MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-~ Chapter 456 - 458: stunned

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Looking at Zixia's doubtful expression, Xin Yun didn't say much. When he turned his right hand, the heaven and earth mark appeared in the palm of his hand at the same time. At the same time, Xin Yun's left hand looked out, and one was on the tree fork outside the window. The web-spider was instantly captured in Xin Yun's palm.

Gently put the spider in an empty tea bowl, and then ... Xin Yun pinched the seal of heaven and earth, a flash of light flashed out, and the colorful light flickered. At the same time, Xin Yun smiled and said, "I know you don't believe, But that proves, now ... you kill the spider in the cup. "

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Zixia froze slightly, but soon recovered. After hesitating for a moment, an energy was sent out, and the matchbox-sized spider in the cup was crushed to pieces and died instantly. Can't die anymore.

Seeing to stop the tragic death, Xin Yun smiled calmly, pinching the seals of heaven and earth, and flashed the colorful light between the seals next to the empty tea cup. Condensed in the empty cup, soon ... A spider exactly the same as the one that had just been killed appeared in the cup.

"What! This ... how is this possible! It really is resurrected!" Seeing this scene, Zixia was surprised, but the most surprised, it belongs to Chu Rui.

As a soul warrior who is exactly the same as Yiluo Xiang, Chu Rui's understanding of the soul is beyond the imagination of others. At first she didn't believe it. She thought that Xin Yun would perform any magic, but other things can be fake, but the soul It is impossible to fake.

Just now, after Zixia killed the spider, the spider's soul did dissipate, and when Xin Yun resurrected the spider, he had condensed the same soul again. This is simply amazing!

Under curiosity, Chu Rui releases energy and annihilates the spider. Under her careful perception, the spider's soul quickly dissipates. It can never be faked. She eagerly raised her head. Although Chu Rui did not say anything, Xin Yun She already knew what she meant.

Between the seal of heaven and earth, the multicolored light flashed, and another black spider appeared in the third cup, and then ... Xin Yun didn't give much explanation, directly crushed the black spider, and then the same process , Repeated twelve times repeatedly!

Soon, as many as twelve tea cups were placed on the table, each empty cup contained a spider corpse. Only the black spider in the last cup was alive, and the other eleven spiders were corpses.

Staring blankly at the spiders in the cup, Zixia and Chu Rui completely choked, this is definitely not a magic, but a real resurrection, a real eternal life, and not old!

Of course, the soul cannot be fake, and the spider itself cannot be fake. Although the spiders all look similar, the ability of Zixia, if it is really a different spider, will definitely be found.

But from the beginning to the end, she could not find any difference in the body and breath of these twelve spiders. There can only be one explanation. That is, the twelve spiders are really the bodies of the same spider. !!

Looking at the dullness of the two, Xin Yun laughed and said, "Well, I don't need to prove it anymore. Actually ... if I want to lie, I will never take this lie, after all ... This is so easy to expose, especially now that we are about to face a huge war. If it is a lie, it will be exposed almost instantly. Nothing else, as long as there is no one in Kaizong, this lie will be broken. "

"Uh ..." After hearing Xin Yun's words, Zixia and Chu Rui nodded at the same time, and then nodded at the same time, yeah ... Xin Yun had already introduced it, but there were more than 1,000 people in Kaitianzong. In the upcoming battle, I do n’t know how many people are going to die. As long as there is one person missing, it means that Xin Yun is deceiving, but if there are many, it must be true. After all ... they The opponents to be confronted, but the seventh-ranked Kar family!

Looking at Xin Yun in admiration, Zixia sincerely exclaimed: "It's amazing, it's really amazing! I'm really proud of joining such a great clan!"

"Eun Eun ..." After hearing what Zixia said, Chu Rui nodded cheerfully again and again: "That's right ... Chu Rui is going to join such a great clan, brother Xin Yun ... I will also be Kaitian A member of Zong! "

"Uh ..." When Xin Rui heard it, Xin Yun froze and shook her head: "This ... Sister Chu Rui, in fact, you don't need it, you are my sister, I am your brother, even if you do not join Kai Tianzong , I will grant you immortality as well. "

In the face of Xin Yun's words, Chu Rui smiled sweetly, and while smiling, Chu Rui shook her head for a hundred years and said, "No, no, no ... you don't understand what I mean, actually ... I value more than just immortality. , And more importantly, you give others the ability to be immortal! "

After hearing this, Yiluo Xiang smiled and said, "Xin Yun, promise her. You should understand that she is a smart person. Although she is still young, what she can think of is not what most people can imagine."

