Rise Of The Dragon Emperor-Chapter 64 Ronan X Karna

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At the very first glance , Ronan understood that Karna was a very accomplished warrior. As his well toned muscular body was covered in battle scars testament to a life of intense fighting.

He also had the aura of a seasoned warrior that was calm under duress , the same kind of aura that Ronan got while being around Alexander which made Ronan instantly develop some trust towards this stranger that his dad appointed as his protector for the next few years , as Ronan greeted him with absolute respect.

Karna nodded to the greeting as he said ” Draco boy , I’m Karna Raghuvanshi. The scion of the glorious suryavanshi clan and a light element user. You will be under my care for the few years that are to come.

Let me make this clear on day one , I am not Alexander Draco and i cannot provide for you as a royal.

With me you will always be on the road and always avoiding the eyes of the world order as we will live as nomads , going where the road takes us and never staying at the same place for more than 3 months.

Not only do i not have money to provide you with proper food , meaning that we eat what we can gather , but even learning proper spells for your forbidden element will be difficult under my care , not that there are any forbidden element manuals lying around anyways.

However , the thing that I will teach you are one of the best martial arts in the Everlon continent and how to control your forbidden element..

and i expect to not be telling you how to behave , and that you will respect my position and always try obey my commands.

Accept these conditions whole heartedly and you can call me sensei “.

Karna levelled up with Ronan , as he laid out the facts. He was a no BS kind of guy which was why he did not mix well with kids who could not get along with such kind of treatment , however Ronan was different as he had no complains whatsoever , cupping his fists Ronan instantly said ” Karna sensei “.

A smile curled on Karna’s face as he could feel the resolution in Ronan’s will . However he also understood that he needed to give Ronan some time to make peace with his own feelings hence he said ” Here , this is an Axe your father has left for you , i assume that it means that you are a axe wielder. It’s a high quality weapon worth a fortune , with the blade being forged from mithril iron !

I donot know how sheltered the Country of Avalon is , but in the ruthless world , people will kill for this weapon without batting an eye , as even ascended humans would drool for this piece in your hands.

Use it with care and only bring it out when it is absolutely necessary. Also take this spatial bag with you , it’s a necessity for being on the road.

It’s a small space , only half a metre by half a metre , so you can only put essential stuff inside. Your father was kind enough to leave you 2 sets of clothes , some money and some letters and ink. It is a special paper which when burnt would automatically reach the Avalon palace.

I donot understand how the phoenix clan managed to form this miracle paper but you are supposed to write to your mother once a month with this , and since today is as good as any , starting now will be fine.

Go! , The hut is your room for the month , training starts tommorow morning Sharp at 4 pm .

I will catch dinner tonight , from tommorow we hunt together.

Get your affairs in order today boy. Your family may worry for your well-being. ” Saying so Karna dismissed Ronan who was left to ponder on what to write in his letter home.

Holding the axe tightly tears escaped Ronan’s eyes as although he did not display emotion infront of Karna , once he was alone all the welled up emotions washed over him at once leaving him in shambles.

He had a little bit of resentment for his father as he was left without a word in an unknown place , however seeing the weapon and the thoughtful gesture of leaving clothes and money and ink to contact home for him , Ronan knew that it was a well thought out and difficult decision for his father as well who did not ever bother to even apply medicine to his bleeding son post training.

That was just how rough Alexander was in raising his children however his thoughtful side was only seen on special occasions as it reminded the family that in his own way Alexander cared about them a lot.

However now Ronan had no one left to blame for his pain of separation from his family but himself and his cursed powers as all the frustration in his heart made him start hating himself for existing.

With shaky hands he took up the first letter as he dipped the pen in ink , however he had no idea as to where to even start writing his letter as Ronan knew how emotional Grandmother Luna and mother Sierra were for whom the letters would mean everything!

Once he thought about how much pain his family members would be at the moment , Ronan decided to mask all his true emotions and only write about good things in his letter , as the only things he wrote were how interesting and kind Kakashi sensei was , how he loved father’s gift of the axe and how he was looking forward to a life of learning many new things and witnessing the world.

As Ronan did not write a single complaint in his letter home but only sent positive thoughts and positive energy .

However the tears from his eyes dropped on the paper causing visible wrinkle marks , as when he finally burnt it using a candle sending it to the Avalon palace , the letter was deposited in the exact same state .


( Meanwhile at the palace )

A massive fight broke out inside the Avalon palace as Percy and Augustus turned on Alexander as both of them were furious for Alexander sending Ronan away.

For Percy it was difficult to beleive that his beloved brother was a forbidden element user and for Augustus it was impossible to trust a foreigner with the life of his grandson , as both of them refused to talk with Alexander.

Luna refused to utter a single word with Alexander until Ronan returned to the palace as Alexander was left alienated in his own family.

But despite the situation under Alexander’s insistence the only people who knew about the nature of Ronan’s absence were the immediate family members and nobody else.

For the world , Ronan had been kidnapped by an unknown assailant , as missing posters were started to be sent to other nations by prime minister Leif with a bounty of hundereds of thousands of gold coins , worth half the Avalon treasury.

While the atmosphere was extremely tense , a moment of joy came for the family when Ronan sent his first letter as everyone gathered in a room to read it together.

While Ronan only sent positivity , his true emotions could not be hidden from Sierra who could notice the underlying pain within the tears that Ronan had shed as she felt both pain and pride at her son’s mental fortitude .

Even under such extraordinary conditions there was not a single complaint from his side as he even thanked Alexander addressing him kindly as father , a line that made even the cold king shed a tear as he had lost all hopes of Ronan ever loving him when he sent him off , however surprisingly his son held no Ill will towards him regardless of everything.

This was a huge releif for the family head , as everyone else too felt a sense of calm wash over their anxious state of mind , after constantly worrying about Ronan’s welfare for the past few days.

Now that they knew that he was okay , everyone would have a better night’s sleep . Especially Sierra who hugged the letter as if it was the most precious treasure in the whole world.

However the peace did not last for long , as the moment they were done reading the letter the three Draco males had their eyes turn scarlet , as the three of them said the same words .

” Set up the war council , it’s time for vengeance “.

The seven seas organization and the Nothern chieftains had to pay ! and the time for revenge had ripened!