My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me-Chapter 69
Chapter 69
Changing your mind all of sudden is conversely troublesome .
Back to the usual mornings where I go to school lacking sleep .
Sitting alone on her desk while inside the morning class, Saya hazily gazed at the window .
“Did something happen to you, Saya? You were staring at the window for a while now . ”
“Not really . It just feels strange how we’re able to spend these normal days despite all what happened yesterday . ”
Saying that, Saya looked around the class .
There was the usual lively spectacle . Friends talking about different topics, students who hurriedly do the homework they need to hand over today and those who are waiting for the class to start while reading a book .
Even though all those things happened yesterday, we were able to spend the next day normally at school .
Saya seems to find that strange .
“Well, I think I get what you’re trying to say . Though I already got used to it . ”
I mean, I spent the last year dealing with troublesome people, of course I’d get used to it .
Terrorists, monsters spawning randomly, angels and dragons . The more I go back in time, I lose count on how many times I went through those situations .
I closed my eyes, recalling all the events I experienced until now .
“I-Is that so . That must have been tough……”
“Yeah, it was . ”
Giving her a random follow in response, I stopped recalling the past .
After Lina came back yesterday, we got pretty busy . Since I was out of magic I couldn’t go back home .
When I asked Lina to share some with me, she refused for some reason .
“I-I can’t do that in front of someone else!”
According to what she said, transferring magic is a complicated task and can’t be done unless both sides are glued to each other .
That’s why she intensely refused, fearing that she won’t be able to bear the shame of hugging me in public .
Watching her refusing with all her might, I decided to stop asking .
“Lina-chan has her cute sides too . ”
“I wouldn’t mind at all if it was me though . ”
Recalling Lina’s flustered altitude yesterday, Saya smiled .
I don’t think I would have refused if I was in her place . It was a state of emergency and all .
Well, despite all that rejections, I ended up making her accept sharing her magic with me only by holding hands .
Though the efficiency was awfully weak and it took an unnecessarily long time in order to replenish a sufficient amount .
“Come to think of it . Was Akuya-kun okay after that?”
All of a sudden, Saya asked me an unexpected question .
“He should be fine . I mean, he changed and all . ”
When I brought that gloomy guy with Germa to the other building, I completely forgot to send him off somewhere before fainting .
I only remembered him after waking up, resulting in Saya, Lina and I watching, and staring at him when he woke up .
“Sayaka… chan?”
His first word was Sayaka .
Normally, he should say something like “where am I?” or “what was I doing here again?” .
Saya’s reaction was the same though . She hid behind me then Lina and I started thinking of a way to menace him until his next conduct left us dumbfounded .
“I was taken aback when I saw that . ”
“I know . ”
Recalling that moment, a bitter smile reached both of our faces .
“I am very sorry!!”
He apologized .
Not just a simple apology, but he said that while kneeling down on the ground and rubbing his head against it .
All of us there was not anticipating something like that to happen, so we didn’t know how we should react .
When I asked him why he was apologizing, he answered me with his head still fixed on the ground .
“I did something very bad to Sayaka-chan . Thinking about it now, I knew all the time that she hated me because of what I did, but I didn’t consider apologizing at all . This was the best way to ask for your forgiveness that I thought of . ”
Honestly, I doubted my ears when I heard his excuse .
Just how could someone as mad and gloomy as him say something like that .
I couldn’t believe him at first, but I asked him to raise his face at least and when he did, all of us were dumbfounded furthermore .
That gloomy impression he used to emit from his face had completely disappeared almost as if he was purified and he turned into a fresh, serious young man .
“””Just who are you!!”””
All of us shouted at the same time .
From a dark and depressed expression to a serious and cheerful one . How could a drastic change like this happen? I can’t call him the gloomy guy now .
Maybe the cheerful guy?
I tried pondering about the reason behind that change and came up with one possibility .
It was the 【Shining heart】I used to drive out Germa from his body . It’s a skill that purifies any evil emotions in a person’s heart .
Because of that, even the gloomy guy ended up getting his heart purified .
After we tried contemplating a way to get ourselves out of that situation, we decided to teleport him somewhere for the time being, but…
“I’m not expecting you to forgive with just this apology . That’s why, from now on, I won’t get close to you as a way to recompense for my sin . I have already made my resolve . I shall from now one live for the sake of other people . That’s why I’m planning to join the local volunteer society and work to make the world a better place . So please Sayaka-chan, do your best too and keep living…”
I could feel his enthusiasm .
Fortunately, I teleported him somewhere else in the middle of his zealous speech, because if I didn’t, he would have continued to talk forever .
I’m happy that he changed his mind, but when it comes to this level it becomes troublesome .
“I wonder what is he doing now . ”
“Who knows . Maybe he’s working for some volunteer somewhere now . ”
I replied with a different tone .
I don’t care about what he’s doing now . If he really changed his mind, then Saya should be safe from him .
That was the only good outcome .
“Lina-chan is pretty late . Did something happen to her perhaps?”
Saya said as she moved her sight to the seat next to me .
Come to think of it, she still didn’t come .
“I don’t know . Maybe she’s taking a break today . Oh! That means I can finally sleep during class—”
“Not gonna happen!”
Pleased with the fact that Lina didn’t attend, I heard a familiar voice behind me .
Turning around, I saw Lina standing with a smile on her face while folding her arms .
“G-Good morning, Lina . ”
“Morning . So what did say just now?”
“N-Nothing at all . ”
Even though she was smiling, I knew that behind that smile a different emotion was hiding so I just went back to my seat without making any unnecessary objections .
Saya who saw my reaction started quietly laughing .
I didn’t know she was behind me .
Did she do that on purpose?
The timing was too good that I began doubting her
“Let’s do our best today too, Kamiya Yato”
“… yeah . ”
Facing her pressing ambiance, I stopped thinking any further .
Thus I ended up spending every lesson that day without sleeping .
Just as usual .
Lunch break, when the three of us were eating and chattering, Saya asked Lina an abrupt question .
“Ah, yeah . ”
“What does the house of an angel looks like?”
“Ah, I’m curious to know that as well . ”
I followed Saya’s question .
I would be lying if I said I’m not interested in the place where Lina used to live in .
Maybe it’s something extraordinary .
Lina showed a slightly troubled smile after getting asked .
“I feel bad for you raising your hopes, but it’s just a normal house . ”
“Hee, is that so?”
“Do you want to come over?”
“Eh, is it fine?!”
Saya seemed exceedingly happy by Lina’s invitation .
Lina’s place, huh . I want to go there too .
“Can I come over too?”
“I don’t mind . ”
“Alright then, let’s go after school ends today . ”
Getting her acknowledgment, we decided to go to Lina’s house .
Visiting an angel’s house .
Kamiya’s contest
“Did you hear about it?”
“About what?”
“Kamiya is finally calling Kamaishi with her first name!”
“What?! Does that mean that they finally started to…”
“No, apparently, not yet . The girls asked her just now and her reaction was negative . ”
“I see . But at least they made progress . ”
“Yeah, she seems to be calling him by his name too, so I guess that makes her the leader of Kamiya’s contest now . ”
“I hope she wins . ”
“I know right . ”