Having said that, Yiluo Xiang paused for a moment, then continued: "I can probably understand her thoughts, in fact ... if you must join a force, Kai Tianzong will be the best, even with it No comparable power exists, obviously ... Sister Chu Rui has already reached this point. "

"En-En ..." smiled happily, Chu Rui explained briefly: "Be able to live forever, and be with my brother, and create a great, incomparable dragon force from nothing! More I can give play to my strengths. There is nothing more suitable than this. Even the first family in the world has no comparable surname. If such forces do not join, then I am not a fool? "

After hearing Chu Rui's explanation, Xin Yun opened her mouth, and finally she was stunned ... Xin Yun has been affected by the memory of the previous life, so she has never thought that Chu Rui will join Kai Tianzong, after all ... in the last life, she But the broken wife, the true owner of the first family!

But now I want to come, how could Chu Rui know that she and Pokong will be a pair in the future? How could it be known that she would become the power of the first family in the future? Even if she knew it, she would have to hesitate for a while in the face of Kaizong Zong, after all ... the first in the previous life may not be able to continue to maintain the first.

As mentioned earlier, with her own calculations and judgments, Zixia can already foresee the glory of Xin Yun and others, but the same, although Chu Rui does not have such strong computing ability, but with her wisdom, how can she not see To these? It's just different ways.

Sighing with emotion, Yan Qingying suddenly said: "You are welcome to join us, but ... there are some things we must say first. Once you join Kaitianzong, there is no chance to quit, so ... Before you join, you have to think about it carefully. Once you join, you will always be the one who opened Tianzong! "

"Eh ..." Upon hearing this, Yiluo Xiang nodded and said, "Yes, in fact ... we have been betrayed, Su Zhe and Ke Zhan were originally our people, but now ... they have become The people of the Kar family stand on the opposite side of us. Such a loss is enough to eat once, and definitely not to eat a second time. "

With Yiluoxiang's words, Chu Rui shook her head disapprovingly: "I don't agree with your statement. In fact ... as long as there is a world in it, you don't need to worry about betrayal. If I guess That ’s right, the two betrayed guys must not know the immortality ability of Tiandi Yin! "

"This ..." After hearing what Chu Rui said, Xin Yun looked at each other for a moment, and now they want to come, these two guys really don't know this ...

Looking at the expressions of Xin Yun and others, Chu Rui continued: "To be honest, joining Kaitian was not because of emotional factors. Although I have already recognized Xin Yun as my brother, this is not enough for me to do this. Important decisions, you know ... this is a decision related to eternal life, how can it be a child's play! "

Listening to Chu Rui's words, Xin Yun was greatly moved. This little guy is too exaggerated. Is this still a 13- or 4-year-old child? Her knowledge, judgment, wisdom, even if the adult is afraid, not many people can match it.

After thinking, Chu Rui continued: "What really attracts me is the outstanding ability of my brothers and sisters, but this ability alone is not enough. No matter how strong the ability is, it can only make you a vassal of others, so Prior to that, I had no intention of joining Kaizong. "

Having said that, Chu Rui paused for a moment, then seriously said, "But with this seal of heaven and earth, everything is different. With him, everyone is immortal, and no one can stop your growth. You do n’t have to bow your heads for any power and continue to develop. Once you grow up, it will be a force sweeping the world! This power is invincible. No one can stop you in front of you. That's what I value most! "

Chu Rui stood up excitedly and longed for hope: "The top ten families are very powerful and powerful, but after all, there are ten such families in the same class. Unlike them, once Kaitianzong develops, it will It is proud of all beings. No force or group can be compared with it. Being the creator of such a huge force is already the limit of my dream. In addition, there is no dream in the world.

"Papapa ..." Listening to Chu Rui's generous words, Xin Yun slaps his hands in admiration. At the same time, Yiluo Xiang and others raised their hands and praised Chu Rui for applause. I know ... the one who said those words was just a child who was only 13 or 14 years old!

In the applause, Chu Rui didn't feel embarrassed and continued: "So, betrayal and the like, don't worry, no one will be stupid enough to betray. Once betrayed, what is lost is not just immortality, but also Qing Shi ’s opportunity to stay famous is to lose the possibility of creating great achievements. Such a thing will not happen under normal circumstances, but if it does happen, it must have encountered an irresistible disaster. At that time, any rules All in vain. "

Having said that, Chu Rui watched Xin Yundao very seriously: "So, no matter what, I must join Kaitianzong. This opportunity is only available here and only now. If I miss it, I will regret it forever!"

In the face of Chu Rui's request, Xin Yun has no reason to refuse. Such talents are hard to find while holding lanterns. Now he brought them to his door. Even if he was stupid, Xin Yun would not go back.

