The Invincible Full-Moon System-Chapter 67 Sneaking In Zrolis City

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After killing the Grendel, Rex's team started to move towards the back entrance of Zrolis City.

The back entrance is only made of wood and it is easy to penetrate,

While slowly approaching the back entrance, Rex was in thought, 'My Claw can suddenly become longer for some reason, thankfully I manage to cover it before Liliya and Devan see it. Is it because of the evolution before?'

After slowly making their way towards the back entrance, they stopped and inspect the situation.

On top of the walls,

Rex saw a couple of Supernatural stands watching the back, they have green-furred skin with one tusk coming out of their lower jaw. They look hideous with saliva dripping from their mouth, and they are twice as big as an adult human.

'Trolls!', Rex thought.

But then, he finds it weird about the trolls, 'Why are they the ones guarding the back?'

Trolls have poor eyesight, they will not be an effective guard if they can't even see an approaching enemy if there's one. Although they have bad eyesight, they have an above-average sense of smell.

There are four trolls that are guarding the back entrance with rank two power, they are quite separated from each other.

Two on the left and right wall of the entrance, the other two is in front of the entrance.

The three of them nodded their head before they vanish from the spot.

Rex and Liliya jumped to the walls silently like a shadow in the night, they are too fast for the trolls to see.

Rex aims the trolls on the right wall,


He grabbed the troll's head and immediately crushing it, there is only a low bone-cracking sound before the troll dies just like that.

On the other hand, Liliya is more brutal.

She appeared just behind the troll on the left wall, she takes out a dagger and sliced the troll's vocal chord.


The troll was shocked, it wanted to scream to alert the others but no voice came out of its mouth.

Liliya smiles brutally, she stabs the dagger through the troll's chin while locking gazes.

The troll widened its eyes, it slides to the ground slowly feeling its soul left its body dead.

The two trolls in front of the entrance are going to be dealt with Devan,

From afar, Devan controls Willy.

Willy started approaching the trolls, Willy is invisible with its thin body even for someone who has good eyesight like Rex let alone these trolls.

It slowly arrived near the trolls,

By the time the trolls noticed, their necks are already sliced.

They look at each other in confusion before suddenly they saw each of their heads slid down to the ground.

The four trolls died without a single sound,

Rex, Liliya, and Devan look like an expert assassin taking a stroll in Supernatural's territory, their method is also as brutal as the normal assassin.

Putting the trolls body away, they can finally sneak into Zrolis City.

Getting into Zrolis City, they can roughly hear some commotion coming from the middle of the city.

The three of them jumped from roof to roof,

Their thumping feet should've makes a little bit of noise but using Devan's telekinesis, they manage to muffled the sound to almost silent.

Arriving in the middle of the city, they peek through the roofs and found a horde of Supernatural numbering in hundreds or even a thousand!

In the middle of it is a Werewolf running rampage, destroying everything around him.

"That must be Brutal Grey", Devan whispers as he points towards the Werewolf in the middle.

Rex looks at the Werewolf, anger burned within him.

Whenever he saw a Werewolf, the weak side of him stumbles as rage engulfs it completely.

The scene where a Werewolf kills his mother and father always replayed inside his head, he gripped the roof tiles trying to hold his anger.

He then checks on Brutal Grey's stats,


Race: Ancient Slate Werewolf

Power: Peak Rank Six - ???

Mental: ???

Strength: ???

Agility: ???

Endurance: ???

Intelligence: ???

After seeing Jarvald's stats, Rex immediately caged his intention.

Jarvald is too strong!

Rex saw a womanly Werewolf beside Jarvald walks in front and talk about their strategy, he was shocked at how clever she is.

He wanted to inform the human guilds but he can't, he got a mission to do.

The horde then suddenly disperse, Rex and the other are hiding their presence as best as they can with the help of Devan's telekinesis power.

After the horde disperses, Rex eavesdrop on Jarvald.

"Where is Zegrath? I need him to prepare a letter", Jarvald asks Vivian.

Vivian frowns, "I didn't see him all this time, where is he?", she then looks at the wandering ogres and said, "You there! Find Zegrath and bring him to me"

The ogres nodded their heads meekly before searching for Zegrath,

After that, Jarvald said, "I'm going to wait for the Silver Mooncress to bloom, tell me if something happens"

Jarvald then leaves towards the east side, 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝒆𝘸𝚎𝙗𝒏oν𝙚𝘭.𝐜𝒐m

Hearing this Rex frowns, Liliya then asks, "What are they talking about?"

"They're talking about something called Silver Mooncress, do you know what it is?", Rex said, the classes in Ochyra University never mention the Silver Mooncress.

