MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 66 Each succeeded

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In the world of immortality.

After Wei Wu saw that Dr. Pang was attacked and offline, his eyes were completely red: "I will fight with you!"

Even though he said this, Wei Wu ran to the side of the data code in a daze. That's right, working hard is a trivial matter, the most urgent thing now is to achieve the purpose of this trip and get the formula of the inhibitory solution.

In the distorted space, after the walking chicken killed Dr. Pang, it immediately ran across the corridor, with code data visible to the naked eye flowing in both hands: "Mingming, I will stop him, you read it!"


A figure rushed from the side, his eyes blinked quickly, looking at the code data floating in the space, reading as much as possible.

At the same time, Zhang Yunxi also appeared from the other side. He was also very close to the floating code data, and was eagerly reading important information.

These floating code data are all the precious personal data stored by the old man in the data safe, which not only contains the formula for making the inhibitory solution, but also some of his experiences in the wilderness area, and the way to obtain the unknown raw materials of the inhibitory solution.

These data codes were originally placed in the safe in the form of paper and documents, but now the background of the system is chaotic, and the external display form is naturally chaotic. This is just like an error in the game. The character skin and map skin disappeared, and a lot of code sources were directly exposed.

Wei Wu first wanted to grab the code, but he found that the chicken was standing in front of him, and he was a weak chicken in the world of immortality, and he couldn't beat him. It would only drag the opponent's energy, thus buying Zhang Yunxi time.

In the distorted space, the person named Mingming did not attack Zhang Yunxi, because she already had a premonition that the time for system repair was approaching, and now that her energy was involved, it meant that she would get less data.

The two sides scrambled to read it, watching as the code data in the space became less and less.

"Hurry up!" Wei Wu kept running, trying to get rid of the strolling chicken that was chasing after him.


Just after all the floating codes disappeared, when Mingming was about to attack Zhang Yunxi, the whole space felt a strong vibration, followed by a dazzling white light blasting from the sky.

Zhang Yunxi lost his sight for an instant, only feeling that his body was being bounced away, floating and flying into the distance.

Two seconds later.


Zhang Yunxi fell to the ground, and his body felt pain like a broken bone.

Enduring the severe pain, Zhang Yunxi slowly opened his eyes, and he was the first to see the blue sky and white clouds, the neat and green lawn, and the very imposing gate of the villa.

This scene made Zhang Yunxi startled for a moment, he suddenly looked around and found that the villa had returned to normal, just like when they just came in. The Golden Shield Guard disappeared, the virus disappeared, and the cracked and floating villa returned to normal.

The rollback is over, and the system has been repaired.

Zhang Yunxi was not kicked out of this space, which means that the time for resetting should not be long, probably the time when Jiang Xin brought them in.

Unable to control too much, Zhang Yunxi checked his data archive for the first time, and found that the code he just read had not disappeared.


The system repaired the chaotic situation in the villa, but it has no right to restore the memories in the brains of Zhang Yunxi and others, because their authority is higher than that of independent individuals in the villa.

Zhang Yunxi supported the ground and got up, turned his head to look around, trying to find Wei Wu, but saw a man in a black robe appearing on the side of the villa.

He is the data attacker of the chicken-eating team.

Walking Chicken stood not far away, with a smile on his cheek, and made a neck-wiping gesture to Zhang Yunxi: "We are waiting for you in the wilderness area."

Zhang Yunxi was taken aback.

After finishing speaking, Yodaji pulled out two remote-controlled fireworks from his pocket, placed them vertically on the ground, and pulled the lead wires.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The fireworks placed on the ground were ignited, and a salute was fired, blasting a few large characters in the sky.

"Good luck! Chicken tonight!"

"Wait for you, and the girl who controls the backstage, I'm going to kill her in the wilderness!"

Yodaji stood on the spot and shouted, his body lightened instantly, and he was about to go offline.


"You have successfully logged in, welcome home...!"

A notification sound resounded in Jiang Xin's consciousness. As soon as she went online, she saw a large list of IP addresses requesting to disconnect.

It's over, is it over? !

Jiang Xin quickly made a judgment, and immediately sent a microcode to more than 10,000 groups of virtual IPs indiscriminately through the backstage of the villa's system.

She can't tell which IP the other party uses is real, but she can use the villa's system background to generate data connections with all virtual IPs.


Just after the code was sent, Jiang Xin's figure appeared in the villa compound.

"They got the things and ran away." Zhang Yunxi got up and reminded.

"When Dr. Pang goes offline, I guessed the result." Jiang Xin said quickly: "You and Brother Wei disconnect first, and I will deal with the rest..."

"I also got a part of the code, why leave it behind? The administrator of the Immortal World will be here soon, let's go!" Zhang Yunxi shouted.

