Spell Weaver-Chapter 40: A Taste of Power
When the trio stepped through the sliding door and into the sect head’s office space, Alex heard the tail end of a conversation. Judging by the robes and their elaborate embellishments, Alex assumed that he was a high-ranking sect member.
Immediately, Alex recognized Eura. The bald celestial man was speaking to the man calmly, with his arms behind his back. Even from the end of the exchange, it was obvious that the Elder was restraining himself from an outburst.
Noticing their entry, Eura dismissed the man, who huffed and turned quickly with a flourish of his robes before departing.
“Sect Head, this one presents the Honored Guest and… Uhm-” Xue looked to Alex.
Alex looked at the boy and shrugged.
“His name is Samuel.”
“It’s alright, Disciple Zhao Xue. Thank you for guiding them here. I heard a bit of what happened at the market. I’d like you to give a more detailed report,” Eura said, looking out of one of the large windows overlooking the city.
While the young sect member recounted events, Alex looked around the office. They’d come to the uppermost floor of the Grand Pagoda, where it seemed like the entire floor was just for the sect’s leader. In this spacious room, there were minimal furnishings; only a few scrolls or paintings of a lotus hung on the walls. The floors were made of dark wood, and the doors remained the same sliding type that he had seen in his own temporary quarters.
Alex's eyes were naturally drawn to Eura, who stood by one of the windows over looking the city with his arms clasped behind his back. It took Alex a moment to notice what was off, and it was that he only had two arms.
Okay, maybe this isn’t Eura. I saw him change his size to fit easier in the cavern. Can he change his arms, too?
He was tempted to remove the puck covering his eye to inspect the man, but it likely wouldn't work if the Sect Head was as strong as Alex believed.
Alex’s thoughts were turned back to the retelling of events, and he couldn’t help but scratch his head and shift his weight.
Damn, did I really look like that? That sounds kind of cringy. Maybe I should have just hit him right away instead of talking.
He was thankful that the disciple actually remembered to mention that Sam was from the same home as him.
Hopefully, Eura understands what that means. I need to ask him more about the System. The information he gave me in the cave was so much more than I knew on Earth.
“Very well. Thank you for the report, Initiate. You may leave us.”
Xue bowed and glanced at Alex once on his way out of the room.
“You’ve grown, little human,” Eura said as he turned to the two humans.
When Alex saw the man’s face, he saw only two eyes, though they were both the same as his gifted Heavenly Eye.
“Is that really you? Is your name even Eura? I tried to tell your people your name, and they just kept hitting me, saying that they didn’t know someone by that name…”
“It is really me. Have you not tried to check? I’m hurt that you’re not using my gift.”
“I’m guessing that it would be rude… and that it wouldn’t work anyway,” Alex said.
Eura gave them a boyish grin, which seemed a bit out of place on the serious face he’d just seen the Sect Head using with the Elder. “You’re correct. It would not work. But why are you concerned with rudeness? You just killed a man in broad daylight while surrounded by a crowd. Not only that but when confronted on the matter, you then subdued five of my men.”
I saw the blue experience motes come out of him, but I really didn't mean to kill him. It was just one punch...
Shit. Okay, I’ve got to play this smart. Maybe I just pretend I’m giving a pitch to a CEO at work.
Alex looked at the regal celestial humanoid that stared at him with black and gold eyes, waiting patiently.
Yea, no. That ain't gonna cut it. What would Jake do? He handles these social situations so well. Damn it.
He had to admit to himself that nothing in his normal life had prepared him for this moment.
Alex held himself in place and suppressed the urge to shrug. He decided to turn this situation back on Eura and see what was really going on here. A vague idea was forming in his head from the information that Disciple Xue had given him, but he wanted to hear it from the leader.
“I’m glad you brought that up… Is it normal for your men to capture and beat children? Then, to make them spend enough of their mana to pass out? What’s even worse, it looks like the sect members were protecting the scumbag, and when I confronted him on it, he tried to throw around the weight of his family.” Alex looked at Eura and could feel his pulse quickening.
Is that because I’m pissed or scared? Both? Alright, maybe I shouldn’t just antagonize him, but those are all solid points, right?
He knew that the man in front of them could kill him quickly. Alex looked to Sam, who looked like he was trying to remain as small and unnoticeable as possible. The teenager’s body was partially behind Alex’s as if worried about being seen by the stern-looking Sect Head.
It seemed that Eura agreed with his thoughts because he sighed, and his straight-backed shoulders sagged as he exhaled.