Devan and Liliya fell into thoughts, then suddenly Devan snapped his fingers and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this Silver Mooncress is the opposite of White Rye. White Rye is purified and it is harmful to Werewolves but Silver Mooncress is blessed by the moon, it is a rank five mutated plant that may rise to rank eight depending on the moon that blessed it"

Hearing this, Rex was immediately interested, 'A rank five plant? How much would I get if I use it'

"The Silvermoon Cress is probably in that direction", Liliya said as she points to the direction where Jarvald lefts off.

"Okay, before we check it out. Let's find the important Supernatural first", Liliya said before they split up.

Rex went to the north, he dashes silently blending in with the shadows.

His eyes darted left and right trying to find the four creatures that will be the most attractive out of the Supernatural, he's trying to find the Haltija because the Haltija will definitely by the important Supernatural's side.

After jumping around for five minutes, he's back in the middle of the city.

He's clueless about the whereabouts of the Haltija but suddenly wails of cries attracted his attention, he follows the sound and found a group of humans prisoners gathered just beside a hut.

They are located on the back of the hut surrounded by boxes, they are not visible to Rex's angle before.

Rex noticed some of them are dying due to loss of blood, some have their limbs cut, and some have gory injuries.

They are all tied harshly, their hands are blue because of it.

He wanted to save them but he knows it will make the operation a failure, he will probably die when he met Jarvald.

Just as he wants to leave the place, he suddenly saw a flashy Haltija coming out of one of the houses.

It is followed by three more Haltija and a figure in the middle,

Rex squinted his eyes, he noticed the figure is a woman with pale skin. He concluded the figure is a vampire, especially after he saw her beautiful face and fangs.

He then scans the five of them,

<Calidora Silvan Blodirra>

Race: Ancient Vampire - Teen Pawn

Power: Mid Rank Four - Blood Magician

Mental: 55

Strength: 38

Agility: 50

Endurance: 45

Intelligence: 100

Rex then glances at the Haltijas and found their power is at peak rank four, the red one has high intelligence, the green one has high agility, the blue one has high endurance, while the brown one has high strength.

'A perfect team for guarding', Rex thought.

Calidora then glanced at the prisoner, she suddenly had a troubled expression on her face.

"Princess, We need to leave now. The humans will attack the city once more and it might not be safe for you", the fiery red Haltija said.

Calidora ignores the Haltija and approaches the humans,

Looking at this, Rex felt someone gripped his heart tight as he held his breath.

He's frightened that Calidora might want to kill a few of the humans in front of his eyes, he can't bear to look at innocent people dying like that.

Calidora approaches the prisoners, she reaches out her hand to one of the prisoners.

Rex turns his head away, he closes his eyes not wanting to see the scene that will soon come.

But suddenly, the scream he anticipated never came.

He slowly opens his eyes and saw Calidora loosening the tight rope around the prisoner's hand, she gracefully helped each one of them without sparing one.

The prisoners have a looked of disbelief on their faces, they thought they will die but Calidora proves otherwise.

Rex was also shocked, 'She...She helped them?'

After loosening the ropes, Calidora stands back up and smiles faintly before leaving.

The Haltija behind her looks at each other confusedly and said, "Princess, you shouldn't be good to humans, they are pure evil"

"You're too soft princess, that softness will kill you"

"Please, be a more realistic princess"

"The humans will repay your kindness with death, you should've just killed them there"

Calidora scoffed, "I don't believe that all of them are bad. Just like us, the humans certainly have civilians that are innocent from all of this"

The Haltija can only shake their head helplessly,

Meanwhile, Rex hears and sees all of the things Calidora did.

He was still in a daze,

Rex glances at Calidora and the prisoners, he shakes his head, 'Let's tell the others'

After a couple of minutes, Liliya and Devan met Rex again in the middle of Zrolis City. They asked, "You found them?"

"Yes, I did. The important Supernatural is in fact a Vampire guarded by four rank-four Haltijas, they're heading towards the back entrance. I think they're going to leave", Rex said while pointing towards the back entrance.

Devan then said, "I checked Jarvald, there is indeed a Silver Mooncress that is imbued with the Dark Moon energy. It will bloom soon but based on what you said, we need to capture that vampire first"

After decided what to do, the three of them bolted towards Calidora.

Not long after, they saw the four Haltijas and Calidora stopped near the back entrance. The place is already crowded with Supernaturals preparing their cargos.

The Haltijas suddenly halted Calidora and looks around vigilantly, "Princess, I smell blood. We need to push forward cautiously"

"Did the human prepares an ambush at the back?", Calidora asks worriedly.

The blue Haltijas then replied, "Not sure Princess, all we know is that something happened here", it said before leading the way.

"Excuse me princess", the brown Haltija said before he carries Calidora.

The Haltija then sprinted out of Zrolis City while putting their senses to the max, the safety of the princess is in their hands and if they fail to protect the princess then they are a disgrace for the Haltija Race.

Unknown to them, three black shadows dashes out of Zrolis City just after they left.