Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement-Chapter 17: It’s the day of the unveiling party

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It’s the day of the unveiling party .

Early? No no, I thought there was still more than 30 days, but they all went by in a flash . Aside from just ordering, there was cooking, training, setting up the party, practicing, really, in a flash .

I didn’t open the shop at all . Well, there’s no customers other than the Liner family coming so it’s fine . …… Depressed .

I’ll spread the name of the store with this job, mhm .

Oh, I got my license . A manual license .

No, it may be necessary for the car I’m bringing here, I thought since there are no proper roads I should get a manual car .

(tl note: A car with a manual transmission)

No, that’s a story for another time, the one I bought was an automatic Kei(オートマの軽) . One where a bunch of luggage to be loaded in the back . It’ll only be used for shopping in nearby shops anyway and won’t do any long distance driving so being a light automobile is enough .

…Big cars, my feet didn’t properly reach the pedal! Even if the seat is adjustment a lot . When taking an impossible pose to reach, the front can no longer be seen properly . That’s why I’m confident that I will crash if I drive them, mhm .

The venue was set up by Kunz-san, the woodworking engineer who was asked for the renovation of the shop . He understands the gist of the things I ask for, and his arms are reliable .

Ah, the shop renovation work was satisfactory . It was cheap, but when I handed out additional payment he was very pleased . No, it’s not a matter of money, as in that a difficult task is completed with a satisfactory result and being acknowledged by the client who left such job .

As a tip, I gave him an interior magazine or rather a book about architecture that I bought at a secondhand bookstore . It’s nice that the damaged condition of the secondhand book makes it seem like a legendary book right . It’s cheap .

……Then, I was called ‘goddess’ .

Mhm, worship to your heart’s content .

So, I was ready, I just have to wait for guests .

Guest of the debutante the for the Viscount Liner family’s eldest daughter .

(tl note: This is a perspective change)

The Liner house is an emerging noble family, and there are nobles who take them lightly and make fun of them, but I, the Earl of Burder, Alberto von Burder, never thought so . Rather than the old houses that only cite the achievements of their ancient ancestors, it could be said that the Viscount Liner family that’s raised directly by the father who made a big achievement has “better lineage” than the rotten, stale houses .

Besides, the hurdle to which a commoner acquires the knighthood and becomes a noble is much higher now than in old times . Furthermore, not the baron title but viscount . How great was first generation…

And, I heard the current head has character and a good reputation . The daughter’s also beautiful…

At the moment it seems better to have a good relationship with them . I’m sorry to think about it, but if by any chance an unforeseen situation befalls on the younger brother, who’s the only boy, there’s the possibility that their daughter would need a husband . If that happens, I wouldn’t mind applying our third or fourth son .

While thinking so, the earl was guided by servants and headed to the debutant’s venue .

Oh, the dish on the table seems a bit few… .

Of course, it is natural that when the food on the plate decreases and then next dish is carried in, but even so the number of items is small . Is there something planned?

The earl having entered the venue made a slightly dubious look while lightly dampening his throat with the wine received from a waiter’s tray, but instead of thinking deeply about it, he greeted familiar nobles and killed the time with a few pleasant chats .

And after a while, the greetings from the organizers finally started .

First, comes the thank you for the visit by viscount Liner from a small stage set up ahead of the venue along with the introduction of the eldest daughter Adelaide . However, the daughter himself doesn’t appear for some reason . What does this mean?

The viscount disappears from the stage when his turn finished . The earl and his guests are in doubt .

Then .

In front of the venue, the area where the Liner was standing is suddenly surrounded by white smoke . The earl thought, fire! for a moment, but the flow of the white smoke is strange . Seem like it’s blowing out from the side… He soon understood this is intentional from the calm appearances of the employees, the venue only makes a ruckus without going into confusion .

Aside from those who have a son of age like earl Burder, the majority of nobles attended out of obligation . Unmanageable boredom from the few enjoyable things, just when they thought that it will probably be a boring party like usual again anyway, it seems that there will be something interesting so everyone becomes a little interested .

The white smoke quickly faded and swirls at a low position . Mysteriously, even if you take a little sniff of the smoke that is slightly flowing it isn’t particularly smoky . However, I feel that the temperature has slightly fallen somehow .

And then a voice came from nowhere .

“Ladies and gentlemen, today is the unveiling of the treasure of the Liner house, the Fairy of Flowers Adelaide . Please look at her adorable figure!”

The voice of the unseen but audible little girl, despite being a state of being normally talking without shouting, it greatly resonated in the venue .

“Miss Adelaide, debut!”

Along with the voice, a scenery suddenly emerged on the white wall ahead . The venue is surprised .

