Reincarnated as a Duck: A beast progression litrpg isekai-Chapter 155: Manager Kil
As one of quite a few Overlords of Levandis' Hell Haven, Manager Kil had a pivotal, albeit stone-cold reputation. Not only caused by his appointment of the temple but as a member of a race that wasn't known for being battle-stricken maniacs—like most figures in Hell Haven were—his reputation and prowess allowed him to outstretch his capabilities. It was what power always allowed, second to the reputation that came afterward.
Not only was he at the tipping point of the Extremes, but his power and talent allowed him to become an Overlord.
Those were special privileged figures that had no small amount of reputation around the Battleworld. They were responsible for the major decisions of their pledged and loved demonic Gods. They could also be free of their reign if they wanted, taking the mantle as independent Overlords.
By the public, Overlord was a position strictly under the Hell Havens, rather than stretching to the Surface, where Sage was a title and name for powerful Extremes.
However, most of them weren't really under any Gods, but not far from them either. In this world, it was near impossible to not think of them, or ignore them when one was high or close to their ranks. So more often than not, those lofty Extremes had certain benefits, businesses, and connections to Gods in one way or the other. All of this left those truly dedicated ones quite special. Gods needed powerful mortal figures. It was what thrived them.
Those in power were often unwilling to strife too far problems, which made politics complicated, since who was running the Surface of the Battleworld, or what Depths were full of? Without people and those under the Gods, there would be no Gods.
Rarely, touching and desiring their power was what made Overlords potent threats. Some were arrogant and lofty enough to oppose the world, working alone for their Path. It was the same even on the Surface.
Alas, Overlord was more of a title. Not a stage where one could disregard everything and everyone, even if it came with benefits set by the Will of the Battleworld, or certain blessings, tittles, or nice equipment that became available. This title moved along the Extremes stage and was both pivotal and respectable. It meant certain growth and stability that manifested amongst the Extreme Gates, giving them power that only those with the same title would bear.
Not your ordinary Extreme dared to challenge and trample with an Overlord.
Manager Kil was the kind that served under Levandis out of nothing but goodwill and respect. She was the one who allowed him this power. Tasked with the temple that she made after shedding pain and sweat in the far past, he took this job more than seriously. Perhaps even more than some other Overlords under Levandis preferred, but his position was set in stone.
He was in charge here. That was a fact that all other Overlords had to account for, so someone like Villan better remain silent as far as he understood. No one will trample or trouble him in this place. Absolutely nobody. Nothing.
Not even some measly, arrogant, or lofty duck.
Be it the finest of the Challengers that depicted those of his title, or backyard fools that had trouble with Gate 2 or 3, nothing mattered to him. They were numbers in his eyes, folks, and resources that challenged the authority of this temple. They wanted its piece, which he didn't like.
It meant taking a piece of wealth from their Hell Haven, which was essentially a slap at Levandis' face.
Well, not really, but he thought of it as such very often.
Mindarch didn't think about this at all, albeit Manager Kil's appearance surprised him, shocked him and made him shut up for as long as he could. He expected... Well, since Levandis provided her interest, his appearance was perhaps normal since her little experiment was in danger along with her interest.
“Have anything to tell?” Manager Kil spoke to Murai again, who wasn't interested in speaking to him, opting to glare a hole at this tiny human who looked and felt as if he was mountainous.
He was, in some sense of weight, spirit, and aura.
Manager Kil overlooked him from more than a dozen meters away. Even the golem wasn't spared. He had a distinct sneer and interest that shouldn't have happened. Murai forced the situation to an unlikely path that few even planned for.
But he bet his Lady will be thrilled about the consequences and how it happened.
Manager Kil still showed his hostility just in case. Not only at Murai but at Mindarch. His head tilted upwards, glaring at the waves of the Space Cages that were the biggest amongst the Islands.
“Mindarch. Cheeky tool. What excuse will you think next?”
[Welcome sir.] Mindarch said like a child that made a mistake. His many tones and voices made him sound weird and laughable. Anyone familiar with who he was would be surprised to hear him like this.
“You ought to do better. Solving the situation wouldn't hurt anyone. You are part of this mess now.”
[He didn't listen. No... He wouldn't! Though of that, sir?] He awkwardly asked since he had to be like that to him in public. Demons were watching, although they were small fries worth less than a sneer from anyone sane in Hell Havens.
“Or you haven't tried enough.” Manager Kil shot down his silly attempts.
