Spell Weaver-Chapter 66: Moving in Excitement

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“Come on, dude! Just spill it already.”

Alex let out an exaggerated groan from his spot in the backseat of Mark’s SUV. The car was filled with the sound of rustling jackets and the low hum of the heater, providing a warm refuge from the cold outside. The mood was light, with a sense of anticipation. Next to him, Sam was squeezed into the middle of the row between him and Olivia. Sarah was in the front and gave a light hearted laugh as Mark looked into the rear mirror.

“I mean, Alex. Really. Look at this kid’s grin! He’s just looooving the torture, huh?”

Sam’s mischievous grin caused the entire car to begin laughing at Mark’s frustration.

“Stop being such a baby. We’re almost there,” Alex said. He scrolled down through the lists of items that were posted on the Auction House section of the AG app.

I was hoping that things would begin to drop in price since returning from the Rift, now that more people are awakening and closing Rifts.

As he scrolled through the app, he noticed something odd. While some manuals were listed at astronomical prices with a “Consumable” tag, others were marked as “Study Copy” and cost a fraction of their counterparts.

“Hey, what’s with these price differences?” Alex asked Olivia. “Some of these are way cheaper and marked as ‘Study Copy.’”

Olivia leaned forward to look past Sam. “Oh yea, didn’t you see the posts about that? Hm, maybe not. That was while you were… gone. Anyway, someone figured out that you can photocopy manuals. It can scan the information from them, but the consumable function doesn’t transfer over with them. So, we can make study copies of some of the better manuals and sell them for way cheaper to share information.”

Alex stared dumbfounded, “That’s… pretty mundane. Isn’t it?”

“Why wouldn’t it work though?” Olivia shrugged.

“I don’t know, I guess I just expected there to be some sort of magical interference or that the System wouldn’t let us do that. Like we would need some sort of skill or class to transfer the information.”

“I’m sure that’s the answer to making more of the consumable manuals, but looks like our tech works just fine out here in the real world, so taking pictures of a manual or scanning copies is the way to go.”

Alex quickly switched to the AG forums and found several trending discussions from a few weeks before about the development. Apparently, the ability to create study copies had caused quite a stir in the community, with many celebrating how it made knowledge more accessible.

This changes everything. I could actually build up a decent library without breaking the bank.

He tapped through the app until he found a filter that allowed him to sort through the listed manuals by type. When he found several basic runic manuals marked as study copies, he appreciated how the normal bit of technology had made learning more accessible. While the consumable versions still had prices of several hundred Mana Stones, actually increasing from where they had been before he entered the Epic Rift, the study copies were surprisingly affordable.

Following the same approach he'd taken to learn rituals, Alex chose manuals that focused on general basics rather than specialized approaches. He hoped that this would allow him to learn and test the basic concepts and grow from that foundation.

This is perfect. I can actually study these, and the cost is way easier to stomach. Even with my new wealth, this would’ve hurt to eat the price of the other manuals.

Alex added a few more study copies to his cart and completed the purchase, feeling good about the investment in his education.

As he looked around at the quickly passing scenery. “Mark, slow down some. We’re almost there.”

“What? Here?” He slowed down and looked over at his phone which was plugged in and resting in one of the cup holders. “No, that can’t be right…” He mumbled the last words, but Alex was able to hear them and he forced down the smile that crept up his face.

Sam nudged his side with an elbow. When Alex met the teen’s face and saw his grin, he couldn’t keep his own down any longer.

“Whaaaat…” Mark dragged out the word in disbelief as he turned the SUV onto the gravel driveway. The crunch of tires on gravel could be heard as everyone in the car grew quiet with disbelief.

Alex felt his excitement bubbling to the surface as his friends took in the overhead trees, the lawn, and as they emerged into the roundabout, the beautiful estate.

“Dude- what!” Mark repeated the word in the same drawn-out fashion.

The car exploded into chaos as everyone started asking questions and talking over each other. Olivia went so far as to lean forward into the front of the vehicle and press the button to open Mark’s sunroof. Once open, she stood up and leaned in front of Sam to get her head out of the car as they continued up the drive.

Once they reached the roundabout, they all piled out of the car, and Alex couldn’t contain his laughter anymore. The winter air was biting, but the sun and their winter jackets did a lot to keep them warm.

