The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth-Chapter 8 The Mysterious Beast

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?Rishi soon noticed a golden-colored cat approaching the injured deer quietly. He was initially taken aback, but he quickly recovered and began to recall where he had seen this cat-like beast in Bestiary. He had a solid memory, and his 'enhanced focus' passive made it even better.

Rishi shook his head and gave up after having no memory of the cat-like beast. His gaze returned to the golden cat magic beast, who had appeared close to the deer-type magic beast. The golden cat then leaped onto the deer and bit its neck.

The helpless deer tried to flee, but its fate was sealed when the golden cat got its neck. The golden cat ended its life. Then it 'Growled' in joy and began to devour its prey. Rishi was again taken aback by how quickly the cat had taken the deer's life, and the 'Growl' at the end piqued his interest even more.

Rishi was considering how to learn more about this mysterious beast when he realized he possessed an active skill that could assist him in this situation. He laughed at his ignorance.

He then looked at the golden cat and said, "Analyze" slowly so the golden cat wouldn't hear him. As soon as he used his skill, a screen appeared before his eyes.

[Golden Tiger King (infant)]

Age: 2 months

LEVEL: 1 𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘯𝑜𝑣𝘦𝘭.𝘤𝘰𝑚





MP: 20



Sharp Claws (Level 2): It increases the toughness and sharpness of the claws.

Beast Sense (Level 1): It increases all the natural senses.


Tiger Claw (Level 1): uses five mana per use to double the amount of damage dealt by claw attacks to the target for 1 second.

Rishi was taken aback when he saw the stats and skills of the cat-type beast, a tiger-type beast. His heart pounded at the thought of making it his first contract beast. He was pleased to find a suitable beast when he heard the Growl of the golden cat.

When Rishi looked at the golden cat, he saw it fighting the black serpent, a Level 2 magic beast. He was aware of the serpent-type magic beast, as it was well known for its ability to hide and its venom, which made its opponent weak over time and based on the situation, it appeared that it ambushed the tiger cub.

Its fangs were also a scarce material used in making a high-grade potion that could cure a patient infected by a potent poison, due to which its market price was very high.

Rishi now understood what made him afraid before when approaching the deer; he now knew that this sinister beast was using deer as bait.

Rishi watched their fight for a few minutes and noticed that the golden tiger weakened over time. A chill ran down his spine as he saw the venom's effect, and he resolved to always carry medicine to treat venom and be careful while fighting someone Venomous.

He wanted to save the tiger cub but was afraid of the serpent beast, so he decided to wait for a chance to kill it. He also approached them so he wouldn't miss his javelin, which he had aimed at the serpent beast.

After a few minutes, the poor tiger cub collapsed to the ground exhausted; the serpent beast was also in poor condition, with claw marks all over its body, but it ignored its injuries and hissed to scare away other beasts declaring his victory. Then it approached the tiger beast and opened its mouth wide open, showing its long fangs. It looked like it wanted to swallow the tiger-type beast alive.

Rishi cleared his mind and focused on his target, carefully aiming his javelin at the serpent's wide-open mouth. Then as the serpent brought its mouth closer to the tiger cub and was about to swallow it, Rishi released his javelin, which moved like a bullet and pierced the snake in its mouth and came out of the neck.

The serpent was stunned by the pain it was experiencing. Rishi stabbed the snake in the eyes with his dagger, ending its life without missing a beat. When the tiger cub saw the coward snake being killed in its own style, the tiger cub slowly roared in delight.

After killing the serpent beast, Rishi took out his javelin from its corpse and then went to collect the deer's corpse from retrieving his other javelin. He then approached the tiger cub while carrying the deer beast's corpse on his back and tying the serpent beast's body as a belt to make it easier to carry them both while holding onto the tiger cub.

He then approached the injured tiger cub slowly as it looked at Rishi in fear, closing its eyes and accepting its death, but he soon discovered that Rishi was treating his injuries.

When the baby tiger opened his eyes, he saw that he was being carried away by this strange creature. On his way back, Rishi discovered a hollow bamboo tree that was much thicker than ordinary bamboo, making it an ideal material for making a bottle in the jungle. Rishi created four water containers and used his serpent-body belt to hold them.

He traveled for a few minutes before returning to the stream. He first washed the deer's carcass, drank some water, and filled his bamboo bottles.

He then washed the tiger cub's body and cleaned the area bitten by the serpent, which ended its sleep, but when it saw the water it didn't complain and drank happily.

Rishi then returned to his shelter. He started the fire to cook the meat, then sat down with the tiger cub in his embrace and rubbed its head, making it feel at ease around him.