MTL - Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?-Chapter 1553 : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 120)

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"When I woke up, I saw an extra necklace on my neck." Shi Niange didn't hide his happiness at all. He just got so tired of it in his arms, and at the same time pulled the necklace forward: "It's so beautiful. Is it a limited edition? How did you get it? Did you prepare it a long time ago? You kept hiding it from me and didn't tell me! When did you put it on for me? I drank some wine last night, maybe later I slept too deep, I don’t even know, there are more, did you take me back to my room to sleep?"

Qin Siting's eyes were a little wretched, and he patted her back as if soothingly with his hand: "I rushed over early in the morning. There are so many questions in my mouth. Which one should I answer first?"

"All answers!" Shi Niange is now in a good mood and has a lot of time. I wish I could be bored with him all day, just play like this. You can ask me to answer all day long, I wish he could say more to himself In other words, one more sentence is one sentence.

Qin Siting sighed, she didn't back away in his arms, he simply sat up with her in his arms, then leaned on the sofa, Shi Niange was also sitting beside him, he glanced at her neck Necklace: "After you fell asleep last night, it was your birthday present for you to put it on before midnight."

Shi Niange was about to bubbling up happily, and she touched the pendant lovingly: "I have noticed this by accident before, which means, my sweetheart, right?"

Qin Siting raised his eyebrows: "You really don't know how to be ashamed. You can just know something? You have to ask?"

Of course, Shi Niange turned his eyes to look at him: "Why can't I ask, my boyfriend doesn't usually express his love for me, it is rare to express his confession through a necklace, should I secretly hide it?"

Qin Siting is obviously used to this song when she always feels true and fearless. Seeing that she likes it, he lifts her lips with satisfaction.

"You haven't said it yet, this is hard to buy, how did you get it?" Shi Niange looked at him with bright eyes, full of unconcealed joy.

"There is a distant relative who is doing jewelry business in France. At the beginning of the year, they got the necklace as soon as possible. I ordered it in their hands after I learned. It was sent back to China at the end of last month, just in time for your birthday. prior to."

Sure enough, it was already prepared.

This person usually didn't make a sound, and actually suffocated such a big move, feeling that yesterday and the day before yesterday, he hadn't seen his grievances for two consecutive days, and it was instantly healed.

Shi Niange leaned his head on his shoulder happily.

She really likes this morning. She opened her eyes and went downstairs to see him. He also looked like he had just woke up. Although his eyes were distraught, they were clean and clear. They were not as sober and indifferent as usual, although he did not sleep together. , But the feeling of waking up to each other dimly, but also feel extra close.

The next day, a staff member who usually liaises with the outside world called in from the laboratory and said that the results of the experiment that everyone did last month were strongly commended by the leaders from the provincial government. Everyone has worked hard for a month. Now that it is still during the Spring Festival holiday, Professor Yang also invited all the members of the laboratory to go to the largest hot spring club in Haicheng for a vacation. The time is set on the day after tomorrow.

When I heard that my grandfather invited everyone to go to the hot springs, Shi Niange went back to her bedroom to look for swimsuits after hanging up the phone. Normally, she really rarely went out to swim in the hot springs. The swimsuits were worn in the previous two years. The color looks very ordinary. When she thought that Qin Siting would also go, she hurriedly asked Zhao Xiaoqing to go shopping, to buy a new swimsuit and wear it back.

Shi Niange seldom takes the initiative to say that she wants to go shopping to buy clothes. She usually goes shopping with Zhao Xiaoqing and Qi Baobao to help them choose styles. Today is the first time to ask for it. The key is that she keeps going to those who sell swimwear. Place to drill.

"Niannian, where are you going to learn swimming or what are you doing?" Zhao Xiaoqing asked.

"I'm going to the hot spring tomorrow." Shi Niange picked up a white swimsuit and gestured in front of him twice: "Is this good-looking?"

"It looks good. It doesn't matter if you have a good figure and skin, you look good in whatever you wear. This white one looks more complex." Zhao Xiaoqing seriously commented: "The one next to it is also beautiful, look at that one."

Shi Niange blinked her gaze and saw the black lace bikini next to him. He immediately turned his eyes and glared at her: "Can I wear this?"

"Why can't you wear it?" Zhao Xiaoqing also smiled and said in a low voice, "I was thinking about why you suddenly wanted to buy a swimsuit. You can see that you are holding the swimsuit with a sweet expression. It must have something to do with Qin Shen. , Are you going to show it to him? Since it is for him, of course the sexier and the better you feel. To let God Qin know that you are not like the usual clear soup noodles, you are also expected ..."

Saying that Zhao Xiaoqing was still in Shi Niange's chest, poked twice: "Then, just your body, the effect of wearing a bikini, absolutely eye-catching! Qin Shen is also a man, he will definitely not escape!"

Shi Niange was said to be a little moved by Zhao Xiaoqing, but although he usually dares to say and dare to do anything, it really moves really and really is very The key is that the black lace bikini is indeed very beautiful, But it was indeed, even the belt behind it was made of lace.

She put the white slightly more conservative swimsuit with a small white skirt in her arms, then took the black lace behind her, turned and walked to the mirror inside, making gestures by herself For a long time.

Because this kind of close-fitting clothes, especially this kind of high-end swimwear boutiques, will definitely not let you wear them next to the body to try, you can only make gestures like this.

After making the gesture for a long time, she actually leaned towards the black lace one in her heart, but tomorrow she will go with her grandpa and the others. They are all staff members who usually work in the laboratory together, and not alone with Qin Siting...

Besides, she and Qin Siting are usually alone at home, and she is too embarrassed to dress like that. If grandpa sees her dressed like that tomorrow, she is afraid that she will break her leg.

In the end, Shi Niange chose the white one, which was conservative and beautiful, except that the back and shoulders were a little exposed, but there was a small skirt underneath, which was very cute and comfortable, so she bought it directly.

After returning home at night, she stood in front of the mirror and tried it on, very satisfied.

Before going to bed, I was excited to send text messages to Qin Siting, asking him what time to get up tomorrow and what time to leave tomorrow. Qin Siting returned very quickly. She likes to send him a few text messages to chat for a while before going to bed, Qin Siting Obviously I know her hobby, and I will try my best to reply whether she is busy or not.