MTL - Wulin No.1 Middle School-Chapter 100 end of text

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Everyone found that the two of them didn't seem to show the expression of excessive sadness or humiliation they expected at all. They couldn't help being depressed, and they were still struggling to digest the fact that they were hiding in the dark. However, the two had completely let go and held hands in front of them without paying attention. , Played all the other items.

In the evening, the two of them walked out of the gate full of enthusiasm. Song Zhaolan turned his head, looked at the people who followed them, and asked, "How did you go back?"

"Ah?" Xue Canming was stunned for a moment, then replied, "I take the bus."

Sun Yicheng: "I'll walk back."

Everyone talked for a while, and Song Zhaolan nodded: "Let's go back by bicycle, so let's hang out here, you go back and pay attention to safety."

Xue Canming: "You?"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Tingfeng pushed Song Zhaolan's car over: "Get in the car."

Song Zhaolan stepped forward with long legs, sat in the back seat, and waved without looking back: "Goodbye."

Everyone looked at their backs as they walked away, dumbfounded.

"Have we been abandoned?" Sun Yicheng murmured.

"It looks like it is." Wu Xiaoyu sighed, looked at the group of lonely people who were left behind, and waved his hand, "They play theirs, we play ours, let's go, let's eat and sing, today I pay the bill !"

Wulin Zhengdao cheered immediately, and after getting into the taxi, Wu Xiaoyu looked at the Demon Cultist: "Aren't you going?"

Tu Minghua: "Can we go?"

"Of course, we are all fallen people, let's go and have fun together." Wu Xiaoyu said.

"Okay!" Just as Tu Minghua finished speaking, the others rushed to get into the car.


"Where are we going now?" Yu Tingfeng swayed on the road on his bicycle, slowly, without any intention of pedaling in the direction of home.

"Go to my house." Song Zhaolan said.

"Okay." Yu Tingfeng reluctantly stepped on the car to send him back.

After arriving downstairs at Song's house, Yu Tingfeng locked the car and watched him enter the building.

After a while, Song Zhaolan withdrew again and looked at him suspiciously: "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you come up soon?"

Yu Tingfeng was startled, and immediately followed up with a smile on his face, saying, "I thought you were going home to rest."

"Mom and Dad are still in their hometown today." Song Zhaolan said.

Yu Tingfeng's eyes lit up, and he tugged at his sleeve as soon as he entered the room.

"What are you doing?" Song Zhaolan looked back at him.

Yu Tingfeng pursed his lips.

Song Zhaolan retracted his sleeves and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Seeing that he didn't take the initiative, Yu Tingfeng had no choice but to take the initiative himself. He surrounded him with both hands, and kissed him on the lips before he was satisfied: "Not yet, are you hungry?"

"A little bit." Song Zhaolan asked, "Do you want to order takeaway?"

"The year is not over yet, so I can't order any takeaway." Yu Tingfeng walked into the kitchen and saw a box of eggs in the refrigerator, "Do you want fried rice with eggs?"

Song Zhaolan saw what he meant, that he wanted to do it by himself, and asked, "You know how?"

"Yeah." Yu Tingfeng didn't say that he had been spying on Yu Huan for a long time to cook, just to feed this rice bucket one day.

"Okay, do you need my help?" Song Zhaolan was eager to try.

"You go and cook a meal." After Yu Tingfeng finished speaking, he always felt that the ingredients were not enough, so he went downstairs to buy some onions and came back.

When it was officially started, Yu Tingfeng saw Song Zhaolan holding up his mobile phone to record a video, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"As a souvenir, what if this is the last time you cook?" Song Zhaolan said.

"How is it possible, I will make it for you whenever you want to eat it in the future." Yu Tingfeng said harshly.

"Okay, the video has been recorded, don't go back on your word." Song Zhaolan smiled.

"...You provoked me on purpose, didn't you?" Yu Tingfeng began to beat the eggs, stirring quickly with his chopsticks in the bowl, and hummed, "You guys who play tricks are really heartless."

Song Zhaolan was noncommittal, and said with a smile: "Who made you stupid."

"I'm not stupid, I just don't want to play games with you." Yu Tingfeng put down the bowl, and an apron suddenly appeared in front of him.

Song Zhaolan smiled: "Tie it on, be careful not to get your clothes dirty."

Yu Tingfeng's hands were inconvenient, so he opened his hands and asked Song Zhaolan to fasten them for him.

Song Zhaolan tied a bow on his back: "Okay."

Yu Tingfeng: "Theoretically speaking, you should hug me from behind at this time, otherwise what's the point of me making a meal?"

