Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 22
Magikarp was taking a break hanging out with me near the fire where I was preparing an after workout meal. Arcanine and Dragonite were once again fighting each other.
Blasts of power and roars of anger constantly ruffled my hair and hat, but I had long since grown used to the feeling of standing ten feet from a grenade testing ground.
"Chansey Chanse?" A call came out over the explosions, and I looked up to see Chansey looking quite surprised. She was sitting across from me on the other side of the fire, and her surprise was obvious.
Because the egg in her lap was rocking.
"EEEEeeee!" I squealed as I jumped away from the pot. I could hear the battle between my team end as well as suddenly everyone was gathered around to look at the egg slowly rocking in Chanseys lap.
"Is it… is it hatching?" I asked after the rocking continued for a good while.
"Chansey." That was a yes.
"Oh man, oh man! It’s hatching!" I could feel myself practically shivering in excitement as I watched. Slowly, the shaking grew stronger, cracks breaking up the purple spotted egg that grew wider and wider.
"C’mon on little one. You can do it. Come on out. Everyone is so excited to meet you." I kept whispering to the egg, Dragonite and Milotic joining me in little crooning calls of welcome.
And slowly, ever so slowly. The egg cracked more and more, until finally a cute as a button Dragon nose poked out a chunk of the shell.
"Draaaa!" It called out instantly, as it felt the cool air.
"Dragon! Dragonite!" Dragonite wasn’t able to control herself, she was tippy tapping on her feet as she hugged Milotic tight literally squeezing Milotic so tight his face was turning white.
Poor guy wasn’t looking too good, but them’s the breaks when you have a Dragon GF.
Well I guess wife now. Cause they were parents.
Slowly a cute little Dratini slipped out of the egg breaking itself free and looking around with the cutest Purple eyes. Its eyes were a little darker than other Dratini I had seen. Probably an effect of Milotic since their eyes were always a deep red.
"Dratini?" It seemed to question as it finally pulled itself out of the egg shells. It was surprisingly long. It was the first thing I could think of. It was already so long, I expected like puppy size, but they were almost five feet long? As an estimate?
Quite the long little noodle.
"Dragonite, drag dragon." Dragonite offered reaching down and as gently as she had ever touched anything she lifted up the Dratini who was more than happy to let her.
I remembered just in time.
As Dratini was introduced to Milotic who was having an absolutely freaked out face. I started snapping pictures.
These were going in the goddamned scrap book.
I managed to just save the meal after forgetting about it, but it was alright. Training was over for the day. All of my team were being introduced to our new little one.
Who was a boy. Our littlest man.
Arcanine we discovered was Dratini’s favorite mountain to climb. Dragonite was where he ran to whenever he was scared. Milotic was the one who taught him all the underwater stuff. Doing manly father son activities. I mean they can’t really fish, but they were certainly hunting. So I counted it as fishing.
Magikarp was a little bummed at first. Having seen all of our excitement, but only until Dratini decided he liked hanging out in Magikarps little water pit and cuddling with him.
Well our lonely boy happily played with baby noodle.
So many pictures!
It took all of us a few days to get back on the training schedule. Even Arcanine had been distracted wanting to play with the little Dragon.
Honestly he was a little cutie. He had the cutest little laugh too! A little chime noise he made whenever he was delighted by something. Which was all the time.
I sighed in satisfaction at being able to tickle his little belly. Arceus was a good God for allowing me this.
I had also captured him, using one of the Premium balls, because a cutey this adorable didn’t deserve some standard run of the mill Pokeball!
So I guess that meant I had six Pokemon on my team.
Of course Dratini wasn’t going to be a battler anytime soon. He would need months, if not years of training to get him to where he needed to be.
But I also had no idea how quickly they would evolve. It wasn’t like I could check the Pokedex for this sort of stuff.
So I had decided to document it all myself!
"Pokemon Professor Vicky on duty!" I giggled as I continued to fill out my Pokemon Notebook. Writing about how long it had taken for the egg to hatch, how big Dratini was and everything else I could think that might be relevant.
I vowed to update Dratini’s entry constantly as he grew.
But other than Dratini constantly shedding his skin at least once a day, we simply got back into the training schedule. Magikarp was still my focus, and we once more began our waterfall training, much to Magikarps happiness at the renewed attention.
He must have thought I had forgotten him or something. Silly fish.
I did stop at the Pokemon Center in the small town we were close to. Violet Town, was a sleepy foresty place. I was honestly surprised it even had a Pokemon Center.
But after stopping in, making sure my little buddy got a checkup from Nurse Joy, not that it was super needed with Chansey on duty, but they did have machines in the center that Chansey couldn’t replicate.
He was fine. Healthy as a Dragon.
