Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 5 - 4 Recognizing Ancestors and Returning to the Clan_1

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5 Chapter 4 Recognizing Ancestors and Returning to the Clan_1

Translator: 549690339

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang had made up his mind to save her, regardless of the future consequences. This was his principle. Even if it meant reliving a tragic ending, what did it matter? If he didn’t save her this time, he would regret it for the rest of his life, living under the guilt of his conscience. Besides, he was naive in his previous life because he had never dealt with these political families and hadn’t adapted to such an environment. However, equipped with an extra twenty-four years of experience and everything he had seen and learned, Nie Zhenbang held a newfound confidence. He believed his insights were no less than those who had been nurtured from childhood, even more mature. Nie Zhenbang also believed he would find his place in the Nie family and possibly become its future helmsman. As for rescuing Yang Anna and not recognizing her, depending on his strength to build something, Nie Zhenbang had not considered it at all. His nature drove him to recover from failings, and he knew he could be a rich man with his capabilities. But Nie Zhenbang, who understood the importance of power, had stopped considering that path. He needed to pursue a political career backed by the Nie family to change Nie Ziyu’s fate, his fate, and Ye Shuxian’s fate. That was Nie Zhenbang’s lifelong concern.

The car was now less than twenty meters away from Yang Anna. Just like in his previous life, she was utterly stunned. As a middle school girl, she had no idea how to react to this sudden situation. Nie Zhenbang quickly acted. His determination to save her was even stronger than before, and his movements were faster.

He grabbed Yang Anna’s arm, pulled with all his strength, and yanked her into the air. Due to her momentum, Nie Zhenbang lost his balance and fell to the ground. The minivan brushed past him.

Nie Zhenbang and Yang Anna watched as the minivan crashed onto the pedestrian walkway and into a large tree a few meters away before finally coming to a stop.

Due to Nie Zhenbang’s pull, Yang Anna fell to the ground. Both her knees and wrists were scraped, oozing fresh blood.

Nie Zhenbang was also in pain. His right ribcage pressed against the road’s edge when he fell, causing severe pain. By the looks of it, he seemed to have sustained at least a bruise.

Nie Zhenbang, looking at the minivan, burst into laughter. Things had changed. History had changed, and the tragedy had been averted. Seeing his intact legs, tears welled up in Nie Zhenbang’s eyes.

“Big Brother, why are you crying?” At this time, Yang Anna got up and looked anxious when she saw Nie Zhenbang’s tears.

Being from a prestigious family and having received an educated upbringing, Yang Anna was more mature than her peers. In such a situation, ordinary children would have been crying hysterically. But Yang Anna was composed enough to inquire about Nie Zhenbang’s condition.

Nie Zhenbang struggled to sit up, but the pain in his right ribs forced him to lie back down. Looking at Yang Anna, a tender smile crossed Nie Zhenbang’s face. “Little sister, I’m fine. You’re also injured, maybe you should call your family.”

This was Nie Zhenbang’s crucial step. In his past life, after his left leg was crushed, he fainted, and Yang Anna called her family, who took him to the People’s Army General Hospital. This time, since he was alright, Yang Anna might not call them, so he reminded her because he wanted history to replay. Given the power of the Yang family, saving Yang family’s precious daughter would at least get him checked in the hospital. By then, he could reunite with his aunt working there, and she’d recognize his name and jade pendant.

Actually, since Nie Zhenbang had decided to rescue her, he was determined to return to the Nie family who was unwilling to see him. He could hide from the Nie family all his life due to the situation after his rebirth. However, what he failed to do in his previous life, he had to do this time. He needed the Nie family to accept him and acknowledge his mother. This was Nie Zhenbang’s goal in acknowledging kinship.

At this moment, traffic police arrived. Yang Anna nodded her head, stood up, and walked towards the police, asking, “Who is in charge here?”

Upon seeing this, Nie Zhenbang burst into laughter again. In his previous life, Yang Anna was gentle towards him, but she had a formidable reputation in their circle. Despite her beauty, many young heirs were smitten, yet all were harshly rebuffed by Yang Anna. In the last life, Nie Zhenbang had been unconscious and oblivious to the subsequent events. But this time, seeing Yang Anna’s demeanor, he couldn’t hold back his laughter.

The spectators were stunned by the extraordinary sight of a middle school student questioning the traffic police who was in charge like an adult.

Jingcheng traffic police could not lack discernment. Jingcheng was notorious for having many officials. If an enforcer accidentally offended someone important, their career would be over. Despite Yang Anna’s rough and injured appearance, she didn’t resemble an ordinary child.

At this point, the lead traffic cop approached her and asked, “Young lady, you’re injured. Do you want us to take you to the hospital?”

Yang Anna looked indifferent and shook her head, “I’m fine, but the person who saved me is injured. Please call your Chief Liu Fukai and tell him that Yang Anna had a car accident.”

