MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 566 won a game

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People on the street were panicked, mainly because they didn't know how the flower noodles came to the street.

Some people don't know why, after all, not everyone knows flower noodles. But more people are desperately hiding in hidden places, but secretly watching the man on the street in the dark.

Sister Zhen also followed Hua Rongyue curiously and looked outside.

It was the first time she saw the flower.

This team is very long, and if you look from a distance, you can see that the color of this team is gold, like the glazed tiles on the palace.

Sit alone in the team, someone next to him held up a red oil-paper umbrella for him, he quietly looked around under the umbrella, and then slowly walked away from the crowd After that, it finally disappears.

Sister Zhen looked at the people on the street, but there was no sound for a while.

After the meeting, Hua Rongyue asked curiously, "What do you think of this person?"

She was actually really curious, because the real sister has always been chatting, and this is the first time I have seen her suddenly lose her voice.

Today, "Flower Noodles" will come here because she specially arranged it, not only the casino owner, but also the people from Six Doors don't know.

It stands to reason that Hua Mian will not come out to hang out for no reason, but is he "irrational" now... It's not surprising that he does anything.

The owner of the casino is also staring at the door. He is now more and more confused, and he can't tell what he feels in his heart now, just a mess.

When Hua Rongyue was talking to Sister Zhen, the man's sedan chair just passed the entrance of the casino, and the person on the sedan chair seemed to take a look from afar, but that look didn't seem so Really.

After being silent for a while, Sister Zhen whispered in Hua Rongyue's ear, "This person looks good."

Hua Rongyue listened to the music, she said, "This man is still wearing a mask, how can you tell if he looks good?"

"You don't understand, some people are good-looking, even if they wear a mask, they can see it at a glance." Sister Zhen said persistently.

Hua Rongyue looked at Zhenjie and blinked, at this time Zhenjie asked secretly, "Hey, do you know this person's name?"

"His name?" Hua Rongyue thought about it, "It doesn't really matter, because no one in this world knows his real name."

"Why?" Sister Zhen asked in confusion.

"Because not everything in this world needs a name, when a thing just says its code name and everyone knows what it is, then his name will not So important." Hua Rongyue said.

"Ah..." Sister Zhen was silent for a while after listening, and then whispered, "Then I understand, then he must be a big man."

Because your dad is like that too. Hua Rongyue said silently in her heart, when everyone called him, they would not call him by his name, but only call him "that lord".

Because it is a code name, the most eye-catching face in everyone's heart is not his appearance, but the particularly peculiar mask... The boss who was eavesdropping suddenly rose in his heart An indescribable excitement.

He suddenly felt that he heard the unfinished meaning of the man.

In other words, anyone can be a flower, you can be, and so can I.

As long as you wear that mask, as long as it is not exposed by others.

Flower has always had very few opportunities to meet outsiders, but a long time ago, the mask on his face seemed to be only half.

When did he start wearing the full mask?

The boss doesn't know if his current thoughts are right or not, but he suddenly felt that this thought hit him like a lightning bolt, making him seem to have changed back to when he just joined the flower boat in an instant .

At that time, he thought he had the power of the dragon, and he was full of high spirits wherever he went. Unlike now, he was full of depression all day long, and from time to time he wanted to find someone to spread fire.

The boss glanced at Lao Tan, who was panting desperately beside him, winked at him and said, "You can continue for a while, it doesn't matter what the next one is, you can persist for a long time. One point, I have something to ask him."

"Ah? Pay it back?" Lao Tan's expression turned bitter for a moment, he muttered, "Then hurry up... I can't last long."

"Don't worry." The boss said lightly, "Soon."

Lao Tan played again, Hua Rongyue did not play blind chess this time, but sat beside him with ease, holding a piece of gold that he had just exchanged from the casino. Here comes the little cricket.

The boss sat back opposite Hua Rongyue again. This time, he didn't look as angry as before, but suddenly became "calm".

After he restrained the depression on his body, he looked quite like what Hua Rongyue told Zhenjie before. Zhenjie looked strangely at the boss who had changed too much in front of her, and couldn't help but feel a little doubt in her heart.

What happened just now to make this boss suddenly seem like a different person?

