Sword Pilgrim-Chapter 252

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Episode 252 The

sheath is in Fatalite’s hand.

Demetrius, given by Colius.

It was held in her hand.

“I ate one.”

After seeing the cunning love letter, I came to see the face of the current queen.

The beginning was mediocre.

Embarrassed Queen’s face.

And as his words continued, his expression became colorful.

As for Fatalite, such a queen was pretty cute.

Embarrassment that someone secretly read the letter that was no different from my love letter.

Even though she was in the position of a country’s queen, she had an untainted innocence.

The moment I tried to harass her with various jokes while looking at her with interest.

In an instant, her mood changed.

From Fatalite’s point of view, the unrefined divine power disappeared at once.

I didn’t feel anything.

“God Balterus.”


Other than Balterus, the Sword God, there is no other word to explain this strange phenomenon.

Clara feels as if the human itself has disappeared.

But even so, the queen was in front of her, and there was something else inside.

[Is his embrace warm?]

“Oh, be petty. Are you jealous of me for coming without saying hello?”

Fatalite covered her mouth with her hand and laughed mockingly.

Clara’s face was not smiling at all.

Just look with deep eyes.

There is nothing stupid like laughing alone.

Fatalite also laughed.

“I was warm. Unlike anyone else who only gives you trials.”

[It was for you.]

“Is that why you made my eyes roll? I still see it often. It’s like pushing the kids you’ve been watching to death and telling them to get stronger.”

In the North she saw.

The still young girl, like herself in her old days, had a burning desire to see the giant.

[It was for my children. In order for a sword to be a sword, it must be struck more. Only then can a superior sword be born.]

“Is that so? Is that why you throw away those who have passed the test of death and make them unable to live or die?”

[That is also part of the sword.]

While blaming God.

she understood

Originally, it was God’s work.

A sword god is a god for swords.

A stronger sword.

For a sword that can reach the sky, believers seek a sword to increase their strength and offer to the gods.

I believe that only by offering such an excellent sword can I return to the arms of God and be at peace.

However, God has no desire to do anything for the followers.

He’s just a sword.

A god who exists only for the sword.

“You seem to have an idea of turning Corruption into a sword someday.”

[Corruption is just unfinished swords. Rather, they should thank me for selecting the chosen ones and changing their mortal lives.]

“They said they were abandoned by the gods and tried to kill humans.”

[That’s also a cycle.]

It’s called a cycle.

“Is that so.”


“Why did you appear? Come now.”

[Because mine was taken away.]


[I watch all the swords. black are my children So are you.]

Even when he became a holy stone statue.

No matter when the years go by.

[You were my child.]

“You are just a small existence that has become a stone statue.”

[It was a great sword. I was thinking of waking you up sometime and giving you a chance.]

But it was too late.

No, rather than being late, it was taken away.

“Is that why you asked? Are you warm?”


Fatalite’s eyes narrowed.

I don’t think I came to ask if it was warm or not.

She felt intuitively that something would change.

In one word, something changes.

Whether it will be a blessing or a curse, only God knows.

But somehow.

‘I think it’s going to be on the bad side.’

Somehow it seemed so.

[I asked if it was warm.]

After looking into the eyes of the god who urged him to answer, Fatalite nodded.

“It is warm. He’s not obsessed with things like the rest of us.”

Then God smiled.

eyes remain still.

As soon as the corners of his mouth rose, even Clara’s face was somehow creepy.

[He is different from us. It will be different. Because it has to be different.]

“…Does he hate you?”

[I don’t hate you.]

I am. Does that mean that other gods are different?

[Tell your god.]


There is a creepy sense of something disappearing that I didn’t feel anything about.

[We’ve already demolished the wall.]


[Your god won’t be allowed that much time.]

The day the wall is completely destroyed.

Many things will fall on that day.


“Oh, just now… was there something inside me. Saint Fatalite.”

“yes. There is a God and he is gone.”


Gods come and go.

Calla’s eyes widened at the absurd remark.

“Take good care of yourself.”


“Since God dwells in it, it is unlikely that she will become pregnant.”

“yes!? Su-tae!?”

“yes. Then I’m done.”

“Wait a minute. Where are you going…”

“I think I should go to my god. Like the Sword God said, it doesn’t seem like there is much time.”

* * *

“Why did I do this…”


Coca waiting for someone at a coffee shop.