In the last life, although Chu Rui was the real power of the first family, but in fact ... she is not responsible for things like combat. The first family's force is destined to be in the hands of the empty. At this point, no family will be an exception, and no one will give force to a foreigner.

Chu Rui is actually responsible for economic matters. In its heyday, Chu Rui was once the governor of tens of thousands of super cities! Responsible for the development and operation of all cities, its ability is so strong that it has reached a point of abnormality.

Although Yiluoxiang is also very clever, but wisdom is used in different places. Yiluoxiang is considered more comprehensive and more extensive. If it is based on a country, Yiluoxiang should be a role such as the Prime Minister. The economy is of course Think about it, but of all the things she needs to think about, the economy is just one part of it.

According to China's official court, Xin Yun is clearly the General Secretary and Chairman of the Military Commission, while Yiluo Xiang is the Prime Minister, Yan Qingying is the Chief of Police, Mingxuan is equivalent to the Commander of the Military Region, Rove is the special agent leader, and Zixia is Director of the Intelligence Bureau, now with the words of Chu Rui, she is naturally the leader in economics, and the Minister of Finance is her most suitable position.

At the request of Chu Rui, Xin Yun clapped on the spot and included it in Kaitianzong. As for the sky-breaking family, Xin Yun was lazy to think about it. Talent is always the best no matter what age it is. valuable.

After joining Kai Tianzong, Chu Rui, a girl who was only about 14 years old, was directly appointed by Xin Yun as the head of the Finance Department of Wei Kai Tianzong, responsible for the 36 super-large economics under Kai Tianzong's jurisdiction. Development and operation, increase Kaitianzong's financial income. As for how to do it, Xin Yun has no intention to ask. It is good to make a grade, and it does n’t matter if you ca n’t do it. Anyway, there is no cost of buying and selling, no matter how It is not enough to lose money.

I heard that there are 36 super big cities under her management. Chu Rui can't believe her ears. It's not 36 toys, but 36 super large cities that can be compared with Shanhai City. The important thing, Xin Yun actually threw it to her to manage, which not only shows Xin Yun's trust and love for her, but also his courage!

As a party, Chu Rui has absolute self-confidence in her own ability. If she is not confident, she can always be a loser. In fact ... self-confidence is the foundation of success. A true strongman, no matter what No matter what the situation, they will never lose their confidence, and in fact, they do have that ability and capital.

However, this is too exaggerated anyway. At the age of thirteen or four, I do n’t know anything at all. Generally speaking, such a big child is still hiding in the arms of his mother. But now, Xin Yun But she put such a heavy burden on her shoulders, this kind of courage, Chu Rui never imagined.

At the time of the announcement of joining, Chu Rui's judgment may indicate that Xin Yun would arrange for him to manage a small city, and that he would definitely be supervised when he acted. When there is a proposal, he must turn it in, and then everyone will pass the inspection. Can be executed.

However, it now seems that Xin Yun has no meaning in this regard, and directly handed over a large number of things. The 36 large cities and the 600 million people are directly under her jurisdiction. That is an unbeatable right, but also a huge and heavy burden!

It can be said that at the moment Xin Yun ordered, the 36 super-large cities with a population of about 600 million were pinched by Chu Rui, and her thoughts might make hundreds of millions of people happy. If crazy, an idea may make millions cry.

Although it is compared with the scale of billions of supernatural beings that controlled tens of thousands of supercities in the last life, now this is nothing at all. The current scale of Kaitianzong is even smaller than the small family of Jiuliu. No, but Kai Tianzong is still only established, and still very young. As long as it continues to develop, one day, everything that Chu Rui has in her hands will be far better than her.

After joining Kaizong Zong, according to the convention, Xin Yun sent two people a copy of Taiji, and taught them how to use it. With Taiji in hand, they can escape under any circumstances, plus immortality. The source of the seal, the seal, can be said that all the worries of worries have been erased.

Watching the two girls put away the Taiji map, Xin Yun said Shen: "Well, time is tight, we have no time to waste, even if it is a second, we have to open it up, so ... Everyone hurry up! "

Having said that, Xin Yun paused for a moment, sorted out his words, and continued: "Zixia ... Your current mission is very important. There are three months to go before the World Academy Challenge. During this period, You must set off immediately and check the details of all the opponents participating in this match. "

"Um ..." Nodded resolutely, Zixia also knew that this matter was really important. In three months, more than 3,000 teams, the workload was incalculable, but fortunately ... … Xin Yun gave her a Tai Chi map, otherwise it would be an impossible task.

