MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-~ Chapter 581 - 582: Soul transition

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Under the watchful eye of all the audiences, the bodies of the eight dragons were shot in a thousand holes, and gold swords shot through the dragon body, bringing out a red blood line and shot out behind him. .

In the face of an opponent that had collapsed, the emptying had no meaning to stop. The Emperor Stegosaurus continued to spray, and under intense blows, when the emptying finally agreed to stop, the eight dragons were finally liberated. It's just ... At this point, no one can still see that they were dragons.

In mid-air, eight flesh-flesh flesh masses fell suddenly from the air. The wind in mid-air was very strong. Just after falling more than ten meters, the eight dragons began to disintegrate under the strong wind. When they fell one hundred At the time of rice, a large piece of blood and blood mist mixed with bone fragments had already dispersed.

Finally, when these wrecks fell thousands of kilometers and approached the ground, they had turned into eight huge red mists, which rained down on the grass and woods.

At the same time, the empty space in the air rose up, and the Emperor Stegosaurus at the foot fell and turned into the air, and caught the empty space that fell from the air with the sword body. The direction rushed past.

From the beginning to the end, it took more than ten seconds in total. The battle started fast, but the end was faster. Basically ... the moment the attack started from the time when the air broke, other people could only watch it until it was complete. Destroyed, the eight opponents failed to make a decent attack.

Looking at the approaching empty space, Xin Yun and Rove laughed at the same time and were able to have such a powerful companion. This is really something that is no longer happy. When so many powerful companions come together, they come together. The power is not what most people can imagine!

The breaking of the air is very strong, but it is not invincible, and Rove is not weak. Once the bleeding shadow avatar is cast, and then the blood shadow avatar is used to cast the magic dragon disintegration law, the power of its explosion will be extremely horrible, even if He can't defeat Pokong, but he will never be defeated.

As for Xin Yun, let alone, nowadays, after possessing a powerful magic weapon, Xin Yun is no longer able to compete with anyone at present. Nothing else is needed. Xin Yun only needs to control Xuan Yuan to control the water. The flag offering is already invincible on top of your head. Except for the saint, no one can break the defense of the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner. Obviously ... there are no saints in this world!

Since the defense is not a problem, then the next step is to attack. When it comes to attack, it is Xin Yun's specialty. The Thunder Pestle, which is a fusion of Thunder Drill and Purple Electric Hammer, has reached the limit of destruction and its destruction. Force has definitely reached the level of congenital treasure. Only the combination of the four swords of Xianxian can barely win. But ... although the power is overbearing, it is not congenital. You must know that the reason why congenital treasure is supreme, Definitely not measured by attack and destruction.

Take Tiandi Xuanhuangling Pagoda as an example, the defense even exceeds the strength of Arcana, but it is still not Arcana. To some extent, Thunder Pestle is the attacking version of Tianxuan Xuanhuang Tower, which is more powerful than some Arcanas, but But it is not a congenital treasure.

After successfully receiving the diamond fruit, Xin Yun and others did not dare to delay, and rushed back to the headquarters. After successfully obtaining the top three of the diamond competition in the world, who should use this diamond fruit next?

Looking at the diamond fruit in the case, Yiluoxiang, Yan Qingyi, and Mingxuan's eyes lighted up. Before that, everyone was in a state of inadequacy, so they had to go up first by others, but now, the three of them All have reached the diamond six stars, and the diamond fruit can be used, so the order before and after this must be considered.

After being silent for a while, Yiluoxiang smiled and said, "I'll wait for a while. The new dragon I am changing is still too low, and the sword array has not been completed, so I will give them this time. Right. "

After hearing Yiluo Xiang's words, Xin Yun smiled and nodded: "Well ... Actually, this so-called schedule has no meaning at all. As long as we can successfully get the top six, everything else is not a problem. Who is there? It ’s the same before and after. ”

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Mingxuan smiled and said, "Well ... yes, what really determines everything is strength. Vanity can only make people vanity, and it has no other meaning, so ... this time I also give up, I I still care more about my five-colored light. As long as I practice this, I have nothing else to pursue. "

Envious glanced at Mingxuan, everyone in the hall nodded secretly, and then came back ... Mingxuan this guy is so enviable, the five-colored **** light is almost omnipotent, as long as you practice this, even magic weapons No need.