[I am stone certain you haven't got a clue what it takes to change the mind of... some things.] Mindrach put forth another excuse. He had no doubts that Murai would never bend a knee when it came to fights. Especially this one when his pride was on the line.
He wouldn't give up, frankly, but against Manager Kil, few things should sound like excuses.
He understood this situation well enough, but one thing was still very unclear to him, which he didn't show. He had to act according to his position, so he appeared like a Ruler that descended.
Murai barely kept his mind in one piece; his trembling wings, his neck resting on the ground, it all held interesting subjects that this Overlord felt. Manager Kil already had some ideas about what to do or think, thanks to Mindarch, the power of the Hell Haven, his context, or research.
Beside him, Anatidae Golem was the fruit of many centuries of labor. Not in this vision of course. There were hundreds of attempts to create all sorts of golems that touched upon the aspects of many crazy species or Divine Beasts that lived in this unique world. This was one of them for sure, but not the weirdest.
Murai was a neat specimen thanks to his soul, origin, and current power which were all interesting and unusual. And Anatidae was an attraction that ran deep among the tipping point of those interested in golem makings and dangerous beasts in general. It wasn't only about Hell Havens, of course.
As Manager Kil stood in his glory and aura that dimmed this whole street, the Anatidae Golem stopped moving and trembling in its acts. It was the end of its fight, albeit its structure wouldn't take defeats for granted, as long as defined lines of runes were met. Murai Breached and passed a few of them, thus the golem continued to change beyond the proper means.
Murai forced it to lengths that were no longer fitting since certain beings were watching, and endangering its runic constructs or golden layer wouldn't be worth it at all. Everything that was happening here was important.
It collapsed to the ground, where its near-full golden appearance and metallic shiny beak made a lasting impression. This form wasn't supposed to come into this light, nor the cracks that spread from the second layer. Its lost wing was accounted for, albeit it was still a problem it parted away. There was some error in the equation as if no one planned for Murai's beak to work well in digging that wing from its place so literary.
Manager Kil had already foreseen the troubles ahead when it came to repercussions that weren't his fault.
But as a proper Overlord, he had responsibilities thanks to Levandis. This golem was, as far as it went, one of the masterpieces that went through Levandi's hands and a couple of her direct runesmithing pavilions.
He knew exactly what sort of resources, time, and wealth went into this thing, and Murai cracked it apart... ruining the work of quite a few people. And he did crack it even further, challenged its runic structure at the last moment, and surely went deeper than he thought.
He had to intervene... There was no other choice.
Begrudgingly and in a weird light, Murai forced himself up to a sitting position, but his neck wasn't working, so his stare was quite weak. With his single eye angled at Manager Kil, whose gaze was suddenly upon him, their sights met. Mindarch was no longer willing to speak, nor Manager Kil was interested in continuing the topic with that questionable soul construct.
Reality and problems already happened. Now, he had to resolve it, since no one else would. He couldn't possibly imagine Levandis coming here herself.
That would be... possible. This was her backyard, but not a position for her at all.
So Manager Kil walked forward a little, his aura and gaze sending shivers down Murai's spine, which hurt and tensed, sending more pain to his soul that quivered and screamed. He never felt this livid and vivid at the same time. Yet he reclaimed some firmness in his gaze, telling himself that pain will pass away like any damned life in existence.
He didn't want to lose out in terms of some glaring battles, and this tiny human was clearly not intending to make this worse. He was just pissed, but that could advance to some physical matters.
He looked at him with nothing but a frustrating, yet powerful gaze, which Murai had to return without any qualms given to his current position.
His body was utterly spent, gone, and everything hurt. Be it legs that gave up, neck that was at least in one piece, or his eyes that wanted to close. He forced his awareness to stay in reality, curious and wondering what this tiny human was about.
He couldn't Read him at all, similar to Ceila. Aura shrouded him well, undulating power that trembled this whole Island, while who knew what else was there on him that he either couldn't Read or sense.
“Well.” Manager Kil turned his arms behind his back, walking to Murai in tiny steps. It took him a while to get to him, but no one insane would make fun of him for that. Which was good. Good for them.
In a minute, he stood a meter before Murai, shrouding his aura a little but his gaze remained powerful. “Blessed Anatidae, I presume you have a clear understanding of how runesmithing works, or how golem's structures act with them in mind. Correct?” He asked calmly.