"The code of the data safe is still there, and no one else can get it, otherwise you will still be in danger." Jiang Xin shouted urgently: "You go first, I will decipher the safe and open it, and I will go offline immediately."

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Yunxi immediately exhaled the command to log off, and his body gradually faded.

Three seconds later.

Zhang Yunxi disconnected and woke up in the real world.


Wei Wu, who was next to him, also went offline, rushed to Dr. Pang's connection cabin immediately, and helped him open the glass panel: "Old Pang, old Pang, are you okay?"

Dr. Pang slowly woke up, and said listlessly: "Virtual... The virtual world is too dangerous... My brain has been hurt."

Zhang Yunxi also rushed over: " the hospital?"

"The people in the hospital are not as professional as I am...I'm going upstairs for an examination." Dr. Pang wiped the blood from his mouth and helped the connection cabin to get up.

Biology students, especially professors and doctors, must have a lot of medical knowledge, so Dr. Pang didn't go to the hospital, but went upstairs with Wei Wu's support.

Zhang Yunxi turned his head and glanced at the connection cabin next to him, and saw that Jiang Xin still hadn't logged out.

In an ordinary apartment on the outskirts of Mingzhu City.

The wandering chicken woke up, took off the computer, and stretched out his arms to hug the beautiful woman next to him: "I didn't protect you well, my dear! Don't worry, we are in the wilderness area, I will avenge you!"

The beautiful girl is Jinghong. She is in charge of data analysis in the chicken eating team. Due to the forced offline just now, Jinghong's brain has also been affected to a certain extent, and she is bleeding from the nose at the moment.

"That girl is amazing..."

"What's the use of being strong in the virtual world?" Walking chicken said with a smile: "The wilderness is fighting for human nature, who is more ruthless!"

Jinghong wiped his nosebleeds with a paper towel, and said in a low voice, "I still think that after finishing this order and paying the money, we can just wash our hands and find a better unit to work as a programmer engineer."

"What's the future of being a coder?!" Liudaji frowned and said, "Stay in the office all my life, living like a dog?! I don't want to."

Jinghong looked at him: "...well, listen to you."

The two hugged for a moment, and the notification tone sounded on the communication of Yodaji, and he immediately chose to connect: "Hey, boss!"

"Gather at the old place, gather the information we got, and prepare to deal with the boss." Sean's voice sounded.

"OK, let's go right away." Liudaoji replied, turned his head and kissed Jinghong's cheek: "Let's go, baby!"

A few minutes later, the two left the apartment, carrying heavy bags, and disappeared into the night.

In Dr. Pang's biology laboratory, Zhang Yunxi waited anxiously for a while, and finally saw Jiang Xin's connection cabin light up.

She is offline.


Zhang Yunxi ran over to open the glass panel, and asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, but as soon as I cracked the data safe, the administrator of the immortal world came." Jiang Xin got up and left the cabin, and said softly: "I don't have time to read all the data, I only brought back the most important Yes. There is the formula for the inhibitory solution, and some information about the old man’s work in the wilderness.”

"That's enough, that's enough! Thank you for your hard work!" Zhang Yunxi gratefully gave Jiang Xin a big hug.

Jiang Xin pushed Zhang Yunxi away and immediately asked, "How is Dr. Pang?"

"Check Zhang Yunxi replied: "I will collect the information with Brother Wei later, and we will follow up...." "

"The matter is not over yet." Jiang Xin frowned, her pretty face showing a trace of anger: "This group of people messed with us, so I won't just let it go!"

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yunxi didn't quite understand.

"Women's revenge, you don't understand." Jiang Xin replied lightly, then turned and walked to her microcomputer: "Go upstairs to see Dr. Pang, and collect the data with Wei Wu by the way, and I will rearrange it later .”

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Yunxi leaned over and asked.

"I want to fight back!!" Jiang Xin stared stubbornly at the microcomputer screen, and said while grinding her silver teeth, "You still want to kill me in the wilderness area?! Drive you crazy...!"

After speaking, Jiang Xin thought for a while, and quickly typed on the computer keyboard.

Next to it, Zhang Yunxi bent down and asked, "They should have obtained more information than us, because one of them arrived before us."

"I know...don't make noise, don't make noise!" Jiang Xin tapped on the keyboard, stopping to think from time to time.


Wei Wu accompanied Dr. Pang, who was doing the self-examination, while inputting a small part of the read data into the computer.

The computer parsed the code by itself, and a string of Chinese characters emerged: "Second inspection, 300 meters deep, biosignature near the underground river..."

"Damn it, what does this **** mean? Who can understand it?!" Wei Wu cursed.

Mingzhu City, Tianyin Group.

"Ha ha!"

Xu Taiyin said with a smile: "It has to be professional! They have already obtained part of the materials...."?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time! Author's Note: Continue to ask for recommendations!