The front door opened, and Edwin stepped out onto the front porch along with the chef and maid who’d accepted the positions during interviews the day before. Alex noted the difference in clothing that each attendant wore. Specifically, Edwin and Gabriella looked like they had stepped out of a fairy tale stereotyping their profession.

Alex walked ahead of his friends, who, other than Sam, were all still gawking at the house.

“Guys, please meet Edwin Hartley. He’s going to be our head of staff.”

“Hello, Mr. Hartley.”

“Good morning, Mr. Grant. Please call me Edwin,” Edwin said to Sam.

“Head of what now?” Mark asked.

“Uhh, my head hurts,” Olivia said, giving the three a wave before introducing herself.

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Sarah finally spoke up, “Alex.”

“Yes?” He said with exaggerated innocence.

“I’m guessing that AG deal was more lucrative than you let on, right?”


“Dude! This is insane- are you serious right now? How much does something like this cost to rent?!” Mark threw his arm around Alex’s shoulders and jostled them around as he hopped up and down. “This is a tiny step up from your apartment, huh?”

“Rent? What do you mean?”


“Oh, yes.” Alex couldn’t help but smile up at his large friend. “It’s big enough for all of you if you want to move in. But first, say hello!” He dipped out from the muscular arm and took the stairs two at a time.

At the landing, he met with Olivia as she finished introducing herself to the maid, Clara.

“Everyone, like I said,” He held out his arm and gestured to Edwin. “this is Edwin. He’s the head of staff and going to help me make sure that I don’t let this place fall apart. This here, is Chef Gabriella Cruz. Next to her is Mrs. Clara Mitchell, who will be helping us keep the estate clean.”

Sarah stepped forward to introduce herself to the staff, and Alex saw Mark mimicking how he had said ‘estate.’

All the staff greeted the group in turn.

“Good morning. I’m at your service.” Edwin said simply.

Alex saw the older man’s mustache twitch as the loud chef stepped forward.

“Hi everyone! Hope you’re ready for some great food and a little kitchen chaos. Please call me Gabby,” She said.

There is going to be some adjusting there for Edwin.

During their interviews, Edwin had wanted to go with a different chef, but there was something about Gabby that reminded Alex of an older, more motherly version of Mark. She seemed genuinely happy and like she wanted to treat people to her love of cooking. She’d become even more excited at the prospect of the job when Alex had mentioned potentially Awakening the staff, which just sold him on her even more.

Edwin believed that the staff should be quieter, more out of sight, and a bit more deferential. In contrast, Alex felt that Gabby wanted there to be a relationship bordering on friendship while still keeping the line between boss and employee.

After the introductions had finished, Alex began to guide everyone into the house. As they stepped inside, everyone removed their jackets, and Alex took off his own, allowing Valtherion to fly free. The tiny creature let out a joyful chirp and began to excitedly explore the house, zooming around Mark and Sam, who laughed at his enthusiasm. However, he hadn’t even made it halfway through the tour before Mark, with a huge grin on his face, was practically bouncing as he tried to call dibs on a room. "This one's mine! I can already picture my name on the door," he said, his enthusiasm infectious.

Alex was surprised to see Sam glower at the Polish man and walk into the room, which Alex had already said he could have.

“Hey, hey! That’s cheating!” Mark called. He left the group and ran to a different room, soon followed by Sam, who was laughing at the grown man's silliness.

Updat𝒆d fr𝑜m freewebnøvel.com.

Never change, Mark. Never change.

“Well, I should have seen that coming,” Alex said.

“Can I see the gym?” Olivia asked.

“Yeah, of course. It’s right through here.” He led them back downstairs and into the living room. From there, he pointed to the far side of the open living space at a set of double doors that led to the gym.

Alex sat down on the couch and laughed nervously. “Pretty surreal, huh?”

Sarah nodded and sat at the edge of another section of the couch. “I don’t want to sound like your mom, but did you think this through? This seems like a huge purchase.”

He tensed before understanding her point. “I know it probably seems like a crazy purchase. But I really did put some thought into it. Hear me out.” He sighed and explained that he'd consulted advisors specializing in sudden wealth. He’d also spoken with a realtor recommended by Elana and gone from there.

“Look, the biggest reason I want to do this is to keep us all together. You and Mark are Awakened now. I don’t want Sam to keep sleeping on my couch if he decides to keep staying with me. I want us to stay together and safe. I have some resources and training information now, after the Rift, and I want to share it with you guys. Mark made the joke during Christmas, but it really stuck with me- this idea of having a ‘Team House’ where we can all have a sort of home base…” He trailed off, realizing that he’d been rambling.

Sarah watched him quietly, letting him spill it all out.

God, she’s so analytical. She’s probably thought through all of this already, anyway.

After a few silent moments, she nodded. “Yeah, okay. That makes sense. It’s not my place to criticize you, but I just wanted to make sure you hadn’t gone and done something crazy. I think it’s a great idea.”

“I know you’re just looking out, thanks.”

She smiled, and Mark burst into the room from the foyer. “There’s a pool?! Why didn’t you say so?”

Alex laughed. “Well, you ran off in the middle of the tour!”

Another half hour of everyone excitedly exploring the large mansion and Alex was able to shepherd them onto the comfortable sofa in the living room. He wanted to explain to the rest of the group some of what he and Sarah discussed.

“Listen, I know this is a lot to take in. I just wanted to provide a home base for us—somewhere we can all grow stronger together, train without distractions, and support each other in this crazy shitshow. There's no pressure to move in; just know you all have a key and are welcome anytime.”

Sam and Mark instantly agreed to move in.

Olivia spoke up first among the girls. "I'll definitely be around to train and hang out, especially on the weekends. But with Liam and my Peacekeeper responsibilities during the week, it makes more sense for me to keep my place for now." She caught Alex's eye and her smile widened slightly, both of them silently acknowledging that moving in together would be too much too soon.

"I might not be able to move in full-time either, just because of my work. But it's great to know I have a place here, especially to experiment and train with you," Sarah added.

Alex felt tension he wasn’t aware he’d been carrying leave his shoulders.

“That’s fine, seriously. I know it’s a big decision… but I’m going all in on this life.” He reached up and pulled off the mask that had been covering his face as a matter of habit over the last few weeks. The spider silk stuck to his face and stretched slightly as he pulled at it, though he knew that from the outside it looked even more strange as the illusion distorted and broke. “I don’t want to keep hiding like this or feel weird about how strong I’m becoming. It’s just who I am now. Since I’ve gotten home, I’ve been trying to hide my eye and my scar, worried it would make me seem like an outcast or a freak; but when I gave it some more thought, I realized that I really just don’t care. Fitting in seems like such a petty concern after the last few months and my focus is on getting stronger, regardless of what other people think. I want you guys to get stronger with me, and this can be a spot for us to grow without dealing with city neighbors and nosey people judging us.”

I’m done hiding. If people want to stare at my scar or my eye, let ‘em. I’m proud I made it out of that Rift in one piece.

There was some more light-hearted conversation before Mark brought up the pool a second time. He talked Sam into joining him as they went to enjoy the indoor portion of the climate-controlled water. Sarah and Olivia, though stiff and a bit awkward together, went up the stairs to look at the unclaimed rooms.

Alex looked out through the glass portion of the living room, taking in the expansive courtyard with its neatly trimmed hedges, stone pathways, and the sprawling open backyard beyond. The sun shone off the bare branches of the trees which cast shadowed patterns on the ground. The entire space was peaceful and full of potential.

There’s so much space…

His mind was drawn back to his purchase in the car.

I wonder… she’s been talking about building a training facility, right?

Alex pulled his phone out and called Elana to ask about training equipment and how to begin outfitting such a large space. After she gave him a number, he saved it to his phone and began to dial the company’s number.

He stopped as he heard a cough from the doorway.

“Edwin?” Alex asked.

“Master Moore, if I may?” He removed his own phone from his inner vest pocket and gestured at it with his free hand.

Ah, you’re saying this is the kind of thing I should delegate. Wow, I’m dumb.

“Yes, please. That would be great, thank you. Can you also look into what sort of security the house has? If we need to, we should install some cameras or an alarm system or something. I’ve never had money like this, but I don’t love the idea of someone breaking in to steal it,” Alex said with a slightly nervous grin.

Edwin bowed before stepping back through the doorway and out of sight.

That’s going to take some getting used to.