The Book of Abbadon-Chapter 26: Memories

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Chapter 26: Memories

" It seems as though everyone knows who I was and what I've done except for me. If I've done things worth atoning for, then I'd like to know exactly what they were. What did I do and why is everyone scared of me? "

You ask the Valghul. The Valghul's face then suddenly turns deadly serious and it speaks to you in an ominous tone.

" During the highest point in your pursuit for power, your name was synonymous with Death. Rivaled only by my Lord, the name of Abbadon struck fear into the hearts of gods and men alike. Many of the Omniverse's most powerful men fell by your hand until mortal men became too weak to fight you, then you began killing gods. All of this was done in the pursuit of becoming the most powerful mortal that ever lived in order to achieve your goal, and the only being that ever defeated you was The One. "

You find it hard to believe but as you look back at the Valghul, you can tell that it's telling the truth. It sounds like you were a monster. A monster in pursuit of power for some reason. Maybe that's why The One erased your memory. To kill your ambition for power.

The Valghul reads your thoughts and chimes in.

" That could also be why The One gave you another life in a universe outside of this one as well. You may be known as Abbadon across the Omniverse, but in the universe that The One had you born into less than a century ago, you are known as something different. You have lived a completely different life and have different experiences than the ones that you faced as Abbadon, and therefore you are a completely changed person. Everything even down to your gender in your second life could potentially be different from who you were in the Omniverse, but there's one thing that I know about your second life for certain. In your second life that The One has given you, you are powerless. You're no stronger than any regular mortal could be, and therefore you have learned in your second life to empathize with regular mortals instead of looking down at them like lesser beings like you once did. "

" But why? "

You speak up and ask the Valghul.

" Why even give me a second chance after everything that I've done? I should've been held responsible for my actions and faced the same fate that I inflicted on others. It doesn't matter what my goal was. There's no excuse for what I did. "

The Valghul smirks as it responds to you.

" No excuse...? You're saying that your goal didn't matter? Perhaps The One was successful in changing you. The One may have wanted this, but I didn't. My Lord and I watched you go to the extremes that you did to achieve your goal, and we admired the raw power that you possessed and your willingness to use it. It's a pity to see that you failed and the great Tale of Abbadon ended the way that it did. "

You begin to feel a wave of sorrow wash over you, but you can't figure out what's causing it. It's like your mind doesn't remember who you were but your heart does. You think hard on what the Valghul just told you and you come to a realization. Monsters aren't born, they're made. What exactly happened to turn you into this monster that everyone feared?

The Valghul then gets up from the booth and adjusts its clothes as it continues to speak to you.

" Before I tell you the more sensitive information, I'd like to do something for you. "

The Valghul then walks over to Tom as he's still frozen, holding The Holy Omniverse Transcript, and takes the book from his hands. The book unlocks automatically once it's in the Valghul's hands, but the Valghul doesn't open it. Instead, the Valghul inspects the book as it walks back towards you and holds the book out for you to take it.

" Here. Take this as a token of my esteem. With this book, my Lord could harness the power of everything and nothing simultaneously. However, my Lord wishes for you to keep it instead because he sees a far greater potential with it in your hands. We hope that you appreciate our honesty and the lengths we're willing to go to to have you on our side. "

You take the book from the Valghul and the book locks in your hands. Is the Valghul really willing to give you The Holy Omniverse Transcript to gain your trust? Are you really that powerful to the point that The None sees it as better in your hands than his? At least it seems like the Valghul doesn't intend on killing you for it like the last time.

The Valghul then sits back down at the booth across from you and puts its elbows on the table as it leans forward. It speaks to you in an eager tone and its demonic voice gives you chills again.

" So would you like to know what set you on the path of power and why you strived to achieve it all those years ago? "

You nervously lean forward in the booth and nod your head subtly, but before the Valghul can tell you, you hear a familiar voice behind you instead.

" ꇙ꓄ꄲꉣ. "

You turn around in the booth to see Noeh standing in the entrance to the cafe with a look of fear and nervousness on his face. He's wearing an orange robe and orange blindfold just like you saw him wearing back in Sovarohm. He speaks in a foreboding tone.