Murai forced a nod that came out of nowhere. He was almost dead certain his neck wasn't working and his face didn't change either. He didn't fall that far behind in terms of piercing gazes, but in terms of aura, he lost like a duck against a massive mountain. It was far from the power of Gods, but something about this tiny human was menacing and pressuring like proper Divine Will, Authority, or Presence. Perhaps this was the pressure of powerhouses this world possessed below that level.
Both of them appeared like killers in their respective ways, but each held their lives and origins at different heights. Both were ready to pierce one another, unwilling to lose this battle of stares, but each of them was... handful.
For once, Murai was looking at a being that was smaller than himself, but by a few centimeters at most. Murai could force his legs or neck to appear slightly taller than an average duck if he wanted, becoming taller them him by more than 5 centimeters, but he couldn't do that here, of course.
This strange situation was weird to him, all his history and present life considered.
“Good... You got the gist of that, since you took care of the Stone Armor, Bronze Leyar, cracked that wing, and also pushed the Golden Layer to unwilling glares of your intent. I wonder which was it, but you discovered what was inside. Hence...” Manager Kil took a deep breath, easing up his spirit and aura. “I am hoping you won't make this more difficult than it is, and won't disclose what was inside this golem, nor voice its internal structure to anyone you knew, know, or will know. Is that alright with you?”
Murai was shocked to hear a demand like this. He sounded sincere, but so damn straightforward and forceful at the same time, he sounded like he was commanding him to bend his knees, hit his head to the ground, and call him a giant.
“What the... Just like that? You... Do you wish to do this like that? Is that how one asks for a favor, huh?” Murai quacked in annoyance, but only weird sounds went ahead. He wondered how much sense it made, but at the moment, he didn't care for it one bit. He didn't dare to turn his Will towards this "person" at all.
He didn't know if he was good at all, or if it was terrible. But his intent spoke out of his beak either way. It was too late to change it, even if it sounded like a dying duck.
Manager Kil frowned and knocked a tide of his aura forward as if angry or curious about something. A smile crept on his face, and his mouth moved in a tone that shook Murai to his core. “Oh... An anatidae tongue? I, for once, am familiar with such sequence of syllables, languages, and speech.” He quaked like Murai without care for any consequences or common sense, turning the already silent street into an awkward silent graveyard.
Manager Kil wasn't aware of what he had just done thanks to his confidence in Anatidae tongue, proudness of that fact, and overall thick skin. Demons around this place and beats didn't know what was happening, but they heard an Overlord Kil quack like a duck out loud. It was funny, considering his height and rather crisp and high-pitched tone as he tried to use their tongue alongside some accent.
Yet, none of them dared to utter a word or peep.
Murai didn't either, because he couldn't do much but question this entire situation twice over his head. Keeping his spirit sharp, he still looked at this tiny human, whose quacks he didn't understand. It turned this whole exchange even stranger to him, considering he was always quacking. For it to reverse, crashing those quacks at him instead, he wished to cry and laugh at the same time.
But his body or spirit didn't allow for that. Or Manager Kil's demeanor, serious face, and aura did. Considering the whole situation, Murai never knew that his intent pushed clear and nice Anatidae tongue out of his mind, whenever he quacked out loud. It was automatic, clearly an effect of his Bloodline, spirit, or something else.
He never knew how it worked, but he sure questioned it on almost every such occasion.
He simply hated it to his bones, cursing he couldn't communicate properly outside of Lisa or Lorry. Well, if he pushed his Will to others, he could speak to others based on a rather unique communication method that required great connection between souls, or... his sufficient control.
Words behind his quacks always worked well, so Manager Kil understood his quacks even if they sounded horrendous, weak, and blurry. Murai hadn't realized it now, but he had met someone with whom he could communicate normally.
That meant by mouth.
As for understanding these quacks that hid intent, special fit syllables, and accents, he was unable to make anything out of them as any normal being would. There was nothing special about them in their sounding principle that would discern some sort of... systematic language behind them.
Few would think of it as a language at all. It wasn't a wrong assumption to think of it as the barks of a dog, or hisses of cats, even if they had intent put behind them.
Manager Kil noted his expression and clear hesitation about something. He frowned even deeper, shook his head, and... began quacking again. “My bad... My work with this language needs work. Is my pronunciation a bit tough? Or is accent a bit difficult to discern for a Child such as yourself?” He glanced at Murai as if he was wrong, or arrogantly sorry he made some silly mistake.