Lao Tan was sitting in front of the chessboard, and now he didn't want to win, he just wanted to delay a little longer, so after his first move, Hua Rongyue heard that Yi Da The guy sneered.

"I don't know... where did your Excellency come from?" The boss watched the game silently for a while, and suddenly said something casually like a family chatter.

Hua Rongyue also dropped a chess piece and said lightly, "Come up from the river."

Sister Zhen didn't understand what the word "come up the river" was, but they really crossed a big river when they came. Zhenjie thought that this person was not trying to confuse the way they came?

The boss's heart throbbed again, and he suppressed the trembling in his voice and said, "I see your Excellency...a bit like an old man I know."

Hua Rongyue didn't speak, but just let out a smile from under the black robe.

The boss heard the laughter, looked up at Hua Rongyue, swallowed, and said cautiously, "Forgive my offense... But something has been bothering me recently, so I would like to ask your Excellency."

"I don't know what your do you think about those who go into trouble?"

In the car that just walked a short distance away, a person wearing a floral mask was looking at the scenery outside through layers of veil.

Everyone outside almost flinched when they saw him, but when he pulled a cart, hoisted a flag, or simply followed the team, everyone couldn’t tell the happiness on their faces .

These people in the flower boat are indeed very happy. Master Hua Mian has been in a bad mood recently, and they dare not say anything. Today, Master Hua Mian suddenly said that he wants to go out for a walk. Isn't this a big happy event?

Also sitting in the car is another woman with a butterfly mask on her face, but she is far away from the "flower face", just staring quietly in one direction outside the door look.

"Have you seen it?" After a while, "Flower" suddenly asked.

"I see." Butterfly Girl said lightly. After she finished saying this sentence, she finally stuck her head back.

"Look at how happy they are." Butterfly Girl looked at the excited crazy people around her and said with a smile, "It's good."

In the casino, Hua Rongyue has been silent for a long time after listening to the casino owner's words, only the real sister next to her looks blankly.

In fact, this person suddenly asked such a question at this time, it was really strange in the eyes of Zhenjie, if he asked if he had eaten today, it would not be so strange.

But Hua Rongyue was really silent for a long time because of this question, and then said lightly, "What exactly do you want to ask."

"I just wanted to ask!" The boss suddenly became excited, "If a lunatic gets in your way, will you kill that lunatic?"

The atmosphere in the room is even more strange. Sister Zhen looked left and right, her eyes were turning like a spinning top. Lao Tan couldn't play, so he pretended to be thinking about chess, but in fact he secretly pricked up his ears.

This person asked a really good question, Hua Rongyue thought, at the same time, she also fully understood why this person was so hostile to her.

But in the end... Hua Rongyue felt her conscience and thought, whether to deal with lunatics is not something she can say.

But he didn't dare to kill him himself.

Moreover, she believes that she herself has no qualifications to deal with lunatics, even if she is a lunatic of the flower boat.

—because the flower boat is still a flower boat even if it has no flowers.

No matter what it looks like, it is a place where a group of lunatics rely on each other to keep warm.

Hua Rongyue will never forget the purpose of the flower boat at the beginning.

But this question seems to be a very simple thing in the eyes of Zhenjie.

"Do I need to ask about this matter?" Sister Zhen said, "Look at that lunatic, why don't you get in the way of doing serious things... If he's not harmful, then you don't need to remove him for the time being, but if he can Cause some serious consequences, then whatever you say you have to get rid of him."

Sister Zhen is talking about the general process of six doors for lunatics. For people of six doors, the word lunatic is already worthy of special attention, let alone This lunatic is still "in the way".

In this set of things, Zhenjie is more proficient than Hua Rongyue.

As a six-door social animal, Hua Rongyue should have no doubts about this process, so Hua Rongyue didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

When the boss saw Hua Rongyue nodding, there was an ecstatic look in his eyes, that kind of look that Zhenjie couldn't understand.

Sister... was taken aback and jumped three feet high.

She looked at the boss and said, "You, you, you get up first, what are you doing... He is a little capable, but you are not like this? Did he save you before? what's going on?"

Hua Rongyue looked at the boss, but did not move, and a cold expression gradually appeared on her face.

After a long time, she finally said, "It seems... you finally won a game."