However, even with the Taiji Diagram, things in it are not easy to handle. Looking at Zixia hesitantly, Xin Yun shook her head and said, "I know there are many difficulties here, but ... this is what you have to face. And overcome, we can't provide anything except money. If you need manual assistance, you have to find and draw yourself. What I want is the result. Everything of the intelligence department is solely responsible for you. What it looks like. "

Hearing here, Zixia's complexion was more dignified, but in her eyes, there was a glow of excitement, difficult ... very difficult, but not difficult and boring, although it is difficult to do, but never Some set everything up, isn't this what she wants most? That being the case, what else is there to complain about?

Thinking of this, Zixia took a deep breath and continued: "Well, the intelligence department will give it to me. I will try to complete the task as much as possible, but before that, I want to know how much we have in terms of funds. Budget? In addition to funding, can the venue be provided? Are there other things that are particular about it? "

"This ..." Listening to Zi Xia, Xin Yun frowned, for a long time ... Xin Yun flatly said: "Money is absolutely not a problem, I will give you as much as you want."

Having said that, Xin Yun turned his head and looked at Chu Rui, and said earnestly: "You remember to take care of it, as long as it is the Ministry of Information to apply for funds, how much will be given, not to delay for any reason, let alone the slightest deduction! "

"Ah!" At the hearing of Xin Yun, Chu Rui jumped in shock, and said helplessly: "I have money, although you have given me 36 big cities to manage, but ... I haven't seen them yet. It's money! "

"Hehe ..." He shook his head with a smile, Xin Yun continued: "How can there be no money, the 36 big cities, the annual tax income is about 40 million silver? In this way, every month There are forty thousand two hundred silver, so far I have not collected this money, so there should be seven months of taxes, close to three hundred twenty thousand silver, how could there be no money! "

"Ah! I ... this ..." After hearing Xin Yun's words, Chu Rui and Zixia were completely stunned. Only then did they really realize what the thirty-six super large cities really meant. The monthly tax is already an astronomical figure.

Difficulty swallowed, Chu Rui carefully said: "Do you mean, in the future ... I will manage this money, will it be allocated to me?"

In the face of Chu Rui's inquiry, Xin Yun gave her a blunt look and said: "You are the chief financial officer, and you will be in charge of economic matters. Otherwise, if you ask me for a sum of money, you will be asked. doing what?"

"But ... but so much money, I ... this!" Standing there in a panic, Chu Rui finally completely lost his calmness. Although born and family, the family also controls the three big cities, but Chu Rui's family is a member There are many, she is not a direct member, and they can be assigned to them every year. There are really not many.

Of course, Chu Rui was stunned, and Zixia was even more dumbfounded. Originally, in her opinion, it would not be necessary to worry about money if she could have millions of dollars, but now it seems that, as Xin Yun said, I'll give as much as you want, I'm afraid you can't finish it!

Looking at the two girls in surprise, Xin Yun continued: "As for the other, this is more complicated, the personnel of the Ministry of Information are mixed, it is impossible to enter all our general altars, only formal members are eligible to enter, so ... There is no problem with the high-level executives, but if you want to engage in intelligence, you need to lay a lot of eyeliners. If they are all drawn into Kaizong, it will be too complicated, so ... "

After hearing this, Zixia hurriedly shook her head and said, "No, no, no ... not so much. In fact, the sources of information are fixed and do not need to be specially laid. We just need some ability to pass this information through various channels. The collected personnel are not expensive, and about 100 places are enough. "

Having said that, Zixia paused for a moment, then continued: "The hundred people should be able to become full members of Kaitianzong. Only by immortalizing and tempting can those real talents be tempted. As for money Something, of course, is indispensable, but what you can buy for money is definitely not a real talent. "

"Well ..." Xin Yun agreed with Zixia's statement. After thinking for a while, Xin Yun flatly said, "Well, then, as you said, I will give you a hundred full members, and You can tell them that as long as they do well and have made achievements, I can give their wives, husbands, and even parents and sisters the source of immortality, but ... the premise must be made clear and outstanding contributions must be made can!"

"Ah!" After hearing Xin Yun's words, Chu Rui jumped up and even said, "Nothing is impossible. Since you gave Sister Zixia a hundred places, you must also give me a hundred places. Without helpers, I wouldn't be alone. "

After a little thought, Xin Yun nodded happily: "Success, I can give you the quota, the treatment is exactly the same as that of Zixia, as long as I have made a huge contribution, I will be rewarded, but ..."