This five-colored **** light can be used for attacking, defensive, and can also be used to capture magic weapons, especially this last item, destined to become the nemesis of the magic weapon, we must know ... At the limit, even the magic weapons issued by the saints can be collected, and the effect of collecting treasures alone is to kill the treasure, even if it is a diamond bracelet, it is far worse.

Regardless of the magic weapon you sacrifice, the divine light will go away as soon as it is swiped, and it will disappear immediately, even the saint is no exception, and the most important thing is that this divine light is not only a magic weapon, it can be said that it has nothing to brush. Anyone can brush away, it's almost too strong.

Almighty? That's right ... this five-colored divine light is such a pervert, and at the same time ... this is also the so-called 1% talented important surname. Other people's eyesight is useless, sometimes life is always needed, life is timeless Mo Qiang begging.

Nodded enviously, Xin Yun turned his head and said lightly to Yan, okay ... since neither of them wants it, I will give you this opportunity.

After hearing Xin Yun's words, Yan Qingyi slightly hesitated, and then smiled bitterly: "No, no, no ... this is absolutely impossible, even if I don't think so, my diamond rank ability is too complicated and special, now I haven't figured it out at all , Figure it out, if you go now, you might lose it! "

"Uh ..." In the face of Yan Qingying's words, everyone was stunned. Everyone knows that Yan Qingying never tells lies, and it's nothing to others, especially to Xin Yun, no matter what the reason is, Never deceive! Since she said no, it was definitely impossible.

For a while, everyone looked at Yiluoxiang and Mingxuan, and when seeing this scene, Yiluoxiang hurriedly shook his head and said, "Don't look at me, I can't do it either. I just changed the dragon dragon, now It ’s being practiced. It will take at least two years to get into actual combat. Now it really is n’t possible. "

"Changed?" Hearing Yiluo Xiang's words, Luo Fu, Ming Xuan, and Broken Frows frowned, wondering what it meant.

Looking at the three people in doubt, Xin Yun patted his head suddenly. Someone may not know about Yiluoxiang, but Xinyun and Yan Qingrui must know that Yan Qingwei is because of the relationship between Tiantian and Yiluoxiang. It is impossible not to know, but Xin Yun is even simpler. No matter what she wants to do, she must first tell Xin Yun that Xin Yun will do it with her consent.

Faced with three doubting companions, Xin Yun smiled and said, "It ’s like this. After reaching the diamond rank, Yiluo Xiang realized the new special surname of soul slavery. Although this is not a capability or a combat skill, but this For Yiluo Xiang, it is definitely a new discovery that is more powerful than combat skills and abilities! "

The special name of soul enslavement is to enslave the soul. If you change someone else, it may only go black as Yiluo Xiang started, but after all, Yiluoxiang is Yiluoxiang. After all, It's different. As she possesses infinite wisdom, she touches the edge of the law of soul!

The biggest role of wisdom is to clear the fog and detect the true appearance and essence of things in advance. After reaching the Diamond Stage, the super-horrible wisdom finally played its role, and she even realized her law of soul. Real face!

Take the enslavement of the soul of Yiluo Xiang as an example. The true face is actually the enslavement of the soul, not the enslavement of the flesh. If you want to enslave the flesh, it is the ability of the spiritual system, such as hypnosis ... Not the soul!

Everyone knows that if you want to hypnotize a person, you must be hypnotized when a person is mentally sluggish, because ... hypnosis is aimed at the spirit.

Since the essence of the soul system is aimed at the soul, the physical body is actually not important at all. The physical body is just the body of the soul. Without the physical body, the soul will be lost, but as long as there is physical body, there will be no problem.

After exploring the true face of the soul, Yiluo Xiang had a new plan. After continuous testing, she finally explored a bug-level method—soul transition!

