The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years (Web Novel KR)-Vol 2 Chapter 355

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Editors: Ana_Banana, Sei

In a deep stairwell, only the sounds of three people’s footsteps could be heard.

Iris was silent.

Was it because Merad was there? Or did she simply have nothing more to say to Peran?

As he mechanically climbed the stairs, Peran’s thoughts never stopped.

It was only after the sounds of the first floor faded away and they came to a stop that he realised they had reached their destination.

Peran looked up to see a huge set of steel double doors.

It was not the size that one would expect for a normal person. This set of doors was so large that even a giant would easily be able to pass through.

“Lady Asilla is waiting inside.”

With a nod, Iris walked towards the doors before tapping one with her slender white finger.


Then, with a soft sound, these giant doors, which seemed almost immovable, began to swing open almost as if they had their own will. For a moment, Merad stood frozen as he stared at Iris in shock, but she ignored him and walked into the room behind the doors.

Peran followed suit.


A breath after the two of them stepped into the room, the doors closed once again with a heavy sound.

But Peran’s attention was no longer focused on the steel doors.

The interior of the room was bright, but that wasn’t because of the light.


Gold bars.

There were piles of gold bars in the room like mountains in a mountain range.

Peran didn’t dare to count the number. The inside of the room was large enough to match the size of the steel doors, but the mountains of gold bars still filled the space. And Peran was able to tell at a glance that all of these gold bars were authentic.

“Have a seat.”

A gentle voice sounded.

His attention was then drawn to a work desk that sat in the centre of the golden mountains. And behind that desk, was a young woman reading a document.

She had blonde, almost white hair, and slim eyes with barely visible pupils.

Was it platinum blonde? She was a woman with strange hair colour.

Iris observed her for a moment before speaking.

“It’s been a while, Asilla.”

Peran didn’t show it on his face, but he was shocked.

Iris was someone who consistently spoke in a polite manner, but this wasn’t because she was showing or feeling respect for the other person.

She used the same attitude with everyone in order to build a wall around herself. In other words, it was a part of her persona.

But now, there was a clear sense of familiarity in Iris’ tone.

“Right. It’s been a while.”

The woman named Asilla smiled with her naturally perfect face before her gaze shifted slightly.

“And that man is?”

Feeling that he should’ve left his introduction to Iris, Peran stepped forward and gave a polite bow.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Peran Jun.”

“…Peran Jun.”

Asilla murmured under her breath before asking.

“The Archmage of the Kastkau Empire, Peran Jun?”

“That’s right.”

After Peran nodded, Asilla’s gaze turned back to Iris as if to ask why she had brought him there.

“It seems he has business with you. So I brought him here.”

“Hmm. What business?”

Although it was a voice soft enough to melt the hearts of the listeners, Peran tensed up instead.

…Now, how should he answer?


He’d managed to meet the Lord of Yuterdam, which had been his goal, but not in the one on one setting that he’d envisioned. Beside him was Iris, a woman that one should never let their guard down around.

She’d probably brought him with her because she wanted to know what his purpose was.

‘…hiding my goal would be the wisest option, but…’

If he had intended to do something like that, then he wouldn’t have accompanied Iris in the first place.

Therefore, Peran exposed his purpose without any hesitation.

“I need the relic of the Regal Emperor.”


Asilla let out a soft huff as she folded her arms with an interesting expression on her face while Iris turned to look at Peran’s side profile.

“And who was it that told you that I have that relic?”


“No, I don’t even need to ask. I’m sure it was that bastard, Hector… How dare he go around spreading my business.”


She grit her teeth as anger leaked into her voice.

Although her tone was still gentle, it had become bone chilling.

“…but that doesn’t matter. I was going to call a high level Wizard anyway. It’s not a bad thing that a Great Wizard came to me of his own accord.”


“Then, I guess I’ll show it to both of you at the same time.”


After saying that, Asilla took something out from under her desk.

Peran blinked.

It was a pitch black box that was surprisingly large. It was so big that it could probably fit the upper body of an adult man.

“What do you think this is?”

There was a hint of humour mixed in with Asilla’s voice this time.

“A box?”



Peran observed the box a bit more closely, a bluish haze emanating from his eyes.

“…is it a… magic relic?” (TL: It’s at this moment that my brain says ‘artefact sounds better’)


“There seems to be a seal on it…”

“You were able to notice that in such a short time. Your eyes are pretty sharp.”

Asilla continued in a voice filled with anticipation.

“Peran Jun. The youngest Great Wizard in the empire and a super genius with unprecedented talent in magicology. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“…rumours often tend to exaggerate.”

“I believe the same, but I don’t think that is the case with you.”


“You said you wanted the Regal Emperor’s relic right? Fine. Although it is a priceless relic, I have no qualms giving it to you. On the other hand.”


The black box moved suddenly and came to a stop right in front of Iris and Peran.

“Can you unseal this box?”


Peran silently stared at the box for a while before finally opening his mouth.

“…I must obtain that relic. To the point where I’m even willing to risk my life if necessary.”


“Yes. So I will be perfectly honest with you.”

Peran’s voice was firm.

“It is absolutely impossible for me to undo that seal.”


“Yes. To be more precise, I don’t even have the slightest clue as to what magic was used to seal this box in the first place.”

“…really? How unfortunate. Then should I find another Wizard”

“It’ll be the same regardless of which Wizard you call.”

It wasn’t Peran, but the silent Iris, that spoke at that moment.

She slowly circled the box with her elegant gait.

“As you said, Peran is the youngest Great Wizard in the Empire. But he has already reached a stage where he is a few steps ahead of those old coots that call themselves Great Wizards. Even I cannot think of more than 5 Wizards who surpass him.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“Peran said that he couldn’t even guess what magic was used on the box. So it’s highly likely that any Wizard you call will say the same thing.”

“Even if it’s a 9-star Wizard?”

“Could you call a 9-star Wizard?”

“Well… No.”

“…besides, in my opinion.”

Iris looked at the box as she continued.

“Not even a 9-star Wizard would be able to solve this mystery. That’s why I’m even more curious now. Asilla, what the hell is this black box?”