My military branches can Evolve Infinitely-Chapter 235 - 213: Dense Forest, Blood-colored Buddha (3K)_1

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Chapter 235: Chapter 213: Dense Forest, Blood-colored Buddha (3K)_1

Translator: 549690339

The movement speed of the Treeman is quite slow, even for half-sized ones, such as the War Tree Man and Lord Treeman, who cannot escape this flaw.


Once the Tree Demon Granny enters the ‘I am the Forest1 state, she can not only turn the surrounding grass and trees into a whole unit but also cause the movement speed of the entire forest to skyrocket by several times, dozens of times, or even tens of times!

Wherever they pass, the earth does not roll up, and the grass and trees being carried away along the way do not leave any pits or traces in their original place.

It’s as if this circle of trees on the outside of the Treeman Troops, had always guarded the Treemen.

The entire forest has always been this way.

This is very unscientific, and even un-magical.

But, it is very epic.

The upper and lower limits of the ‘I am the Forest1 epic ability differ greatly, completely dependent on the number of plants in the forest.

At this moment, not only are there sixty excellent-level Treemen in the forest, but the Cat Demon Tribe is also located in the forest area.

This is the battlefield carefully selected by Mu Yuan!

Under the ‘I am the Forest1 blessing, the full power of the Treeman Forest and its snowballing expansion, seems like a surging tide of the forest, directly hitting the extremely chaotic battlefield.

Both lords were stunned for a moment.

If it wasn’t for seeing it with their own eyes, if someone else had told them that the forest was running, they would definitely have a big laughter fit in response.

What the f*ck are you talking about!

You saying pigs can fly is more reliable, but a running forest…is this a joke?

Whether it’s reasonable or not, they have no time to think about it anymore.

With the forest tide coming in, what the two lords need to think about is: what should they do?

The lord wearing sunglasses looked at the Cat Demon King who was still rampaging and killing his own generals, he decisively said, “Retreat!”

“We’re retreating just like that?”

The other lord was somewhat unwilling, “We have clearly broken through the tribe, and we have killed an unknown number of Cat Demons.”

The sunglass-wearing lord said, “Without retreating, we might find it hard to take down this Cat Demon Tribe, we can even say we have no chance, the Cat Demon King is too strong. But if we retreat for now and let this unknown forest fight the Cat Demons to their deaths, maybe we still have a chance to pick up the pieces.”

That makes sense!

They had not yet been able to gnaw off the hardest bones of the Cat Demon Tribe.

Let the forest and the Cat Demons fight. ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom

Although this sounded reasonable, as they began to truly withdraw, the hearts of the two lords were still bleeding.

They could only withdraw a minority of their elite troops.

Not only did they need to leave some people behind to cover their retreat, these ordinary soldiers also had no ability to escape during the war.

Once the generals and the elite troops withdrew, it meant that all these soldiers would die here, regardless of whether they could eventually achieve their strategic goals.

At the same time,

The Treeman Troops had already reached the battlefield.

The vast forest was directly spread across the entrance of the Cat Demon Tribe, encompassing many actively fighting Cat Demons and human soldiers.

The next moment,

“Take root!”, “Take root!, “Take root!”

In the center of the forest, ancient tree men, and war tree men,tree trunks revealed a blurred old human face. Their roots danced wildly like pythons, and the next moment, they all plunged into the ground and disappeared into the deepest point.


“Growth of All Wood!!” *6o!

Sixty Treemen simultaneously unleashed this high-level skill, and in an instant, the entire forest and the surrounding area started to tremble violently, as if a magnitude ten earthquake happened.

Amidst the intense tremors, rubble continuously fell and the earth cracked, and one after another, the thick and twisted roots broke through the ground, growing and extending at a rapid speed.

At the same time, including the Tree Demon Granny, four Treemen simultaneously triggered the talent ‘Root Absorbs Spirit’.

Their roots dug into the earth were frantically drawing in earth’s force and the power of vegetation. Several War Tree Men, their whole bodies began to rumble and grow, becoming increasingly magnificent and towering, invulnerable to swords.

However, outside the scope of ‘I am the Treeman’, one by one trees with dense branches and lush leaves were visibly withering at a noticeable speed, turning into nutrients and power for the Treemen.