No, Kang Seong-woon blamed himself for saying it was nonsense, but waited for someone. After about ten minutes, a man with glasses approached him with a slightly haggard appearance.


“How are you?”

Around the neck of the man with glasses was the NS company pass that launched Pilgrim’s Road.

“What is it? I’m really busy, so I have to go right away.”

Coca’s cousin had black under eyes and beard, as if he hadn’t slept properly for several days.

“I have something to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“There is a pilgrim’s path. Can artificial intelligence there recognize that the world they live in is a game?”

“what? Did you call someone who was busy just to ask you that?”

“It’s really important.”

“It’s so…”

His relative’s younger brother, Seong-gyu, shook his head as if he was dumbfounded.

“It makes no sense. Do you think you would believe it if someone told you that the world you live in is a game?”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Yes, people naturally tend to believe what they want to believe. Even if the rumor that their world is a game is true, no one will believe it. Because it’s nonsense. Hyung, you’ve only been playing games lately, haven’t you fallen in love with it?”

Coca asked again with a serious expression without a hint of laughter at the words of his relative’s younger brother who giggled.

“Sunggyu, what if there is?”

Then Sunggyu stopped laughing and brought the coffee to his mouth again, chewing on the ice and replying.

“If there is… isn’t it someone with a weird head?”

“is it? Is that so too?”

“But why. Why are you asking such a trivial question? Why did the NPC in the game ask if his world is a game?”

“I have something to do with it.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s what I mean…”


“Oh wait.”

The bell rings and Seong-gyu’s face instantly becomes urgent after answering the phone.

“Yes yes. All right. Ah-gum again? It shouldn’t be an error already. Yes, I understand. I’ll go right up.”

pop. After hanging up the phone, Seong-gyu sighed deeply, drank one shot of coffee, and stood up.

“Hyung, I’m really sorry, but I have to go because it’s urgent.”

“Sunggyu, only one. Let me ask you one more question.”

“Say something quickly.”

Coca hesitated for a moment.

I asked at Sunggyu’s smoldering eyes.

“Among the people who play the game, the users who have been corpseed several times… are they fine?”

Sunggyu’s expression, which was in a hurry, turned white in an instant.

“Of course… nothing special. What will happen to the user if it becomes a sword? It’s a game after all.”

“right? Right?”

“then. I ask all sorts of strange things. Are you really okay bro? Play some games.”

“Ah, yes. How do you feel?”

“okay. anyway i go effort!”

Jingle and jingle.

Looking at Seong-gyu’s back as he hurriedly runs out of the cafe.

Coca bowed her head.

“Looks like something. Fucking…”

He remembered the face of his younger brother who couldn’t lie, and he felt a keen sense of uneasiness that something was going wrong.

* * *

At the same time, the temple of the scabbard.

In the innermost space there, Colius was sitting on a chair with one leg folded. With her arms resting on the armrests and her chin resting, she looked at the person in front of her with curious eyes.

“I didn’t know you would come.”

[It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, and it’s surprising that he’s become a huge figure.]

Black hair and black eyes.

A woman wearing an impression that looks like a witch from the past is a self-corrupted witch.


“Did the whispering Corruption come to God’s space to whisper something to me?”

[I didn’t come here to whisper something. I just came to tell you.]

“You mean, Beria. You came to me to tell someone else?”

The one who seldom reveals herself is the whispering depraved Beria. novelbuddy.cσ๓

Wasn’t it Beria who had been hiding in Beria’s catacombs for hundreds of years?

A person like that came all the way here to hear someone’s message?

Callius straightened his back.

[Does anyone know?]

“It must have been the corruption of the beginning.”

[You got it right. How are you going to listen?]

“If only I could listen. By the way, your power won’t work here.”

Beria nodded, calmly closed her eyes, chewed the words, and said:

[A hole has been drilled.]


I am not talking about a simple hole.

Callie’s expression immediately turned serious.

The hole probably refers to the world.

the world is pierced

That would be referring to the current situation.

Since there was a hole, it can be seen that the players led to this place.

[And continues.]

Callius’ eyes widened.

Jumping up from his seat, he strode towards Beria and grabbed her by the shoulder.

[It hurts.]

“Is that all?”

[Yeah, they said you would understand.]

A hole opens and connects.

in other words.


There was no difference between saying that the game and the reality were connected.

But Colius had no choice but to believe this nonsense.

Because they were the ones who came here in the first place.