Murai was no longer thinking of this as normal or fine. He didn't care for his quacks that needed his output and work of his neck and throat. He was tired of that, so with him being as fed up as he was, he went for his Will. Surprisingly, it was the only thing that was willing to move under his control. Nothing else was.
It will hurt, but he will let it slide. Pushing the power of his Robust Spirit against Manager Kil worked wonders. It was similar to Strike of the Will as it was discerning power like a thinly veiled aura without much pressure whatsoever. He didn't want to push anything physical or powerful, although Will could clearly turn things physical with enough power.
Insane souls allowed many things after all, but not now. Robust Spirit had to grow, or his Will needed to reach enough attributes, or he needed to grow up in general.
Pushing his Will to Manager Kil, whose strength wasn't clear in his mind, his Will found a guiding factor of incredible firm soul. It was relatively tiny, sturdy, and clear. He anchored onto it, or to be precise, Manager Kil allowed him to do that since his Will was no longer a Will, but Presence. A power beyond the Will that was fairly closing on the utmost limits that Extremes could take without shredding their mortal coils and becoming Gods.
“I don't speak, nor understand these quacks, asshole..” Murai voiced his worry in his thunderous voice that barely flinched Manager Kil's mind. Speaking like this hurt him instead for some reason, probably caused by the damage and wounds he had right now.
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“Ass... Huh?” Manager Kill wasn't surprised one bit by the words that spoke to him. He was slightly dejected and disappointed at the same time, unwilling to admit the awkwardness he had caused, or that he couldn't test his hard-earned achievement of learning the Anatidae tongue.
He barely noticed something wrong with it, so he acted as if everything was fine. His piercing gaze wasn't one bit lessened, but with clear communication between them, he was more than happy to get to his business.
With this talk, Murai was sure it was fine to rely on his soul with those who could take him. But finding them could be... hard.
“It is a bit disappointing against my learning and years of training, I must say. This subject is still pending. It seems your case of an Anatidae is rather interesting and not under your consistent touch at all. What about Mother? Egg? Where have you been born? How have you kept your life intact if none is around? Birth of an Anatidae is a storming occasion, you see. Weird it happened in such a way.” This time, he spoke with a normal voice, speaking out loud, because he knew he would have to put his Pressence into Murai for him to speak to his soul.
Which he didn't want to do. Asking questions that he had no clue about, he spoke like he wanted, curious and talking on behalf of not only himself but research worth centuries.
“Oh, you don't say... these questions. Do you think favors work like this? Questions too? I don't like this situation, tiny man.” Murai sent his tiny grudge out without hiding any of his displeasure. He would sleep or eat, rather than speak to someone who wanted some favors or answers in the middle of a ridiculous situation and meeting.
“Favors? Oh...” Manager Kil laughed, still clutching his hand behind his back. Then the air shuddered and his eyes glowed in black light. “You think you are in a position to speak to me like this, tiny helpless Child?”
“Yes?” Murai shuddered, but his Robust Spirit took his aura and glare without any issues. His physical body didn't take it at all, but Murai nor Kil seemed to mind it for a death sentence.
“Fair enough.” Manager Kil chuckled. “You are interesting enough for us to be more than interested, so of course some mending and respect are due.” He turned his aura back to normal and eased his glare. Whatever was previously wrong or not seemed to change as if it never happened.
At least in his mind, Murai hardly forgot this matter. He didn't take grudges and first impressions lightly.
“Allow this Overlord to introduce himself then.” Manager Kil bowed, turning one of his hands before his waist. “Name's Kil, but here in the part of the Hell Haven, I am known as Manager Kil. A figure in the upper echelon of a demonic world that Levandis rules over and with the current leadership position in her temple.”
Now, Murai saw his sincerity that either spoke of his political senses, or he was forced to be like this through some test he was trying on him, or all of this was because of his position alone. Either way, it wasn't so bad.
Murai changed his mind, turned a bit calmer, and sincerely spoke his mind. “So it is true this world has such dividing factors between crazy Gods and those that think... rightfully? And this ancient temple from another time is in the hands and rules of a demonic goddess?”
“Oh, why so surprised? You didn't know much about that before? I doubt that. Haven't got time, or a person to talk to? Mindarch can certainly speak of it, so does Will of the Battleworld, or... what about your Life Companion, Blessed? And yes. It is all divided by the way.” Manager Kil shrugged his shoulders, speaking without worry or care.