Song Zhaolan smiled and hugged him from behind: "Can I cook now?"

"Well, yes." Yu Tingfeng turned on the fire happily.

Song Zhaolan stood aside and looked at him. After a while, the phone vibrated twice, and Liu Zhuizhui sent him a WeChat message, asking where they were?

Song Zhaolan raised his mobile phone, took a picture of Zhang Yu Tingfeng's silhouette wearing an apron, and sent it to Liu Zhuizhui.

"I'm going, the boss is stunned!" Liu Zhuizhui zoomed in on the picture, "Is this still our boss?"

The others gathered around and glanced at the screen, scaring the devil's double chin out.

"What's the matter?" Xue Canming also came over curiously to have a look, "Wow, Yu Tingfeng is still a house husband at home?"

"Look who sent it to me." Liu Zhuizhui reminded him.

Xue Canming took a closer look, and the double chin appeared.

People of the righteous way of martial arts browsed one after another, but found this big table hard to swallow. Wu Xiaoyu said, "Why do I feel full all of a sudden?"

Zhao Mingdeng praised: "It seems that our leader has enlightened Yu Tingfeng."

"I think he's been sweetened. It's a disgrace to my Great Demon Cult." Liu Zhuizhui picked up his phone speechlessly, and saw Zhang Wei courting Yu Xiaohui again, "Okay, another embarrassing thing."

She walked over and picked up Zhang Wei: "Go and play."

Zhang Wei:?

"I'm helping you, you should find someone else to chase after you." Liu Zhuizhui shook his head helplessly, then sat down on Zhang Wei's seat, and seeing Yu Xiaohui staring at him, he raised his chin arrogantly, "Look What do you see?"

Yu Xiaohui kindly reminded: "Your lipstick is on your teeth."

Liu Zhuizhui:!


Song Zhaolan had been guarding the kitchen door, while Yu Tingfeng pretended to pick up the pot, shook the spoon, and then put the rice out: "Let's serve."

Under Yu Tingfeng's expectant gaze, Song Zhaolan picked up the spoon and tasted it, then raised his eyes to look at him.

"How about it?"

Song Zhaolan showed her face: "Not bad."

"I just said it's very simple." Yu Tingfeng took a few mouthfuls proudly, then frowned, "Why is it so sweet?"

"You put sugar as salt." Song Zhaolan said.

"you saw it?"


"Then why don't you say it?"

"I just thought of it just now." Song Zhaolan buried his head in his meal, "It doesn't matter."

Yu Tingfeng wanted to go back to work, but when he looked at Song Zhaolan's bowl, he had already eaten half of it.

Yu Tingfeng: "..."

After the meal, the two of them washed the dishes together, and the dishes made clinking noises from time to time. Even though no one spoke, the atmosphere was very good.

Song Zhaolan immediately thought that far away, in the far, far future, it would be a great blessing in life to be able to continue doing this, cooking and washing dishes together.

After tidying up the kitchen, Song Zhaolan went back to the room, saw Yu Tingfeng followed in, and said, "I'm going to the winter camp tomorrow to continue my classes, and I won't be back until school starts."

Yu Tingfeng drooped his face instantly, and hugged him into his arms without saying a word.

The two hugged in silence for a while, and Song Zhaolan patted him on the back: "Don't go over there to accompany me this time, you're also bored when I'm in class, and I'm worried, so I can't concentrate on class."

Yu Tingfeng was silent for a long time before agreeing.

At this time, there was the sound of unlocking the door, followed by the conversation between Song Nian and Zhao Qinghong.

The two were startled, Yu Tingfeng let go of his hand, and subconsciously burrowed into the closet next to him.

It was already too late for Song Zhaolan to call out the person. If he didn't hide, it meant that his friends came to play at home. Now that he hid, he couldn't tell.

"Xiao Lan, have you eaten yet?" Zhao Qinghong walked into the living room and asked.

"Eat." Song Zhaolan walked out, "Why did you come back early?"

"Aren't you leaving tomorrow? We came back specially to see you off. Have you packed your things?" Zhao Qinghong put down her bag and walked into his bedroom.

"I'll pack it right away, I can do it myself." Song Zhaolan hurried to catch up, but Zhao Qinghong had already opened the suitcase and was about to pack the clothes.

Song Zhaolan rushed forward, but unfortunately the other party opened the closet door first.

"Ah!" Zhao Qinghong was taken aback by the figure inside. After seeing it clearly, she realized it was Yu Tingfeng, and said in surprise, "Xiaofeng, what are you doing?"