The so-called soul transition is discovered based on the target of soul slavery. Since the soul is controlled, the physical body is not important at all, and the soul and the body can be peeled off and then poured into the new body!

Of course, not every body can accommodate a variety of souls. After testing, there is also a surname between the soul and the body. Except for the body, it is difficult to find a body without exclusion. Once the rejection is too powerful, the soul's entry into the body is not only useless, but harmful, it will accelerate the loss of the soul!

However, it is difficult to find that it does not mean that it cannot be found. After continuous testing, Yiluo Xiang finally found that what a soul can adapt to is not just a body, but can adapt to many bodies, and even some bodies are better than itself. More adapted to this soul, just a little hard to find.

After a long exploration, now ... Yiluoxiang only needs to scan with the soul ripple to detect the matching rate between the body and the soul. This is absolutely an amazing discovery!

Now ... through the amethyst fruit and diamond fruit, everyone ’s strength is improving rapidly, but you must know ... Yiluoxiang ’s Nine Dragons have no fruit to eat, and naturally enter the country much slower. No one can reach the diamond yet. Order!

And through this exploration of Yiluoxiang, she can completely separate the souls and shells of the four dragons that she currently has, and then break into the dragon with ten diamonds. In this way, there is no need to cultivate , You can have four diamonds and ten stars in a short time!

For the time being, there are four dragons of Yiluoxiang, the Purple Emperor, the Green Emperor, the Ghost Butterfly, and the Death Sand Dragon cleverly taken from the vast. The current stage is still hovering on the Amethyst stage. In order to reach the diamond level, if you want to rely on them to fight, that is a joke. The other dragon only needs to sneeze, and you can basically kill these four guys.

However, according to the rules mastered by Yiluo Xiang, as long as their souls and bodies are stripped away, and then broken into the body of a diamond ten-star dragon matching their soul, she can have four diamonds and ten stars. The dragon is up!

After careful consideration, Yiluo Xiang intends to capture the four diamonds and ten stars of the Emperor Stegosaurus. In this way, when fighting, she can imitate the principles of the Xianxian Sword Formation and set down a cottage version of the Xianxian Sword Formation! Although its power is unknown, one thing is for sure. Through the sword array, the power of the four emperor stegosaurus will bring horror to the limit!

Others may not understand, but Xin Yun knows that the main function of the so-called Xunxian Sword Formation is to combine the four swords into one.

Everyone knows that the Xianxian Sword Formation was actually broken by the axe blade of the open axe. The role of the Xianxian Sword Formation is to temporarily combine the four swords together to form the axe blade. To some extent, It is equivalent to superimposing the power of four swords together!

It is worth mentioning that power is superimposed here, not just energy. For example ... if a weightlifter can lift a 300-kilogram barbell, the four athletes can lift up to a thousand With a weight of 200 kilograms, this superposition is no longer a superposition of quantity, and the qualitative change caused by it is absolute! People who can lift 300 kilograms of weight, and those who can lift 1,200 kilograms, are absolutely immortal!

Moreover, after the four swords are combined, the energy is also superimposed, and the total amount of energy is increased by four times. Of course ... Although there is more energy, there are more swords, and there is no change in consumption, but the power of Xunxian Sword Formation That ’s it, you can quickly replenish the energy of the world through the large array. As long as the large array is not broken, you never have to worry about the energy running out!

If possible, if you find four Emperor Stegosaurus that is broken, it is basically invincible, but in fact, this is not possible. If you want to set up the sword fairy array, the four dragons must own land separately. Water, fire, wind, four energies, but the broken Emperor Stegosaurus is beyond these four lines.

If you choose an Emperor Stegosaurus like Pokong, you will not be able to set up the Xianxian Sword Formation and lose the energy provided by the large array. The power of the four Emperor Stegosaurus cannot be superimposed, and the energy will soon be used up. !!

After thinking about it for a long time, Xin Yun fiercely looked up and said categorically: "Well, since Yiluo and Swallow are temporarily unavailable, this diamond fruit should be used by Mingxuan.

