The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife-Chapter 37 - A Sleepless Night i

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Chapter 37: Chapter 37 A Sleepless Night i

Translator: 549690339

His fingers, unaware of their own movement, as if in the next second they would pull the woman beside him and have their way with her!

But he couldn’t!

They were getting a divorce, he couldn’t touch her anymore, otherwise, this marriage would become more entangled!

Dongfang Yu clearly knew that, even if he wanted to, he couldn’t touch her now.

Suddenly turning around, he irritably closed his eyes, deciding to fall asleep as soon as possible, without thinking of anything.

However, at this moment, the sleeping Hai Xiaotang also rolled over towards his direction.

Without looking back, he knew she was closer to him now.

He could clearly sense her shallow breath carrying a unique female scent.

It seemed that if he looked back, he could see her face up close.

The restlessness Dongfang Yu had managed to suppress began to stir again.

And this time more intensely, as if he couldn’t suppress it no matter what.

There was air conditioning in the room, yet he felt the temperature was a bit high.

It seemed like his body was getting hotter…

Damn it—

Dongfang Yu irritably got up, walking directly to the balcony to smoke!

Leaning against the rail, the cool night breeze slowly calmed his restlessness.

Yet, he had no plans to return and continue sleeping.

A night passed.

Hai Xiaotang had a particularly restful sleep, without a single dream.

He Meilian gave her a calming incense the night before, she hadn’t expected it to work so well.

Hai Xiaotang propped herself up, stretching lazily, her face full of satisfaction and contentment.

“Click– ” The moment Dongfang Yu walked out of the bathroom, he saw her


It was clearly the expression of someone who had a very restful sleep and just woke up.

As Hai Xiaotang met his gaze, she put down her arms and casually greeted him, “Good morning.”

Dongfang Yu, expressionless, ignored her and went straight to open the wardrobe to find his clothes.

A gloomy aura seemed to surround his entire body.

Inwardly, Hai Xiaotang tsked. He was showing her attitude first thing in the morning, what was wrong with him!

Dongfang Yu quickly dressed and went downstairs.

He Meilian, an early riser, was already elegantly enjoying her breakfast in the dining room.

Seeing Dongfang Yu coming in, she smiled, “Come have breakfast, it’s been a while since 1 had breakfast with you.”

Dongfang Yu stood there motionlessly, his face dark, “What did you light in my room last night?”

He Meilian, thinking her plan has worked, her smile became brighter, “Did you stay up all night?”

“Thanks to your blessings, indeed I did.” After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

“Son, aren’t you going to eat breakfast?”

Dongfang Yu seemed as though he hadn’t heard.

He Meilian was in a great mood, he stayed up all night, it seemed she would soon be a grandmother.

Just as she was happily thinking, Hai Xiaotang walked into the dining room.

“Good morning, mom.” Hai Xiaotang walked to her side and sat down, picking up a cup of milk and started drinking.

He Meilian smiled and tentatively asked, “Did you sleep well last night?”

“Yeah, very well.” Hai Xiaotang nodded, “The incense that mom gave works great, I slept till dawn. 1 haven’t slept this comfortably in a long time.”

Especially since her rebirth, she hadn’t been sleeping well every night, always having some nightmares.

Last night, she slept so comfortably, it was just too good!

“Slept till dawn?” He Meilian was startled.

Hai Xiaotang nodded with a bright smile, “Yes, slept till dawn. Mom, where did you buy that incense? I want to use it every night..”

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