After a call home telling them the egg had hatched, and assuring Mama and Papa I was okay. I had been out of touch for a bit. I headed back up to our little camp.
I could have headed out. Could have continued my journey, but that wasn’t going to happen. That would be admitting that I didn’t think Magikarp could finish his objective, and I did believe he could do it. Every day he was getting closer.
"Go!" I cheered as Magikarp once more hit the waterfall. Rain falling atop us, all the team cheering him on. The last few times he had gotten so close I was sure it would happen soon. The weeks of training him had all led up to this.
I didn’t regret it for a moment! Magikarp was a good boy!
And this time. With all the training we had done. With my support making sure he was well fed, and growing stronger by the day, he finally went past the point he had always failed. He continued on, his tail a blur, his face…
Well it was still Magikarp face. But it was cute!
And finally, at the peak of the waterfall under the pouring rain he leapt.
Over the top of the Waterfall. Silhouetted in the sky. For one moment, totally free.
And in a flash of bright light, he lengthened. His cry growing into a roar as he raced into the sky. Not even the air able to hold him back anymore.
I was grinning like a loon, but then I started frowning. Because after his evolution, he didn’t come back down like I expected…
Gyarados can fly?
I watched as he circled in the air. Literally riding the air currents.
Gyarados can fly.
Wow. Did not expect that. I mean I remember in the Legends game, there was a flying Gyarados… But I always thought that was just a bug on release or something.
But no. Gyarados can apparently sometimes fly.
"That is one of the coolest things I have ever seen." I told Milotic who was floating beside me.
He made a huffy little noise as he turned away from me.
"Oh don’t be like that, you are still my number one fish, or eel. But I’m proud of him too." I told my pretty boy who after a few moments reached out with his fin to hold my hand. Yeah he had started doing that after Dragonite evolved.
It was the cutest shit.
And then as if deciding the sky wasn’t enough for him Gyarados began diving down catching my eye.
I whistled at his speed and waved at him cheering him on.
A moment later he hit the Waterfall basin like a hammer. A massive plume of water rose up, I quickly grabbed my hat to keep it on as the wave rolled over me.
Well there goes lunch.
Dratini was giggling as he curled around Dragonites leg as the water rolled over him.
So I would say worth.
And then as the flood of water and waves finished drawing back. Along with my cooking pot, and some of my tent. Gyarados lifted himself out of the water looking down towards me.
"Hug?" I asked opening my arms wide.
The noise Gyarados made wasn’t really speech. Just a roar of emotion.
I always thought it was weird that Gyarados don’t usually say their own name like other Pokemon… I guess that means they just don’t actually talk much.
Well I watched the looming impending disaster with a wilting smile as Gyarados rushed forward. Mouth wide open.
The last thing I saw was the way his jaws were closing around my feet, cutting off the sunlight.
"Umm. Miss? Are you okay?"
I continued to squelch my way into the Pokemon center. Pulling off my Pokeballs and dropping them onto the tray. Leaving a thick mucus behind.
"Rough day." I admitted sounding a little distant to my own ears. "I need a room…. Please."
"R-right. Here you can have room three, and I’ll just take care of these?" Nurse Joy asked, looking at the tray with a little bit of horror.
"Y-yeah. Be careful with ball five… Yeah." I muttered as I turned and headed into the Pokemon center.
A shower. I needed a shower.
After a shower followed by a nap I felt more alive.
"Oh Vicky, I see you are feeling better!" Nurse Joy called out as I walked into the lobby of the center.
"Yeah. I feel alive again. Thanks for not… well making a fuss. Do I need to clean anything up?" I asked looking around the lobby that was already clean.
"Oh you are fine dear. You should see the lobby during rainy days." Nurse Joy chuckled, her Chansey beside her giving little Chansey giggles.
"Thanks." I said a little weakly, as my team’s Pokeballs were returned to me.
"I didn’t see anything wrong with your team. They are all looking very healthy, good job."
"Yeah." I shuddered imagining my newest member again. I could still taste fishy salvia in my mouth. I suppressed my body’s desire to puke as I attached my team to my belt.
"Thanks again Nurse Joy."
"Of course. Be safe." The pink haired woman called out as she waved to me as I left.
Elizabeth Ferrous
"I think my words were quite clear, daughter. Mother has reached out to discuss setting up a second enclosure for the Milotic here. It turns out our discussion with your cousin was effective."
"They actually agreed? Just like that?"
"Oh no. The deals that Mother ripped from us make this a bitter pill, but at least if another war happens, or poachers, we will have a backup. The Association has already agreed as long as the reserve is properly set up."
"It does mean that in the next Indigo League your position will be watched closely. How ready are you?"