“You’re correct. That is not how our Celestial Lotus Sect should be. A lot has changed in the years that I was imprisoned, and it doesn’t look like some even expected me to come back at all.”
Alex shifted his weight, debating whether to share what he knew. "There's something else you should know. The System... the Rift Quest changed when I accepted your hidden quest, but it did say originally that there is a spy in the Celestial Lotus Sect."
Eura's expression didn't change. "I'm aware there are those within these walls who would never have been allowed to remain before my imprisonment." His calm response surprised Alex. "The sect has festered in my absence. Some wounds will need to be cut away before they can heal."
Alex started to press the issue, but something in Eura's steady gaze made him stop. The celestial man seemed to have things well in hand, despite his casual response.
Eura walked toward Alex, causing him to tense up. But then Eura stopped and crouched down. “Samuel,” Eura said with a startling amount of compassion.
Alex glanced at the younger boy from the corner of his right eye and saw him lift his head to look at the sect leader.
“I am truly sorry for what you’ve been put through because of my people.” Eura let his complex and unsettling eyes linger for a moment before standing and brushing off his robes.
There was a long pause as Alex stood dumbfounded.
“W-wait. That’s it? I don’t even know how long he’s been here, but judging by the fact that he’s higher level than me and has just been forced to heal over and over, I’m going to guess it’s been a long ass time. You just say sorry and dust yourself off?” His voice rose slightly in disbelief.
“What would you like me to do for him? I can not turn back time and prevent it from happening. This is the way of things in most places.”
“The way of things…?” Alex realized that his eyes were open abnormally wide, and his fists were clenched.
He forced himself into a more neutral position.
“Yes. While it’s not this way everywhere, many believe that only the strongest should rule. That those with the power to take what they want, should do so. If it leads to fighting, then that will only lead to a victor who would be more suited to rule.”
Alex sputtered in response, unsure of how to even answer.
“How is it done on your home planet?”
The question was asked genuinely and took some of the fire from Alex’s chest. “It’s done through holding a vote of the entire population to choose a leader based on policies. Other than government politics, most of the country revolves around money and business. It’s been done this way for several hundred years.”
Eura nodded. “I’ve seen a few places try this way of things. I have yet to see it work.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, that most races, especially humans, will change such a system when power comes into play. Hearing that it has worked so long for your people and that you were so low-level when we first met, I would guess that you’ve only recently been introduced to the System?” While Eura looked at Alex, his forehead rose as if raising an eyebrow, though he lacked one to finish the effect.
Alex nodded in response.
Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.
“Well, even without the System, I’m sure that you saw glimpses of this before. If your country runs off of business and money, I’m sure those wealthy individuals are able to make certain rules bend in their favor. This will change even more as soon as more among you begin to gain real power. I would guess that you will see things change. It is natural for the strong to believe that they are owed more than the weak. While it is not my personal way of thinking, many in the wider world believe that the weak serve two purposes. They are meant to be consumed to gain more power, or they are meant to be ruled by those in power.”
Alex’s eyebrows came together, and he looked at the floor. “That seems wrong. What’s stopping people from doing whatever they want, then?”
“Nothing. It is the prerogative of the strong to do or change what they want. It is a dangerous philosophy, especially since there is almost always someone out there who is stronger than you…”
Silence fell over the room for several long heartbeats.
“No, I won’t accept that. I could see many on Earth wanting this to be the case, but I’m sure we can do better.”
“Truly? You’ve already gotten a taste of this, though.”
This brought Alex up short.
“When the guards-”
“No. When you decided to save young Samuel here, you stepped in on your own and took matters into your own hands. Not only that but when a fight could have been avoided, it sounds as if you instigated it. While I don’t blame you, and I even believe that your actions were righteous, there are those in the crowd who likely think you a tyrant.”
When put into that perspective, Alex was forced to stop and consider.
Fuck. It really did happen like that.
Alex brought a hand to his head and closed his eyes tight.
Things are just happening too fast. I haven’t even fully processed the fact that I’ve killed people. My power is coming too fast. I just need to get home…
Eura nodded, satisfied to see that Alex was taking his words seriously. However, he waved his hand as if to dismiss the topic of discussion before speaking again. “This is not the reason I brought you here, Alex. I’m quite surprised to see you at all. I thought your desire was to return home.”
“It is,” Alex said, bringing his head up. “That’s part of why I’m here. I’d like to ask for your help in getting to the Rift exit.”
Eura was already shaking his head, “I cannot leave Tianluo.” He sighed and ran a hand across his bald head. “Despite my order not to, my sect took a similar approach to capturing Rakshasi as the Shadow Sect did to bind me. They traded a portion of their power to temporarily strengthen spirit bindings so that they were strong enough to hold a stronger being.”
