MTL - Worldly Stunning Blade-v2 Chapter 44 Met Xiao Xiao

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As the dinner time approaches, there are more and more customers in the Fragrance Building. The second floor of Ling Feng and Ouyang Ming’s seat has already been overcrowded. The entire fragrance building is divided into three floors, the bottom layer is popular, and the dining objects are generally slightly wealthy civilians and most mercenaries. The second floor is slightly higher, and the third floor is more expensive.

Originally, Ouyang Ming was going to take Lingfeng to the third floor, but Lingfeng felt that there was no need. For the dishes on the ancient continent, Ling Feng has no hope. There are no seasonings such as soy sauce and MSG. They are eaten in Lingfeng's mouth and basically taste similar.

"If it is normal time, although the business of Fengxianglou is better, it is not so good to the present level." Ouyang Ming said, "It is estimated that most of the people here are trading in the strange treasures of the day after tomorrow." The conference came."

Ling Feng looked around the lobby on the second floor. It can be seen from the clothes that there are some nobles in addition to some mercenary merchants. Some of them are easy to see as the old people in the family come out with younger ones to see and see. Most of the young aristocrats, like the Ling Feng, are full of yearnings for this exotic treasure trading conference.

Through these days in the life of the ancient continent, Ling Feng increasingly feels the importance of one's knowledge reserve. And walking on the mainland is undoubtedly the fastest way to increase your knowledge. If you can find someone who is as knowledgeable as Rijkaard on the road, it would be great.

It is no wonder that there are so many young aristocrats on the mainland who will go to be mercenaries for a while. They do not lack money, nor do they use professional mercenaries for their own purposes. The picture shows the experience of mercenaries. Satisfying curiosity is one aspect, and growing insights is the most important thing.

Ling Feng even planned a recent trip for himself, that is, while accepting some mercenary tasks, he went to the easternmost part of the mainland, Gaochang Kingdom. For this human kingdom where most people are dark-eyed and brunette, Ling Feng is still full of yearning. Even if it is possible, Ling Feng is still preparing to stay there for a while. After all, in the Taikoo continent, only the environment of the Gaochang Kingdom, it is possible to let Ling Feng find a sense of belonging. Like Ouyang Ming, who is drinking alcohol with Ling Feng in the Principality of Yanlong, it is quite familiar from the name, but in the face of some yellow-white hair and some blue eyes, Ling Feng always feels weird. .

Ouyang Ming and Ling Feng chatted for a while and agreed to go to the Qizhen Alibao Trading Conference the next afternoon. Later, Ouyang Ming did not go through this, and went on his own business.

Ling Feng set a room in the fragrance building.

Many restaurants on the mainland are eaten and lived together. The attic in the courtyard behind the Fragrant House is a residential area and looks more elegant outside. The interior room is simple and has a refined meaning. Ling Feng is the upper house, the living equipment inside is all available, and the grade is relatively high. Ling Feng secretly nodded and felt quite satisfied. Although staying here for one night, you need to pay ten gold coins.

Later, Ling Feng washed his body and changed into a clean dress, ready to go to the mercenary union to see. There will be a variety of information on the mainland. By the way, Ling Feng still wants to take a mercenary mission. However, looking at his G-class mercenary certificate, Ling Feng shook his head without feeling. A G-class mercenary, no teammates, what tasks can I receive?

The sky has gradually darkened, and the pedestrians on the street are suddenly a lot less.

Ling Feng found that there are more men outside the city, and in the city, the proportion of women is still relatively high. During the day, most of them are women on the street.

This is also because women are inherently less powerful than men, and female warriors are rarer than male warriors. However, in the profession of magicians, the number of men and women is equal. Most women who do not have any force will only have a sense of security in the city. Many women in the village, even if they marry in the city and give them a small family, are not willing to marry in the village, in order to live a stable life.

Ling Feng walked to the mercenary union, not far from the distance, and the road was not complicated. The Fragrant House and the Mercenary Union are on the main road. However, Ling Feng did not take a few steps, and a "big brother" stopped him.

A girl of ten years old ran towards him.