"I train every day, father. Even with school taking up a good amount of my time, my Team is ready for battle. I will assuredly rank even higher this year… Especially if I do not face the League winner before the end." Elizabeth muttered, her last League had ended up with her losing to the boy who would go on to win it all.
"Yes it was bad luck for you to face him. Will he be taking part again this year?"
"I don’t know… Probably. He never showed any signs of retiring."
"No battler with such skill as that, would retire easily. Very well. Whatever you need to ensure your position let me know. We have to be careful with Clan funds still, but this is important for our families future." Father offered smiling lightly at her. As always Father was more than willing to take on a burden, if it meant her advancement.
Many thought Father cold, but Elizabeth knew. Father had worked many jobs when she was little, just to ensure that the family would never be in such straits again in the future.
"Yes Father… There is one thing. A… Victoria. When I last talked to her, she mentioned something." Elizabeth said. She had been muling over her cousins words for weeks. What else could she do? She had been searching for the secret to Skitty’s evolution since they first became partners.
"What is it?"
"Skitty. She can evolve, but the method to obtain it is locked within Hoenn. At least… I thought she was taunting me. Making fun of my inability to evolve her." Elizabeth couldn’t help but trail off. She had thought Victoria to be an idiot. Yet, does an idiot really have access to so much wealth? Does a fool learn how to capture Milotic, or evolve Arcanine?
"What did she say?" Father asked, looking suddenly focused.
"A Moon Stone. She said Skitty evolves through use of a Moon Stone."
"I see… It sounds like nonsense.. But pull one from the clan stockpile. I will take any questions regarding its use. If she was being honest… Then I will truly not understand my niece."
"Me either Father."
I was once again riding Arcanine.
Listen as much as I loved Magic Princess Dragon Rides. Arcanine and I…
Well we had a saddle. Plus being on the ground meant we got to see things. Like cute Pokemon! Not that we saw much more than them fleeing in terror after eating our dust.
Arcanine was not a gentle runner.
"Whoooooo!" She howled as she leapt over a cliff.
"Ahhhhhh!" I yelped as she landed among the trees far below bouncing between their branches as I held on tight before she bounced thrice and hit the earth, once more dashing off with barely a slowdown in her stride.
Stupid show off dog!
"Stop trying to scare me!" I called out, not that it mattered. The wind took my words away in an instant. That is what happens when you are moving at over two hundred miles an hour while riding.
And there, just in the distance as we race out of the forest.
Was Fuchsia City.
This time unless something crazy happens, I should be able to challenge Koga.
Our final run into the city was quiet, Arcanine knew this area. We raced straight towards the Pokemon Center. I sighed as she finally came to a stop standing tall and practically vibrating in excitement as I stumbled off my pup that had a liiiittle too much energy.
"Alright. Go take a lap." I say earning a bark of happiness as Arcanine disappeared. Off to lap around the city in a rush. I sighed waiting for my pup to come back resting my back against the Pokemon Center wall. Thankfully, it was a warm night.
It felt sorta surreal sometimes, when I gave an order to an animal that my mind, that deep dark part of me was telling me was a massive threat, that instead happily listened to my words and understood them.
It reminded me once again of just how… Human, Pokemon were in a way. I still had no idea what Arceus was thinking when he made Pokemon capable of understanding human speech, but not able to communicate. It was one of those weird little things.
I mean Meowth even showed us that if a Pokemon worked at it, they could speak normally. What a weird weird world. I rolled my eyes as Arcanine reappeared tail practically uncontrollable as she danced around in front of me begging for an order to run some more.
"Go on then take a lap!" I called out laughing as she literally did a backflip before disappearing in a blur. Her dance practice certainly had paid off.
"Excuse me? Is everything okay?" A voice startled me a bit as I turned only to relax.
"I’m fine Nurse Joy. My Pokemon has the zoomies and needs to run around a bit to burn off some more energy."
The pink haired woman blinked, then recognized me even in the low light outside the Center.
"Oh. I see. I was worried when I saw someone just standing out here… What are Zoomies?" She asked as she settled in beside me. Her question had me giggling as I hadn’t realized that particular phrase wasn’t common here.
"It’s when canine Pokemon run around, usually in circles or back and forth because they have too much energy. Arcanine is running laps around the city right now." I explain pointing to my pup who just came rushing back and once again looked like she was ready for a hundred more laps.
"Go another lap!" I call out laughing as Arcanine once more did a backflip before blurring away.
Arcanines trick had obviously startled the Nurse as she suddenly burst into giggles at how silly the scene was.
"I can see what you mean!" She giggles wiping her eyes a bit at how hard she was laughing. "Zoomies? I like it."
"Glad to be of service." I replied as I looked up into the night. So many stars here in Kanto. There was still plenty of man made lights, but nowhere near the level of what it was like on earth.