The traffic cop was shocked to hear this. Liu Fukai was a member of the standing committee of Jingcheng, Director of the Public Security Bureau, a vice-ministerial level cadres. There was only one Yang leader in Jingcheng’s municipal government – Yang Shengli, the executive vice mayor. Could this girl be Mayor Yang’s daughter?

Upon this realization, the traffic cop didn’t dare to slack off. Perhaps this would be his opportunity. If he could satisfy this little noble, and she spoke kindly of him, his future would be set.

“Miss An Na, please hold on. I will report this immediately. Additionally, an ambulance is here. Perhaps your friend could receive some preliminary treatment in the ambulance?” The traffic policeman was adept at handling situations, aware that details could determine success or failure. Opportunities like this did not always come by. He paid attention to all aspects. Even though Yang Anna appeared to be around twelve or thirteen years old, the policeman did not take her lightly at all.

Within ten minutes, sirens were sounding on the street, and a fleet of vehicles arrived. The second car, indeed, belonged to the municipal government, giving the traffic policeman another reason to be delighted.

Maintaining a standard posture as he ran, he delivers a standard salute and reports: “Reporting, Captain Guo Yuchun of the Third Division, Dongcheng Branch, Jingcheng City Traffic Police Headquarters, ready to receive your orders.” freewebnov(e)l

As soon as he finishes speaking, Yang Shengli walks over. After shaking hands with Guo Yuchun, he anxiously asks: “Captain Guo, how is Yang Anna? Is she injured?”

Guo Yuchun glanced at Liu Fukai standing nearby. This was not a time to curry favor with Mayor Yang at the expense of his immediate superior. After all, to a person like Yang Shengli, Guo Yuchun was trivial. Thus, Guo Yuchun’s attention was focused on Liu Fukai.

Seeing Liu Fukai nod, Guo Yuchun reported: “Reporting, sir. Miss An Na sustained minor scrapes. She’s fine. If it weren’t for this young man here, I fear for Miss An Na …”

Upon seeing Yang Shengli approaching, Yang Anna’s tough exterior crumbled. She ran towards him and threw herself into his arms, chokingly saying, “Dad, please help this man. If it wasn’t for him, I might not have made it.”

At this moment, Yang Shengli tenderly reassured his daughter, stroking her hair: “Nana, don’t worry, I will definitely help him. Nana, you’ve been injured too; let the nurse take care of you and make sure your wound doesn’t get infected.”

Yang Shengli then looked to Liu Fukai, “Comrade Fukai, we’ll go directly to the People’s Army General Hospital. This young man saved Nana’s life; it’s only right we take responsibility for his injuries. As the best trauma hospital in Jingcheng, it would be good to have him checked out there as a token of my appreciation.”

Nie Zhenbang, waiting outside the orthopedics department of the People’s Army General Hospital had purposely unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt to reveal his dragon-shaped jade pendant.

Though he would have to take off his shirt for the check-up, Nie Zhenbang deemed it unnecessary to go through all the hassle. Now that he had made up his mind to recognize his kin, Nie Zhenbang hoped for things to quickly fall into place.

Yang Shengli stepped out of the room, flanked by a woman around fifty years of age. This woman was Nie Zhenbang’s aunt, Nie Guoping, an orthopedics professor at the People’s Army General Hospital, with the rank of Major General.

“Guoping, sorry for the bother. This boy saved Nana’s life. Could you possibly help us out? You’re the leading orthopedics expert at the People’s Army General Hospital—I’ll only feel at ease with you around.” Yang Shengli spoke amiably to Nie Guoping.

As the eldest daughter of the Nie family and an equal in status to Yang Shengli, he couldn’t show any superiority in this situation. They had both grown up in high-ranking families, so their conversation was filled with a mutual respect and familiarity.

“Shengli, rest assured. Nana is a sweetheart, there’s just no way I wouldn’t do everything I could for the boy who saved her. You can have him enter now,” laughed Nie Guoping.

Following this, Yang Shengli beckoned to Nie Zhenbang waiting at the door. Nie Zhenbang followed suit and entered.

“Young man, it takes courage to help others. What’s your name, and where are you injured?” Just as they sat down, Nie Guoping began questioning. Seeing Nie Zhenbang’s face, Nie Guorong only faltered for a moment, and did not say anything else.

In his past life, he was illegitimate, but his aunt and uncle were very kind to him. As his chief doctor, his aunt blamed herself for his disability and ended up dying in despair before the age of sixty. At this moment, Nie Zhenbang wanted desperately to call out ‘Aunt’, but suppressed the urge and attempted to act as normal, “My name is Nie Zhenbang, I’m sixteen years old.”

Upon hearing this, Nie Guoping froze momentarily, getting up in shock. Her eyes focused intently on Nie Zhenbang, finally settling on the jade pendant on his chest.

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