MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 723 World City Crisis

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Mongolian iron riding in history, can really be said to sweep the world invincible, from the Far East, the road has reached Moscow, and even the European continent of Germany.

However, the Mengyuan Empire, which swept through the invincible hands of Europe and Asia, also had a gravedigger, that is, the group of strong soldiers who created the Daming Dynasty.

Just right, Qin Xiaobai exchanged Da Ming Long Qi, summoning the price of Da Ming’s historical name to be halved.

Nowadays, Qin Xiaobai has previously exchanged Da Ming Long Qi and summoned the three groups of the levy, although the remaining dragon gas values ​​are not much, but it is no problem to summon three deep red color history names.

So after receiving the help letter from the Burton, Qin Xiaobai even summoned three Ming Dynasty strongmen: Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, Lan Yu.

Xu Dahe and Chang Yuchun were well-deserved Ming and early, and even the strongest of the entire Ming Dynasty.

The two men once led the army and repeatedly broke the main force of the Mengyuan Empire, and finally succeeded in occupying the Yuandu, expelling Hu Yu and restoring China.

The reputation of Lan Yu may be far less than that of the two, but in terms of record, it is not too much.

After the Central Plains was restored, the Mengyuan empire moved to the outside of the squad, but they still did not want to counterattack the Central Plains all the time, and all of this was all gone after the blue expedition led by the Blue Jade Army to carry out the sixth Northern Expedition of the Daming Dynasty.

In this battle, the blue jade led the army to break the Mengyuan Empire. The Taizhao, the Prince, the prince, the princess, and the various civil and military officials were all killed or captured, and they totaled more than 120 people.

The political system of the entire Mongolian Empire collapsed. In fact, the Mongolian Empire was in existence after the war. Soon after, the Mongolian Empire was completely divided into shackles and corrugated.

At this point, the empire that swept across the Eurasian continent was completely gone.

If Xu Dachang Yu Chun is the grave digger of the Mengyuan Empire, then the blue jade is the last burial of the Mengyuan Empire.

Of course, the morale of the end of the Mengyuan Empire, regardless of the name of the famous minister or the lower class, can not be compared with the early years of the Han Dynasty in the period of Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan, let alone the current heroes of the Mongolian Yuan.

However, Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, and Lan Yu are also really strong and handsome, plus they can also have an effect of destroying the name of the monk, fighting with the army of the Mongolian Empire, born with an advantage.

I am afraid that it is still very difficult to destroy Genghis Khan, but at least with the three of them, there is no fear of the Mongolian iron ride.

After Qin Xiaobai summoned Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, and Lan Yu, the trio of the extermination, they also successfully won the rewards of the time and place.

Of the six deep red-level awards, three are for growth and development, and three for military use.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai sent the three categories of income development to the smart group to let them choose the opportunity to maximize their role.

For military purposes, he handed it over to the extermination trio, adding another force to their great cause.


In fact, Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, and Lan Yu were not disappointed by Qin Xiaobai. After joining the Western front, the Western battlefield immediately changed. The original one-sided situation suddenly stopped.

The Tian and Chao dynasties gradually began to regain their advantage. Only by relying on the troops composed of the second and third tiers of troops, they were able to fight back with the Mongolian iron riders who swept the invincible hands of the Eurasian continent.

Qin Xiaobai couldn’t help but be delighted. The two monasteries, the Manchu and the Manchu, are the only ones in history. In the true sense, they have destroyed the powerful empire of the Central Plains dynasty. When China wants to brush the world, it must invade the Central Plains. The big crisis.

Even if Qin Xiaobai is the firefighting captain, Tian and the DPRK barely resisted the iron rides of Mengyuan and Manchu, but it is impossible to solve the problem so easily. It is a doom to fight a protracted war.

Once the war is waged as a long-lasting war, it will not be good for anyone. Even if the Tian and the DPRK finally have a large population, the land is vast, and the materials are abundant. Eventually, 80% of the winners will be heaven and earth.

However, in this way, the opponent is consumed, and the heaven and the dynasty will never be comfortable. It is not necessarily said that it is not good to be disabled.

However, all this was discovered in Qin Xiaobai. After destroying the famous generals and fighting against the soldiers and horses of the DPRK, the huge bonus effect they had had no problem.

Just kidding, Qin Xiaobai is a man who can summon Huaxia's 5,000-year-old famous minister. As long as he discovers this point and then uses it flexibly, what Mengyuan and Manchu are naturally not a problem.


However, when Qin Xiaobai’s battle was overwhelming, the battle of the world’s city was more fierce and fierce.

As he expected, all countries in the world are weak and weak.

In the G8, it is accurate to say that under the leadership of the Group of Seven outside Japan, Europe, the Americas, the Atlantic Ocean, and even some parts of Africa and Asia, together with hundreds of countries, have joined forces in the city of the world. Huaxia Army.

The Huaxia army with only 50 million troops is facing hundreds of millions of coalition forces in hundreds of countries in the city of the world. This nature of stress does not need to be said.

Moreover, with the failure of the last eight-nation coalition forces, this world city battle, the G7 have come up with the strength of their respective pressure box, the history of the seven countries are all out, the situation of China in the world city battle It has become even more Especially when Qin Xiaobai was on the battlefield of the main world, after successfully resisting Manchu and Mengyuan, the G7 became more urgent, so he dominated the world. The army of the country, less than the casualties of the Chinese army, launched a round of rounds of attack.

The tragic battle of the city of the world has also been introduced into the Chinese region of the main world.

Dian Wei, when the Cao Wei group army was chased by the Southern European Union Army, after the army was broken, it succeeded in dragging the soldiers for the large forces, but was attacked and killed by the Greek three hundred Spartan warriors.

Guan Yu, when the Liu Wei group army and the Western European coalition forces were unfavorable, they took the first level of the Lionheart King Charlie from the thousands of troops and reversed the battle situation, but they were in the midst of the return of the horse, and they were constantly rushing to the Western European Crusaders. kill.

Sun Ce, led the Sun Wu Group Army in the battlefield, victorious, beat the North African coalition backed away, but the result was ambushed by the Egyptian pharaoh's dead bone mummies.

Lu Bu, when the entire Chinese army was surrounded by the coalition forces of the countries, led the state department to break through the road for the army, rushed into the Macedonian phalanx led by Alexander the Great, and died in tens of thousands of guns. (To be continued.) Mobile users please Browse and read, a better reading experience.