MTL - Worldly Stunning Blade-v2 Chapter 42 Trading area

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A mercenary suit, a simple parcel, a big sword with both hands, Ling Feng feels that he has the equipment of a real mercenary. Looking at the streets, many people are heading for a square, and as people flow there.

Here is a relatively large trading area.

The mercenaries will process the income other than the mission, like some of the body of Warcraft, as soon as possible, and convert it into gold coins. And many businessmen will also open booths here to buy merchandisers at low prices.

What Ling Feng saw was a busy scene. Most of the mercenaries' goods are related to Warcraft, such as Warcraft Leather, Warcraft Meat, and so on. However, relatively speaking, the level of Warcraft is relatively low, and the price will not be very high.

If it's really good, it's not far from the mercenary union, and the mercenaries won't be too stupid to get good things to trade here, because there are many **** shops around the mercenary union. They only accept some of the higher grades, as long as the things are good, the price is generally higher. Similar to the low-end World of Warcraft meat, but it does not charge.

If it is a special cargo that cannot determine its value, the mercenaries can also spend a small amount of money and ask the professionals to identify the value of the goods in the mercenary union.

In short, the mercenaries on the ancient continent are also very savvy, and basically do not have much benefit to the business people to earn.

Of course, after the merchants have processed the goods, they will sell them again.

For mercenaries, bulky goods are not suitable for carrying on the body, only to be converted into gold coins as soon as possible to pick up the next task. For the merchants, the price is generally not too low. There is not only one merchant here. The two parties are mutually beneficial.

Ling Feng also saw that there is a small area in the corner of the trading area, which is a place for barter.

In addition, there are also some mercenaries who sell Warcraft meat and other people directly to civilians. Because the price of buying Warcraft meat here is much cheaper than the regular market. There are many kinds of Warcraft meat, not only can be eaten, the taste is more delicious than the ordinary animal meat, but also has a nourishing function. Therefore, a slightly richer civilian will also purchase some Warcraft meat properly. Some restaurant buyers will also come here to purchase.

In the entire trading area, people come and go, very lively.

Most of the goods are transported by the poor who sell their physical strength. They are accepted by the merchants, and the income may be determined according to the amount of goods being transported. Ling Feng is not very clear about this. However, when selling labor, the income is often not high. This is the law that has never changed.

Just as Ling Feng wanted to go out, there was a poor man pushing a trolley. Because there were more goods on the car, he pushed it in a hurry and hit Lingfeng. The middle-aged poor immediately stopped the trolley and was busy apologizing to Ling Feng.

In the city, the status of the poor is very low, and almost all of them are untouchable. The appearance of Ling Feng is now a mercenary, the mercenary suit on his body, because of the impact of the collision, the position on the left leg is a little dirty. If Ling Feng asks him to pay compensation, it is also very normal. In most cases, the poor and others have a dispute, and the poor are always poor.

And there are some mercenaries with better quality, but when the attitude of the other party is better, it is generally not related to the poor. After all, mercenaries also have family members, and most of them are social bottom-level personnel.

Therefore, the middle-aged man who hit the Lingfeng, apologizing very timely, is also very sincere, and he is sorry to say that he is facing the wind. You must know that even if a poor person is tired and tired and has worked hard for several days, he will not be able to buy a mercenary suit.

Ling Feng accidentally patted the dirty left leg, and said to him: "Nothing, be careful later."

For the poor, Ling Feng did not feel that he was superior. On the contrary, he feels that it is a very proud thing for a man to eat by his own physical strength and even to support his family.

The middle-aged man does not look strong, his face is not very beautiful, and obviously has traces of hard life. After hearing the words of Ling Feng, he pushed the car away with great affection.

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed. Everyone has their own life. Just like the thing just happened, if it happened to other brothers, then the son of the son would be very overbearing and must compensate the poor. He also offered a very high price. Then Ling Feng couldn’t see it. He suddenly intervened and sent the son to leave. To save the poor. Then this scene was seen by a beautiful woman who happened to pass by. The beauty is very fascinating to Ling Feng... This may be the side of everyone who wants to be a hero. The premise is that there is the strength to be a hero.

However, the previous incident happened to Ling Feng’s own body, which made Ling Feng less likely to have a wonderful performance.

Without a few steps, a senior who looked a little sad and greeted Ling Fengdao: "Can this little brother be a little late for a moment, in the next Ouyang Ming, I wonder if I have the privilege to meet with you?"

"Oh, why?" Ling Feng looked at each other curiously for the old man who suddenly came out to know himself. Its body is not high, it is about half a head shorter than Lingfeng. The age should be in the eighty or ninety, and the look is still relatively strong. The face is covered with vicissitudes, but the eyes are shining. Ling Feng can even feel the energy fluctuations in the other party's body. It should be similar to the level of Gullit, but he is better at concealing it, but he does not give the feeling of being a master.

"The little brother's work just now, but the old man has seen it all. For the young people nowadays, it is quite rare. The old man is very appreciative of the little brothers, so he came to know him before." Ouyang Ming explained.

Of course, this is only superficial. Ouyang Ming did not notice him because of Ling Feng’s actions, but he only paid attention to it. However, when Ouyang Ming wanted to see how much the young mercenary of Ling Feng had, he could not see the wind. This is really surprised by Ouyang Ming.

Ouyang Ming is not a person in the city of Yamuda. This time, it is also because the annual meeting of the rare and precious treasures held in Yamuda is about to begin. He basically goes to Yamuda at this time of the year.

Ouyang Ming itself has the strength of the eighth-order mid-term, and it is also a small name in a small country like the Yanlong Principality. He can't see through one's cultivation, there are only two possibilities. One is that Ling Feng’s strength is equal to or higher than him. But looking at the age of Ling Feng, Ouyang Ming automatically ruled out this possibility. The other is that Ling Feng is likely to be the son of a big family. There are ways to hide his strength in the practice of cultivation.

Looking at the performance of Ling Feng just now, I have to say that it is quite temperamental. Although it is easy to be a child in a big family, it is undeniable that outstanding young talents are also easily found in the big family.

Therefore, Ouyang Ming will come forward and be ready to know. After all, on the Pacific continent, if you have more than one relationship, you will have more protection. What's more, if Ling Feng is really the son of a big family, he can make a big difference with Ouyang Ming. Even if Ling Feng is not a family son, Ouyang Ming has no loss.

For his own eyes, Ouyang Ming has always been more confident. He felt that Ling Feng would never be such a mercenary.

Ling Feng looked at Ouyang Ming's very shrewd appearance, and naturally he would not believe the reason he said. However, I think that I am still idle, I can know more than one person, or an eighth-order warrior. It should be quite good.

The only thing that Ling Feng felt was that he was in the city of Yamuda. He was also visiting a small city, but he was not seen by a beautiful woman. Instead, he was hit by a person and stained his clothes. The old man is arrogant, and wants to come up with his own expectations, the gap is bigger!