" ꓄ꁝꏂ ꒯ꏂꂵꄲꋊ ꓄ꏂ꒒꒒ꇙ ꌦꄲ꒤ ꓄ꁝꏂꇙꏂ ꓄ꁝ꒐ꋊꍌꇙ ꃳꏂꉔꋬ꒤ꇙꏂ ꒐꓄ ꒐ꋊ꓄ꏂꋊ꒯ꇙ ꄲꋊ ꓄꒤ꋪꋊ꒐ꋊꍌ ꌦꄲ꒤ ꃳꋬꉔꀘ ꒐ꋊ꓄ꄲ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꄲ꒒꒯ ꋬꃳꃳꋬ꒯ꄲꋊ ꓄ꁝꋬ꓄ ꂵꌦ ꊰꋬ꓄ꁝꏂꋪ ꓄ꋪ꒐ꏂ꒯ ꇙꄲ ꒯ꏂꇙꉣꏂꋪꋬ꓄ꏂ꒒ꌦ ꓄ꄲ ꉔꁝꋬꋊꍌꏂ. "

The Valghul grins from ear to ear as its rotten eyes lock onto Noeh and it speaks in an ominous tone.

" And so the God of Knowledge appears before me. Right on time. "

This was The Valghul's plan all along. To draw out a God in a physical form so it could kill them.

Noeh speaks to you in an assured but foreboding tone.

" ꒐ ꀘꋊꄲꅐ ꓄ꁝꋬ꓄ ꓄ꋬꀘ꒐ꋊꍌ ꋬ ꉣꁝꌦꇙ꒐ꉔꋬ꒒ ꊰꄲꋪꂵ ꁝꏂꋪꏂ ꂵꏂꋬꋊꇙ ꉔꏂꋪ꓄ꋬ꒐ꋊ ꒯ꏂꋬ꓄ꁝ, ꃳ꒤꓄ ꒐꓄'ꇙ ꋬ ꇙꋬꉔꋪ꒐ꊰ꒐ꉔꏂ ꓄ꁝꋬ꓄ ꒐ ꋊꏂꏂ꒯ ꓄ꄲ ꂵꋬꀘꏂ ꓄ꄲ ꏂꋊꇙ꒤ꋪꏂ ꓄ꁝꋬ꓄ ꓄ꁝ꒐ꇙ ꒯ꏂꂵꄲꋊ ꒯ꄲꏂꇙꋊ'꓄ ꓄ꅐ꒐ꇙ꓄ ꌦꄲ꒤ ꃳꋬꉔꀘ ꒐ꋊ꓄ꄲ ꅐꁝꄲ ꌦꄲ꒤ ꄲꋊꉔꏂ ꅐꏂꋪꏂ. "

The Valghul interrupts Noeh's warning by taunting him.

R𝑒ad lat𝒆st chapt𝒆rs at free𝑤 Only.

" It's said that you wear a blindfold when taking a physical form because any mortal that looks into your eyes will face the raw power of your godly domains within their minds. Remind me... What are your domains again, Noeh? Knowledge... Wisdom... Logic... and... what was your fourth and final domain as God? "

Noeh doesn't respond to the Valghul and instead pleads with you in a serious tone.