“I...” Murai hesitated to hear those things. “Got some topics, but the truth often comes from the rightful sources. Not stories, or unkempt heads.”
“Clever. Fine. It makes more than sense to use every opportunity to get a hold of something interesting, or worthy. it is a good belief that makes beings stronger than being fools. It is a belief of my Lady as well. Oh, I forgot about the properness...” He slapped his wide forehead and strengthened his posture.
“I am a servant of Lady Levandis, Lady of the Thousand Graves and Endless Suffering!”
He spoke with such reverie and an endless amount of respect, that Murai didn't take it for a laughing matter. It was still weird, sounding like a strange introduction for a God, or was it because he recited it like some sort of poem that had to sound way over the line? It didn't make him look pitiful, however, or like someone on the brink of slavery for their respectful and nice Lady.
This was how it could be anywhere, be it far in the universe, or this world. Some things never changed, Murai presumed.
Having this reverence came more from strength and respect, rather than compliance and utter devotion. They often intersected, but Gods got their hands on various subjects with various possibilities, emotions, rewards, and many other ways. Everything was allowed because Gods were in a position where they could afford it.
Manager Kil ended up pausing after his speech, making a way too overdramatic pause for nothing but his pride or reverence.
Murai was so close to laughing, but he managed to get hold of himself in time.
Manager Kil coughed after 5 seconds, clearing his thoughts upon this respectful and his favorite introduction that he spent years perfecting. It went according to the words and things his Lady preferred, so he had no problem with being like this.
“So? Care to explain what is this about, what is up with that golem, or what is even happening at the end of this Gate?” Murai asked straight to the point, not interested in this sorry excuse for an introduction.
Once again, Manager Kil hardly noticed his displeasure. He was far too prideful to even acknowledge it as forceful or awkward.
“Very well, since a certain... spiritual construct hasn't done its job, I can allow this to happen,” he said as if he was giving Murai a favor. “According to common sense in this temple, I am not to intervene with challenges or any Gates but circumstances went onto unexpected causes. It isn't your fault, albeit it is. We are takers of any special circumstance. You are under them right now. Under all of our gazes. That golem isn't part of the usual stakes, you see, similar to yourself.” Manager Kil said and pointed to the golem behind him.
“So it was a test?”
“What isn't in this place? For a Blessed Anatidae, this much went to the lengths that weren't that far from being that insane.” Manager Kil smiled. “That said... until you exceeded expectations, cracked that golem's structure, and... done something you should not have done. There are some issues, as with every case of your species.” He drowned in worry next, remembering memories or the voice of his Lady.
“Care to mention more?” Murai tried to dig for some information, hoping to seek something from this Overlord who must know something about his species. It wasn't a wrong idea, as this golem played and forced him with not only a Devil Cube Formation, but it was hiding an Everflower inside of it, and let's not forget about its runic structure with layers onto them. That was something Murai considered at least at the same level as the Devil Cube Formation that supported it.
He wished to steal this idea for future reference.
As far as he knew, making it workable was close to impossible. Something was special about that formation, the internals of this golem, or something else was going on with these layers. They forced the Everflower to follow it all, and taming it was hard even with all of that in sight.
But the reality was clear. Not only was it fine in that Cube, but there was also focus on it, alongside the locking arrays to not allow mana to come in, giving it a look that the golem wasn't dependant on any outside mana.
That was often possible, albeit rather rare in some golems.
In most cases, golems depended on the artificial core that either had essences as fuels, or other treasures instead. Rarely, some formations fueled worldly mana to the core, turning the golem into an endlessly absorbing killing machine. Acaman Golem was that type of a golem.
In this case, Anatidae Golem was a unique existence, as it depended on one-of-a-kind essence as a fuel alone, and even then, the flow was far too savage for its limits. There was no Artificial Core inside of it. Just complicated processing runic conducts that all worked around the source that was Everflower, rather than it being like a heart like usual.
Artificial Core should be the leading core for any golem, with everything working for it alone.
Murai understood more than well why Manager Kil asked his starting question, but he wasn't sure about why he spoke the way he did.
Surprisingly, Manager Kil spoke next with unlike enthusiasm as if figuring out the course of action that Murai was curious about.
“This situation piques the interest of many beings, as Anatidaes are enough to warrant this attention. It's funny, truth to be told. Entertaining too as intensity and such occurrences rarely come with such a level of strength. You are frankly too young for this place, considering the mess on the Surface, which adds another layer to our interest. Why, you wonder?”