Speaking of which, Xin Yun became serious, and said extremely earnestly: "You can open the conditions at will, but you have to work hard. I don't ask you how much money you can make. There is only one task for you, and that is to make as much silver as possible. Redeem it for gold! "

"Ah!" Suddenly looked at Xin Yun, Chu Rui puzzled: "Isn't it easy? Gold and silver are both money, just exchange them directly, why bother sending someone to do this?"

Shaking his head with a bitter smile, Xin Yun bitterly said, "The question now is, do you know how much silver I have?"

"How much?" Hearing Xin Yun's words, not only Chu Rui, but even Zixia became curious. They all wanted to know how much silver Xin Yun actually had, and they needed to send someone to exchange silver for gold.

Facing the inquiry of the two girls, Xin Yun slightly stretched out three fingers, but did not speak. Seeing this scene, Zixia tentatively said, "How much is this? Three hundred and twenty thousand?"

In the face of Zixia's speculation, Xin Yun shrugged his lips and shook his head to indicate that he was wrong, but still did not speak. Seeing this scene, Chu Rui's eyes lit up instantly and exclaimed: "Oh my God! You have three million two million! Oh my **** ... where are you so much money! "

In the face of Chu Rui's exclaiming, Yiluo Xiang and Yan lightly covered their mouths and laughed. Even the always serious Ming Xuan also smiled and shook his head. Obviously ... Chu Rui also guessed wrong, and it was very bad. far.

"His ..." Looking at the expressions of a few people, Chu Rui finally realized that the problem was, obviously ... three billion and thirty billion were wrong, and three hundred million was even more impossible. In this case, the answer is There is only one, that is 300 billion! God ... now she finally knows why Xin Yun specifically asked her to do this. Throwing out such a large amount of silver will definitely have a huge impact on the financial market.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Rui quickly calculated it for a while, and said categorically: "Okay, is it 300 billion? Give it to me, please, for up to three years, I will completely exchange them for equivalent gold. . "

Looking at Chu Rui silently, Xin Yun smiled bitterly: "Indeed ... I believe you have this ability, but who told you that I have 300 billion silver? Are you sure this answer is correct?"

Staring blankly at Xin Yun, Chu Rui and Zi Xia have completely lost their ability to think. Looking at the appearance of the two girls, Xin Yun shook his head and said, "In fact, I have three trillion, which is three trillion two silver, and I The time I can give you is at most three years! "

"Flop ..." Sitting on the chair with one buttock, Chu Rui couldn't think at all, three trillion two silver, how could this be! Chu Rui even suspected that there was not so much silver in circulation on the market.

At the same time, Zixia collapsed. What is the wealth? That's it! At first she thought that Xin Yun's confidence came from the taxes of 36 super large cities, but now she understands that the money is drizzle for Xin Yun, nothing, compared with three trillion What are those billions? Pocket money?

Seeing the two girls stunned, Xin Yun shook her head. This number is a bit bigger, but this is a flooded world. In contrast, the earth is only equivalent to a gravel in the flooded world. The number of living creatures here , And the earth has no comparable surname.

Not to mention anything else, in the case of a very large city with a population of more than 15 million, the world simply can't count how many there are. What Xin Yun can know is only the scope he touched. In fact ... The world that Xin Yun understands is still just a gravel to the entire flood and waste world.

How big is the flood world? Many people have had such doubts, in fact ... the so-called floodland is the coating of the earth, the egg shell of an egg!

In the chaotic period, all things are not long. Later Pangu opened up the world, split the world, chaos exploded, and turned into incalculable particles. These particles are the planet!

If chaos is likened to a stone, the so-called star is just the broken pieces of the stone, and the so-called earth coating is the egg shell that originally wrapped the whole stone!

In other words, the size of the space in the earthy coat is exactly equal to the volume of all the stars in the world. From this we can see that the floodland can be regarded as infinite, and the number of souls is naturally It's infinite. If you have to ask how big it is, it's as stupid as asking how big all the stars are.

The reason why Xin Yun can gather so much silver is that in the past period, the Valley Five Rats have been constantly busy and evacuated almost all the silver mines within the scope known by Xin Yun. The major silver mines have accumulated I don't know how many thousands of years of inventory have been moved by these five guys. As Chu Rui imagined, all the silver outside the entire world may not have Xin Yun's hands, which is not an exaggeration.

In terms of conversion to the earth, these five guys have robbed the vaults of all countries in the world and emptied all the gold reserves of each country. Once these golds are thrown on the market, the impact is inestimable.

Difficult ... very difficult! It is extremely difficult. It is almost impossible to exchange all three trillion and two silvers for gold. If it is realized, the price of silver will probably fall to a terrible level, and it will not be possible to achieve equivalent exchanges. .

(To be continued)