" ꅐꁝꋬ꓄ꏂ꒦ꏂꋪ ꁝꋬꉣꉣꏂꋊꇙ ꋊꏂꉧ꓄, ꒯ꄲꋊ'꓄ ꒒ꏂ꓄ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꒯ꏂꂵꄲꋊ ꉔꁝꋬꋊꍌꏂ ꌦꄲ꒤. ꂵꌦ ꊰꋬ꓄ꁝꏂꋪ ꒐ꇙ ꋊꄲ꓄ ꉣꏂꋪꊰꏂꉔ꓄ ꋬꋊ꒯ ꁝꋬꇙ ꂵꋬ꒯ꏂ ꁝ꒐ꇙ ꂵ꒐ꇙ꓄ꋬꀘꏂꇙ ꒐ꋊ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꉣꋬꇙ꓄. ꁝꏂ꒒ꉣ꒐ꋊꍌ ꌦꄲ꒤ ꋪꏂꉔꄲ꒦ꏂꋪ ꊰꋪꄲꂵ ꌦꄲ꒤ꋪ ꉣꋬꇙ꓄ ꅐꋬꇙꋊ'꓄ ꄲꋊꏂ ꄲꊰ ꓄ꁝꏂꂵ. ꒐ ꁝꄲꉣꏂ ꓄ꁝꋬ꓄ ꌦꄲ꒤'꒒꒒ ꋪꏂꂵꏂꂵꃳꏂꋪ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꇙꏂꉔꄲꋊ꒯ ꒒꒐ꊰꏂ ꓄ꁝꋬ꓄ ꁝꏂ'ꇙ ꍌ꒐꒦ꏂꋊ ꌦꄲ꒤- "

The Valghul suddenly disappears and reappears behind Noeh in an instant and pulls Noeh's arm behind his back, violently ripping it out of its socket. Noeh screams in pain as they both then suddenly appear next to the table in the blink of an eye and it grabs him by the back of his neck with its other hand.

" Answer me, puny god. "

The Valghul says into Noeh's ear from behind him before it slams Noeh's head on the table in front of you. You can hear a crushing sound as the right side Noeh's skull shatters upon impact. The Valghul holds Noeh's head down onto the table, face towards you, and you can see Noeh's broken face flatten onto the table as he speaks in a terrified crying voice with an unhinged jaw.

" ꂵꏂꂵꄲꋪ꒐ꏂꇙ! ꓄ꁝꏂ ꊰꄲ꒤ꋪ꓄ꁝ... ꂵꏂꂵꄲꋪ꒐ꏂꇙ... "

The Valghul cackles as it slowly crushes Noeh against the table more and more while talking to him.

" Ah, how convenient. That's exactly what Abbadon is missing, isn't it? Memories. "

The Valghul then lets go of Noeh's arm and rips off Noeh's blindfold, tearing a chunk of flesh and bone out of Noeh's head with it, revealing Noeh's eyes to you. Blood pours out of the claw mark gashed in his head and the eye socket of the eye that's crushed as Noeh's corpse goes limp on the table. You're disgusted by the gory display on the table in front of you and you're frozen in fear as Noeh's blood that's running from his head reaches the edge of the table and starts dripping onto your lap. The smell of blood is awful and you see that the Valghul has taken on a more beastly and demonic form like the one that you saw when it killed Aatu. The Valghul growls demonically at you as it speaks.

" Look, Abbadon! Look into the eyes of this pitiful dead god and you will see the truth of your past! "

This can't be happening... Noeh's dead right in front of you and you're sure he's going to suffer the Bite of Abrogation next... Your heart is pounding and you can barely breathe as you reluctantly look into Noeh's eyes.

His eyes are a beautiful blue, and you feel like you can see the cosmos within them. As you gaze into the eyes of Noeh's corpse, you can feel your perception begin to shift as you're taken into a dream-state within your mind.

Within this dream, you can see 4 orbs floating before you in an infinite space, each one with a different name that you already know in your heart. Each one representing a pivotal moment in your past that led to your eventual imprisonment into The Light.

The First Orb: LOVE

The Second: LIFE

The Third: LOSS

The Fourth and Final Orb: LEGEND

You suddenly snap into the first orb and you begin to see the environment change around you. While the environment is changing, your vision turns black and white and you mentally prepare to watch this memory play out in front of you. It's almost like you'll be living it again from your perspective, but you're also conscious that it's just a memory at the same time. Your heart feels an unexplainable sense of familiarity as the environment fully takes its form around you. You find it strange how you can still feel everything physically as if you're actually there and you still feel the same emotions that you felt back then.

Looking into Noeh's eyes has dilated your perception of time and put you completely in a trance. The only way out of it now is to relive these important memories that you've lost. You're about to experience the very real memories that everyone has been trying to keep from you. Are you prepared to face the truth about your past?

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