That’s why all of the sect warriors I’ve seen so far have still been such a low level? They sacrificed some of their levels to bind the enemy sect leader?
“Wait,” Alex said. “So you’re saying that by me releasing you, the Shadow Sect went back to their normal power because the gains holding you were limiting their power? And since your sect is still holding Rakshasi, your people are weakened?” Eura nodded and looked back out the window. “So then, why don’t you kill Rakshasi or something while you have her trapped and you’re free?”
"That was the original plan, but Rakshasi is a unique creature. While I might be old, she is ancient and comes from the Night." The celestial man looked chagrinned, "I am not able to kill her. We could potentially send her back to the Night Plane, but our priests say that it will require her to be unbound." His jaw tightened. "And we're running out of time. The binding requires constant power from my people, weakening our entire sect. We cannot maintain it indefinitely.”
“So what is your plan, then?”
“We will hold her as long as we can while our sect continues to train. When she is released, both sides will be back to their original positions, albeit with fewer sect members.”
To Alex, it was clear that this pained Eura.
I’m sure he feels like his imprisonment and those who died to get him out or capture Rakshasi in the first place were a waste.
There was a silence before Alex spoke up. “What if we could help each other, then?”
Alex tapped his chin and continued to think. There was a situation that could potentially benefit them both, though it felt risky.
“You can send a team of your people with us to the Rift exit while you stay here to guard Rakshasi. Since you already know the Firstborn is hunting after me because I released you, she will try to stop us from leaving the Rift. I think she’s already waiting for me to go that way again. Set up an ambush for her and use me going to the rift as bait.”
I’m still missing so much information about this situation, but this makes sense. The Firstborn is strong, and it could make the later battles easier for the Celestial Lotus Sect members if she were out of the picture.
Eura nodded a few times, “I believe I see where you’re going with this.”
Encouraged by his response, Alex continued. “I’m sure it would be a big loss for them if you were to kill a powerful enemy before Rakshasi goes back to her side of the Rift. Especially if she needs to gain her power back over several days like you did. You already mentioned that without Rakshasi’s guidance, the Shadow Sect is likely disorganized. With those three factors, your sect could have a real chance to end things quickly.”
“Hmm..” Eura paced as he began to think through the implications.
Alex waited quietly, though the tension was broken as he felt Valtherion move around in his robe.
What are you doing?
Yeah, he’s still here. You can come out for a bit if you want. Eura already knows about you.
Val flew out of the opening in the robe and did a spiral up in the air before locating Sam. The wyrm flew at a lazy pace, which seemed to work well for Sam who was still a bit skittish of the small creature.
As Val got closer and stopped, Alex watched Sam hesitate. The younger boy looked to Alex and when he received a nod of encouragement, he reached his hand out.
In characteristic fashion, Val ran his forehead into Sam’s palm, which caused the boy to laugh.
A smile crept onto Alex’s lips, happy to see that the boy wasn’t so wounded that he couldn’t still laugh or find amusement in something small. So far, Sam reminded Alex of some of the shelter puppies he’d seen. Mistreated and abused, he was just so shy and skittish. He looked to be 15 or 16, and Alex wasn’t sure how he would have handled such a situation at that age.
Fuck Eura’s logic. I should have hit that merchant again while he could still feel it.
Eura stopped his pacing and turned to face Alex fully. "You know, when I first regained consciousness after you freed me, I gave you a gift of power. At the time, I thought it adequate compensation." He shook his head slowly. "But then I learned how my sect treated you - the beatings, the public humiliation, ignoring your words about helping me. Even an enemy spy deserves better."
His eyes fixed on Alex. "You've offered a good plan. One that could work. And while I still believe you were compensated for freeing me, I owe you something for how my people treated you after." He clasped his hands behind his back once more. "I have two requirements before agreeing to this."
“Okay…” Alex said, waiting for the hammer to drop.
“The first and most important is that you will not just be the bait and abandon my people like your fodder. There will be a fight, and I want you to help my people win it.”
“Help? I’m no match for that oversized reptile.”
“Neither are my people while their strength is reduced. The strategy will need to be well-planned and well-executed. I know that you have a strong will to survive, or you would not have made it here from that hell deep beneath the Shadow Sect’s territory.”
As Alex thought about it, it did seem like a fair requirement.
Fuck, I just want to get out of this place.