The forest guardians, the Treemen, were fully engaged in the battle.


The Cat Demons targeted the Treemen.

A Cat Monster Commander extended its sharp claws, turning into a brown hurricane, and in an instant, like a strong typhoon destroying a small tree grove, pushed and chopped through the thick and robust trees.

However, these were merely part of the Treeman Forest, trees that they had just encompassed. Essentially, they were only destroying their own trees.

These destroyed and fallen trees turned into nutrients and quickly nourished new trees.

The trees were an endless source!

Under the mighty power of ‘I am the Forest’, the trees, which were already growing at a terrifying speed, had broken through to an unprecedented level.

Some vines were torn apart by the Cat Demons, but in the blink of an eye, they regrew and recovered, wrapping around the Cat Demons like pythons and binding them tightly. There were thorns on the vines that pierced into the Cat Demon’s fur, drawing out their blood.

In no time, the Cat Demons turned into dried up carcasses.

In the forest, various dust particles were floating around, and any Cat Demon or human soldier that inhaled them would immediately feel dizzy, making it easy for them to be dragged into the ground by the roots and buried.

However, this approach was too slow, and delays could lead to changes.

“Use the B2 tactic.”

Observing through the Battle Falcon hidden in the forest, Mu Yuan gave Tree Demon Granny another order.

In the next moment,


Another violent tremor erupted.

This time it was the Tree Demon Granny exerting its power. It held authority over the entire forest territory, and with the power of a single tree, gathered the strength of all trees to unleash the venue skill, ‘Realm of Thousand Woods’, at full capacity.

This realm, however, did not radiate to all sides, but focused on a single point in front of the Treeman Forest.

Dozens, hundreds of thick and twisted roots rumbled out from the ground, like numerous land dragons roaring. These roots were constantly weaving and combining in mid-air, just like knitting wool clothes, and in the blink of an eye, they built one enormous object.

“What is that?”

The two Lords, who had just escaped the entanglement of the Cat Demons and withdrew from the main battlefield, were wide-eyed.

They saw a towering silhouette gradually rising from the lush and majestic forest. The surrounding trees either collapsed or merged into this massive entity. In a blink of an eye, a Buddha-like figure, possibly hundreds of meters high, and seemingly made of trees, appeared.

It sat on a lotus platform, hands holding a lotus flower, with a pair after pair of hardened wooden arms growing from its back.

It cast a fearsome and chilling shadow over the forest, the land, and the Cat Demon Tribe.

“What on earth is that!”

It was the first time Mu Yuan had seen the full form of the Tree Spirit Giant, a move that he had never had the opportunity to try before.

At its core, it was still based on the ability: “I am the Forest”, which integrated the unordered vines and wood into an orderly whole.

However, why did you decide to expend more energy shaping the Tree Spirit Giant into the likeness of a Buddha?

Perhaps it was when Tree Demon Granny had too much free time, she got into reading many comics.

The previously built ‘Academy’ building, somehow, had many books transformed into the form of comics.

Tree Demon Granny probably learned from those.

This kind of energy-wasting behavior shouldn’t be promoted. However, this Tree Spirit Buddha was carved quite delicately and majestically, perhaps it also possessed some ‘Coercion’ power?

Quite a few Cat Demons were shocked to the point of screaming in panic.

But under the command of the Cat Demon King, they quickly overcame their fear and one by one pounced forward, with their claws tearing or teeth biting.

The Cat Demon King even transformed into a brown-red tornado and plummeted down.

It tore at, and shattered the body of Tree Spirit Buddha, piece by piece.


Black Knight, a common troop type, might be scared of the Cat Demon King, a slight carelessness could mean death with just a single strike from the Cat Demon King. However, the massiveness of the Tree Spirit Buddha was here, even if the Cat Demon King tore it open and made a large gap, it was still not a significant damage comparing to its entire body.

The Cat Demon King kept tearing.

Tree Spirit Buddha kept recovering.

Other than the Cat Demon King, other monsters, even the Cat Monster Commanders of Warlord Level, couldn’t make a one-meter long scratch on the Buddha’s body in one attempt.

It’s rounded to no damage at all.

There were also Cat Monster Commanders rushing into the forest, continuously tearing open the roots and vines, but were quickly surrounded, they could only fight trapped.

