The God Virus-Chapter 408 The Bottle and The Pill

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Chapter 408 The Bottle and The Pill

"Ah, not really… it's just that… my role model and self-proclaimed rival is kinda there. So I want to be there too." At the moment, her eyes were burning with the passion of rivalry and motivation.

"Hoo, a self-proclaimed rival, someone you would like to surpass, huh? And who might this lucky role model of yours be?" Truly wanting to know now, he probed further.

"Urm… It's… The Frost." With a shade of red engulfing her cheeks, she went on while feeling embarrassed, "I know I'm too weak compared to her and that I don't really deserve to be her rival at the moment… but! I'll get stronger and show her the true might of the explosion of spit! Water can turn into ice, but fire can explode just the same! And…"

She went on blabbering without noticing that Victor had long stopped listening to her excessive talking. Instead, his mind seemed to have been distracted and occupied from a certain point onwards.

A few minutes later, while Lydia was still going on with her nonstop chattering which no one was listening to at this point really, Victor suddenly turned toward the quiet Anastasia and placed a unique card in front of her.

"…" And indeed, he was instantly faced with her confused look which was filled with question marks.

"Haha… you don't need to be so baffled. That's the card from the Virus Industries. Although they don't own a guild at the moment… they're super-rich. You can contact them if you ever feel the need to… I'm sure they'll be quite interested in cooperation with you." An image of her Trait which looked fascinating was currently going through Virus's mind. Frankly, he was slightly interested in her trait.

"…" Once again, confronting her peaceful eyes which seemed to be asking 'why are you offering me this?' and 'how do you even know the titanic Virus Industries?' Virus could only grin and reply.

"Well, its CEO is a friend of mine. Furthermore, I think it would be a pity if you join another guild and restrain your own freedom like that. Instead of a guild, I believe this company would be much less restrictive for you."

Meanwhile, watching everything from the sidelines, the other three became dumbfounded at first before their looks of envy were directed at both Victor and Anastasia.

They were envious of the fact that Victor knew the CEO of the Virus Industries, and they were even more jealous that Anastasia was presented with the rare chance of having the opportunity to come into contact with them.

"W-what about us?" After some hesitation, Abby Wu couldn't stop herself from asking. She felt a tad bit hurt at the fact that Victor was only interested in Anastasia and not them.

"Haha, would you look at me, forgetting about you three." Handing over a different type of card to them, Victor went on, "Although I won't be giving you that company's contact information, I'll be giving you my own. If you ever need anything, just call me… if I'm able to help at the time, I won't hold back."

"Yay, thanks, Victor." Seemingly satisfied with him now, both Abby and Lydia thanked him. Ismail also showed his gratitude afterward.

"…" When his eyesight brushed past Anastasia, however, Victor was assaulted by an inquisitive gaze which he could only guess to be, 'Aren't you going to be giving me one of those too?'

"Hahaha… here, I have one for you too." Laughing hysterically, Virus placed one in front of her too.

For some reason, however, this made Abby and Lydia bitter once again.

After finally parting ways with Anastasia, Abby, Lydia, and Ismail, Virus directly returned to 4 Times Square.

Now that he had successfully received his Guardian License, his primary goal was to connect his first pair of Pathways before reserving a rift for himself to solo.

"Were you able to gather every material I need?" Currently laid back on the couch, Virus threw this question at the CEO ugly who was standing before him.

"Good job. You may leave."

"Yes, master." With that, the CEO ugly left to do his bidding.

Even after Virus had returned from the Guardian's Examination, the golden beauty did not come out even once.

'It seems she's really adamant about cultivating diligently.' While standing before the MDA and pushing the various materials into different entries, Virus' mind escaped in the direction of a particular golden beauty.

'Well, this will be beneficial for her own future. A safer future. So I suppose it's all good.' Abruptly, the MDA's 3D screen was turned on as Virus entered many complex commands into it. All of the commands had to do with the processes that the materials needed to go through in order to shape the final product he desired.

'Including the blood of that monstrous beast, everything is in their respective entries and order… adding a bit of Water of Life would also intensify the efficacy… so here we go.' Pouring some Water of Life, Virus initiated the process.

Before long, a bottle of liquid was within his palm.

Staring at this bottle of liquid which was giving off a slight hue of ocean blue, a grin crept over his face. 'Success!'

'Unfortunately, this can be used only once for a single breakthrough.' Some traces of regret was also apparent as he gazed at the precious container. Nevertheless, he was quick to put that futile thought aside. Therefore, turning around, he was just about to take his leave, when suddenly, his eyes brushed past another small bottle.

As he gazed at this bottle that seemed to contain a single pill within, however, numerous memories seemed to be lashing out as it sent many waves within his mind. The memories of a particular point in the past where a certain woman had given him two pills when she saw him injured.