MTL - Worldly Stunning Blade-v15 Chapter 732 The rest of the people

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Chapter 732, the rest of the people

"Mitchell sister, we must help her to take the crown of the sea god?" Ling Ling walked beside Mitchell and asked softly. Ling Ling had no bad feelings about this rest. Instead, she was interested in her ability to foresee the future, but now she has given her a few people to rest in peace, and she also gave Ling Ling’s most favorite brother Ling Feng. Calculating it, naturally let our little princess be greatly dissatisfied. How can you see how restlessness is not pleasing to the eye? If it is not too much to scare the copy of Mitchell’s tricks, if you give this little Nizi to the town, maybe she will really get together.

In fact, rest is now also full of attention, every step of the heart is beware, because Ling Ling does not know that there is really no attack on the rest, he can only copy after the other party used the trick, if the other party does not take the usual path, For example, if there is no such thing as punching and kicking, he will have no way. In addition, the opponent has mastered the rules. Even if he can copy the opponent's actions, there is no way to copy the rules mastered by the other party. The power of the rules is far above the martial arts magic, so even if the opponent's moves are copied, the power is not comparable. of.

Of course, the fate of fate is not any attacking ability, but the cost of using the attacking technique of fate is too great. At least the rest will not use the fate to deal with Mitchell and others, so she Now I can only use the copying power of destiny to scare Mitchell and let them mistakenly think that they are actually very powerful.

"The Temple of the Sea is actually the temple of Poseidon, the emperor of the ancient seas, and the crown of the sea god, in the main hall!" Resting and talking to Mitchell a few people while walking.

"It seems that you are very familiar with this temple of the sea!" Mitchell sneered, if the rest of the relationship with the temple is not related to her, she did not believe it.

"Oh, you will understand later!" Rest just laughed and stopped talking.

"This is the crown of the sea god?" The main hall of the sea emperor does not have too many complicated ornaments, nor is it as magnificent as the palaces of some kingdoms in the mainland. Instead, there is a feeling of returning to the original. Just a few simple cylinders propped up the entire hall. A towering torch is inserted above the column, and the flame of the water blue is beating above the torch, just like the flame that floats above the four hooves of the water blue.

The whole ground is paved with a whole piece of black slate, but with a shallow thin mark that divides it into squares, which does not destroy the overall sense, but also creates a simple three-dimensional sense of the whole ground, and The simple arrangement in the entire main hall maintains the same style.

But it happens to be this simple pattern, but it is full of a majesty and atmosphere. The empty main hall is filled with high concentration of water, just like the whole ocean. The water property of Mitchell enters this main hall. Among them, I feel a sense of comfort.

And the crown of the sea **** was not deliberately placed, but was placed freely on the black stone throne in the center of the main hall.

"Linger is careful!" Ling Ling saw that the crown of the sea **** was placed there, and suddenly rushed over, wanting to get the crown of the sea god, and let the rest of his brother's whereabouts.

But how can this sea **** crown not be banned? Ling Ling was not close to the throne, but was bounced out by a sudden blue barrier. Fortunately, Ling Ling’s skill was sensitive enough. Several actions in a row buffered the huge stretch and then landed on the ground.

"Good thick water power!" Just at this time, a sound sounded, "Hey, Mitchell predecessors, you are here too? Lingfeng?"

When Mitchell turned back, several children, Tong Hu and McLaren appeared at the door of the main hall. Although several people looked a little embarrassed, their faces were filled with joy. It seems that the harvest in the maze is also Not small!

"I didn't expect someone to be faster than us!" Followed by the sound of the three emperors' unhurried voices. Compared with the three emperors and the blue sea breeze, there are a lot less people, but that is called The shadow of the black robe is still with the three emperors, and the face of the three emperors is a kind of uncontrollable happiness. Not only because I got a lot of treasures, but more importantly, in the process of just moving forward, the three emperors happened to meet the big prince who was besieged by several people, and the three princes who made a squirrel not only Finally got the treasure, but also successfully killed the big prince. Now think of it, the three emperors want to laugh a lot. Without the threat of the great prince, the crown of the sea **** is in front of himself, who else can compete with himself?

"Then should I be the last to arrive?" Another voice also rang at this time, and Tong Hu’s face suddenly changed, looking toward the vocal person.

