Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement-Chapter 282
Sweeping 5
[Mitsuha-sama, there are strange rumors circulating in the city……] Larushia
When I showed up at Larushia Trading the next day in the early afternoon, Larushia said something like that to me.
[……Strange rumors?] Mitsuha
I sipped the tea that was served to me and asked the question back…….
[Yes. I heard that a monster appeared at the headquarters of the security forces last night……] Larushia
Bu fū u~u ~ ~!!
Ge ho-ge ho-ge ho!!
[Are-, are you okay, Mitsuha-sama?!] Larushia
[Ah no, yeah, I’m sorry…] Mitsuha
I spewed out the tea as hard as I could and splashed Larushia morosely with it.
Even so, she didn’t complain and worried about me coughing instead.
Good girl…….
However, since I disappeared in a matter of seconds, I thought he might have misunderstood it or fallen asleep and not reported it to the top……
I figured he’d keep it to himself since he had no proof and they’d just treat him like a liar, saying that he must have been skipping his work, sleeping on the job, or even questioning his sanity. I guess I bumped into a shitty serious person…….
[So, the monster had the body shape of a boy, about 11 or 12 years old, with glowing large protruding eyes……] Larushia
[Eh?] Mitsuha
I feel like I heard something alarming just now…
[Wha-, what kind of body shape did you say it is?] Mitsuha
I couldn’t help but ask back.
And Larushia’s reply was…….
[Yes, a boy of about 11 or 12.
The guards who found the monster immediately drew their swords and slashed at it without taking the time to observe it, so they could only see the upper half of its body, but it was not wearing any clothes and was naked like dry soil……] Larushia
[Are? Is there something wrong?] Larushia
[Anou… Mitsuha-sama?] Larushia
[I, is, is there, wha-, what’s wrong?] Larushia
[…Destroy] Mitsuha
Ah, no, of course, I don’t believe that everyone in the security force is a scoundrel. I think only a few of the higher-ups are taking bribes to feel good about themselves. I’m sure that most of them are respectable people who are working hard on dangerous missions for the people of Royal Capital for a low monthly salary.
That’s why I’m only going to destroy the bad guys and not those who were working hard.
……But the guy who saw me in my leotard and reported me as a ‘naked boy’. That’s not good you bastard!
In the end, I decided to leave the installation of the recording device at the security force headquarters as it was.
I set up about two less than I had planned, but I decided that was okay because I had already set up the ones where I thought I could get some good material.
After what happened yesterday, maybe they’ll be on their guard, or maybe there’ll be traps set for me. There could also be people hiding under the floor, in the ceiling, in the closet, or in other inconspicuous places……
The cost-effectiveness, risk, and return are too bad compared to the benefits of adding recorders in two less important places. I’m going to choose to leave it as is.
The odds of them finding a planted recording device would be slim.
They probably rushed to check the contents of the safe that held important documents, but if someone suspicious had broken in and stolen something, they wouldn’t have thought of someone leaving a souvenir behind, so they wouldn’t have noticed the tiny recorder stuck in a hard-to-find place.
Well, if they find them, it’s not a problem. Those things are only less than 5,000 yen each.
……Ah, the ones with external microphones are a bit more expensive, but……
However, it’s fortunate that it was the headquarters of the security force that was found……
If this had been some merchant house, it’s possible that all the merchant houses would have felt threatened and would have been on alert, and would have started to have sleepless shifts or night patrols by guards.
But still, if the incident happened at the headquarters of the security forces, the merchant house has nothing to do with it. So the security would not be strengthened in particular.
Since the guards got weird, I put off retrieving the recording devices that had been recording for a long time because I’m finding it difficult to do so. In the meantime, I’ll proceed to investigate the merchant house.
Yep, safety first.
Now we’re in the process of identification. I can’t let our opponent find out……
Who are the enemies and who are the allies?
Lateral spread!
Upward extension.
And when I figure it all out…… Things will appear to the bad guys.
<There’s no such thing as bad boys!>
A visiting deity who comes to remonstrate against evil and exorcise misfortune.
Let’s go to the otherworld at once!
[…So please!] Mitsuha
[Again?] Colette
[It’s more than the last time!] Sabine
When I pushed the pile of recording devices I had retrieved from the merchant’s house toward Colette-chan and Sabine-chan, they complained.
Yeah, well, it’s a big increase from last time……
[it’s okay, it’s just the recording time per unit is increasing.] Mitsuha
[[Where’s the ‘okay’ in that?]]
Umumu, keep breathing!
[I’m sure you’ll be relieved to know that we still have a few more sessions planned.] Mitsuha
[[So what’s the ‘relieving’ part about it?]]
All right, all right, they’re one and the same now!
[Let’s name Colette-chan White (in my heart) and Sabine-chan Black (in my stomach)!] Mitsuha
[Shut it!] Sabine
[Ah, the synchronization with Collette-chan was disturbed…] Mitsuha
[Don’t even try to deceive me! I have no choice, I’ll take the job, but I’ll be properly compensated!] Sabine
Yeah, Sabine-chan, despite everything, she still helps me when I’m really in trouble.
And of course, Colette-chan too.
……And demand the rewards synchronously. As usual…….
[Oh right, the one I gave you the last time…] Mitsuha
[No! That was for that time! This is a new request, right?] Sabine
[Guh…] Mitsuha
This is bad…
Aside from Colette-chan’s <ticket for one request of selfishness>, I can’t give Sabine-chan any more <tickets for one useful tool from Mitsuba’s home country that I specify>.
Moreover, the job of checking the recording content is going to continue a few more times……
However, these two will never accept money or similar rewards…
I wonder if there is any other good reward for this.
I think I’ll set aside the merchant investigations this time and just focus on the guards and <the top>……
Author’s Note:
Ah, I’ll be taking a break next week and the week after for the GW vacation.
The next issue will be in three weeks later……. (^^)/
Translator’s Note:
Apologies for the delay.
We’re having some technical issues (namely IC) it’s very unstable and we’re not the only one experiencing this. We (the whole neighborhood block) have already lodged a complaint to the IC provider and they promised us to fix it ASAP.
Thank you for understanding. (^^)/