Yu Tingfeng came out from inside in a sly voice: "Hi..."

Song Nian heard the movement, went to the door and took a look: "Xiaofeng, why did you come out of the cabinet?"

Yu Tingfeng: "Just...surprise?"

The two adults looked at Song Zhaolan, and Song Zhaolan said, "We are playing hide and seek."

Two parents: "..."

Zhao Qinghong: "You guys are still playing hide-and-seek at home?"

Song Zhaolan: "Well, it's cold outside, so it's not fun."

"It's true, it's really cold outside." Song Nianhan said with a smile, "Xiaofeng is here to play, so you can continue to play. Seeing how good your relationship is, Xiaolan is leaving tomorrow, do you want to stay tonight?" Accompany him?"

Yu Tingfeng: "Good!"

Zhao Qinghong said worriedly: "Then pack your luggage first, don't wake up in a panic tomorrow."

"Okay, okay." Song Zhaolan sent them out of the room, closed the door, looked at Yu Tingfeng with a smile, you should call your mother quickly. "


The two packed their luggage together, Yu Tingfeng counted the clothes, found a pair of long johns from the closet and stuffed them into the box.

Song Zhaolan let him go.

After washing at night, the two lay on the bed, turned on a small desk lamp, and talked about interesting things during the past few days of the Chinese New Year

Snow fell outside the window, Song Zhaolan sat up in surprise, and leaned over to watch. Yu Tingfeng took a blanket and draped it over his body, holding his hands and rubbing them for a while.

There was fog on the window, and two people who were kissing could be vaguely seen.

Early the next morning, Song Zhaolan was woken up by knocking on the door. He opened his eyes and found himself lying in Yu Tingfeng's arms. When he raised his head again, he saw Yu Tingfeng's sober gaze, and he couldn't help being stunned: " When did you wake up?"

"I don't know." Yu Tingfeng hugged him and took a deep breath before letting go, "Get up."

After washing up and having breakfast, Song Zhaolan took out a wooden carving from the drawer when he went back to the house to pick up his luggage, and said slowly, "This was originally a gift I wanted to give you yesterday, but I'm a bit reluctant."

Yu Tingfeng took it over and took a look. The wood carving was engraved with his own appearance and a bright smile.

"Then take it well with you." Yu Tingfeng put the wood carving in his bag, and took a look when he missed me. "

"Well, let me borrow it for a while, and I will return it to you when I come back." Song Zhaolan said.

"No problem." Yu Tingfeng took advantage of the adult's absence, quickly pecked him on the lips, "Let's go, if you don't go, I want to tie you up."

Song Zhaolan smiled: "It's not certain who is tied up."

Because it was the second time I went to the winter camp, I felt a little more familiar. The atmosphere of make-up lessons was much better than before, and everyone was familiar with it. Song Zhaolan also adapted to this environment better, and it was not as difficult as before.

Mainly thanks to Yu Tingfeng's wood carvings, as well as Yu Tingfeng himself.

Yu Tingfeng sends him all kinds of complaints on WeChat every day. He has to mention the most important things, and he is better at expressing his emotions. He sends hundreds of "missing you" sentences a day.

Song Zhaolan was also driven by him, and the chat records between the two were like an oil field.

On the day when the camp ended, the teacher said some touching farewell speeches, and gave everyone a look into the future. Seeing that Song Zhaolan seemed to have something to say, he asked, "Song Zhaolan, what do you want to say?"

"My train is going to be late." Song Zhaolan said anxiously.

The students laughed, and the teacher laughed too: "Then this journey is officially over. I hope that when I see you next time, I will be on a higher peak."

Everyone left confidently. When Song Zhaolan walked to the school gate, he turned around and took a picture of the school as a souvenir.

"Hey, the young man who was with you didn't come?" the security guard came out and asked.

Song Zhaolan shook his head: "I didn't come this time."

"Long time no see, I still miss him." The security guard laughed.

Song Zhaolan smiled slightly: "Coincidentally, me too, goodbye."

When the train arrived in Wulin City, Song Zhaolan strode out of the station, his parents sent a message saying. I can't come to pick him up today, so let him take a taxi back by himself.

There were quite a few people waiting at the station, Song Zhaolan looked around and saw a little girl holding a sign—

"Warmly welcome Yu Tingfeng's boyfriend home!"

Song Zhaolan raised his foot and walked over, knelt down and looked at the little girl, only then did he see who she was, and said with a smile, "Yaya, why are you here alone, where is your brother?"

"He was still here just now." Yaya said childishly.