"Jonas, also my granddaughter's life!" Tonghu turned and rushed toward the coming man. Originally, he didn't have much thought about the crown of the sea god. Now Jonathan appeared in front of himself. When I thought that Li Mengyao was still lying in bed like a dead body, Tonghu could not restrain the anger in her heart.

"Hey, I have to wait for the crown of the sea **** and say it!" Jonathan stretched out his right hand and slowly pushed it toward Tonghu. A black ripple appeared in the air, as if it had shrunk. Then a circle of black ripples hit the Tonghu.

"Hey!" Tonghu held a fist in his right hand, and a faucet with a water element appeared on his fist, then slammed into the black ripple.

"Hey!" Only heard a loud noise. Tonghu’s whole body suddenly bounced out. The faucet above the fist had collapsed, and the black ripples seemed to be more powerful, and they slammed toward Tonghu.

"Good pure dark elements! Holy light!" McLaren’s voice suddenly sounded with a hint of exclamation, and a dazzling light shone in the main hall, colliding with the black ripples of the dark elements. Together, a "sweet" sound was heard, just like something was baked. Under the light of the Holy Light, the black ripples finally dissipated.

"Come back!" Tong Hu’s voice drank again, but this time it was Tracy, and he pulled the boy.

"There is nothing to wait for the crown of the sea **** to say, the situation is still unclear, and rushing to shoot will only make others profit!" Tracy whispered in Tong Hu's ear.

"I didn't have much interest in the crown of the sea god. She made my granddaughter like that. Do you want me to endure? Tracy, you let me down!" Tonghu was very hot. It is exactly the opposite of his water properties. At this time, I heard that Tracy stopped himself with the crown of the sea god, and could not help but blaze.

"Mitchell, they saw Jonathan, but they didn't help you. Do you not feel strange? Ling Feng is not with them, and watching their current posture is like running the crown of the sea god. It’s not about finding a starfish!” Tracy observed very carefully. Every time someone came in, the face of the voice would change slightly. This shows that they are very concerned about the increase of other forces in the hall, and this hall Among them, the only thing that deserves to be cared for by all forces is the crown of the sea god.

"Mitchell's predecessor, Ling Feng that kid?" Although Tong Hu is acquainted with Mitchell's predecessors, but it is not so polite to Ling Feng, and I heard that Tracy just said that Tong Hu also seems to be indeed That's the case, so Mitchell's tone is not as polite as it used to be. But he did not understand, even if Mitchell and others had problems, Ling Ling’s little girl was very loyal to Ling Feng, how could he follow it?

"My brother disappeared. Resting said that if we help her get the crown of Poseidon, help us find my brother!" Ling Ling did not have any city government after all. When he heard Tonghu ask, he said it quickly. There is no way for people to hide.

“Lingfeng disappeared?” It’s not just Tonghu. Everyone present was taken aback. It can be said that everyone present seems to have a relationship with Lingfeng. Of course, except for Tonghu, other people. There is such a trace of ecstasy in the heart, including Tracy and others.

Everyone who was present in Ling Feng’s presence was seen. Not only did he improve his speed, but he also had a sophisticated approach. With the strength of everyone’s nine-stage now, Lingfeng’s side is definitely the biggest advantage, but now Lingfeng disappears. This gap has been pulled flat.

"It seems that everyone is now at the top of this sea god. The crown of the sea **** is only one, but we have four people, even if there is no contradiction inside, this sea **** crown can not be separated. ... 嘿嘿嘿!" Three emperors looked at the people present, sneer with a face, and they have reached an agreement with the blue sea breeze, but among other people, I am afraid it is not so simple, take Tracy, McLaren And Joseph, who doesn't want to get the crown of Poseidon to add a bit of strength to his family? So the three emperors began to differentiate between words.

"Hey, how do we divide this sea god's crown is naturally our thing, but the three emperors, although you are the emperor of the Maastricht kingdom, this identity is not good here, don't talk to us in this tone!" "McLaren snorted, and the differentiation in the words of the Three Emperors was not obvious, but it was also heard by everyone."

"No matter how many people, you have to break this ban first!" Mitchell looked at the people who were on the scene and suddenly said coldly, "I can't break the prohibition of the sea emperor, let you break." The heads are all white!"