“I don't want to know. Is it that funny to see a small duck suffer so much? How funny. I am chorting a laughter as you speak.” Murai said coldly.
“Wel, it's your rightful perspective. A perspective of a Challenger that eyes the wealth and bliss of my Lady.” Manager Kill turned serious again, unwillingly straining his aura again. “Apologies. For once, I am not one to not see courage where it belongs. You, on the other hand, are a whole different height of situation altogether. I don't see that far, nor my Lady, but this world is huge. We aren't entirely sure of the happenings between Gods in the Skies and Blessed that are in their interest. We have our worries, you see.”
Hearing his information, that caused some worries and warranted interesting information, Murai was moaning in his heart. He didn't know what to expect, but he quickly realized that this world was divided into many layers of interest across two hegemonic factions of Order and Chaos. Some could be mixed, or filled with even weirder premises, but it made sense. Many worlds were the same.
When there was Chaos, there was always some sense of Order that allowed Chaos to not shatter the universal Laws and cause Endless Dread. None wanted to deal with the consequences of that, albeit that was beyond Gods to worry about. At least in most cases. They still thought of that because they had to consider the dangers in the vast universe that had no bounds.
Murai realized this place should be interesting, and Kil's or other help shouldn't be that bad for him. It was much to his liking, unlike the arrogance and hopes of the Gods in the Sky, Depths, or who knew where else.
At least in this world, the morality and workings across the demons were somewhat expected and easy to work with. With enough power and touch, they were easier to pursue than righteous folks who were endlessly thinking of themselves as superior.
When there was something worthy or advantageous, some limits or knowledge mattered more. It was all about if one bent the knee when something worthy came forward.
Perhaps he had something easy to give them, and in return, this place would give him something nice.
And he didn't mean this temple or Midnarch, or Boost in general. He thought of a backer. Someone else than Vermillion whom he didn't trust.
Demons had often easy enough motivations and emotions, making them easier to discern and work with. One could die because of that, of course, since working with them was also very dangerous.
Working with them became easier with care, validation, or power. It depended on individual circumstances and how clever or generous one was. Greed still worked between Order and Chaos in the same way between peasants and royalty. When enough motivations went into rightful words, results followed.
Looking at the smiling tiny human that would kill him with a sweep of his little finger, Murai wondered what he should ask or work with. “What is up with this Anatiade Golem that you mentioned? Some deal? You wanted me to remain shut? So, when we reach this minor understanding, speak. I have limited time, or... not. Anyway...”
“No worries. It won't be long.” Manager Kil assured him with an excuse.“It was an idea and hope of my Lady. Anatideas are excelling takers of many forceful aspects thanks to their universal mana, which is a major part of all of their sub-species, outside of some rare occurrences, of course. I've heard Death got hold of some of your kin, but anyway. Research is long and ancient, similar to how they are. In terms of golem-making, they are manacing if certain things come into play.” Manager Kil revealed what he wanted, not telling more than he should.
“So, just an imitation?”
“A worthy and complicated imitation is worthy subject to any runesmith, or golem maker.”
From his smile, it was intentional that he left some things out.
Murai was satisfied with that much, albeit it was just a brief talk. “Then, what about this Island or Gate?”
“It is done. You can move to the reward island and Gate 3. There, something like this won't happen because it is a place with a new set of rules you have to follow, unlike Gate 1 or Gate 2. I pressure you will be satisfied with it, or worried, depending on what will come out of its structure or your luck.”
“Mind telling what it is about?”
“Luck, strategies, and you won't have to kill a single fool to finish that gate. Though, many will have to do it anyway, so whatever will await you, can be outside of Mindarch's intentions. You will see... We will be watching.” Manager Kil said his message with a little murderous smile. “If you won't tell anyone about some sort of cube in our hands, that is. Or a nice flower too, things will go smoothly.” He added, almost whispering.
Murai expected this sooner, albeit he wasn't fond of blackmailing, which Vermillion must know, but not Levandis or this little guy.
“Well...” Murai sneered and forced a chuckle that hurt his lungs and neck and sent a deadly shiver down his spine. “Curses... Fine. As I can see it anyway, feeling the air and this Encounter breathing behind my neck, I guess I won't have an issue with not talking to certain holy people about it, if I say so myself. As long as it is worth it, of course. You must know how it goes...”
