MTL - Worldly Stunning Blade-Chapter 20 Ant colony

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After a few minutes with the team, Fenerchel, Simon, Basten, three people at the same time, immediately stopped, the three looked at each other and saw the other's eyes full of consternation.

"It seems that our luck today is really bad." Fenechel said with a smile.

Simon and Basten were silent at the same time, and both of them consciously approached their weapons.

Subsequently, Gullit and Rijkaard also suddenly felt a strong momentum, coming over here. The awkwardness of the day, so that they are the eighth-order, they feel a kind of fear. Seeing the seriousness of the three nine-order powerhouses, I know that things are definitely troublesome. Gullit held his hand on the hilt in order to fight the sinister indifference. Rijkaard is the right hand holding the magic wand, his eyes looking straight ahead.

At this time, Catherine, Slan and Drogba, even if they are stupid, they know that there must be a strong Warcraft in front. But for the serious attitude of several ninth-order powerhouses, the three people still seem a little disapproving.

At this time, Simon obviously had no mood to teach his apprentice, but his position was on the left side of Fenechel, and there was a faint intention to protect Drogba.

And Basten also consciously walked to the right hand side of Fenechel. The three men stood in a small triangle. Because as the killing is getting closer, they have to do some precautions. Fortunately, I feel that it should not be a Warcraft. Otherwise, there is such a strong momentum, it must be beyond the existence of the nine-order Warcraft. The three had long decided to run away.

But even then, the situation of everyone will not be good.

There is definitely a nine-order World of Warcraft in that powerful killing.

If the three ninth-order stars masters have no worries, they will be able to withstand a nine-order World of Warcraft. After all, the ninth-order Warcraft is the equivalent of the existence of the human sub-saint. But now, there are more than one World of Warcraft, and there are six cumbersome side of the three.

That's right, the eighth-order warrior can meet the seventh-order Warcraft can fight a battle, meet the eighth-order Warcraft, luck can still resist, otherwise it will only escape. Now facing the 9th-order Warcraft, it is equivalent to let them face the Yasheng, the result is definitely only one - being spiked, showing the horror of the 9th-order Warcraft.

When I entered the advanced World of Warcraft area, I met the 9th-order Warcraft. This was one of the worst encounters that Fenechel didn't think of.

So Fenerchel made a decisive decision against Rijkaard and said: "Trouble you two others to take a day off, and wait for us in the place we stayed in last night. We three tried to stop for a while." ""

If the nine people go back together, and with the speed of the killings coming to this side, it will definitely be caught, because the scope of the killing is too big. And let a few people with lower strength first retreat, and Fenerchel and other three people, the mobility is much higher. If the killing is not directed at them, the three people should not be in any danger.

This is also the case that nine people originally negotiated well, in case of meeting the powerful Warcraft.

Just as the voice of Fenechel had just fallen, everyone could faintly hear the sounds of a large group of Warcraft running. Although the sounds of these World of Warcraft were very light, a large group of Warcraft ran together, and the sound of rubbing against the ground was not small.

Rijkaard's brow wrinkled, and in this range, it would be impossible for such a large group of Warcraft to run together. In the Warcraft Forest, the high-end Warcraft really likes the three or five groups, but that is only a dozen or so is the limit. The footsteps in front of him tell him that the Warcraft coming is definitely a large group, and the speed is very fast.

Then, the figure of an eighth-order earth bear first appears in the eyes of everyone. The bears of the earth are very tall and strong, and they rush to the crowd. Ling Feng even looked at it with his eyes open, and the speed was completely inversely proportional to its size. Ling Feng does not know what power is supporting it and can run so fast. Even if you meet a few humans, there is no need to be so excited?

Suddenly, Ling Feng saw behind the bear of the earth, a black piece began to appear not far away, and the piece of black was rapidly advancing to this side. Before that black, there were still a few strangely-faced World of Warcraft running hard. Formally, it seems to be chased by the piece of black.

"What is that?" Ling Feng asked Rijkaard. In the view of Ling Feng, Rijkaard deserves to be the magic teacher of the Cangwu College, one of the four major colleges in the mainland, although it is honorary. At least his knowledge is absolutely profound.

Rijkaard did not answer the question of Ling Feng. His eyes stared at the front, and the piece rolled black toward the side. Gradually, he began to be emotional, his eyes flustered, and even the voices had some anxious and fearful colors, and said loudly: "It's incredible, our luck is really bad luck. I will meet them."

Then, I saw him running and ran, and ran and shouted: "Everyone is following me, don't stop on the route of the guys, don't use vindictiveness and magic. It's horrible, God, look at On the part of the beast god, pray that we can survive this disaster. I swear that I will never step into the World of Warcraft again."

Gullit apparently believed in Rijkaard, not to mention, the first to run out. As if I remembered something, I turned back to Ling Feng and shouted: "Lingfeng little brother, keep up."

Others were first smashed by Rijkaard's words, and then they came to understand that Rijkaard certainly knew and knew that it was powerful. Otherwise, he can't escape so anxiously. Only the route he escaped was different from what everyone imagined. He did not step back, but flew sideways to the side.

With such a glimpse of the gods, the bear of the earth has already reached the front of Fenerchel. However, the bears of the earth did not look at Fenechel, and even the other people directly ignored them. Under the gaze of the strange eyes, they swiftly passed by Feinchel, and the speed was not at all visible. Slow down half a minute.

Then, with his extraordinary vision, Ling Feng finally saw what was in the shadow.

Ant, that is a piece of black ant! It’s just that the head is much larger than the average ant, and each foot is the size of a baby. All the creatures disappeared where they passed, including the Warcraft that they caught up with, including all the trees on their way.

Ling Feng’s mind immediately thought of the eater on the earth, and the scalp was numb. It was really horrible to be rightly told by Rijkaard. Immediately turned the direction, and ran to Rijkaard.

A few other people, although not very clear about what it is, but based on the trust of Rijkaard, they have also followed. But did not run a few steps, I was approached by the patch of shadow. A few people turned around and suddenly saw the horror of the black ant. The place where the tree was over collapsed and then disappeared instantly. The ground was almost empty, and it was really terrifying.

As a result, nine people began their life and death in the Warcraft Forest.