hearts.

Perhaps the adults' emotions affected her, these days she also became more irritable than before, and couldn't help waving her arms and kicking her legs from time to time.

She really wanted to say, don't worry, I'm here for everything.

But thinking that she was still a lump of flesh in the womb, the arrogance that had just risen immediately deflated.

Fortunately, these frustrating days did not last long.

A few days later, one evening, the Jiang family had just finished dinner and were sitting together when they started talking about getting up early the next day to carry water and irrigate the fields.

Just then, Ms. Lu suddenly felt her skirt getting wet below, her waters had broken.

The house was suddenly in chaos.

Fortunately, the daughters-in-law of the Jiang family had all given birth to several children, and Ms. Lu herself had already had one child. After the initial panic, everyone calmed down.

Those who were supposed to go into the delivery room went in, those who were supposed to find a midwife found one, and those who were supposed to boil water boiled water.

However, there are always accidents.

Jiang Wenkang, who had gone to find a midwife, ran back in a panic and said the midwife they had booked in advance had broken her leg that afternoon. She had gone to the clinic in town and still hadn't come back.

When the Jiang family heard this, they were at a loss.

There were only a few midwives within twenty li of this place, and each family with a woman about to give birth had booked one in advance. On this dark night, where could they go to find another midwife?

Desperate times called for desperate measures, and Ms. Hu had no choice.

Seeing her daughter-in-law in unbearable pain, she steeled herself, washed her hands, and went to deliver the baby herself, with two daughters-in-law assisting her.

Ms. Hu had given birth to three children herself, and Ms. Lu had also given birth before. They knew that in this situation, this was the only solution.

Under the guidance of her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law, and relying on her experience from her previous delivery, Ms. Lu pushed when she was supposed to push, and rested when she was supposed to rest.

The baby also very cooperatively contracted and relaxed or strived to squirm outwards along with the contractions. Finally, just before dawn,

There was suddenly a great burst of golden light in the room, instantly illuminating the entire delivery room and half the courtyard outside as bright as daylight.

Hidden within it was a swirling red lotus flower radiance, shining so brightly that people could not open their eyes.

At the same time, an extremely comfortable and fragrant scent rushed into their noses, making them feel as if they were in the lush forests and wilderness full of grass and trees.

In the cracks in the stone steps in the courtyard, the few unnamed weeds that were there originally suddenly grew wildly in the presence of this aura.

In just a few breaths, they completed an entire lifetime of growing tall, flowering, fruiting, and withering.

Not only that, the fallen seeds actually sprouted tender buds again in a very short period of time.

The big pomelo tree in the middle of the courtyard was originally full of luxuriant flowers, but in an instant it was full of fruits as large as washbasins, weighing down the branches.

The skin was slightly yellowish, and it was already ripe.

Whether it was the anxious people inside or outside the house, they were all stunned by this spectacle.

Immediately afterwards, there was a cry of pain from Ms. Lu, followed by a loud "wah" from inside the room, the loud cry of the newborn baby.