“As expected, the Treeman Troops are the natural predators of these Cat Demons.”

Mu Yuan muttered.

The Cat Demons’ main skills were tearing, biting and phantom, while a small number of them have slightly more advanced skills like shadow tearing, blood thirst, frenzy and so on. Their characteristics were, their attack range wasn’t large.

On the-other-hand, Treemen and Tree Realm, were massive and had fast recovery.

And their surrounding area was also a forest region.

Advantages in both combat methods and environment… This was the fundamental reason why Mu Yuan directed the Treeman Troops straight to this target.

He chose this battlefield!

Suppose if this tribe was attacked by the Duo Lai Squad, the process might be hard. When Duo Lai’s Super-large Fireball Technique was cast, it would also be hard to kill the high-level Cat Demons inside.

Compared to that, these extremely fast Cat Demons, with powerful single-target damage, posed a significant threat to Duo Lai.

General Duo Lai might get injured if being slightly careless.

Suppose if it was attacked by the Frost Giant Dragon Squad, it would be even worse.

The dense woods would obstruct the Dragon Breath, making it ineffective.

But the Treemen that prey on Cat Demons would also be preyed by content with fire capability and the ability to fly, Chiyan Dragon Descendant.

In a one-on-one fight, Tree Demon Granny would certainly lose against Chiyan Dragon Descendant.

Even if she brought the entire Treeman Troops, it would still be… hard.

Rapid flight could evade tree vines, holding the initiative of the battle, turning into red sun, and could destroy large patches of trees. The scope of its destructive power was much more ferocious than the Cat Demon King.

In cases where the level difference isn’t that significant, environment, combat methods, and numbers could greatly affect the outcome of the battle.

“However, even with all these advantages, it’s indisputable that the capacity of the Treeman Troops isn’t strong enough.”

In the blink of an eye, the Buddha had already raged for a few minutes.

The Buddha had crushed countless Cat Demons, and even some Treemen were injured.

Blood continued to flow on the ground, which was absorbed by the ‘Root Absorbs Spirit’ ability and turned into nutrients to continually compensate for Buddha’s consumption.

Gradually, the brown Buddha turned blood-red, reflecting an even more terrifying light under the sun.

The Treeman Forest used war to sustain the war, its endurance was unparalleled.

However, even if Tree Spirit Buddha broke the entire Monster Tribe into pieces, it’s hard to kill the most potent few Cat Demons, especially the Cat Demon King.

Countless blood-colored roots were chasing that red-brown figure.

Above, the giant hand of the Buddha was magnifying inch by inch.


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‘Notice: Your troop type ‘Tree Demon Granny’ has a sudden realization amidst the intense life-or-death battle, it has comprehended the ‘Forest Domain’ and simultaneously improved its artistic conception.’

In the dense forest, some sort of changes, seemingly invisible, took place.

This change hid among the woods and wasn’t noticeable.

Yet, it caused the body of the Cat Demon King to tremble abruptly.

The Cat Demon King that had been constantly dodging and shifting seemed to have made a mistake for the first time at this moment, and got tangled up by vines rapidly.

The next moment,


The Cat Demon King tore open the vines as easily as tearing a cloth, but…

The giant hand fell like the creepy sky was collapsing, engulfing downwards.

The pair of eyes of the Cat Demon King straightened, its hair stood up straight.


The bloody giant hand fell down, the whole palm cracked with a impact sound, and it was firmly imprinted on the ground, leaving a huge palm print.

Inside, the roots were wriggling and making rumbling noises.

After another ten or so seconds,


‘Notice: You have killed the Cat Demon King and ten Major Cat Monster Commanders, you can destroy the Totem Pillar of this tribe now.’


The bloody Buddha once again grew a hand from its back, heading towards the only Totem Pillar standing in the distant desolate wasteland, and plummeted downwards.

‘Notice: You have successfully attacked a Level Three Monster Tribe and earned Combat Points…’

The great battle gradually ceased.

The wind brushed the leaves.

The leaves fell into the lord who was in a daze.

The Lord who was originally preparing to pick up the pieces didn’t dare to approach at all now, fearing that he would also be smashed hard by that bloody Buddha and instantly die.

“But whose subordinate is this?”

The forest was no longer dense.

They were watching.

They could faintly see a blurred…