That and I was pretty sure the stars were just brighter here. Or maybe closer? I had no idea what space was like in this world. Other than the Pokemon that inhabited it. Arceus was a weird llama.
"Chansey?" I blinked. That wasn’t my girl.
"Oh I will be in soon Chansey, this is just… Oh why don’t you come and see as well. It is quite a show." Nurse Joy offered, patting the air beside her and Chansey nodded, stepping out.
I blinked.
That was a Chansey? I blinked. My Chansey didn’t look like that… Had I forgotten what Chansey look like?
I grabbed my Pokeballs and threw Chanseys ball in front of me. A moment of later a cute "Chansey! Chanse!" Was called out as she danced around a bit before looking around. Then I looked from Chansey to Chansey.
Yep. That was a Chansey alright… But my Chansey looked way different.
She was a lot less… round? My Chansey looked more like an egg, while Nurse Joy’s Chansey looked like a ball.
Listen, I didn’t want to call that Chansey fat… But she was a little fat. Not enough exercise?
"Oh my. Is this your Chansey? She is quite… Athletic isn’t she?" Nurse Joy of course noticed it immediately, as my Chansey danced around a little greeting her fellow.
"Chanse! Chansey chanse?" The Nurses Chansey seemed to ask, and Chansey giggled before doing something I hadn’t expected.
Chansey just flexed on the other Chansey, and faintly against her pink fur, I could see muscles.
A lot of muscles.
The Nurses Chansey seemed to gasp looking startled as my girl flexed and showed off her conditioning.
"Yeah… We exercise a lot. I mean like every day all the time… I guess I hadn’t noticed how much she had bulked up." I muttered quietly, staring at my girl as the two Chansey chattered away.
"Woof!" Arcanine suddenly intruded demanding attention from me as she was panting and bouncing around waiting for orders.
I hadn’t even noticed her come back.
"Go on then! One more lap!" I ordered earning the happiest puppy smile in the world as she disappeared.
Nurse Joy, distracted from the Goddess of Gains, blinked. "Is, is she always-"
"Always." I say quickly sounding a little tired. Keeping up with Arcanine was a full time job after all. Ever tried sleeping in when you had a three hundred plus pound dog whose only goal in life was playing right that second? Didn’t think so. Especially since Arcanine was too smart to be stopped by things like doors. Or angry yells.
She would just pick me up and drop me in a river if I really got obstinate about sleeping in.
"So what routine does your Chansey go through? I… well my own partner could use some more exercise." Nurse Joy offered sounding a little embarrassed as she scratched her cheek a little.
"I… I really can’t say, Family Secret." I grumble, earning an understanding look from Nurse Joy.
"Oh I do hate that." She says. "Not that I am saying to break it. Please don’t think I am, the Joy Clan is neutral to all of that, but there are times I wish we could do away with all that nonsense."
"Yeah I agree." I glance at my Chansey happily chattering away with her fellow. "It’s kind of a mess huh? The Clan politics keeping stuff all secret. It must be rough as a Nurse needing knowledge that could potentially already be known about Pokemon, but not being able to get at it."
Nurse Joy was quiet for a while before speaking again.
"Yes." Nurse Joy said a simple word with layers of emotion. "There is a saying in our family. That we are each taught. We are reminded of it when we lose… When we lose our first patient. ’A nurse only knows what they know. They aren’t Arceus.’ We all hate it all the same."
I frowned. While I definitely benefited from the secrets that I had, I couldn’t help but feel… A little sick in that moment.
How many Pokemon had died because a family coveted their secrets? How many friends had been lost because a Nurse Joy hadn’t known something important?
"Yeah. Maybe I’ll just have to do something about that someday." I muttered a little harshly.
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"What was that?"
"Nothing Nurse Joy. Nothing." I offer with a smile. Someday… Maybe someday I would do something about that.
"Woof!" Arcanine appeared once again still as energetic as ever, but I was planning on getting to sleep at some point tonight.
"Nope. You’re done, time to cool off." I tell my girl earning the most heartbreaking look as she looks as if I just crushed her hopes and dreams, even falling onto her side like I had just killed her as she gave a quiet little howl of utter dejection.
Which is when I emptied a bottle of water on her head.
"Come on, quit the act." I cut through her little pity party, earning a huff, as she blew her cheeks out at me.
She stole that look from me! The jerk! That was my face against my parents when they were being silly!
Then she blinked, noticing a drop of water going down her face.
"Shit." I managed just before she turned herself into a spin dryer, as she started shaking purposefully hitting me with the water she shook off.
"That’s it! Get in the ball!" I growled, earning a doggy laugh as she disappeared.
Nurse Joy chuckling behind me earned a little glare too as I sighed. "I’m gonna need a room."
"Of course." The Nurse said with a smile as she happily led me inside.