Manager Kil's face remained unfazed by a clear blackmail back and forth. Murai was more careful about it, not making it forceful just to not piss this Overlord or this place in general.
He still did manage to sound not that clever, as power ruled supreme and this place could squish him like nothing.
Murai still tried his luck, so he did try to sound as great and good as he could.
Manager Kil smiled. “If that's the case, I think some set of manuals of choice, or some essences and other things would pose no problem to you. Or I can leave some behind? I think I lost a pouch somewhere, but I wonder where.” Manager Kil frowned as if he stepped on shit, patted the gem on his waist, resting in a thin layer of belt, and a pouch felt from a tiny spatial vortex. Just in case, he kicked it aside, pretending he had seen nothing.
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Murai was impressed by his thick skin and wits, so he nodded and wondered what this little prize was. Nothing worse than a Gate rewards, he assumed. “Well, I see that succubus dropped something when I didn't look. Suppose it wouldn't hurt to have another pouch.” Murai replied without a shred of shame.
“Excellent!” Manager Kil clapped his hands in a good mood, before changing back to normal. “Deal is voiced. If things go wry, expect the repercussions set by an Overlord... or worse. Are we clear?”
Murai agreed in a breath. Nothing else was much concern to him anyway. It wasn't as if could blackmail this place with this sort of information, but he bet he could stir some deep hatred between the Sky and these Depths. Everflower or this golem in general should be more than worth it.
But if it would cost him his skin, he made an easy choice. It wasn't as if he had any merit to start blackmailing those who could shatter him like a toy. It wasn't clever.
“I am honestly surprised that you even came here. There were some bets that you would get to Gate 3 much faster, or slower, but whatever... I suppose part of the blame was in your training, even though there is a hunter behind your neck, not that far if I recall. He is stepping into the Ending Isles as I speak, in fact.
“Not important,” Murai said firmly. “I will run faster than him.”
“False.” Manager Kil said without any doubt. The only cause that Razmund hadn't caught him was the difference in their respective arrivals. Murai's ride was easier because of his 1st-time visitor status.
Manager Kil knew all about it, as he viewed both sides of this current problem. “Blame is nowhere but on the Surface, as the hunt between Blessed is certainly entertaining, even if it went all the way to this temple. Be glad my Lady isn't that petty or disinterested, even though she could've killed you both and dealt with repercussions later.”
“Good, she didn't then.”
“Don't take her to your mind that lightly!” He reminded him with intent to kill. “Blame is in on you too, like everyone else's, but our side works with it too. Your Guide is also there, alongside a certain construct that purposefully hasn't told you that you could've moved to Ending Isles upon meeting our approval in the lower half.”
“Huh? Approval?” Murai quacked.
“That was before my Lady woke up... So... Um... How to say it? Using the right tools for the whole course of 100 Islands is quite huge for us. Especially in times of war and conflict. It is a prime season for that, you see.” Kil sounded more like a tired salesman the more he talked.
“What?” Murai asked, unsure if his points made sense to him when his life was on the line. Should he feel some regret? Guilt? He never thought much of troubling others with his problems. He was always open about anything anyway, be it suffering or madness, or occasional good neutrality.
He could have suffered fewer setbacks if he got to Endling Isles sooner, but he would have lost his touch with Heavenly Shaping. His training was significant with time spent below the Endling Isles. He was sure he would have trouble with them without this whole journey.
It wasn't Lorry's fault. Mindarch simply acted on his own, outside of Manager Kil who was waiting for Levandis to wake up.
Thin layers of bothering stress were behind Manager Kil's cheeks and eyes. He couldn't wait to meet that laughing skull or talk about this whole topic to Levandis.
He will kick him in the windpipe, or make another socket between his eyes. And he was close, hiding behind that Space Cage that was yet to disperse.
“Well, I fear the luck part is subjective for a Blessed of your... species, sour, or whatever... It isn't as important when power is there to allow things. I presume you won't find our place as bad as you fear. Though, I deny the fact that I can tell you more about what is there. Unless my Lady deals with or, or put her interest forward.”
“No worries. No worries. I did fight like a maniac without any malicious intent behind it. I had no clue about the situation anyway, so there are no surprises there or regrets.”
Manager Kil nodded in a good mood, knowing that Murai still gave him a lot of stress because of the Anatidae Golem alone and his tactics.
