MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 702 Final obstacle

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Ps. Presented today's update, by the way, pull the ticket to the starting point 515 fan festival, each person has 8 tickets, vote also to send the starting currency, begging everyone to support appreciation!

This time, China’s foreign operations are not limited to only eight countries. In fact, there is still a strong country, and that is India.

Only the dispute between India and China was overshadowed by the light of the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

But this war is also worth mentioning.

Because Ah San is the only country in the world that can compete with China in the population. In other words, the potential of A San Ge is not much lost in China, but also a popular seed player who can compete for the position of the world hegemon.

The dispute between India and China began long before the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China.

At that time, they launched 30 million troops to attack China Tibet, but they confirmed that the **** was added together and still slag.

Under the leadership of Songtsen Gambo, the Tubo Kingdom directly became a dog, so no one paid attention to it.

In fact, the war in Tibet did not end. Asan brother later lived again during the invasion of China by the Eight-Power Allied Forces and began to pick up again in Tibet.

The first is that India has finally unified.

In fact, within India, there has always been a dispute between Buddhism and Hinduism. Among them, Hinduism is a big player among the players. Buddhism is in a big crowd, and it has always formed a situation where it is not even incompatible.

I don't know if it was stimulated by China. In short, Asan's 30 million player army, after the collapse of Tibet in Tibet, India has completed the reunification.

The unification of the Indian monarch is also a powerful monarch in the history of India, Ashoka.

I have to say that if you want to maximize the potential of the country. It is indeed important to have a unified central and a strong monarch.

Ashoka established the Peacock Dynasty in the unification of India. Soon India’s powerful war potential was ignited, and the second time it directly sent 50 million people to Tibet.

If it is based on the value of the monarch. Although Ashoka is strong, but Songtsan Gambo is not weak, but the Tubo dynasty is difficult to meet the peacock dynasty after all, and there is no player.

Therefore, in the face of India's rounds of rounds of attack, the Tubo Kingdom finally showed a weak posture, and began to gradually counterattack from defensive, becoming passive defense, and can only rely on the geographical advantage of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Entangled with the army of the peacock dynasty.

As a result, the situation in Tibet is in a state of crisis. In the case of the invasion of China by the Eight-Power Allied Forces, if India is allowed to win this battle and annex a large territory of China, it will probably affect the situation in the entire Chinese war situation. .

In the face of this situation, Qin Xiaobai certainly can no longer let India be jealous, but at that time his troops were concentrated in the transfer point of the eight countries, and it is not easy to mobilize these troops.

And even if he sent a large army to Tibet, Ren Songanbu did not recognize the reinforcements and still had to ask a big question mark.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai was also a little bit nervous at the time.

But okay. In the end, Qin Xiaobai thought of a way to solve this problem, or someone who can solve this problem, that is, Wang Xuan, the famous Tang Dynasty.

Relatively speaking. Compared with other historical names, Wang Xuance is not even more famous than the famous Tang Dynasty.

But in fact, this person has extraordinary ability. According to legend, there was once a person who destroyed the brilliant record of a country.

This country, unfortunately, is the Indian country of Asan.

The cause of the one-person event in the country was because the ancient Indian country and the Tang Dynasty had a good relationship, so Tang Taizong sent messengers to the ancient Indian countries for a friendly interview.

As a result, people are not as good as days. The Datang messenger group has just reached the halfway, and a coup has taken place within the ancient Indian state. The throne was given up.

The Indian king who boarded the plane is estimated to be very upset. Actually, he sent troops to ambush the Datang messengers in the middle of the road.

At that time, only Wang Xuance and other people in the messenger group survived, and Wang Xuance, who had survived, did not escape to Datang, but vowed to exterce India and be ashamed of being killed by the snow messenger.

So I took the only few people, and I was surrounded by Tubo, Nepal, and many Western countries in the Tang Dynasty. They made a hard-working terracotta warrior and then brought this ancient army to the Indian ancient country. Went out.

Although the Indian state at the time was not a complete Indian country, it was also the strongest country in the Indian peninsula.

And in any case, the ability to have one person to destroy a country is quite amazing.

Tang Xuance and Hanbanchao, such talents that can both be diplomatic and capable of fighting, are the most powerful talents in places where Chinese forces cannot reach them.

At that time, Qin Xiaobai used the 100 dragon points decomposed by the Korean and Korean dragons to summon Wang Xuanze.

However, although Wang Xuanze's record is dazzling, but after all, the popularity of the folk is too small, so prudently, the system is not aware of the hero, so Qin Xiaobai specifically called Wang Xuanze, the choice is slightly lower than the class super The light red color of the grade.

As a result, this turned over the ship in Qin Xiaobai's gully, which has always been self-proclaimed, and lost the prizes of the sky and the ground.

But this is not important. What is important is that Wang Xuanze is really as powerful as the legend.

After Qin Xiaobai sent Wang Xuance to the past, Wang Xuance quickly convinced the four countries of Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar in the northeast of India in the name of China, and let the four countries smash the peacock dynasty and the Tubo dynasty. Empty India.

This set of lobbying, the country, the vertical and the cross, the Wei and Zhao Zhao's boxing method was hit, and immediately let India mess.

If it is said that it is only Wei Wei to save Zhao, then it is better to say, after all, can the troops and horses be withdrawn to rescue, but the problem now is that if you do not open the copy of Tibet, the army of the Peacock Dynasty will not come out.

This is a big pit. Not only is India’s internal forces empty, but the four-nation coalition forces are stirring up the wind in the country.

Even the army of the Peacock Dynasty who went out of the country was following the chaos of the military. They only thought that their hometown had been copied, and all kinds of eagerness were burning. There is still time to rest here and the difficult Tubo dynasty.

The problem now is that if they don't leave the Tubo Kingdom, they will not go out. If they can't get out of India, they will get worse.

The situation in the hometown of the country is getting more and more worrying, and the expeditionary army of the Peacock Dynasty has become more and less morale.

So, India has entered an infinite loop of death...


At this point, Qin Xiaobai not only led China, but also cleared the strong people on the bright side, the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

In the end, India’s potential opponent also collapsed.

Therefore, China will no longer have any obstacles, and it will be unstoppable to reach the top of the world hegemony.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】(To be continued.)