The scenery is a beautiful flower garden, where fairies dance . Coupled with the white smoke that faded considerably but still trails, the scenery is fantastic .

And from the shade of the curtain, a single girl .


Surprise voices rise from various places in the hall .

A flower fairy wearing a pure white dress made of light fabric . From her form lightly dancing, not only the young boys but also the adults were deprived of their eyes and leaked a voice of admiration .

The beauty of the girl, loveliness is a matter of course, but the dress that person’s wearing is wonderful! The finest silk material, never before seen brilliance and fineness, novel design . That sparkling, is it jewelry?

When the girl stopped at the center of the stage, she smiled toward the hall .

“The one who catches me, who is it?”


The cheeks of the boys staring at Adelaide fluttering to leave behind the curtain are red . No, even the adults look a bit… .

Hooray, the first part is a great success!

At the side of the stage, Mitsuha who’s in the shadow of the curtain and holding the microphone smiled .

Speakers are placed at both ends of the stage . A lot of dry ice on top of hot water . A type of projector that can project from the side rather than from the front, and a laptop connected to it . The power supply for the projector is coming from a battery bought at the home center .

It was difficult to teach the acting and there was the problem of the microphone so Mitsuha will dub all the lines . The image projected by the projector was something she found on the net pasted with fairy images .

Now behind the curtains, Adelaide is getting dressed quickly . The maid corps who repeatedly practiced many times, now is the time to show the results of that blood spitting training .

It’s almost time .

When the noise of the crowd subsides, the picture in front switches to something like a nobleman’s mansion somewhere, and the voice of the girl flow again .

“Aiming at the absence of the lord, a flock of thieves attacks the territory! The majority of the soldiers are absent with the lord and only feudal lord ’s wife and her troops remain .

Oh, now that’s the setting!

Earl Burder is overjoyed . It seems that most of the other guests have come to understand .

But what kind of gimmick is that picture?

The girl steps on the stage again . Her clothes had changed . Blue-toned, princess armor? Her left hand is casually gripping a sword within its sheath . It was decorated with something flashy, like a treasure sword…… .

After that, the butler like old man continues . And two moves to the center of the stage .

Mitsuha’s solo dubbing begins .

“Madam, the bandits are now near the territory…”

“I’ll go . Prepare for all the remaining soldiers”

“You can not! The few soldiers should be preserved . And if something should happen to madam! “

“If they are not used now, then when . And, when the husband is absent, it is my mission to protect the territory!”

In high spirits, Mitsuha speaks the lines that she had heard somewhere . Adelaide and the old butler gestures out the lines .

“I understand, I won’t stop you . Let’s hold them back and stop them at the river to buy time for your husband’s return . Of course, I will be joining you”

“Mhm, sorry . By the way, can I ask you one question?”

“Ha, what do you want to ask?”

“Buying time is fine, but can we not annihilate them?”

Lines that I want to say someday, No . 3! Mitsuha is filled with emotion . Ahh, if only I could tell onii-chan about this…

The venue is very excited!

Adelaide grasped the handle of the sword that’s in the sheath with both hands in a reverse grip, ‘Don’ stabs it into the floor and turns toward the front . Everyone is fascinated by that dignified expression .

“I ask of you, are you my husband”


In the great cheer, the two again moved to the side of the stage .

Mhmmhm, excellent style! The god sword I bought in Akihabara for 18,000 yen, it was pretty good . Because the favored Adelaide wanted it, it’s planned to become her love sword . Although it doesn’t cut, its made of metal so it’s quite heavy and maybe could be used for exercise .

Now then, it is about time the last change of clothes is over . The end is normal . Because it is necessary to have a chat with everyone like this .

Adelaide appears . With a light pink lovely dress befitting her age . A product with all the manager’s might . The material, the design, the sewing, and her soul was poured into everything . She poured a bit too much . All of the 3 today, as if it was an opportunity that she’ll never get again in her lifetime, they were products that the manager literally burnt her life away to make .

“The Fairy graduated today . From now on, I’ll do my best in society . Everyone, please get along”

As I said that, Adelaide who descended from the front rather than the stage’s side and heading towards the audience seats was greeted with a huge applause this time . And, immediately gets surrounded by noble children making a large commotion .

……Finished . Perfect mother! !

(tl note: From TV drama Surgeon Horimori Shiugoro, he said Perfect mother after completing treatment)

Adelaide, well done . Now if we can support each individual conversation with the cooking .

Mitsuha clenches the microphone .