“Anyway,” He turned his hands back behind his back. “My time is still about that toy.” He flickered his chin in the direction of that golem.
“Apologies if I was that rough. Did what I had to do. It wanted my head, you know? It was necessary, wasn't it? Right? Right... Fuck...” Murai sighed in unwilling helplessness, seeing that Manger Kil was turning somber and his aura flared up again.
“A little bit unnecessary it was. Yes.” Manager Kil said, “Though, I doubt this output and experiment was as useless as I've feared. At least for us, while you did reach the limits like I presume you wanted. Few things around your level provide enough challenge for us to spend on you. Which makes this... harder on us.”
Murai kind of got this idea, but he did struggle against quite a few things besides this golem. But again, they were all well over his level, so what to think of it?
“What about the level differences then? Fights? That boy!” Murai firmly asked.
“Nothing worth adding. You gobbled our forces nearly twice your level, so if you speak of this further...” Murai heard a crack of his fingers behind his back, while his dark aura darkened. He shut up, allowing Manager Kil to deal with his message. “Just so you know, before this is over, the completion bonus for doing the entire Islands of Greatness isn't small. Some important matters are good for you, albeit they aren't as good to us...” He sighed at the end, figuring he was speaking too much for his liking, but he wanted to understand and research Murai's Will that was pushing against his Pressence.
Where else he would get this chance? He stalled without any shame.
And Murai had no idea he was putting him on a cutting board, researching him without any consequences.
“That's what you deserve from making this sort of Gate! You could've sent me away... far away... How about to some sea? Hm?” Murai tried his poorly thought-out idea that went against his soul, greed, mind, and all that he believed in. He didn't want to leave this place. It was far too good for him to pass it away.
Manager Kil unhappily grunted. “Occasional losses are as good as fleeting yet numerous victories. That is a brief belief of my Lady that believes with trials come changes. With changes power.”
“I don't care what your "Lady" thinks.”
This time, Manager Kil almost snapped his fingers. His aura turned to scarlet violence, shuddering the air and the ground, and causing all onlookers to drop where they were, pushing themselves as far as this place allowed.
“Don't take my Lady too lightly, or you might feel sorry for your Fate more than the Surface or Sky does.”
“That won't pose much problem to me. Since she is interested, as you said, I don't mind some dealings with Gods as long as they are sensible. Some already did talk to me, you see? Offering me things too... I wonder if my refusal wasn't a blunder.” Murai said without feeling an inch of fear because of his flaring Will, but the pressure that he physically felt was facing his body like a storm.
His Will went wilder and Robust Spirit reacted by pushing some of these nasty effects away or turning it milder. So instead of a massive mountain pressuring his spirit, it felt like a massive boulder filled with spikes.
It all happened spontaneously and behind Murais' awareness, even if his body shuddered and collapsed. At least his eye still looked at Manager Kil and his Will still kept its shape. He just felt the outcome, which helped his mind to take this exchange much better.
Each small figure held its own against each other, but only one of them held the power to act like this.
That was Manager Kil, whose position was absolute, apart from Levandis herself.
Manager Kil glared at his lustrous eyes, thinking that his Will was beyond his understanding. Something about it was way sturdier, while it affected many layers that pushed against his Pressence and power as an Overlord. That was ridiculous... This Anatidae was just a Child, yet its soul aspects were beyond absurd, even with Anatidaes in mind.
Manager Kil calmed his aura. “You proved yourself, while my time is ticking by in terms of what is worthy. I won't be sticking around for you like a sore thumb.” Manager Kil stopped the majority of his pressuring aura and massaged his temples. “Just so you know, the premise of this 100 kills is to provide a good challenge for our forces, so dying or not is up to our matters. Challengers are not here often anymore, but their subject of interest is between Depths and Surface which is this piece of our bliss. Sky validated that choice, forcing us to create the aspects of the 10 Gates.”
“So?” Murai didn't know what his message was about. It sounded like a scolding instead.
“Take it as a reminder. Act accordingly, or you will be sorry. That golem isn't included in this Gate by the way, but it has been decided it is. Think of it as your win, which leaves the rewards for your silent taking and understanding. Shall I repeat that? Your price and our deal?”
“I don't care for my time at all. Just give me more moments and I won't make you regret this deal. I trust that my view on this matter won't' have any repercussions for your Lady.”
“Let's hope so...” Then, he flickered his small fingers, letting out a crisp sound that echoed far and loud, lowering the Space Cage down.