Ling Feng looked carefully, only to be surprised to find that it was actually Xiao Xiao who had a side in the World of Warcraft. For this little girl, Ling Feng is still fresh in memory, more lively and naughty. Ling Feng also gave her a magic core. Two people are relatively close to each other.

"Xiao Xiao, how are you here?" Ling Feng asked. Ling Feng remembers that Xiao Xiao should be the person of Tianxiang Principality.

"Big brother, I am here to attend the Qizhen Alibao Trading Conference." Xiao Xiao said in a serious way, as if he was afraid that Ling Feng did not believe it, added: "I brought a lot of gold coins."

Ling Feng was a shame first, even Xiao Xiao knew that there was a rare treasure trading conference here, and he did not know, it can be seen that he failed. However, because the southeastern part of the Tianxiang Principality is adjacent to the Yanlong Principality, it is not surprising that Xiaoxiao can know the trading conference. Looking at Xiaoxiao's proud appearance, Ling Feng couldn't help but pretend to be surprised and asked: "Oh, how many gold coins did Xiaoxiao bring? Wouldn't it be to buy the baby at the conference?"

"That is." Xiao Xiao heard the words, immediately handed a money bag around to Ling Feng, but then immediately realized that Ling Feng is swearing at her. "Hey!" Heared, turned his head and pretended to ignore the wind.

Ling Feng did not care, because at this time, he had already seen several people who had been together with Xiao Xiao, and also saw Kenyon.

After greeting each other, Ling Feng knew that after saying goodbye to Ling Feng, Xiao Xiao and his six young people continued to go to the World of Warcraft forest. They also followed the goal of only visiting the outer periphery of the World of Warcraft. The danger was not great. . A group of people in the Warcraft forest for a few days, met some adventurers, also killed a few low-level Warcraft, truly feel the atmosphere of a World of Warcraft.

However, perhaps their luck is not good, in the low-level World of Warcraft in the World of Warcraft, actually hit the fifth-order peak of the wind-iron wolf. You know, among the six people, the most powerful Bogut and Jiang Xue, but also the fifth-order swordsman and magician, although some are close to the sixth-order, but the iron-backed wolf is equivalent to the strength of the sixth-order peak of humanity, or There is a big gap. The only thing that is fortunate is that they only met one end. In a short time, although they were awkward, they did not suffer much damage.

Kenyon, who was hiding behind them, until the courageous young people who had been courageous enough to come out and rescued them.

Mo Xiaoxiao saw Kenyon at this time. Naturally, she was very kind and just frightened her. However, this kindness did not last for a few minutes, Mo Xiaoxiao began to get excited, and once the fear of the past passed, it was a strong sense of excitement. At this time Kenyon wants them to go home, where will they be willing? They really want to meet another Warcraft like Ironback Wolf.

In the end, under Mo Xiaoxiao's spoiled Dafa, Kenyon took six people into the outer periphery of the Warcraft Forest Intermediate Warcraft area, fully satisfying the curiosity of six young people. Then, looking at these unbelievable little guys, Kenyon was afraid that they would suggest to go to the high-level Warcraft area to see, even if he was alone, he did not dare to go. Therefore, Kenyon took the opportunity to take them to the city of Yamuda in the Principality of the Dragon to participate in the Qizhen Alibao Trading Conference, and let the six people promise to go home with him after that.

A group of seven people, who rushed slowly, arrived at Yamuda.

When Mo Xiaoxiao saw Ling Feng, they didn't have much time to enter the city. They just dealt with the harvest of some World of Warcraft forests in the trading area.

And Mo Xiaoxiao’s gold coin that he had just boasted to Ling Feng was the one that Kenyon had earned the average income to six people, Mo Xiaoxiao himself.

Ling Feng heard this, secretly looked at Mo Xiaoxiao's bulging little money bag, his face did not feel a smile.

Who knows that Mo Xiaoxiao also happened to look at Ling Feng at this time. After realizing Ling Feng’s gaze, he couldn’t help but be red and cute.


The third chapter is here today. The next chapter, before 1 am.