“Well then, everyone, please enjoy the chat at your leisure . Each table has its own regular dishes, but there are a number of unusual foreign dishes at the back of the venue . If you are interested, please try it . We also have a variety of foreign liquor . Because strong alcohol is displayed, optionally, please pour in water and ice and give them a try”

Oh, that’s why there are few dishes on the tables? Since some might be picky with foreign foods, instead of being at each table, they made it so that anyone can freely choose only what they like . This is quite well thought out…

Because the usual cuisine can be eaten at any time, before chatting Earl Berman went to eat the foreign cuisine .

W, wwwwhat is this? Fish, not dried but normal fish! This one over here, it’s raw on rice? It can’t be!

Looking at the other nobles fearfully watching the platters far away, Earl Berman was confused . Seeing things that should never exist .

It is natural that no one reaches out their hands . Is it alright? It’s not rotten, is it?

However, it’s as fresh as can be no matter how you look at it, there is no sign of being damaged at all .

However, nobody will reach out if this continues .

Earl Burder thought . Show your courage and sell a small favor to the Viscount Liner House . Let’s go, Hero Burder!

From the rice with raw fish, the grilled fish, and the boiled fish individual plates, the earl place the fish series into his mouth . Ohh, Voices of admiration are raised for the hero .

“…… Delicious”

The earl takes on additional dishes and ate one after another . Seeing that, the other nobles gradually reach out their hands .

“… Delicious”


After that was quick . Fish and other dishes are disappearing as if they were flying away . And the dishes were replenished one after another . Seeing that, the children and ladies who had surrounded Adelaide also began to flock towards the dishes .

Mhmmhm, good good! When everything is going so well, I can’t help but feel there’s a pitfall somewhere…

Ga shi~tsu!

Mitsuha stiffens from someone suddenly grabbing her shoulder from behind .

“W h a t a r e y o u d o i n g I w o n d e r…”

Sweat drips .

“A t s u c h a p l a c e, w h a t a r e y o u d o i n g I w o n d e r”

When Mitsuha fearfully looks back, Boses earldom Mrs . Iris was there in the form of a demon .

Oh yeah, I completely forgot . That’s right, if I’m having a party here, there was that to consider . They were coming for the social season .

Mitsuha was pulled straight over to where earl Boses was .

“So Mitsuha-chan, what the heck is this? You declined to living in the house, why are you in such a place?”

Eyes, Her eyes are scary… .

“I went to the shop many times, but it was always closed and you were absent . How much do you think I was worried? And, and you’re messing around at this place…”

Umm, if you keep calling here, “this place” then Liner Viscount position will… . Well, I guess they’re not going to complain to an earl’s family .

“Um, umm, it’s not like I work or live here okay . I’m just here to help with today’s party and work as part of a job for the shop! Like delivering things they bought and chores…”

Her glaring eyes are still scary, but Iris-sama has somewhat calmed down . Earl-sama has a wry smile behind her .

“Huh, what about Alexis-sama?”

There is only Theodor-sama besides the couple, is it still too early for Beatrice-chan to be at a debutante?

“Oh, my brother is going to where miss Adelaide is . Really, my brother is always like that”

Hmph, Theodore responds in a dismissive manner .

“Oh, as expected of the eldest son, he is firm at such a place”

At Mitsuha’s words, Theodore has an ‘eh?’ like surprised face .

“Because today is the unveiling of Adelaide, isn’t it? A man who ignores the protagonist and only talks to other girls is the worst, aren’t they? Whether they like or hate it, it’s polite to show their face and to talk for a while, right?”

“… Just a minute, I’m going!”

Theodore walks away in a hurry . The earl also has a wry smile again .

“A n y w a y!Show your face as soon as possible!”


Ga shi~tsu!

Again! Now what?

When I look back, there was a comrade who has gone through the training of hell together with us, the 2nd female chef .

“T, terrible! The food, the food!!”

Eh, clumsiness? That’s terrible !(え、不手際? 大変だぁ!)

“We do not have enough food!”


“But you’ve prepared enough, don’t you? Definitely enough, you and Marcel-san gave your seals of approval, right? What the heck happened?”

When questioning her, the 2nd female chef said with a face about to cry .

“If it was normal that’ll definitely be true . But everyone’s not going home for some reason! In addition, the conversions so far haven’t moved away from the tables with the dishes, and the food is disappearing rapidly”(話もそこそこで料理の周りから動こうとされなくて)

(tl note: revenge of common sense-chan!)

Apparently, the large nobles who came out of obligation will usually withdraw early . The nobles that remain for exchanges will get tired of eating the food and only eat a little, after that it seems they’ll strive to chat with a glass in one hand . A scene for gathering important information and strengthening connections, it seems that for the nobility this is a part of their work .

That is, nobody will leave today, and they’re eating everything .

Ah, it wouldn’t be enough then .

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