Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 38

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"Does that mean that you have everything you need?" Asked Wang Chao as I put the lists back in my space.

"No, there are a few other things that I need, but I am not sure how to get my hands on a bulk order of it," I replied, thinking about what else I could want.

"Make another list, and color coordinate it in terms of priority. I'll give it to my assistant and he will get it all done. We have a full two months and a few days left to figure out all the details. I'll also send a shipment of weapons here," said Wang Chao looking over at his assistant.

"I thought that the Old Man said that I could forget about getting my hands on your guns," I said, confused. I was happy with what I got from Liu Wei and didn't want to cause issues between Wang Chao and his grandfather. 𝒷𝓮𝒹𝓃ℴ𝓿𝓮𝓁.𝓬𝓸𝓂

The look on Wang Chao's face softened. "You let me deal with my grandfather. Just don't ever let him hear you call him an old man."

I laughed, not at all upset that I called him an old man out loud. If he had been cute, I would have had no problems calling him Old Master, but part of putting myself first was not putting up with people that did not respect me.

"Now, as much as I am sure we both would love to stay here for the next while, we are going to have to get going and prepare our own things," said Wang Chao standing up. I understood, but the idea of being alone after having them around so much made me feel… upset.

But whatever, step one. I am perfect on my own.

"We'll be back soon," said Liu Wei giving me a kiss on my forehead. He didn't even have to read my mind to know what was going on in my head. "And in a few months, we are going to move in here and you won't be able to get rid of us." He rubbed the top of my head and left the house first, letting Wang Chao say his own goodbyes.

"He wasn't kidding, all right? We'll both be moving in on the 31st, make sure to have good rooms picked out for us," he said as he too, took a step towards me, this time giving me a kiss on my cheek. "And I will find a way to kill Zi Mo before he is vaccinated."

I nodded my head, a sigh of relief passing through my lips. I don't know what happened to them those two days they were suffering from the vaccine. I didn't want to pry. But they had a new understanding since they came out and I could only appreciate it.

"See you soon," I said, quietly acknowledging what they said and agreeing with it.

I would just have to figure out where to put them once they moved in…. and would they bring their men?!?

What the Hell was I getting myself into?!?

Was it too late to go back to step one?


Wang Chao walked into the living room of the Wang family manor and looked around. This was the first time that he noticed how stifling the atmosphere was, how restrictive. It felt like something was wrapping around him and squeezing the life out of him.

If he had never gone to Elysian Fields, had never lived with Li Dai Lu for the week, he might not have noticed the difference. But now that he has, he was no longer comfortable here. After speaking to his grandfather he would pack up a bag and live in the apartment he shared with Liu Wei.

Neither one of them spent much time in it so it should not be an issue for him to stay there for the two months left. Well, for the 71 days left. Time was counting down, and now that he knew what he would be facing, he wanted to make sure that he was prepared.

Given the fact that Li Dai Lu had completely outfitted 3,000 acres to survive the apocalypse, he would just add what he needed to her list and live there with her.

A slight smile appeared on his face as he thought about the end of days. 'This might not be too bad,' he thought to himself. But first, he would have to deal with Zi Mo.

Hearing the sound of a throat clearing, he turned towards it. Seeing the Old Master sitting in his chair, he bowed slightly to the man. In his dreams, he saw how much the old man loved and cared for him. It was a side of his grandfather that he had never experienced before. Hopefully, this time around things would go better for everyone.

But the only way to do that was to kill Wang Zi Mo.

"Old Master," he said, his voice gruff and deep.

Wang Yi Chen nodded his head in acknowledgment and gestured for him to have a seat.

Taking the chair across from his grandfather, Wang Chao got comfortable and consciously turned off his power. He had a need that bordered on desperation to know what was going on in Li Dai Lu's mind at all times… his grandfather? Not so much.

"How did things go in Country S?" He asked as if he knew what the answer was.

"We will not be expanding there," replied Wang Chao. "It's a waste of resources."

The Old Master slammed his hand down on the armrest of his chair in anger. "Clearly you don't respect me anymore if you are able to lie to my face like this," he yelled, his face turning red in anger.

"How am I lying?" Asked Wang Chao, remaining impassive and emotionless. The man that Li Dai Lu had seen for the last few days was nowhere to be found.

"I have been informed that you never left City A, that you went to go see that… thing…" said the Old Master. The butler hurried over and tried to calm him down.

"Second Young Master," the butler said, turning to Wang Chao after giving the Old Master a glass of water. "Just apologize and promise never to go there again. I'm sure that the Old Master would be more than happy to find a wife for you if that is what you want."

Wang Chao dropped his head and looked at the ground. In his dream, the Master seemed so upset when they lost contact with him. Before he thought that maybe his grandfather loved him more than he realized, but now, the Old Master was probably upset that he would be denied all of the advantages that Wang Chao gave him.

After all, since the Old Master had passed the Wang Family Army onto him, they would no longer take his orders.

"And who said that I didn't go to Country S?" He asked, maintaining his indifference.

"Does it matter?" Spat the Old Master as he tried to calm down. "It doesn't change the fact that you completely disregarded my authority when I said that you were to have nothing to do with her."

"Yes, it matters," replied Wang Chao. "If it is one of my men then it is a death sentence. So, please, who informed you of my actions."

"Wang Zi Mo. Not that it matters."

"Oh, it matters, Old Master. It matters a lot."