Song Zhaolan just reached out to hold Yaya, when suddenly a hand appeared from behind, stopped his hand, and held him tightly.

He looked up and saw a man wearing a mask and peaked cap standing behind him, with his head lowered, and asked, "Why are you covering so tightly?"

Yu Tingfeng raised his head, only showing a pair of eyes, and said in a muffled voice: "I have a pimple, I am so mad, it will grow today if it doesn't happen someday."

Song Zhaolan smiled: "Let me see."

"Don't think about it." Yu Tingfeng dragged him out, took the sign from Yaya's hand and put it under his arm, and led Yaya forward with the other hand, "Your parents have already gone to work."

Song Zhaolan: "Yes, I know."

Yu Tingfeng: "There are still people coming to pick you up."

"Who is it?" Song Zhaolan was very curious about who else Yu Tingfeng would bring.

The two walked to the bus platform, and there were many people standing on the platform. Song Zhaolan looked around and saw that the martial arts decent faction and Demon Cult members were standing there, fighting, and Ji Xiuyuan, Qi Ran, Zhang Wei and Geng Yiming also came.

I don't know who saw them and waved at them one after another.

"Song Zhaolan is back!"

Song Zhaolan walked over, Xue Canming immediately carried his suitcase over, Yu Xiaohui didn't hold back, and hugged Yaya, and several other girls slipped over to tease the children.

The bus came quickly, and a large group of people almost filled the entire bus.

Geng Yiming was a little upset: "Boss Song, you are too dishonest. You didn't even tell me about your relationship. If I knew you were with Yu Tingfeng, what would I do to him?"

"It's not just you, we and Xue Canming are old enemies, and now we're also shaking hands and making peace." Sun Yicheng said speechlessly.

Xue Canming sat in the front row and asked loudly, "Song Zhaolan, is it fun outside?"

"Well, it's fun." Song Zhaolan said a few things casually, making the group of people yearn for what they said.

"Really? I really want to go too. Is there any chance for us to go together?" Xue Canming asked.

"Yes." Song Zhaolan said, "In the future, let's go there together, the outside world is very big."

Sun Yicheng was also moved, turned his head, saw that Tu Minghua was doing divination, and asked, "What are you counting?"

"our future."

"How is it?" Everyone around gathered around, Wu Xiaoyu asked curiously, "What kind of lottery is it?"

Tu Minghua took a look at the result: "Sign on the top."

A group of people laughed.

Sitting in the last row, Song Zhaolan smiled, pushed his head aside with one hand, and leaned on Yu Tingfeng's shoulder.

"If you feel dizzy, just sleep." Yu Tingfeng said.

Song Zhaolan turned his head, rested his chin on his shoulder, stared at his side face for a while, then suddenly pulled his mask, and sure enough, he saw a red and swollen pimple next to his nose.

Song Zhaolan laughed.

Yu Tingfeng glared at him, and was about to pull up the mask when his lips softened suddenly.

The carriage was quiet for a moment.

Yu Tingfeng glanced at everyone calmly, and everyone turned their heads, looked ahead, and quickly chatted up a few topics, pretending they didn't see anything.

Song Zhaolan leaned on his shoulder again, closed his eyes comfortably, and after a while, Yu Tingfeng's lips covered it.

Song Zhaolan slowly opened his eyes. From the corner of his eye, he could see the vast world rushing by outside the window. He could hear the laughter of his friends, and wherever he looked, it was his sweetheart.

Song Zhaolan handed the wood carving to Yu Tingfeng, Yu Tingfeng put on the mask again, and asked, "You don't need it to accompany you?"

"With a boyfriend by your side, you don't need a substitute."

Yu Tingfeng was startled: "What did you call me just now?"

"Boy friend."

Even though he was wearing a mask, Yu Tingfeng still smiled from his eyes. He was used to seeing life and death since he was a child, and his heart was empty like a bottomless pit, which couldn't be filled no matter what. But now, he seems to be filling it with something every day, and he becomes easily satisfied, because Song Zhaolan can be happy all day with just a smile and a word of "boyfriend".

In the past, all he wanted was to fight for it with his own life. Only this kind of affection was entrusted to him by Song Zhaolan himself, and he would definitely protect it.

The car was still driving, and Yu Ting couldn't help kissing his forehead through the mask.

Song Zhaolan smiled, and held his hand, as if tightly grasping her past, present, and future.

The author has something to say: the text ends here! I didn't expect to spend a year with you all. I wish you all a happy, safe, healthy and healthy life!

There should be a few side stories later.

Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground