Sword Pilgrim-Chapter 265

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Episode 265

! Turong-!

A shield saintess who smashed the head of a demon who became a servant of corruption with a large tower shield.

Junice slowly retreated while blocking the attack of the newly charging demons.

“Chet Esther! Move!”


Junice’s tower shield hit the ground.

What a bummer! As the ground split like a spider’s web around her, a rock wall rose in succession from within.

Koo Goo Goo! bang!

“The road is open!”

“Long live the Shield Saint!”

As soon as the road was opened, the knights who were with him rushed in and cut down the demons.

In the meantime, there were those who collapsed, but there was no time to grieve.

Among the forces led by Junice and Esther were also civilians.

All kinds of dangers came at the same time as they suddenly moved from Lymphedore to modern times.

It was only natural that she fulfilled her duty as a saint in that situation.

The saintess had a duty to save them.

“That’s just…”

“I used a little ghost force. Compared to what he uses, it blooms on new feet, but is it still useful?”


Junice and Esther set out to find a safe place to deal with the demons or madmen who kept appearing.

“Corruption makes devils and dragons make madmen. What a mess.”

Corruption causes people to fall into demons with demonic energy and corrupts them, while dragons make people drunk with power with dragon power, turning them into madmen and causing chaos. Somehow, when both get bitten or die like an infectious disease, they transfer and it’s quite a headache.

Demons and madmen don’t have that much fighting ability compared to saints. Because he was more like an animal than a person and lacked reason, he was a strong fool.

“Let’s rest here for a while.”

But that was compared to them, and he had the physical ability to beat a normal knight with three of them.

Besides, there were a lot of them and they grew easily, so there were a lot of rough parts to deal with.

“here is…?”

“It’s a supermarket. If it’s here, the food will be preserved, so if you take a break, you’ll be able to take a good break.”

Unlike Esther and the knights, who were curious about everything, the civilians and Junice began to eat the food on the shelf as if they were used to it.

“What kind of food does Esther like?”

“Anything that can be eaten quickly is good.”

“There’s also a burner, so if you boil the stew, you’ll be able to eat it all.”

Junice brought out a burner, pot, ladle, bowl, etc., handed them out, and began to boil slowly with water and soup powder.

Soon, with the savory smell of the soup, I put the meat in good condition at the butcher’s corner and boiled it, and a decent stew was soon completed.

Esther, who tasted it, was surprised by the taste of the stew with high perfection.

“It tastes good. Did you have any talent like this?”

“It is the world of those who have been called. Their world has a more advanced civilization than ours. This is one of those products. I didn’t do anything.”

Junice sighed and filled her inventory with ramen and bread.

“You look pretty used to it.”

“Did you not speak? I was originally born here.”

“yes? Was Junis the one who was also called?”

“What is that? Unlike them, it would be easier to understand if I said that only the soul was summoned.”

“I didn’t know…”

“Because I didn’t tell you. Ailee, that year is the same as mine.”

“I see. Then maybe…”

“Calias? He’s… well. I doubt it, but it doesn’t matter. I never really asked It doesn’t mean much in a situation where you survive.”


situation suddenly changed.

There were more enemies and more people to protect. Esther put down the dishes and looked at the scenery outside Junice and said.

“It is a place with many tall buildings.”

“Everything collapsed.” frёewebnoѵēl.com

“Do you see it over there?”

“see. It’s a place I don’t really want to go.”

Where Esther pointed, there was a form that could be seen even from afar.

Its shape was a sword larger than the towering buildings.

Of course, it’s not just the sword.

There are swords, spears, shields, axes, etc.

There were huge weapons that could be seen from anywhere in the world.

As if cognitive dissonance would take place, the presence of huge weapons provides great pressure.

“I am instinctively drawn to it.”

I don’t know if it’s because she’s a saint or not, but I’m attracted to her instinctively.

Because the aura of tremendous power was felt from there.

I don’t know if others

It felt right because she was a saint.

that’s god

it’s god’s will

“I think I should go.”

“With that sword?”


“For some reason, I also have the feeling that the shield is calling me.”

However, it seemed that he was not going to talk.

“Are you not going?”

“Yeah, don’t go. If I go, I’ll do more strange things. It’s annoying and I have no obligation to listen to him now.”

Esther nodded.

“Junis, you said you were called too. If so, it will be a very long homecoming. I couldn’t care.”

“Nothing to notice. Leave it to me and you go where you want to go.”

“…is it okay?”

“You know, the more you go there, the more enemies there will be. There is no reason to take refugees there. Worry about you rather than me. Corruption and dragons will be gathered in the center of it.”

“Did you know?”

“Look at this.”

square machine. It was a smartphone.

“It was filmed by a fearless journalist. It looks like he died during filming, but thanks to this, you can see what’s in the place where the sword is stuck.”

“This is…”

A single sword standing tall.

If you look at the corruption hanging around you and the flying dragons, it’s no different from a demonic realm.

And there was a large building in the center, and it was a neat building with no damage compared to other places.

“Do you see the ashes here?”


the entrance of the building. Ashes fly from something sitting on the steps.

The shape is not properly recognizable.

However, they were sure it wouldn’t be Callius.

“Maybe it’s an incarnation or something.”

“Yes, because then all the corruption and dragons around you would have died.”

“huh. That’s all I can tell you so far. Good luck with the rest. Esther.”

“I will leave them to you.”

“don’t worry.”

“Then, Junice. See you next time.”

Junice shook her head.

After Esther left, Junis, who had been looking behind her for a long time, spat out the last word when he saw a shield that didn’t exist anywhere he looked.

“If there is a next.”

* * *


Fatalite is covered in blood and buried in the rubble of a building, and Stella, who is corrupt, is aiming a sword at her.

Fatalite laughed at her expressionless face.

“It is strong. I have one question before I die. Could you please answer me?”

[It’s a warrior’s courtesy. I will answer.]


Shaking off the debris that had accumulated on her body and wiping the blood from her forehead, Fatalite asked reverently.

“Why did you lose?”

Stella’s army flinched.

Clearly, in terms of the current win or loss, it was Fatalite’s defeat.

However, she was asking Stella’s victory or defeat, not their own victory or defeat.

A win or loss from a long time ago.

“You even hid the holy sword and disappeared. Since then, no one has been able to find a trace of you. Now that I have come and seen my depravity, I must have met God.”

Stella, who can be said to be a great master of swords, showed up in a corrupted state.

I mean.

“You must have been defeated by God. I want to know why you lost.”

[What are you going to do with that?]

“Because my god has to win.”


Stella was silent for a moment.

And answer soon.

[Even if I defeated him, nothing would change.]

“What do you mean by that?”

[A weapon is just a weapon.]

A weapon is just a weapon.

While Fatalite, who realized the true meaning of that meaning, was the flagship.

Along with the corner of Stella’s mouth, her sword also rose.

[Even if you tell your god. It won’t mean much. God is just a poor word.]


* * *


Colleas shuddered and stopped, looking far into the sky.

“Why are you like that?”

“God, are you okay?”

“Okay. More than that, it’s spectacular. When did you get this sword again?”

“I do not know. It came into being at some point. But isn’t that a bit transparent?”

“I am not the only one who felt that way. But it seems to be getting darker…”


“Can I break through?”

“It’s something you have to do. You won’t have to worry so much. Unlike before, he said he would fight this time too.”

A landscape that is no different from a demonic landscape.

A Colius strides through a bleak landscape where demonic energy, which is no different from black poison smoke, and a dragon sitting on top of a collapsed building.

Corruption and dragons were not that threatening to him.


man who discovered Calius and rushes with Dragon Pier.

However, Callius walks slowly without giving a glance.

Then he pulls out a sword.

Black Emily in a scabbard.

Let him swing Emily once.


It goes back into the scabbard with a sound.


cooong kung!!

The dragons that were rushing at them fell to the ground and cause a great uproar.



Coca and Ailee were also surprised.

He killed a long-distance dragon with a single sword.

A total of three dragons.

‘A sword came out of the shadow.’

Callius’ sword came out of the shadow of my body under the dragon’s wings and divided everyone.

It was probably a skill achieved by using Helena’s power as if it were her own.

Thanks to this, Ailee and Coca were able to conserve their strength and easily headed to their destination.

after a few battles.

There were no Corruption and Dragons approaching them. Everyone was wary, but couldn’t approach him hastily.

The life force and energy emitted made them retreat as if they had created a barrier.

Their feet stopped when Colius reached his destination.

When entering the entrance of the building.

It was when he reached the presence guarding the place.

[I was waiting. Sheath.]

A woman sitting on the stairs of a building.

A woman wrapped in all sorts of threads and a body of a corpse that was crudely connected around it and attached under the lower body.

affixed fall.

another name.

“Are you the beginning?”

[That’s right.]

A person who might have become a god.

A misfortunate corruption that has stolen the dignity.

Fall of the Beginning.

The existence that became the starting point of the fall.

Virgin Sophia.

She was holding a heart in her hand.

Something like a nucleus different from humans.

“Is it the heart of the Dragon King?”

[that’s right. If I take the heart of the dragon king and your incarnations, I can approach God.]

“Being close is different.”

[So I waited for you.]


I took a bite of my heart.

immediately. Koo Goo Goo! An explosion of energy occurred with a violent vibration.


The ground explodes.

Tentacles of beginnings flew through the ground from all sides.


He swelled up his body by attaching all the corpses scattered around him.

Watching her turn into a monster who doesn’t know if it’s a dragon or what.

he didn’t move

[If I eat you, I finally become a god! The same as them! Put them on the same line and finally be able to compete!]

Colius didn’t avoid her tentacles as she laughed and attacked.

Tentacles coiled around his body.

Then the tip of the tentacle opened like a mouth and tried to swallow him at once.

[…why don’t you avoid it?]

The tentacles stopped moving.

Mystery aroused suspicion and wariness.

The fall of the beginning is not foolish.

There is no one who does not move even though he knows he will die.

How vain is the person who has risked all sorts of dangers and become strong so far?


It must have had other ulterior motives.

“Something like a bug is quick to notice.”

Callius clicked his tongue, then raised the corner of his mouth.

“It doesn’t matter.”


The tentacles surrounding his body instantly burn up and turn to ash containing heat.


Burning ash burns everything connected in a chain to ashes.


The start of the ash as the ash as the ashes were burned out and separated from themselves.

But just then.



Start caught by the neck met his eyes.

Gray eyes like an abyss.


“Don’t take Carly.”


The start started screaming.