“Alright, I agree. As long as you can agree that Samuel’s not part of the attacking group. If there’s a chance for him to get out of the Rift, he can leave immediately. He might help with healing if it’s needed before that, but otherwise, treat it like an escort mission for him.”
Alex did his best to look strong and confident. He would not bend on this fact. Regardless of Samuel’s life outside of the Rift, he was still a child, and he’d been through hell. If anyone was making it out, it would be him.
Eura nodded. “Agreed. The second requirement, is that we will wait to begin the plan. We will continue to hold Rakshasi in her bindings, and you’ll only make the attack once we can no longer afford to have our forces weakened.”
“How long are we talking here? I just want to go home, Eura. Since I found you in that cave three weeks ago, I’ve just wanted to go home.”
“There are benefits to be gained in doing it this way, even for you. My way to sweeten the deal will be to offer you personal training during that waiting period. Not just from me, but from our sect’s martial masters as well.”
“Why would you do that?”
"I have three reasons. First, your better training means a better chance of success for my people. Second, I was once like you - lost in a world beyond my understanding. But most importantly, I owe you a debt. Not just for freeing me but for the shameful way my sect treated you. A gift of power was not enough to balance that scale. Real training, the kind that will help you survive beyond this world - that's how I start to make things right.”
Alex went to speak, but Eura held up a hand to forestall the question.
“You mentioned earlier that people here do not know my name as Eura. You are right. Eura is not my birth name. But the first time I left my home planet for training and competition, I met someone who was stronger than I could comprehend at the time. They helped shape and develop my foundations, and they gave me the name Eura as their nominal disciple. It is the name I always use when traveling and meeting those outside of our world.”
“I want to ask you so much more about the other worlds and how you seem to know about the levels and Rifts while no one else seems to understand. Everything here mentions techniques and Qi, while everything in the System I’ve seen talks about skills and mana.”
“Yes, this is one of the things we can cover if you accept my requirement for the deal.”
“If I say no, you won’t help us get to the exit?”
Eura shook his head. “I won’t endanger the lives of my sect members without the agreement. We could be patient just the same and allow Rakshasi to leave her bindings and start fighting with a fresh force rather than gamble elites on a strike at the Firstborn while they are still weakened."
Alex sighed and looked over to Sam. The younger boy was having a good time moving his hand around in the air while Val attempted to nuzzle his palm.
“Samuel, do you mind waiting to go home? We’ll probably have a better chance if we wait a bit.”
Sam looked at the older boy with a strange look that Alex couldn’t identify. He hesitated and then shook his head.
“Alright, we’ll wait. How long will you be holding her bindings?”
“Four weeks would be the most we could hold, though it will likely be less. I’ll ask our scouts how much time we have before the Shadow Serpent Sect has regained enough of its power and coordination to strike. Once that time comes, we can no longer remain in this weakened state by holding Rakshasi.”
Fuck. Four weeks?!
Alex took a deep breath and let it out slowly, his shoulders sagging from exhaustion.
“Okay, four weeks it is. What do we do first? Gain some more levels?”
Eura laughed and shook his head. “No, little human. You do not need any more levels. You have already risked growing too much, too quickly. Even from what I’ve seen, you have gained a lot of power. But you should know that right now, you are a big fish in a small pond. As things progress for your world’s integration, you will still be challenged.”
Alex paused to think about how he’d been marveling at the fact that Olivia was level 10 just a few weeks ago.
God, was that really only a few weeks? It feels like another lifetime.
I wonder how Olivia is doing. Man, I really hope I get to see her again.
Oblivious to Alex’s internal drifting, Eura continued, “In the wider worlds, you would be seen as a speck of dirt beneath someone’s boot. I don’t say this to insult you, but just to point out that you are not even close to the strongest thing, even in this Broken World, let alone the wider worlds.”
Alex gulped, “I get that. Can I ask how high of a level you are?”
Eura smiled patiently as if talking to a child.
Alright, no need to be an asshole.
“I won’t give that information out, but you can know that there are 200 levels to be gained in the Lower Realm, and that I am past the halfway point.”
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Alex’s jaw dropped, which widened Eura’s smile.
“We need to train you and create a foundation before you reach your class Advancement. I would like for you to come tomorrow, with your bond, to perform some tests in front of my instructors. We will have you do some light sparring and test your strengths. In private, I will also ask you questions that you might think are sensitive about your System, but I suggest you answer them. We have many instructors here and they are specialized. The more I know about you, the better we can pair your instructors. We will split training into four weeks and train you as much as possible, though you must be willing to put in the effort.”
Fuck me, am I about to get a training montage?