In the face of Xin Yun's words, everyone nodded one after another. After all ... Mingxuan just didn't care about morning and evening. For him, it was the same whether it was earlier or later, but Yiluoxiang and Yan were really light. Can be used for Mingxuan.

In the face of this decision, Mingxuan didn't have any pretense. No matter who he is, he wants to improve his strength quickly. Mingxuan is no exception. As soon as he rises to ten diamonds a day, he can increase the power of the five-colored light. One more point, how could anyone refuse such a good thing?

After taking the diamond fruit, Mingxuan didn't say much, rushed back to the secret chamber retreat, and strived to reach the diamond ten stars as early as possible to participate in the finals at the end of the year! Earn diamond fruit for the next person.

After seeing Mingxuan leave, Xin Yun retracted his gaze and turned his head, "Broken, Rove, you two should not be idle anymore. Hurry back to train your own soldiers. In the near future, it is time for them to play their role. . "

Hearing Xin Yun ’s words, Pokong and Rove nodded at the same time. Everyone is a smart person and understands the truth deeply. No matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to rely on one person to control everything. thing!

At present, Kaizong's stalls are very large, and they are getting bigger and bigger. If there aren't some tyrannical subordinates, relying only on them, once they have something to do, I'm afraid they won't be able to break their legs.

At present, the ordinary small forces are afraid to fight against Kaitianzong. Once someone dares, it is definitely a big force. If you do n’t launch it, it will be a complete invasion. At that time, if you still rely on them, If so, it really can't be blocked, the last invasion of the Ka family is an example!

After dismissing Ming Xuan, breaking the air, and Rove, Xin Yun Chaoyan looked at it lightly and continued: "There is still you, hurry up and retreat, no one can help you with your questions, everything can only depend on you On your own, no matter what, you must find out the mystery of your new diamond abilities and new combat skills within two years. "

In the face of Xin Yun's words, Yan nodded lightly and simply, she also knew that in this regard, others could not help.

Watching Yan Qingqing walk away quickly, for a time, there were only Yiluoxiang and Xinyun left in the hall. Smiling at Yiluoxiang, Xinyun said: "Okay, next ... shall we Is it time to go to Stegosaurus Canyon? "

His eyes lit up in excitement, and Yiluo Xiang nodded cautiously: "Eun ... Let's start quickly, I can't wait to replace my dragon with a stronger body!"

With a smile, he nodded, Xin Yun walked a few steps lightly, his left hand wrapped around Yiluoxiang's slender waist, and with his right hand a wave of gold flashed, the figures disappeared instantly in the hall.

Utilizing the space folding ability of the Taiji chart, soon ... they appeared on the outskirts of the Stegosaurus Valley. Looking at the Stegosaurus Gorge formed by the four giant mountains, the two of them could not help but glance at each other and then quickly Getting ready.

Stegosaurus Valley, the two have been here many times. They also have a basic understanding of the situation here. The closer to the ground, the weaker the stegosaurus. The closer to the top of the mountain, the stronger the stegosaurus. Especially at the top of the four mountain peaks, there are four groups of stegosaurus who have reached their peak!

Although, the highest stegosaurus here can only be ten diamond stars, but it is also a diamond ten stars, the realm is also different, especially in the total amount of energy, it is very different!

The diamond ten-star dragon ball has nearly unlimited capacity, so in terms of energy quality, the difference between all diamond ten-star stegosaurus is not without, but it is not too great, but in terms of quantity, the difference is too great. Because the energy that Dragon Ball can hold is almost unlimited, so with the difference in cultivation time, there is a huge gap in the total amount of energy!

(The book has its own Yan Ruyu, the book has its own golden house. How can a modern urban otaku achieve this miraculous dream? The road is at the foot and the road is ahead. The road can be coded with our hands!

There is no such road in the world, and there are many people in the yard, and there is this Avenue of Stars. Actually ... you can also.

No miracle, no mystery, all sources and lives. Want to know this wonderful life, come together? come together!

Cloud Sky City Masterpiece Second Bomb-March 6, 2010, everyone witnessed.

(To be continued)